Yuan Tianzun originally wanted to show off the Pangu fan he had just refined in front of Nuwa Empress, and also wanted Lin Buer to take a look at their upper body status.

Unexpectedly, Lin Buer was still pushing there, probably because he was embarrassed to use his rising power there. Thinking of this, he heard what Nuwa Empress had just said to Wuxin Saint.

The original Tianzun pondered over and over again, this matter really needs to be done by himself, he must use the power of his Pangu banner to frighten the mutated person.

For Lin Buer to eliminate the scourge among the 1.8 human race, the more Lin Buer wanted to get rid of Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress, he wanted to return to the human race as soon as possible, even with his own strength.

Is it possible to crush John Xungang from that beautiful country, but don't let his own thoughts destroy the entire Chaoge City, but Lin Buer didn't expect it.

The more he refuses, this Empress Nuwa.

Chapter 310 Six Powerless to Resist Pangu Banner

There is also the original Tianzun who is entangled here.

But Lin Buer knew that Yuan Tianzun must not be allowed to use his Pangu banner. How could the good fortune of this Pangu banner be resisted by a small city of Chaoge.

In this way, all the Li people in Chaoge City will definitely fall, and there will be a lot of casualties at that time, or the whole city and the Xiqi area will be destroyed.

So what about the list of gods, and what about Xia Guozhi?The luck of their entire Xia Kingdom was ruined in the hands of the original Tianzun's Pangu Banner, so how could it work?

Thinking of this, Lin Buer felt that this matter could really not be obeyed by Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress, although they were really kind.

Just wanting to help myself quickly, 09 crushed the John Xun Steel in the beautiful country. This powerful force of law will definitely be able to shatter the entire Chaoge City and even the large and small cities around Chaogecheng.

All the people of Liming will perish accordingly. Thinking of Lin Buer's heart boiling there in an instant, he immediately bowed to Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa.

"Hey, Primordial Heavenly Venerable Nuwa Empress, let me tell you the truth, I also know what the original Tianzun refined into Pangu.

That has the power to open up the world. If the power of the original Tianzun's Pangu Fan's crushing law is really used, think about it, wouldn't the entire Chaoge City be shattered by his Pangu banner?

Then the human race in Chaoge City and the large and small cities around Xiqi were destroyed, and the Limin people there fell into dire straits again.

I think this matter is definitely not something Yuanyuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress want to see. Since the list of gods is going to be held now, we have to be the co-lords of heaven and earth.

In the human race, re-elect a human emperor who can support the human race, so how can we easily sit down on such a thing, and the land will collapse like this.

The entire human race fell into dire straits, the lives were devastated, and there were dozens of casualties. This is not the result that Nuwa Empress wanted.

Then, isn't the matter of discussing the list of gods discussed by the masters of heaven and earth just a waste of time?Think about it, will there be a list of gods?Even the human race was destroyed by this Pangu banner.

Haven't you thought about whether this list of gods can continue?Isn't this a disgrace to what the Lords of Heaven and Earth discussed."

After Lin Buer finished speaking, he immediately focused his eyes on Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

I just thought that the words have already reached this point, if you two high gods really want to use Pangu Fan, then you should think about it carefully.

Anyway, the list of gods can no longer be continued, so the co-lord of heaven and earth told me that this matter will disappear. Let's see 027 to see how you can preserve the face of the gods.

"Sage Wuxin is really good. I never thought that you, Sage Wuxin, would take the vicissitudes of life of the people in the world as your responsibility, Sage Wuxin.

Not only have you stepped into the body of a saint, but your attainments have surpassed the meaning of a saint, so this is the boundless good fortune of heaven and earth.

I think you unintentional sage will make great contributions to us and create great achievements in the end. Just now, my empress Nuwa didn't think carefully and pushed the human race into endless disasters. It's really a sin.

It looks like I'm going to go back to retreat and practice for a while to clear up the trace of my remnants here.

Chapter 310 VII

It seems that I was just anxious to help Lin Buer get rid of the shackles of that mutant, but I left the lives of all living things and creatures behind.

I am really ashamed. Although I am the body of a saint now, I am not as deep as your unintentional saint. "When Empress Nuwa heard what Lin Buer said.

He felt very embarrassed. He didn't consider the life and death of the human race, and took care of Lin Buer's safety. It seemed that it really wasn't something he should do as a saint.

It seems that Lin Buer was the right one to choose someone for this list of gods. Since Lin Buer can select Jiang Ziya, then Jiang Ziya must have Wuji wisdom root in him.

Otherwise, Lord Lin Buer would definitely not have gone to him, and he would not have to think about it anymore, even Lin Buer could be considered by the common people in the dawn of the world.

He didn't take his own safety into consideration, and now even the mutant humiliated Lin Buer there.

He can still be so calm and worry about Lin Buer for those Liming people in Chaoge City, it really transcends his saint consciousness, and now it is in the eyes of the saint Nuwa.

Lin Bu'er's growth surprised him, "Oh, Empress Nuwa, I'm really ashamed after hearing what the sage Wuxin said, I didn't expect the sage Wuxin to tell me that he missed me.

The original Tianzun Zhao Hua is very deep, never thought of it, but he was enlightened by a word from the Wuxin sage. I just wanted to let him see the power of my Pangu banner.

He didn't consider the safety of the human race in Chaoge City. Think about it, for a saint like Wuxin Saint, he can actually consider the safety of the human race.

