And where is there an insincere smile?Tell me what you think, and let Jin Xiaose and I know what happened to you. "

Lei Wujie couldn't hold back his inner curiosity anymore, so he asked Bai Yuekui in front of him, just because he was worried about Bai Yuekui.

If it really looked like what he imagined, Bai Yuekui must have been stimulated by the obscenities and insults in the live broadcast room.

Bai Yuekui smiled insincerely now, it seems that Lin Buer must have disappeared in Chaoge City this time, making Bai Yuekui worry about him.

That's why he made the current move, Lei Wujie thought in his heart, now that Lin Buer is not by Bai Yuekui's 09, there is absolutely no way to let Bai Yuekui make a mistake.

In this way, if Lin Buer really comes back.

I'm afraid that Lin Bu'er will also have to figure things out because of Bai Yuekui's worries. When Lei Wujie finished speaking these words, he looked at Bai Yuekui and wanted Bai Yuekui to give him an explanation.

Just let him feel at ease, because Bai Yuekui thought of how to deal with John Xungang from the beautiful country, and helped Lin Buer get angry, so he let out a smile from his heart.

He never expected to be seen by Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie next to him, and they also showed worried expressions, which made Bai Yuekui see the expressions of Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose now.

He laughed even louder, and then said to Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two don't have to worry about me, do you know why I'm fermenting now? Of course I'm happy now, I've found it.

How to deal with John Xungang in the beautiful country, as long as Lin Bueryi appears in our Chaoge City.

I can think of a way for Lin Buer to defeat John Xungang from the beautiful country without any effort, you know?I think this thing I think will be successful.

If Lin Buer can come back here, I think this matter will be solved.

Without Lin Buer's action, I can get rid of John Xungang's current appearance in the beautiful country, even though he has mutated into this ghostly appearance now.

After all, he is a half-demon, half-human existence. I think even if he devours the spiritual power and behavior of those strange beasts in the Book of Mountains and Seas, can he fight against Bai Qian with his current ability? "

Bai Yuekui walked around, and then roughly expressed his inner thoughts to Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, just to dispel Jin Xiaoser's and Lei Wujie's concerns.

When Bai Yuekui's voice just fell, Jin Xiaose was confused. He didn't know what Bai Yuekui was thinking there, and whether 010 was still worried about Lin Buer.

So when Jin Xiaose heard what Bai Yuekui said, he didn't pay attention, but just looked at Bai Yuekui curiously, and Lei Wujie next to him really listened.

When he heard Bai Qian's name, he knew exactly what Bai Yuekui was up to now, if it really would be like what Bai Yuekui thought.

So Lin Buer really can defeat John Xungang of the beautiful country without doing anything, why are those two vixens kept there?

If it is true that Lin Buer can get those two vixens to make a move, wouldn't Lin Buer not have to do it.

Chapter 280 Two Live Events

Beautiful country John Xungang will fail miserably, "Bai Yuekui, I think your idea is really great, why didn't I think of it before?

But you have to be prepared, if Lin Buer will really go to those two vixens, you don't need to be angry, as long as you can believe that Lin Buer will never fall in love with those two vixens.

I'm just worried about you now, although you came up with this idea, if Lin Buer really goes to find Bai Qian and Daji, then I'm afraid you won't be able to restrain yourself at all.

The degree of anger in your heart, I hope you have to be mentally prepared in advance. "When Lei Wujie heard these words from Bai Yuekui's mouth.

Lei Wujie already knew Bai Yuekui's intentions, he wanted Lin Buer to use his beauty trick, and then go find those two vixens there.

Asking him to take action against John Xungang of the US Empire, in fact, Bai Yuekui's idea is indeed very good, if Lin Buer really wants to do that.

I'm afraid that Bai Yuekui really can't stand such a blow by then, so Lei Wujie confronted Bai Yuekui to make him mentally prepare.

Don't think of the idea that you will get angry with yourself, it's too bad, "Don't worry, Lei Wujie unexpectedly thought of such an idea.

I'm already ready, don't I believe Lin Buer?Why can't I be better than a vixen, my wife, after all, they are just a vixen from the Yaozu.

Could it be that Lin Buer really gave up on me, Bai Yuekui, for Daji, that vixen?How is this possible, I still have some confidence in myself.

Lei Wujie, Jin Xiaoser, you two, just wait patiently.

I believe that Lin Buer will come back in a short time. Didn't you see that John Xungang from the beautiful country is cursing in mid-air.

Do you think Lin Buer can withstand such abuse with his temper?The people in the entire live broadcast room can't stand it, don't worry.

At that time, Lin Buer will appear sooner or later after the crushing voices of the people in the live broadcast room, and now I also feel that Lin Buer should have gone to practice somewhere.

He must be looking for a way to deal with John Xungang in the beautiful country. It seems that if I can solve this matter for him, will Lin Buer be able to come back?If Lei Wujie can't do it, let's send Lin Buer a message and ask him to come back. "? "

Lei Wujie heard what Bai Yuekui said.

He felt that what Bai Yuekui said was reasonable, but Lei Wujie was also a little worried, so he told Bai Yuekui about his worries.

"` ‖Bai Yuekui, I think you can send this message or not. Sooner or later, Lin Buer won't take long. According to my deduction, he will come back, but if you send him a message.

He may not be able to receive it. You didn't find that every time you encountered an important situation, Lin Buer's system (deadly) would get stuck and then dropped, and he couldn't receive it at all.

