So you don't have to rush about some things, don't worry, I can resolve that mutated person myself, and I'll let Yuan Tianzun help you later, okay? "

Saint Nuwa saw John Xungang from the beautiful country among the human races, and he mutated into that appearance. It is obvious that Lin Buer was thinking about the creatures of all races there.

It's just that the mutated John Xungang is endangering the human race, "Oh Empress Nuwa, but the most troublesome thing right now is that mutant John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Do you know that if he stomps his feet a little now, the entire Chaoge City will be destroyed in a generation? Think about it, if he continues like this, I'm really afraid that he will destroy Chaoge City.

There are tens of thousands of people in Liming who will definitely be killed by his crushing power, and how many lives will be faced by the entire Chaoge City.

Tens of thousands of Liming people there will definitely die, and that is all the blood of the human race. If this is damaged, will it also damage the reputation of Nuwa Empress?

Think about it, this human race was created by Empress Nuwa. Could it be that you can see the casualties of our human race?I think since Empress Nuwa doesn't want to stand by and watch.

I want Yuan Tianzun to help me, Wuxin Saint, I am here to thank Nuwa Empress for her kindness on behalf of those dawns in Chaoge City. "De". Lin Buer heard it.

Empress Nuwa said that she wanted Yuanshi Tianzun to help her crush John Xungang in the beautiful country. This is actually very happy for Lin Buer, as long as Yuanshi Tianzun gets along with him.

Presumably this matter can be solved easily. Now that Lin Buer thinks about this mutated John Xungang, it is indeed a bit embarrassing.

I want to use my ability to lead John Xungang to a remote place.

Then he crushed him with the power of boundless law, but no matter where Lin Buer was, he knew that more or less it would cause casualties to the Liming people there.

In this way, Lin Buer didn't want to see such a thing, and Lin Buer was quite happy after Empress Nuwa put forward his idea.

"The matter of Saint Wuxin is in the hands of my original Tianzun, and I, Yuanyuan Tianzun, will definitely seek justice for Wuxin Saint and the people of Liming in Chaoge City.

I didn't expect that John Xungang's ability is quite strong, and he mutated into this form. It seems that it is still difficult to do, but don't be afraid to think that I, Yuan Tianzun, just practiced Pangu Banner.

I will use the crushing power of my Pangu banner to avenge you and help the people of the human race to achieve justice."

The original Tianzun proudly told Lin Buer the Pangu banner he had just cultivated, it was the Pangu fan that could tear apart the power of primordial chaos.

If it is really used, it must have the effect of crushing the Quartet. Just when Yuan Tianzun just said about Pangu Fan, Lin Buer's (by Zhao) eyes widened.

Does he know the origin of Pangu Banner, and also knows that Pangu Banner has the power to open up the world.

The Pangu fan cultivated by the original Tianzun, but they must provide the magic weapon to open the door of production education. Needless to say, Lin Buer has already checked the information on this magic weapon.

Lin Buer knew all these magic tools refined by the gods in his heart, so Lin Buer could not reveal them, nor could they be deceived.

Chapter 310 The Power of the Pangu Banner

Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun saw it, but Lin Buer knew that once Yuanshi Tianzun used the power of Pangu's law, let alone the entire Chaoge City.

Even the entire prehistoric human race will be crushed into chaos.

Then the human race will be destroyed by the Pangu Banner of Yuan Tianzun, so Lin Buer pondered in his heart that this matter is absolutely unacceptable.

If once he accepted Yuan Tianzun's kindness, he just wanted to show the prestige of the Pangu Banner he had cultivated in front of Empress Nuwa and himself.

If he succeeded, wouldn't the entire human race be destroyed by him?Then history will be rewritten by Yuan Tianzun, and there will be no Xia Guoyi at that time.

"Oh, why haven't I heard of the Pangu Banner before Yuan Yuan Tianzun? It seems that it is a magical weapon that you have just cultivated. I didn't expect that Yuan Yuan Tianzun is quite powerful.

