With such a great divine power, Lin Buer knew that the full protoss power possessed powerful law power by virtue of those two beams of light. It seemed that this should also be the existence of two high gods.

I don't know what is the connection between these two high gods and the phantom of the high god I saw just now, when I saw the two beams of light approaching me little by little.

Lin Bu'er just guessed there, could it be that the gods in their god realm wanted to use the seal of the emperor in his hand?

At this time, the two streamers of light instantly transformed into two human figures and appeared in front of Lin Buer. Only then did Lin Buer see the person transformed by the two streamers of light.

It turned out to be the existence of Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun. These two gods appeared in front of Lin Buer at the same time, which surprised Lin Buer secretly.

I don't know what exactly happened, why suddenly both upper bodies appeared in front of me at the same time.

Could it be that they are also here to ask for their own Emperor's Seal and want to hit the Emperor's Seal?Because the phantom that Lin Buer saw just now was the leader of Tongtian Sect.

He just learned from the mouths of Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

Human Emperor's Luck can reverse luck, so 010 wanted to take the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand as his own, and then deal with Yuan Tianzun.

Unexpectedly, when he was arguing with Lin Buer there, Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun came to Lin Buer's door, which made Master Tongtian a little embarrassed.

He felt that this matter could never be known by Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun, so he immediately flashed his phantom and disappeared in front of Lin Buer.

When Lin Buer saw Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress appearing in front of him at the same time, Lin Buer wondered if these two gods suddenly turned into a beam of light and came to him.

Chapter 290 Seven Lords of Heaven and Earth

Lin Buer pondered in his heart, most of them came for the seal of the emperor in his hand, and the reason for this powerful strength must be felt in the heavenly court.

"I don't know if Yuanyuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress are here, what is there to ask me for? Wuxin Saint, it must be no coincidence that Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun appear at the same time.

I know that this matter is not that simple, if there is something to ask you two to go to God, but it doesn't matter. "

Lin Buer saw Empress Nuwa and Tianzun Yuanshi looking thoughtful, so Lin Buer spoke out his inner thoughts to Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun.

When Empress Nuwa heard what Saint Wuxin said to herself, Empress Nuwa looked at Lin Buer and said to Saint Wuxin.

"Master Wuxin, Yuanyuan Tianzun and I felt in the Heavenly Palace that a powerful divine power existed, and the two of us saw the reappearance of the infinite divine light, following the direction of the divine light.

We came here, so we saw the Wuxin sage, and learned that the Wuxin sage has stepped into the heavenly position with your mortal body.

Presumably the sage Wu Xin is practicing here, if he can try a magic weapon, he might as well show it to me and the original Tianzun. "," Empress Nuwa already knew from Daji's mouth.

Now that Lin Buer has obtained the seal of the emperor or Daji, that vixen personally sent the emperor, the treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City, and the seal of the emperor to the hands of the Wuxin saint.

Presumably, the Wuxin sage borrowed the power of the law of the Human Emperor Seal.

Only then was he able to step into the heavenly position from his mortal body, so after Nuwa Empress learned about this, she already knew that the Chaoge City of the Human Emperor is now approaching the end of his life.

Because Empress Nuwa has also found out the secret from their co-lord of heaven and earth, and learned that their Chaoge City's fate is approaching, so Empress Nuwa learned from the co-lord of heaven and earth.

The disaster in Chaoge City this time was all caused by those two fox spirits, Empress Daji and Bai Qian, which made Chaoge City's vitality almost exhausted, and the human emperor King Zhou was addicted to wine, sex and flesh every day.

Bewitched by Daji's monster clan every day, making the whole human race into a mess, this time Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun were ordered by the co-lord of heaven and earth.

It is necessary to choose a human emperor among their human races who can benefit their human beings.

Now that Chaoge City is about to run out of energy, Jiang Ziya has led Xiqi's army and is about to enter Chaoge City, so the life of the Human Emperor will not be guaranteed. Once the Human Emperor is lost.

The entire Chaoge City and the Xiqi people will surely be plunged into panic, which is something Nuwa Empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun don't want to see.

