How can I do 027 these useless things for him?This is a thankless thing, and in the end, he couldn't even keep his god position.

"I don't know if Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun have heard that there is a capable person in Xiqi named Jiang Ziya, but he is endowed with extraordinary abilities, and this person is upright.

It must be worthy of the great cause of conferring the gods, and I also ask Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun to fix it. You must know that Jiang Ziya's luck and fortune are in line with your conferred gods.

I hope Yuan Tianzun and Empress Nuwa will take a good look at it."

After Lin Buer finished speaking, he looked at Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun, because Lin Buer knew that this matter could only be done by Jiang Ziya.

I really don't have so much ambition now, and now Lin Buer is worried about the safety of Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaose and the others in Chaoge City.

It's been so long now, I don't know what kind of situation is happening in Chaoge City now, because John Xungang in the beautiful country has mutated into that.

I'm afraid he's not in Chaoge City, he's definitely going to attack Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoselei Wujie and the others, once he and Bai Yuekui fight.

I'm afraid Bai Yuekui's ability is no match for John Xungang at all, so Lin Buer couldn't wait to get entangled with Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun.

It's better to just tell him to go to Jiang Ziya. This matter is Jiang Ziya's matter, and it will fall into his hands sooner or later.

Lin Buer didn't want to argue with Yuan Tianzun and the others about these things. Now these things have nothing to do with him, since he has already obtained the Human Emperor Seal.

Then take the treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City back to Xia Kingdom, isn't it the end of the matter?

It is meaningless to entangle with their protoss here, just when Lin Buer's voice just fell.

When Yuan Tianzun and Empress Nuwa heard Jiang Ziya's name from Lin Buer's mouth, Empress Nuwa was a little puzzled, and he immediately looked away from the clouds.

Looking for Jiang Ziya's middle shadow in the direction of Xiqi, when Yuan Yuan Tianzun heard the name that Lin Buer said, Yuan Yuan Tianzun couldn't help smiling.

He knew that if Empress Nuwa could listen to what Lin Buer said this time.

Hand over the list of gods to Jiang Ziya, then Jiang Ziya is his disciple who wants to write all the disciples under his sect on the list of gods.

Is it possible to seal the gods?The power of self-explanation will also increase day by day.

In this way, all the disciples under his sect have certain god positions in their hands. Doesn't this mean that his status among the protoss has also increased?

When Yuan Tianzun heard these words from Lin Buer's mouth, he was very happy, and now he knew that Empress Nuwa was hesitating there.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why is Empress Nuwa still hesitating there?

From my point of view, I readily agree with what the Wuxin sage said, and Empress Nuwa may not know something, but I absolutely dare not hide this matter from Empress Nuwa.

So I have to report to Empress Nuwa about Jiang Ziya that Wuxin sage just said."

Just when Yuan Yuan Tianzun heard what Lin Buer said about Jiang Ziya, Yuan Yuan Tianzun was very happy, because that was where his favorite disciple was.

If Empress Nuwa can really listen to what the Wuxin sage said in this matter, then if this disciple of his own can uphold the will of heaven.

And to be able to do justice for the sky, and find an honest gentleman who can assist them as their emperor among the human race.

Couldn't it be that for himself and Empress Nuwa to be planned by the co-lord of heaven and earth, Lin Buer heard these things that Yuan Tianzun seemed to want to say to Empress Nuwa.

In Lin Buer's view, these things are not secrets at all. Lin Buer knew that Jiang Ziya was the disciple of Yuan Tianzun early on.

But Lin Buer also knew that Jiang Ziya was an important person in the Conferred Gods List. If there was no Jiang Ziya, then there would be no such thing, and there would be no such thing as a calamity in the Conferred Gods List.

Thinking about it now, the human race must experience this sudden change of understanding.

Only then can they slowly evolve into what they are now, so Lin Buer knows that the list of gods is imperative, and it must go through Jiang Ziya's hands.