In such a short period of time, I was able to obtain the spiritual energy of the chaos of the world and re-transform such a powerful Pangu Banner, which is really quite powerful."

When Empress Nuwa heard these words said by Yuan Tianzun, Empress Nuwa was also shocked. She just didn't see Pangu Fan refined by Yuan Tianzun.

Just hearing the word Pangu made Empress Nuwa panic for a while. He knew that if he really transformed into a powerful magic weapon, he must have a direct relationship with the great god Pangu.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to call it the Pangu Banner. It seems that this is a holy object transformed by the aura of heaven and earth. I didn't expect that the good fortune of the original Tianzun is still so profound.

It really shouldn't be underestimated, this made Empress Nuwa a little envious, so her eyes lit up Yuan Tianzun, and at this moment Yuan Yuan Tianzun showed a proud look.

He said to the Wuxin sage, "How about the Wuxin sage.

Since you can use the luck of your Renhuang Seal to help the deity to promote Jiang Ziya, my disciple of Yuxu Palace, who is teaching and teaching, I will repay you as the deity.

This time, I will let you see how powerful the Pangu Banner I just refined is." "What?Here is Tianzun, it is really cunning to please our original Tianzun.

He wanted to show off the magic weapon he just refined in front of Empress Nuwa, and he also wanted to please himself here, it seems that he killed two birds with one stone.

This Yuanshi Tianzun is really a wise man, I didn't expect good people to let him do it.

Let him take advantage of all the advantages. It seems that this Yuan Tianzun really wants to show off his Pangu fan power, and he must not be allowed to use it.

In this way, the entire human race will really be destroyed by him. "" Unintentional Saint, what are you thinking about there?Now Yuan Tianzun is willing to make a move.

It is equivalent to the human race. This is also the good fortune of your saintly body.

Don't miss this golden opportunity, this is your opportunity, you must seize it well so as not to insult Yuan Tianzun's kindness here."

Empress Nuwa saw that Lin Buer was hesitating there, and Empress Nuwa guessed that Lin Buer might be embarrassed to use the Pangu fan of Yuan Tianzun.

So Empress Nuwa wanted to help Lin Buer solve the problems in the human race as soon as possible, so that she could show her dignity and make the human race she created.

To avoid these hopeless disasters is also to accumulate boundless virtues for myself, "The original Tianzun Nuwa empress, I have no intention of being a sage, what virtue and what can I do.

Chapter 310 Four Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth

How can you use the power of your gods? Since you want to be equivalent to the human race, I think the human race will definitely not be able to comprehend the Pangu banner of the original Tianzun.

In my opinion, this Pangu Fang is the illusion of luck on Pangu Great God, and this Pangu Banner can be equivalent to having the effect of opening the god axe.

This is the aura between heaven and earth, how can it be used on the human race.

The human race simply cannot control the power of the gods.

Such a powerful force of law will definitely shatter the entire Chaoge City.

Then Xiqi, which is a hundred miles away, will be wiped out in an instant, so wouldn't Jiang Ziya, the person we just selected to support the emperor, also fall into it?

Let the dawn people of the race be in dire straits.

Is it something that us saints can do?Although the Pangu fan of the original Tianzun can indeed help me crush the John Xungang of that beautiful country.

But it is definitely not the best choice. I also hope that the two venerable Nuwa saints and Yuanshi Tianzun will not embarrass the unintentional saints here. "

Lin Bu erroneously expressed his inner thoughts to Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress in front of him.

Because Lin Buer knew that he could never hide anything from them to God.

So you can only explain what you think.

In this way, their saints must have some relative comprehension, so Lin Buer was there respectfully facing Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun.

After expressing her own thoughts and opinions, just as Lin Buer's voice fell, Empress Nuwa was okay to speak, and she didn't show any expression.

It's just that Yuanyuan Tianzun's place is amazing, he is at a loss now, and he doesn't know what to do there, that kind of panic and messy thoughts are instantly flooded.