Therefore, the Lord of Heaven and Earth has summoned Empress Nuwa and Tianzun Yuanshi, and asked them to select a human emperor who has both ability and political integrity and good character to serve the entire human race.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth also handed over the list of gods to Empress Nuwa.

I just want (obtained) to use Empress Nuwa and those disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun to select some insightful people from the human race for their god race to work for the god race.

So when Empress Nuwa saw a ray of golden divine light in the heavenly court, Empress Nuwa already felt that there could be such a powerful protoss among the human race.

Moreover, he can directly step into the way of heaven with his saintly body. If one thinks that this person must be the one created by the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 290: The Emperor's Choice

If this person can serve for the Lord of Heaven and Earth to select a capable emperor from the human race, then the list of gods will also be handed over to this person.

They will definitely do the best for the co-lord of heaven and earth, so when Empress Nuwa and Yuan Tianzun saw a divine light reappear in the heavenly court.

I also learned from Daji, that vixen's mouth, that the seal of the emperor fell into Lin Buer's hands, so there is no doubt that if Lin Buer can help himself.

Help the co-lord of heaven and earth, and re-elect a human emperor from among the human races about the god list, so as to benefit the people in Chaoge City.

Isn't it a good thing to benefit all people and common people?If this matter is handed over to Wuxin Saint, it would be great.

Now the Wuxin Saint broke through the Heavenly Dao's honor with his saintly body. Presumably, he also borrowed the power of the infinite law of the Human Emperor's Seal in 010's hand.

If Lin Buer can really choose a person with both ability and political integrity in Chaoge City on behalf of the co-lord of heaven and earth, and benefit the people of Liming there, it will also help the Protoss.

He has made immortal feats, because the gods and men are the donors, if there is some turmoil among the human race, it will be like the emperor in Chaoge City now.

He is just indulging in wine and sex right now, and never cares about the life and death of the people in the dawn of the world, so how can such a human emperor be blessed by nature.

So after thinking about it, Nuwa Empress and (ajbi) Yuan Yuan Tianzun decided to hand over the list of gods to Lin Buer, so that Lin Buer could find something capable for their Dawn people among the human race.

Become the emperor there, and benefit the common people there. When Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun saw Lin Buer at the same time, they knew that Lin Buer must be the one they chose.

Because Lin Buer has already broken through the position of the Dao of Heaven by virtue of his saintly body, even if there are some evildoers in Chaoge City, then Lin Buer will rely on his power of the supreme law of the Dao of Heaven.

It can also crush those monster races, so Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress feel that Lin Buer has already controlled Chao Gecheng's luck in his own hands.

Then this time, what the co-lord of heaven and earth decided must be handed over to Lin Buer, who is the most suitable person, and he must rely on his own luck.

He must be able to find the real emperor's location for those Liming people in Chaoge City, when Lin Buer heard what Nuwa Empress said to him.

Lin Buer had already guessed that the Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun who appeared in front of him now came with the idea of ​​the emperor's seal, and it seemed that the God he had just come into contact with was nothing more than that.

With Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun, their ideas actually coincided with each other, which made Lin Buer feel disappointed, and did not expect the infinite luck of a human emperor seal.

The gods in the heavens are already afraid of their own body, and they are all staring there now, wanting to find their seal of the emperor.

Blessed with the luck of the Human Emperor's seal, when Lin Buer saw the words that Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress said to him on their protoss.

He was a little furious, so he said to Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun, "Nuwa Empress Yuanyuan Tianzun, I don't know what you two mean by these words.

I know that now you are looking for the seal of the emperor on my body.

Chapter 290 IX Competing for Treasures

I don't know where you got the news, but I can tell you that since Empress Daji has given me the Human Emperor Seal, the Human Emperor Seal is my treasure, so whether you are a human or a monster, You are absolutely not allowed to take the idea of ​​the seal of the emperor in my hand, and you gods don't know what you think.

I have already cultivated the six-foot-old golden body and the immortal dharma body. Why do you still want to seek the seal of the emperor in my hand? What does the luck of the seal of the emperor have to do with the luck of your gods?

