Couldn't this treasure be compared with the Emperor's seal in Lin Bu's second hand?Are you kidding me, your Lin Buer is amazing.

He is also a coward who does not dare to face our beautiful country players. He just saw the strength of our beautiful country players, so he was very happy there.

Lin Buer won't go back to Chaoge City, so you just give up on this heart." "Xiba, didn't you just get some system points and get an ancient treasure?

What's the big deal, I'm still bragging here that your players from the beautiful country can really brag, if you have the ability, let him compete with Lin Buer.

Why am I so disapproving of your contestants from the beautiful country?He just devoured the spiritual power and behavior of some strange beasts.

It's just that someone who can kill strange beasts has some skills. What's so great about it, don't forget that all luck is in Xia Guo's hands now.

As long as Xia Guoyi gets angry now, I'm afraid these contestants in your beautiful country have no luck at all, and dare to say such brazen words here.

I don't even look at what the current trend is. Now all the luck is in the hands of Xia Guo, and you are still dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Dream here.

Isn't it just getting some system points and getting a baby?What's the big deal, wait until Lin Buer returns to Zhao Kecheng.

You will know which of these two players is the best. ""' ‖Fack, Kimchi Nation, you can come out and say something anytime, anywhere, can't you?

Don't you look at what it's like now, Lin Bu'er has disappeared in (deserved) Chaoge City, just relying on your two players Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie?

These two cowards don't even dare to fight against the contestants from our beautiful country, do you know that?So now our players in the beautiful country are just treading lightly there.

The whole city of Chaoge will be destroyed by us, but we are only optimistic about Brother Chao's treasure from the underground palace, sooner or later it will belong to our beautiful country. ".

Chapter 290 Third Missed Opportunity

"Xiba, these citizens of the beautiful country are a little too crazy, so they can't watch the live broadcast properly, do you think John Xungang can really be compared with Lin Buer?

Why didn't I like him?Let's wait and see if you don't believe me, I want to see what John Xungang in your beautiful country will look like when Lin Buer comes back.

Lin Buer must be practicing on the sidelines. Once his skills break through the other skills of the Human Emperor Seal, just think about the use of the ancient magic pot in John Xungang's hand. Woolen cloth? "

"Fake, I've served you Kimchi Kingdom without any points or even a magic weapon.

Lin Buer, who is still bragging for Xia Guo's player there, you don't even think about it, what does it have to do with you.

Those reward points they got will be used by 010. What has it to do with your kimchi country? You ignorant people really convinced you.

Still saying these words here, Lin Buer Jidianshi, no matter how powerful his Emperor Seal is, it probably has nothing to do with you ignorant kimchi country, just wait.

I think your contestants Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie must have been busy for nothing this time. "Just when the host in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room finished that sentence.

In an instant, the languages ​​of people from all over the world in the live broadcast room once again filled the entire screen of the live broadcast room.

"Bai Yuekui, take a look at what the people in the live broadcast room said, don't you see it's so annoying, I'm angry when I hear what they said now.

Why are they so optimistic about John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country? They are all there to slander Lin Buer. Tell me, where did Lin Buer go?

He hasn't shown up for such a long time, didn't Lin Buer see the situation in the live broadcast room at all?Such a big thing happened in the live broadcast room.

Lin Buer can be indifferent, can he concentrate on breaking through the skills in his seal of the emperor?If Lin Buer never comes back.

I'm afraid that John Xungang from the beautiful country is really going to do something, what should we do with Bai Yuekui, who can be crushed by us without you? Hurry up and think of a way.

Absolutely (ajbi) can't go on like this anymore, I have already seen the arrogance of John Xungang's seven eyes.

You didn't see that those two stupid guys from Ah Sanguo were still there for John Xungang to say those useless things in the live broadcast room, I feel a little angry now thinking about it. "

"Yeah, Bai Yuekui should think of a way, if not, send Lin Buer a message.

It would be even better if he could receive it. I wonder if Lin Buer has never watched these situations in the live broadcast room. If he knows what happened in the live broadcast room.

I don't think he will stand idly by. With Lin Buer's temper, he should have shown up early. Why has Lin Buer been so reluctant to show up until now?

Did Lin Buer encounter another situation?Even if he wants to practice again, it is definitely not the time. What kind of situation has happened?

Lin Buer can still stay there to rest, I really admire him. "After Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie saw those words in the live broadcast room, the two of them were no longer calm.

Because the words said by those people from various countries in the live broadcast room were not only aimed at Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

Chapter 290 The Four Missions Lost

And it also aimed at the unnecessary remarks they made in Kimchi Country, which made Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie not know what to do.

Because he knew that the two of them were leaderless in Chaoge City now, and if Lin Buer didn't show up again, it might be time for them to take command of the National Games of Kimchi this time.

The tasks assigned to them could not be completed again. The officials in Kimchi Guoyun Qiusheng's command room just wanted Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie to take advantage of Lin Buer's strength.

It is enough to mix two treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City, even if it is a third-level and fourth-level national treasure, it will be the top treasure in their kimchi country.

So now if Lin Buer doesn't show up again, their mission will definitely come to naught, and they will be punished by the officials in the command room when they return to Kimchi Country.

Although now Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie have seen the people in the command room of the Kimchi Kingdom National Games Autumn Sound facing the beautiful country in the live broadcast room.

There are also those people in various countries. The words they said strongly aroused their dissatisfaction.

Although Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie already felt that their kimchi country still has the best relationship with Lin Buer Xia Guo.

It's just that the two of them also vaguely sensed a trace of uneasiness. If they don't get any treasures in the delivery city this time, they might go back to their kimchi country.

The two of them have no way to explain to the people of the kimchi country. This is the best hope of those people in the kimchi country. Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are actually under a lot of pressure.

