If it were me, I'm afraid I can't stand the language spoken by the onlookers in these live broadcast rooms, facing the players from Kimchi Country.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie Bai Yuekui also felt helpless, they could only talk to Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie about their inner thoughts, trying to resolve their inner anxiety.

When Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie saw these words in the live broadcast room, they were actually angry, not like what Bai Yuekui said.

But they are living. Aren't the words said by the people of the beautiful country all nonsense?Lin Buer actually disappeared, there will be a reason for his disappearance.

When Lin Buer comes back, John Xungang from the beautiful country must be taught a good lesson, and he must not be so arrogant.

If Lin Buer comes back this time, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are thinking in their hearts that Lin Buer must teach this stupid guy a good lesson.

Let him improve his ability to kill beasts in an instant in the live broadcast room, how can this work?When Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie heard what Bai Yuekui said.

I knew that Bai Yuekui must be worried that the two of them would not be able to bear the live broadcast room.

The abuse and accusations from the people of the beautiful country always feel that the two contestants, Kimchi Country and Xia Country, are getting along so well.

Chapter 280 IX Speechless

Undoubtedly, it was crushed by the onlookers in those beautiful countries.

"Bai Yuekui, don't worry, the two of us are angry and embarrassed now.

It's not because Lin Buer disappeared in this live broadcast room, or because the people of their beautiful country said those words in the live broadcast room.

Jin Xiaoser and I always feel that Lin Buer's current power of heaven should not be as beautiful as they said. I also believe what you said, Lin Buer will come back sooner or later.

It won't take long, if Lin Buer can really see it through the information prompt in the live broadcast room, Lin Buer will definitely come back.

I'm afraid that Lin Buer's system is too stuck now, and it will be troublesome if he can't receive the information. " "Bai Yuekui, don't worry about what was said in the live broadcast room."

The two of us don't take it to heart at all. As long as we wait for Lin Buer together, I believe this situation will not last long.

Don't look at how arrogant John Xungang in the beautiful country is now, and what the people are saying, sooner or later they will be speechless.

I feel that what I said now is a bit premature, I am optimistic about Lin Buer, no matter what those little nameless countries say there, I don't believe it.

Don't worry, our kimchi country will never be mistaken, we know Lin Buer's methods, how could we be on the wrong team, let them say that we are not angry-.

It's just that we are waiting here anxiously, Lin Buer hopes that Lin Buer will make a move when he comes back, and teach the players in the beautiful country a good lesson.

John Xungang absolutely cannot let him continue to be so arrogant. Seeing his arrogant appearance, I am very angry. "

"Xiba, what happened to this system, that fool John Xungang got such a big point reward.

Moreover, he also got the ancient treasure's demon-refining pot. Maybe it's really a malfunction of the system. How could this be a mutated John Xun Steel.

Now it's neither monster nor human, it just devoured the spiritual power and cultivation of those strange beasts, and got reward points when they became like this.

What are you kidding about the people of the beautiful country, don't be too happy too early, even if what the system says is true now, we don't think we are on the wrong team.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

We believe in Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, we will definitely come together with Xia Guo, don't worry, you Lin Buer now has the power of heaven and the seal of the emperor in his hand.

How is it possible that John Xungang is still Lin Buer's opponent now? It is impossible that their strength is too disparate. I would advise you people in the beautiful country to stop wishful thinking there.

0. 0

A slight change has made you so excited. You contestants in the beautiful country can't afford such rewards. I'm afraid you are empty of these rewards now.

Maybe your beautiful country players are still less than one-thousandth of Lin Buer. Just wait, once Lin Buer appears, see who of you is still Lin Buer's opponent. "

"In the future, no one is allowed to talk about our kimchi country, you know, our kimchi country will never stand on the wrong team, our vision is very good.

Now that we have seen Lin Buer's power to crush the heavens, how can we still take a look at it?

Chapter 290 Speech

A mutated John Xungang from the beautiful country, don't worry, you are not alone, and his power of heaven, John Xungang, is definitely not his opponent.

You short-sighted guys are still talking such sarcastic remarks in the live broadcast room, you might as well stop watching in the live broadcast room and wait for Lin Buer to come back.

You will know what you are going to do now and how ridiculous what you are saying now. "Fake, the shameless people of "Zero One Zero" in Kimchi Country, your courage is getting bigger and bigger.

Now that Lin Buer has already held the seal of the Emperor of the Emperor, what face do you have to talk to the people of our beautiful country in the live broadcast room.

In this case, you short-sighted guys still dare to post comments in the live broadcast room, hurry up and stay in the kimchi country

Since you have already chosen Lin Buer, then you are optimistic, Lin Buer will never appear in the live broadcast room again, Lin Buer is a coward.

We are not mistaken, the most powerful person in Chaoge City is John Xungang from our beautiful country.

All the treasures in Chaoge City's Underground Palace belong to our beautiful country, and have nothing to do with Xia Guo. Now only Bai Yuekui and the others are left in Xia Guo.

With Bai Yuekui, he can turn the world upside down, is there anything special about him?

So you pickle country should think about what to do in the future, you dare to openly provoke the people of our beautiful country in the live broadcast room, you are looking for death. "

The onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room saw it, and now the Kimchi Kingdom dared to speak out.

There to slander the players of the beautiful country, John Xungang instantly blows up the people of the beautiful country in the entire live broadcast room, and countless messages of them have appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room.