Every nerve of the original Tianzun, because when he is facing the words just said by the unintentional sage, he actually has the language that breaks the sky.

This made Yuan Yuan Tianzun unacceptable and absolutely unbelievable, because when Yuan Yuan Tianzun heard what Lin Buer just said, he was as shocked as a heaven and a man.

It made Yuan Yuan Tianzun feel very different, because in Yuan Yuan Tianzun's view, the six souls he just refined were even the gods in their god realm.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

And the co-lords of heaven and earth they are serving now don't know.

Where did this Pangu banner come from?

But just now Lin Buer actually said everything about the Pangu Banner he just refined there in an understatement.

Can this not surprise Yuan Tianzun?

0 ......  

Now the original Tianzun dare not at all, the Wuxin sage in front of Xiao Qiao, because in the eyes of Yuanyuan Tianzun, this Wuxin sage is a hidden person.

Unexpectedly, he hasn't seen the Pan Gu Banner that he transformed to practice calligraphy.

You can know the place where the pangu banner came from, and you can also know that the pangu banner comes from the spirit of Pangu Great God, which can tear the power of primordial spirit.

This is too miraculous, isn't it surprising that the Pangu Banner that I have refined is not surprising in the eyes of the Wuxin sage.

No way, what the Wuxin sage said just now has already revealed his Pangu banner, just because he also praised the Pangu banner he made there.

But the aura of heaven and earth is blessed by the power of the supreme law, such a great luck is added to the body.

Chapter 310 Five Mysterious Secrets

How can this unintentional saint with the body of a saint see such a sky?Yuan Yuan Tianzun was secretly surprised in his heart, he didn't show much thought.

Because now that Empress Nuwa is here, he doesn't want to ask too many questions. After all, it seems that he is very incompetent if he wants to ask, if he has a chance.

Be sure to ask Wuxin Sage for advice, and see how he can penetrate "[-]" to see his own mysterious secrets.

"Oh, I don't know what you are thinking between the unintentional saints. In my opinion, what the original Tianzun said to you just now should be able to agree.

That's right, the Wuxin sage needs to know that Yuan Yuan Tianzun has good intentions now, and he was able to show you his newly refined magic weapon, the Pangu Banner.

At the same time, Yuan Tianzun can also help you get rid of that mutated person. Wouldn't it be great? I think you can't refuse the unintentional saint, Yuan Tianzun's kindness. "

The Nuwa Empress heard what Lin Buer said, and she didn't know what Lin Buer was thinking. Seeing what Lin Buer said, it seemed that she was trying to shirk.

If you don't want Yuan Tianzun to use the Pangu Banner he just refined to help Lin Buer eradicate the mutated person, you must not want to bother Yuan Yuan Tianzun.

Unexpectedly, there are still many things that Wuxin Saint needs to help in the future. After all, now Wuxin Saint has the luck of the emperor, and he puts all the luck on him alone.

Then the matter of enshrining the gods in the future will be a matter of course in the future, and it will take the support of the Wuxin sage family, and it is absolutely impossible for him to refuse the kindness of Yuan Tianzun.

"Yeah, what are you thinking, Saint Wuxin? I know what you mean now.

It's nothing more than being polite to me, you don't need to thank me here, I think this is what the Nuwa Empress ordered

I can only obey and do so. I feel that if I rely on the Pangu Banner I just refined, if I can help Wuxin Saint get rid of the scourge among the human race.

I Yuan Tianzun is also happy, after all, you also used your own strength to help us find Jiang Ziya, who can support the Emperor of the Human Race, exists in him.

But my disciple of Yuxu Palace, you are able to help my disciples to say this matter, you have done endless good things, and you have endless kindness. Think of me Yuan Tianzun 0......

It is also reasonable to remove obstacles for you unintentional saint, so don't reject the kindness of me and Empress Nuwa. "

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