It's just that Lin Buer has not appeared in Chaoge City for a long time, which makes Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie very anxious.

So he expressed his inner thoughts to Bai Yuekui, thinking about whether to contact Lin Buer through Bai Yuekui and send him a message.

Let him return to Daoke City as soon as possible, so that he can also have the opportunity to complete the tasks assigned to them by the Kimchi National Games Command Office, and they can also follow Lin Buer to have a good experience in Chaoge City.

It's just that now that Lin Bu'er disappeared, Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser couldn't accept this, and they were extremely anxious now.

I'm afraid that once John Xungang of the beautiful country gets the points reward he got, he will definitely use the power of the ancient treasure training pot to deal with them.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

When Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie said to him, Bai Yuekui was actually very anxious.

Because he also watches the movement in the live broadcast room from time to time, he knows that whether it is the players of the beautiful country or the people of various countries.

0. 0

Especially those people in the Three Kingdoms are there to help the contestants in the beautiful country, and John Xungang is there to crush Lin Buer's arrogance.

This made Bai Yuekui a little angry, but Bai Yuekui couldn't say anything, because this was the opinion of various countries, and Bai Yuekui couldn't make them shut up.

As long as the old aunt speaks, the people of those countries will definitely be stimulated by what she said, and it will be counterproductive at that time, thinking that Bai Yuekui chose to shut up before.

He also wanted to warn people from other countries in the live broadcast room not to slander Lin Buer there, but Bai Yuekui was thinking about it.

Chapter 290 Five Disasters and Innocents

He felt that if he appeared in the live broadcast room and said those words, he would definitely irritate John Xungang of Beautiful Country. Now John Xungang of Beautiful Country has improved his killing ability.

Well, it is definitely not good news for these people in the entire Chaoge City, and now he has obtained an ancient rare treasure demon refining pot.

An ancient treasure like this is not a "zero one zero" that everyone can get. I didn't expect the system to give such a big reward to John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country this time.

This made Bai Yuekui a little surprised, but now he knew that if he angered the contestants from the beautiful country, his life might not matter.

But the lives of those innocent people in Chaoge City will be ruined. Once Bai Yuekui is killed, he will definitely not be able to joke about the lives of those innocent people in Chaogecheng.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two don't worry about knowing if you are here, I feel that Lin Buer should be able to know what happened to us now.

He must have been caused by something, so he won't be able to come back for a while, so don't worry about the two of you staying there first, if John Xungang in the beautiful country really wants to fight us.

Then I can only rely on my strength to deal with him first. You can rest assured that it should not be a problem to deal with John Xungang in a beautiful country with my current ability.

Even if I can't beat him, I will never let him hurt the lives of these innocent people in Chaoge City. Don't worry, Si Niang is here.

I will definitely not let John Xungang from the beautiful country deal with the two of you, Jin Xiaosereiwujie, and you two will first look after the innocent people in Gu Chaoge City.

Don't be hurt by John Xungang from the beautiful country. "Bai Yuekui could only temporarily appease Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie's emotions.

Because Bai Yuekui knew that if he said too much, it would definitely make him uneasy, and now Bai Yuekui really didn't know where Lin Buer went.

If Lin Bu'er doesn't show up again, I'm afraid Zhao Guocheng really won't be able to stand it anymore, and now John Xungang from the beautiful country has obtained an ancient treasure demon refining pot.

I'm afraid that the two vixen Daji and Bai Qian inherited by Chaoge may not be the opponents of John Xungang. Now there is such a big crisis in Chaoge City.  …

Bai Yuekui can only pray silently in his heart now that Lin Buer can appear as soon as possible. In the Tiangong, Lin Buer heard the person who claimed to be the God.

To actually want the seal of the emperor in his hand, Lin Buer doubted his identity as a god, but Lin Buer could be in his phantom.

Being able to sense the existence of a power of divine light, Lin Buer has already guessed that kind of powerful crushing force, and he should indeed be a protoss.

But Lin Buer knew that even the protoss would definitely not be an upright god, and if there was really an upright god, he would definitely appear in himself at 1.8.

Is it okay to say something in person?Why did the phantom appear there to sneak around and beat around the bush with him, because he wanted to get the seal of the emperor from his own hand.

In desperation, Lin Buer felt that some things must not be delayed any longer, because Lin Buer knew that John Xungang, who is now in the beautiful country of Chaoge City, if his ability to mutate continues.

Chapter 290 The sixth phantom disappears

He will definitely destroy the entire Chaoge City, so the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City will be crushed to pieces by him when he lifts his hands and stomps his feet?

"Okay, I don't care if you are a god or not, I have nothing to do with you, as long as you want to hit Huang Yi's grades, I will never allow it.

This Human Emperor's seal was handed over to me by Da Ji, the empress of Chaoge City, so the thing that got into my hands must be mine. You are considered as a god.

It is absolutely impossible to get the Human Emperor Seal from me. You should give up your heart. As for the current situation in Chaoge City, think of my power of the law of heaven.

It should be able to crush John Xungang in the beautiful country, so I will never have any discussions with you on this matter. "

When Lin Buer 09 faced the phantom of the God and the words he said, Lin Buer forcibly refused, because Lin Buer knew that his unjust God theory had nothing to do with it. significance.

It's better to go back to Chaoge City in that time and defeat John Xungang from the beautiful country, just when Lin Buer's voice just fell.

Lin Buer had already seen the phantom of the Shangshen, which seemed to disappear in front of Lin Buer bit by bit, and only then did Lin Buer realize it.

When the phantom of the god gradually faded and disappeared in front of him, two beams of light had already appeared behind the phantom, and it was unknown who flew towards him.

Lin Buer is still wondering who is in this God Realm.

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