I just want those people in Kimchi Country to take a look at John Xungang, who is now in a beautiful country besides them.

In the entire Chaoge City, there was not a single player who could compete with John Xungang from the Beautiful Country, because now the only player from Xia Country was Bai Yuekui.

The few of them are not enough to cause trouble at all, Bai Yuekui can't be compared with John Xungang with his means now.

After the host in the Beijing live broadcast room heard the system prompt.

He also watched it in the live broadcast room, dumbfounded, not knowing what happened to the system, he checked the status of the entire system from beginning to end.  …

It seems that there should be nothing wrong with the system, and everything should be normal, so the host in the live broadcast room of Shanghai Jing also believes in the beautiful country that the system prompts now.

The point rewards that John Xungang received now are all normal. He was finally relieved, and after seeing countless disputed remarks in the live broadcast room.

He felt that this matter was quite serious. He didn't expect that John Xungang from the beautiful country would explode in the live broadcast room after getting some bonus points.

Now they are all waiting for Lin Buer's arrival, and they seem to be looking forward to Lin Buer's return.

It's just that the host of the Shan 1.8 Haijing live broadcast room doesn't know where Lin Buer is. It seems that it will be the same as last time.

It must be to practice his power of the law of heaven to deal with the beautiful and lonely John Xungang.

"Okay, the people of the beautiful country, the people of all countries, the people of the kimchi country, it would be great if you all watch the live broadcast in the live broadcast room.".

Chapter 290 Soothe Your Emotions

"Look at all Chaoge City, the current picture can no longer be seen clearly, and it has been overwhelmed by your remarks.

Is this the result you want to see?You are just expressing your own opinions now, and what kind of situation can it be that the facts are not necessarily published?

What you are talking about here is useless, I advise you all to stop and watch the live broadcast.

Let's see if John Xungang from Beautiful Country is stronger than 09 or Lin Buer Bai Yuekui from Xia Country is stronger, I think it's almost the same.

Now the strength of the two players is basically the same." The host in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room saw the big screen in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

There are so many languages ​​​​of people from various countries, and they are all guessing, the point rewards that John Xungang of the beautiful country received, and the disappearance of Lin Buer.

They all expressed different opinions in the live broadcast room.

The words they popped up appeared on the screen of the entire Shan Haijing live broadcast room, making the host of the Shan Haijing live broadcast room at a loss.

Because they know that if they continue to stand in such a stalemate, the languages ​​of the people of their countries will appear on the screen in the live broadcast room of Shanghai Jing.

Then it will cause unnecessary disputes between them, so now the host of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room is there to try to appease the emotions of the people of all countries.

I feel that although John Xungang of the beautiful country has won points, it seems that Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui and the others should be equally strong.

Just when the host of the Shanghai Jing live broadcast room just finished speaking, the people of the beautiful country were very unconvinced when they heard what the host of the Shanghai Jing live broadcast room said.

"Fake, what host? I think you should be fair. Do you know that you can say that John Xungang and Lin Buer of our beautiful country are equally powerful.

Do you know how Lin Buer from Xia Kingdom can be compared with John Xungang from our beautiful country?

You don't even look at the figure of John Xungang from the beautiful country that can crush the entire Chaoge City. Now, John Xungang from the beautiful country only needs to lift his foot a little bit.

The entire Chaoge City could be trampled under his feet, if Lin Buer dared to appear in front of our beautiful country John Xungang player now.

I am afraid that he has been crushed to the end of the year, can there still be a place for Lin Buer?What a joke, I advise the host to be fair.

Don't just say that casually here, do you know that you will slander the arrogance of our beautiful country players, you know?Didn't you just increase the deadline of their Xia Guo player Lin Buer?

How can 010 do this?The contestants in our beautiful country are not convinced."

"What the hell is the host doing, what are you talking nonsense about here? Don't you see that Lin Buer has disappeared in Chaoge City now?

We haven't seen Lin Buer in the live broadcast room now. It is obvious that he is now afraid of our beautiful country player John Xungang.

Now Lin Buer dare not show his face, you are still here to praise Lin Buer and John Xungang from the beautiful country, they are both equally powerful, how is it possible? "

"The people I went to the beautiful country are too arrogant to slander Lin Buer here.

Chapter 290

How can you compare the players from your beautiful country with our Lin Buer? You are not happy anymore, and you don’t look at your players from the beautiful country.

Will he compete with Lin Buer's power? Now Lin Buer has broken through the position of Heavenly Dao.

You don't even think about it, look, you are just a mutated player who just got some bonus points, and you dare to say such things in the live broadcast room with Lin Buer.

You are not afraid that Lin Buer will come back and kill John Xungang of your beautiful country, and it will be too late for you to regret it. "How can John Xungang of the beautiful country be compared with Lin Buer's way of heaven?"

What a joke, now our player Lin Buer from Xia Guo has won the seal of the Emperor, and now all the luck is in the hands of our Xia Guo.

Your beautiful country can't last long, you are still holding a pathetic player here to challenge us Lin Buer, it is really ridiculous. "

"Fake, you don't want to take a look at what's going on now, you Xia people are really too bold.

Do you know what is going on with our player John Xungang now? He has already obtained such a high amount of points from the system, and he has also obtained an ancient treasure.

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