So this matter should not be underestimated and there can be no replacements. If there is any change in it, then the luck of their entire Xia Kingdom will be dragged down.

Then the history of the entire Xia Kingdom will be rewritten, how can it be done?So Lin Buer knew that this person must be Jiang Ziya.

Regardless of whether Empress Nuwa agrees with this matter, he will also help Yuan Tianzun to complete this matter, "Oh, Yuan Yuan Tianzun, could it be that the person Wuxin Saint said just now.

Do you know, or you have heard a little bit, I have now seen the human race through a cloud, and the current luck is really biased towards Xiqi.

It seems that anyone who has been screened by the unintentional sage should be right, but I always saw Jiang Ziya, why does this person feel that he is a little dull.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Will it really be possible to complete the great cause of conferring gods that the Lord of Heaven and Earth has entrusted? "Nuwa Empress heard what Yuan Tianzun wanted to tell herself.

But Empress Nuwa is still responsible for what she and the co-lord of heaven and earth have explained, so she must check it out among the human race.

0 ......  

Absolutely cannot show favoritism, no matter what the unintentional sage said is true or false, or he said that the people who are screened are actually in the eyes of Empress Nuwa.

The person chosen by the Wuxin sage is actually acceptable, after all, all the luck is now blessed by the Wuxin sage.

It would be foolproof if he was the chosen one, but when Empress Nuwa checked the luck of the human race, she also saw that the luck of the human race favored Xiqi.

It's just that in the eyes of Empress Nuwa, the person chosen by the Wuxin sage seems a little dull.

It's not too smart. Could it be that he really has the ability to handle such an important matter from the co-bishop of heaven and earth?

This is not a small calamity among their protoss.

Chapter 310 The chosen person must have origins

If you can really get over it, that would be the best, "Yuan Tianzun, if you have anything to say, you may as well talk to the deity.

I would like to hear what kind of unique insights and views you have on this Jiang Ziya. I guess you must have a certain relationship with this Jiang Ziya.

Otherwise, you won't be troublesome here. I know that you, the original Tianzun, have always been more law-abiding and will never insert "[-]" into other people's affairs.

It seems that you seem to be more enthusiastic about this matter, so you might as well tell me about it. "In the eyes of Empress Nuwa, Yuan Yuan Tianzun actually wants to say this on purpose.

It seems that Yuan Tianzun must have some relationship with the personal Jiang Ziya chosen by the unintentional sage, otherwise, Yuan Yuan Tianzun would never be upset there out of thin air.

"Empress Nuwa, what you said is indeed correct, it is true that I absolutely dare not hide this matter from Empress Nuwa, even though we are all set up for the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

For the matter of the Conferred Gods List, I asked Lin Buer to use the luck that he had conjured up from the seal of the Human Emperor to help us select a candidate from among the human race who can assist the Human Emperor.

It seems that this person Wuxin Saint has been chosen for our Protoss, but the Jiang Ziya chosen by Nuwa Empress Wuxin Saint is a disciple of my Yuxu Palace.

So this matter has more or less something to do with me, I have to explain it to Empress Nuwa, so as to save me from hiding something when I can.

You should say that I deliberately sided with Jiang Ziya. This was definitely not my intention. Now Empress Nuwa also heard what the Wuxin sage said.

This is the person chosen by the Wuxin sage himself, and has nothing to do with me, the original Tianzun. "" This Yuan Tianzun is so good that he got cheap, such a good thing fell on your head.

It's no wonder you didn't die. Now that I heard that you and I have chosen this person, in fact, I have no way to change it. After all, this is the truth.

So there is no way to choose other people. This has allowed you to get such a big advantage. It is really infuriating to say these words in front of Empress Nuwa.

Are they also so hypocritical? "The original Tianzun that Lin Buer guessed in his heart, when he said these words to Empress Nuwa, he was 0...

Lin Buer looked down on them a little bit. It is obvious that the cheapest one now is Yuan Tianzun, if it is really known by the leader of Tongtian.