Do you know that there is no signal at the place where he went to Lin Buer Factory first?

So it doesn't matter if some news is posted or not. At that time, Lin Buer must have been paying attention to the dynamics in the live broadcast room. If he feels something is wrong, he will come back early.

We don't need to worry about these things. I feel that Lin Buer can see our every move now. ".

Chapter 280 Three System Rewards

When Bai Yuekui heard what Lei Wujie said, Bai Yuekui also felt that what Lei Wujie said was indeed reasonable.

Every time he sent a message to Lin Buer, he responded very slowly, and sometimes he didn't reply at all. It seems that this system is a bit too stuck for Lin Buer here.

The signal is not good at all. If the news is not sent to him, it is not the same as not being sent. If he always pays attention to the situation in the live broadcast room.

Obviously, Lin Buer should know everything about what is happening in the live broadcast room. If he can really see how arrogant John Xungang is now.

He will definitely come back early, and he won't be scolded like that by the 010 onlookers in the live broadcast room, "Okay, Lei Wujie.

I think what you said makes some sense. It is unnecessary to inform Lord Lin Buer now, if Lin Buer really has a good signal.

He also paid attention to the developments in the live broadcast room early.

He will also know what is going on in our live broadcast room now. Lin Buer definitely cannot accept the current situation of John Xungang.

If I'm not wrong, he won't be long before he will come back, but he should be tied up by something right now.

I'm not worried about whether Lin Buer will abandon those people in our studio.

Whatever they say, anyway, since I have helped Lin Buer think of a strategy to deal with John Xungang in the beautiful country.

It seems that John Steel in the beautiful country will not take long.

It will be cleaned up by Lin Buer. If John Xungang from the beautiful country is cleaned up again this time, he will never turn around and be so arrogant in the live broadcast room.

Look at those beautiful countries, I am a little angry at what those people said. They are undoubtedly there to slander our Xia country.

Our Xia country now has the luck of Huang Yin in our hands, are we still afraid of players from their small and beautiful country?I don't think it will take long.

What kind of treasure (ajbi) can Lin Buer get?

As long as Lin Buer crushes John Xungang, the system will definitely reward Lin Buer with more points and treasures, so the people in the beautiful country don't have to look down on them. "

Just when Bai Yuekui Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser were talking about Chaogecheng John Xungang.

All of a sudden, I felt the system's notification sound increasing continuously, and the notification sound of Didi sprinted into the ears of Lei Wujie, Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaose.

[Ding ~ system prompt...]

[Beautiful Country contestant John Xungang, the powerful mutation system is analyzing]

[Level 8 ability to kill alien beasts, level 9 damage]

[System Reward, Demon Refining Pot~]

[Volume, length 15 cm, height 20 cm~]

[Intelligence, one of the ancient treasures, the law of amazing destructive power]

[Habits, Ancient Chaos Treasure]

[System points, 6]

[Appraisal level: Level 7]

[Special reminder: Possessing unpredictable power creates all power]

After Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie Jin Xiaoser heard Didi's system prompt on the system screen in the live broadcast room at the same time, they waited and watched the system prompt as quickly as possible.

Because Bai Yuekui knew that Lin Buer had disappeared in the live broadcast room now, how could the system send out such a powerful notification sound for no reason? .

Chapter 280 Four Improvements

It seems that this matter is really not simple. I wonder if Lin Buer practiced his skills in other places, or Lin Buer, did he get some kind of treasure behind his back.

Just like what the onlookers said in the live broadcast room, did Lin Buer really sneak into the treasure house in the underground palace of Chaoge City, and what kind of treasure did he get?

Bai Yuekui was overjoyed and went straight to watch on the screen in the live broadcast room, when they saw a series of Didi notifications flashing on the screen.

The huge reward points prompted by the system on the screen were displayed in front of Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, instantly messing up Bai Yuekui's entire expression.

Originally, Bai Yuekui Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser were all ecstatic.

I thought that Lin Buer had been rewarded by the system, but unexpectedly, the system would prompt that the mutant strain of John Xungang with the name "Beautiful Country" would be rewarded with points.

What kind of point reward is this?Now John Xungang in the beautiful country can actually have a strong damage force, does the damage need to be rewarded?

Bai Yuekui was stunned by the series of numbers in the live broadcast room that Bai Yuekui Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose were watching, as well as the rewards he had received now.

He doesn't know what the hell the system is doing. Is there really something wrong with the system?John Xungang can still get rewards from the system for his ghostly appearance.

It's really inexplicable, Lin Buer deserved such a big reward, but he didn't expect John Xungang to get an ancient treasure now.

Obviously, if this ancient treasure demon refining pot is used well by John Xungang, then those magical beasts from the Shan Hai Jing in Chaoge City Underground Palace will be included in his demon refining pot by John Xungang.

Devouring their spiritual power and cultivation base, then John Xungang's ability to kill and his own spiritual power should be improved in the future, those two guys from Ah Sanguo.

The exquisite golden pagoda in the hands of Sharmad and Kohli may not necessarily be the opponent of the ancient rare treasure rewarded by John Steel's current system.

It seems that it is a pity that Lin Buer disappeared for such a short time now. If Lin Buer crushed John Xungang in this space, he would never be able to get such a high score.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

It is also impossible to obtain the ancient treasure demon refining pot. Bai Yuekui knew that if Lin Buer found out about this matter, he would definitely not be able to accept it.

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