Just now that person who claimed to be a god was also begging for the emperor's seal from me, and he wanted to crush my heavenly position. I really don't know you people who keep calling themselves gods.

Why should you be afraid of a small Human Emperor Page Human Emperor Seal? For you gods who have the power to crush the infinite law, it is not a problem at all.

Why do you still want to snatch the Human Emperor Seal from me here?I just broke through the dignity of heaven by relying on the skills in the seal of the emperor.

Is this also feared by your God Lord? "Lin Buer saw Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun, who were discussing the Human Emperor Seal in their hands here.

Lin Buer was a little unwilling, so he burst out the powerful anger in his heart, because when he was talking to the God just now.

Lin Buer couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

If it weren't for the arrival of the original Tianzun and Nuwa Empress at this time, Lin Buer would have already added his luck with the power of the law of heaven and the seal of the emperor.

He will definitely fight the person who claims to be a god.When Empress Nuwa heard what Lin Buer said, he was a little puzzled.

I don't know what Lin Buer meant by what he said, but seeing the anger in Lin Buer's heart, he knew that it seemed that he and Yuanshi Tianzun didn't mention the Human Emperor's Seal to Lin Buer.

Could it be that the gods in their heavenly palace also wanted to hit Lin Bu's second hand with the emperor's seal?In Yuanyuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress have heard it really from Lin Buer's mouth.

It seems that it should be so, but this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me, why does Lin Buer impose all the intersections on himself?

Empress Nuwa saw Lin Buer's anger, but now Empress Nuwa knew that she definitely didn't intend to use Lin Buer's emperor's seal, but just wanted to rely on Lin Buer's presence in Renhuang's seal. Luck had him here.

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Among the human race, helping the co-lord of heaven and earth, looking for a human emperor who can benefit the common people of Liming is nothing more than the things Lin Buer just mentioned.

So Empress Nuwa asked Lin Bu'er very curiously, "Sage Wuxin, this statement is wrong, Yuan Yuan Tianzun and I are the Supreme God, how could it be possible to catch your attention.

0. 0

The Human Emperor Seal was given to you by Empress Daji herself, which I and Yuan Yuan Tianzun both know.

So we are not trying to hit you with the seal of the emperor.

I just want to ask you, Lin Buer, to re-select for us a human emperor who can uphold justice for the dawn people in Chaoge City.

So it's definitely not what you imagined. How could our protoss be enshrined in you as a heavenly position, and how could we win the Human Emperor Seal from you?

Now the Lord of Heaven and Earth has insight into the secrets of heaven, and already knows that Chaoge City's aura is close to that of King Zhou's aura, so he is not suitable at all to benefit those Liming common people.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The so-called heaven has the virtue of good life, and the heaven and the earth share the master. Seeing those Limin people in Chaoge City, who were treated cruelly and rudely by King Zhou, they discussed to find a person with extraordinary talents.

Helping the Lord of Heaven and Earth to find a real emperor in the world, who can lead those Liming people out of killing and suffering, is not for the benefit of the entire Li people.

We knew from Lin Buer that Lin Buer must have misunderstood the intentions of himself and Yuanshi Tianzun this time, but Empress Nuwa also vaguely felt it.

From Lin Buer's mouth, it seems that someone is really asking for the Emperor's seal from him, and this person is their god master, so this is very important for Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun.

It seems that this is not something to think about. Why do people from the Protoss want to get the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand?Empress Nuwa felt that this matter was very important and she had to find out as soon as possible.

But now Lin Buer has misunderstood his wishes, and he should explain clearly to Lin Buer, so Empress Nuwa said what they wanted to say to Lin Buer.

When Lin Buer heard what Empress Nuwa said to him, Lin Buer knew in his heart that what Empress Nuwa said should actually be true.

If I only know these things about Chaoge City, so badly, if I can match up with all these things I know, then I have to become a god.

Whether there will be a list of gods, Lin Buer secretly guessed in his heart, because he already knew that Chaoge City's fortune was approaching.

Lin Buer also knew that Zhao Gecheng's King Zhou was in the hands of this Daji, and sooner or later he would be destroyed by this vixen, and his throne of emperor would also be lost.

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