It must not be allowed. Yuan Tianzun is still thinking beautifully now, thinking that if Jiang Ziya really accepts this task of conferring the gods, he may be even more difficult to die.

The Master Tongtian would not let him watch so quietly, sooner or later the two of them will have to meet, and this matter is getting bigger and bigger, "Yes, the matter of Yuan Tianzun really has nothing to do with you.

Think about my Wuxin saint who you and Empress Nuwa came to find together, so you two saints asked me to say this, can I not help you?

Although I just said it casually, but you know that this Jiang Ziya is a great Nuwa Empress in 1.8, so don't look at how he is leading the class now.

He is a man of great wisdom, able to see everything that you people can't see.

So if this Jiang Ziya really received the list of gods, I think he will help you complete it. I am very optimistic about this person.

Chapter 310

As for whether to choose or not, it depends on your Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun. It has nothing to do with me, since the two of you want me to choose the person.

I just chose Jiang Ziya, and the rest is none of my business." Lin Buer heard that Yuan Tianzun was so hypocritical to curry favor with Empress Nuwa there.

He wanted to get rid of his suspicions, but Lin Buer was a little angry, and he wanted to try to suppress Yuan Tianzun, and he must not let him be so cheap.

Anyway, sooner or later this list of gods will fall into Jiang Ziya's hands, no matter how you go around, there will always be a number of days, and this is Jiang Ziya's fate.

He can't escape Lin Buer knows it, so Lin Buer thinks about it and can't let you Yuan Tianzun be so arrogant and arrogant here and push everything on me 09.

If something really happens, or the leader of the Tongtian sect in a few days, you must know that the matter of the list of gods will definitely be steadfast.

Now Yuan Tianzun is still dreaming about it, and he won't be happy for a few days. Lin Buer thinks about it, so he casually talked about his thoughts with Empress Nuwa.

Lin Buer wanted to get rid of the Nuwa empress contract as Tianzun as soon as possible, and she wanted to go back to Chaoge City to save those Liming people, and now the people there are already dying.

If this mutated John Xungang goes mad for a little bit, he will definitely attack those people in Chaoge City, and he will not be able to solve it by himself.

This is not history, this is naked killing, Lin Buer knows it, but there is still a stage to make Dragon City fly Fengshen, and it hasn't started yet.

So I'm not in a hurry to die, but it's impossible for John Xungang in the beautiful country to wait for Lin Buer, "The words of the Wuxin sage are different.

Even Yuan Yuan Tianzun and I might as well come here thousands of miles to look for your traces, we already know your ability, because you now have a yellow seal in your hand.

All the luck is in your hands, and your luck is now greater than our God's luck.

After all, this time the co-lords of heaven and earth negotiated the list of gods is also a matter of the human race, since the luck of the human race is blessed with you.

Think about the person you choose, can Yuan Tianzun and I refute?Even Lin Buer was optimistic about this Jiang Ziya, and Yuan Yuan Tianzun and I observed it carefully for two more days.

It's not too late to make a decision, so this time I'd like to thank you, Saint Wuxin, for your help. For us Shangshen, this is also a matter of immeasurable merit.

You unintentional sage has his own good fortune, don't worry, your status will definitely be improved in the future. "Nvwa Empress heard these words from Lin Buer and herself.

Seemingly pointing to something, Saint Nuwa thought about it for a second, that such a big 027 matter still needs to be asked by Saint Wuxin, maybe there will be something else in the future.

I also asked him not to make him angry. Seeing that he was very anxious there, he would look at the next human race from time to time.

It seems that Lin Buer is still very concerned about the matter of Brother Chaocheng. Now Empress Nuwa has also seen it in his heavenly palace, and now the human race has also experienced disasters.

"Saint Wuxin, I know that you just want to go back to the human race immediately to solve the scourges that are happening to the human race, but from the perspective of our gods.

In the dark, there is destiny and heaven.

Chapter 310 Two Refining Magical Artifacts

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