It's just that this matter really cannot be known by Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.Since Empress Nuwa has already explained this matter to herself.

Lin Buer was thinking about this matter in his heart, just following God's will, as if it was time to enshrine the gods, Lin Buer thought in his heart that it was time to enshrine the gods.

Now that Chaoge has become the king of Zhou and is about to die, then will there be a god, and now Jiang Ziya has led the Xiqi army to attack Chaoge City.

In this way, the matter of conferring the gods is getting closer and closer. Lin Buer was thinking about this matter. I am afraid that Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun are now looking for him.

It is definitely not for the purpose of allowing myself to be among the human race, to choose a person for them, just the emperor. As for the choice of the emperor, Lin Buer has already made a decision.

So when Empress Nuwa and Atomic Tianzun finished speaking these words, Lin Buer was still so calm, when Empress Nuwa heard what Lin Buer said.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

He became enlightened in an instant, and he felt that what Lin Buer said was indeed the case, although Chaoge City's vitality had not yet completely disappeared.

There is still some luck left in Chaoge City, so King Zhou of Chaoge City is still their current emperor, it seems that what Lin Buer said is very true.

0 ......  

No wonder Lin Buer was not in a hurry there, he just waited for the completion of King Zhou Qi in Chaoge City before he could select a human emperor for the gods and humans.

What surprised Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun most now was that they were so expressionless now that they didn't want to discuss anything with Lin Buer. They didn't expect Lin Buer to be able to see the secrets of heaven.

Knowing what I think in my heart, this makes Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun a little puzzled. How is it possible that Lin Buer has the ability to see the secrets of heaven.

He just obtained the Human Emperor's Seal, and the luck of the Human Emperor's Seal was added to his body.

How can there be unknown knowledge?Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun indeed came this time to discuss with Lin Buer about the list of gods.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It is true that Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun wanted to use the luck of Lin Bu's second-hand Renhuang Seal to select some miraculous things for their Heavenly Court to work for Heavenly Court.

It's just that they were all optimistic about the luck of the Renhuang Seal in Lin Buer's second hand. They didn't expect Lin Buer to know the original Tianzun and Nuwa Empress as if he had insight into the secrets of heaven.

There is still something to discuss with him, Lin Buer secretly watched the current application of Yuantian "Zero Two Seven" and Nuwa Empress, Lin Buer secretly laughed in his heart.

It seems that the two of them still don't know, and they already know about the list of gods, if they tell about the list of gods in front of Empress Nuwa and Tianzun Yuanshi now.

When all the immortals and gods in the list of gods are listed one by one, I am afraid that Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun will not be too calm now

Lin Buer sneered secretly in his heart, thinking that this matter was definitely not a joke. If he really said it, wouldn't it be leaking the secret?

This matter is not something to be joked about, so Lin Buer resisted the surprise in his heart and suppressed his thoughts.

"What Saint Wuxin said is very true. This time, Yuanshi Tianzun and I found Saint Wuxin not only to discuss with you about the Human Emperor, but also about our God Race.

I want to discuss with Lin Buer, and I wonder if Lin Buer can help our Protoss." After the Nuwa Empress finished speaking, she immediately looked at Lin Buer.

I feel that only Lin Buer can help the human race find some talented people there to help the god race complete the deification of the gods.

At this time, Lin Buer heard that Empress Nuwa had an important conversation with him. It seems that this matter must have something to do with the list of gods, Lin Buer thought secretly in his heart.

But this matter really can't come out of my own mouth.

Otherwise, once I say it, Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress will be very surprised.

It's better for Empress Nuwa to explain this matter to herself, "I don't know whether Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun are looking for my unintentional saint, so you can take it with you.

As long as it is something I can do for the Protoss, I will definitely help. After all, I am also the honor of the Heavenly Dao. How can I see that the Protoss has it, so I will avoid it and not help? "

When Empress Nuwa heard these words from the Wuxin sage, she was 0......

He knew in an instant that now only Lin Buer could use the seal of the emperor in his hand to find a strange man among the human race to complete the task of enshrining the gods as entrusted by the co-lord of heaven and earth.

"Since the Wuxin sage can help me and Yuanshi Tianzun complete this matter, then Yuanshi Tianzun and I can also complete the discussion between the Lord of Heaven and Earth and us as soon as possible.

Wuxin sage, I think you also know that Chaoge City's technology is now close to that of Chaoge City. Many evil things in Chaoge City are now discussed by the Lord of Heaven and Earth with me.

This time, I want to let some people with extraordinary abilities and talents, as long as 1.8 eradicate all those monsters and ghosts in Chaoge City, those who can serve the heavens.

The master of heaven and earth has his own rewards, and the attacker of heaven and earth has discussed with me, Yuanshi Tianzun, to set up a list of gods. This time, if all the monster races like Honghuang are wiped out.

He is about to be named a god on the list of gods, so the matter of Wuxin sage is very important, please help Wuxin sage.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After all, you are now in Chaoge City where demons are rampant, if you can find someone here who can be a god for the heaven, wouldn't you have completed the task that the co-lord of heaven and earth told you? "

Immediately after Nuwa finished speaking, she looked at Lin Buer and knew about it.

If it is through the hands of Lin Buer, maybe he can really help himself find someone who can have extraordinary abilities in Chaoge City, and help the Protoss confer gods there.

Wouldn't they have completed the tasks entrusted to them by the Lord of Heaven and Earth together, because Empress Nuwa knew that there was someone with the emperor's seal in Lin Bu's second hand.

All luck is already in the hands of Lin Buer.

If you borrow Ping Che Lin Buer's luck, you will be able to find 09 in Chaoge City for the God Lord that person with extraordinary talents and abilities to help the Protoss become a god.

After completing the great cause of enshrining the gods, Lin Buer heard the things Nuwa Empress said to him, and Lin Buer secretly rejoiced in his heart, which was exactly the same as what he had just thought.

Isn't Jiang Ziya the person he wants to find with amazing abilities?Lin Buer is clear in his heart, but he really can't say this matter directly.

It's just that Lin Bu'er feels that Jiang Ziya is a disciple of Yuan Tianzun now, and if he tells Yuan Yuan Tianzun about this, he can get Yuan Yuan Tianzun.

Jiang Ziya will definitely be promoted by his own status. Isn't this also satisfying Yuan Tianzun's status among the gods?Lin Buer thought of this.

Immediately said to Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun, "Nuwa Empress Yuanshi Tianzun, with the power of my law of heaven, in fact, this is the person you two are looking for.

In my mind, there is roughly one person who doesn't know what the Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun think. If you agree, I think this person will be able to complete your great cause of becoming a god.

Moreover, this person is born with integrity, possesses extraordinary talents, and is almost the same as the person Nuwa Empress Yuan Tianzun thought of.

I don't know if Empress Nuwa agrees that this person should be on the way to Chaoge City now. "When Empress Nuwa and Yuezi heard what Lin Buer said innocently.

He was very curious, and didn't know who Lin Buer chose, because they also pushed the clouds back and forth in Chaoge City and watched for a long time.

I also didn't see who in Chaoge City could take the responsibility, so when Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun saw Lin Buer's Renhuang Yin luck added to her body.

He secretly guessed there, whether this person could be Lin Buer, so Empress Nuwa just confronted Lin Buer in a probing tone, and told about the co-lord of heaven and earth.

They didn't expect that Lin Buer could actually help them find 027 a talented person in Chaoge City. Who is this person?This made Empress Nuwa not surprised.

Because he and Yuan Tianzun often looked at the affairs of Chaoge City through the clouds above the sky, they did not find a suitable person for the co-lord of heaven and earth to choose.

Why did Lin Buer already know the candidate as soon as his voice fell? "Oh, just who is Lin Buer who can fall into the eyes of your unintentional saint.

Why don't you tell me and let Yuan Tianzun and I see if this person is as gifted as you said.

I want to see if this person can really take on the great cause of conferring the gods, Wuxin sage, you know this is no joke.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seven

I originally wanted to let you complete this great cause of becoming a god, but I don't know if you can agree, Saint Wuxin? "When Lin Buer heard these things that Empress Nuwa said to herself.

Lin Buer couldn't help being a little anxious, because Lin Buer knew that he just obeyed Xia Guo's command room and came here to help Xia Guo find luck.

Wait until the treasures in the underground palace of the city are brought back.

He has nothing to do, Lin Buer didn't want to come here to accept Lin Buer, who was on the list of gods for Nuwa Empress, thinking that the matter of the list of gods is too difficult now.

So many gods have to seal the time is too tight, because he still has a lot of things to do.

The John Xungang in Chaoge City hasn't been dealt with yet, let alone.

Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaose, Lei Wujie and the others are all in Chaoge City, how could he agree to the matter of Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun to come here to enshrine the gods?

How is this possible? The matter of the Conferred God List must not be accepted. If the gift is really received, it will be a very troublesome matter. It is better to just push it to Jiang Ziya.

Lin Buer knew the future fate of the Shang Dynasty, and also knew what was about to happen to the Protoss, so Lin Buer didn't want to take this list of gods.

Because Lin Buer knew that this was Jiang Ziya's business, why did he push it to himself and bring him unnecessary trouble?In the end, Fengshen had no place of his own.

Now Lin Buer already knew Jiang Ziya's future fate, so Lin Buer didn't go to this muddy water, and heard these things that Nuwa Empress said to herself.

Lin Buer immediately wrapped his face down, and then said to Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun.

"Nuwa Empress Yuanshi Tianzun is not me, Lin Buer does not agree to accept the list of gods to help your protoss, but I used it for this matter.

Only the luck of Renhuangyin can make my mortal body step into the position of heaven.

But I really can't do anything about this matter, and you also know that Brother Chao is now burdened with so many demons rampant.

How can I, a mortal, help the Protoss do such a big thing?I think there is a strange person in Chaoge City, he must be able to obey God's will.

To help your protoss complete this great cause of conferring gods, if you hand over this list of gods to him, it must be much better than entrusting it to me.

I have so many things to do now that I don't have time to take care of the matter of conferring gods. I also ask Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun to forgive me. It's not that I, Lin Buer, refuse to help.

It's just that I don't have that ability now, I'm just a mortal body, how can I compete with those monster races. ". "

When Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun heard what Lin Buer said.

He clearly knew that Lin Buer was evading this matter now, and it seemed that Lin Buer had designated that he could not help in this matter.

Because Yuan Yuan Tianzun and Empress Nuwa also saw Lin Buer's more resolute eyes at the same time, they knew that there was nothing they could do to help this matter.

It seems that since Lin Buer was able to help the Protoss choose a person who can really have extraordinary talents, he will help the Protoss to confer the gods here.

We should also listen to Lin Buer's opinion on this matter, and see who this person is saying, "' ‖ has no heart for a saint, and has no time to take care of the gods.

Also please tell me the person you choose in your heart, Sage Wuxin, I want to see it in the eyes of Sage Wuxin.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Who on earth has such a natural talent, and with the luck of your unintentional saint's seal of emperor, if you have a crush on any strange man with extraordinary abilities.

There shouldn’t be any problem, let’s just say it straight, let Yuan Yuan Tianzun and I think about it.” Lin Buer heard the question from Empress Nuwa asking her about it.

It seems that Empress Nuwa really heard what she said now.

There is no leisure to take care of the list of gods at all. It seems that this matter really has to be handed over to Jiang Ziya, which is Jiang Ziya's matter after all.

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