But I, a Supreme God, disregarded all Taoism, but ignored the life and death of the human race, I am really ashamed, I am a Supreme God, don't worry, Lin Buer.

Pangu Fan, I definitely won't do it again, even now that you have moved the little frog, you know the refining power of my Pangu Banner, and you also know that Pangu Fan has the power to tear apart the primordial chaos.

I also know that you Wuxin sage is definitely not an idle person, and you can tell the truth with a single word. Now I, Yuan Tianzun, am convinced and admire the innate wisdom of Wuxin sage.

But I am also very honored to meet Wuxin Sage today.

So I decided to take action on this mutated person, no matter what it is to help, as long as it doesn't hurt the human race, then I, Yuan Tianzun, have a way.

I don't know if you unintentional sage will accept what I said. "? "From Yuan Tianzhu's point of view, now he admires the Wuxin sage from the bottom of his heart.

Among all the gods, Yuanyuan Tianzun has always been arrogant and arrogant. He doesn't even look down on his fellow disciple Tongtian Jiaozhu. Now facing Lin Buer, he completely admires him.

Because his Pangu fan has just been refined and has not yet been produced, let Empress Nuwa see what is going on, since Lin Buer can explain the energy refined by his Pangu fan in one word.

How can this not make the original Tianzun feel embarrassed (Zhao), he is now in the entire Protoss, his appreciation of Lin Buer can be said to be convincing.

So he decided to help Lin Buer resolve the crisis among the human race no matter what.

Since Lin Bu'er has his kind thoughts, he doesn't want those Limin people in Chaoge City to suffer innocent disasters.

Then Yuan Tianzun spoke out his inner thoughts to Lin Buer, wondering if Lin Buer could listen to what he said.

Chapter 310

"Really? Yuan Tianzun is so good, if you can help me suppress that mutated person, of course I will be heartbroken.

You must know that John Xungang of the beautiful country is really too much, he used him to kill some ancient mythical beasts and ancient strange beasts, so he devoured the spiritual power of those strange beasts.

That's why it mutated into something like a half-demon, half-human. That's why John Xungang from the beautiful country can now bully the people in Chaoge City with his mutant strain at will.

I really can't see it. If Yuanshi Tianzun can really refine the crisis of the human race and regard the safety of the human race as the most important thing, it must be the good fortune of the human race.

On behalf of all the common people in Chaoge City, my Wuxin sage is grateful to Yuan Yuan Tianzun for his kindness in saving lives.

If the original Tianzun really has a good 027 method, you might as well tell me the details with my Wuxin sage.

Let's see if there is any good way to crush the John Xun Steel in that beautiful country? "When Lin Buer heard these words that Yuan Tianzun said to himself.

I know that Yuan Tianzun is now sincerely helping himself to settle John Xungang in the beautiful country, as long as he can resolve the dross into the current crisis, it should be possible.

Besides, with Yuan Tianzun's ability now, it would definitely be possible to help out. I was already worried about this matter, and my head was going to be big.

But (ajbi) has already returned to Chaoge City early, and there is no good way now, but this Yuanshi Tianzun rushed to settle John Xungang of the beautiful country for him.

That couldn't be better, Lin Buer also knows that the original Tianzun is also trying to please himself now, and Jiang Ziya was originally the disciple of the Yuantian Tianzun's Yuxu Palace.

Now that Lin Bu'er mentioned Jiang Ziya and chose a human emperor among the human race, there is no doubt that this time the conferment of the gods will be based on the disciples of Yuan Tianzun's sect.

Can Yuan Tianzun be unhappy?So he was there to please himself no matter what, Lin Buer knew it well, but he was waiting for such a good opportunity.

You don't need to be a fool to think that way, and Lin Buer wouldn't give up such a good opportunity for nothing, "Lin Buer, Nuwa Empress, I actually think so.

Now that the unintentional sage only sees that he does not want to endanger the safety of those Liming people in the entire Chaoge City, we are also for the sake of the common people in the world.

How can we not know the truth that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

I have a method that won't hurt the lives of every Liming citizen in Chaoge City. My suggestion is actually pretty good. "

"Oh, Yuanyuan Tianzun has such a good idea, hurry up and talk to Wuxin Saint, and make Wuxin Saint happy, after all, it also relieves him of his urgent needs.

Didn't you see that the Wuxin sage is running around in a hurry, he is also green for the good of the human race, so if you have a good idea, you might as well talk about it."

When Nuwa heard what Yuan Yuan Tianzun said, she looked at Lin Buer again.

Seeing that Lin Buer was also anxiously waiting for Yuan Tianzun and her to resolve matters in the human race.

Empress Nuwa was also there and couldn't wait to express her thoughts to the original Tianzun, "Hey, Empress Nuwa has no heart to be a saint, do you know these things are actually very simple? .

Chapter 310 IX Throwing a Barrier Out of Air

As long as I throw an enchantment out of thin air in mid-air, and put the mutated John Xungang in the enchantment, with the current ability of John Xungang.

He can't break through this barrier, as long as Lin Buer handles him in the barrier, wouldn't it be fine?He has no way to rush out of my enchantment now.

That is to say, the body of the saint of Wuxin, he can break through the barrier, so wouldn't my idea be better, then the human race will definitely not be implicated.

The Liming people of Chaoge City will not be hurt at all, they can live and work in peace and contentment, even if Lin Buer is fighting with that mutant now.

It will not hurt the people of Limin in Chaoge City at all. "Lin Buer heard the idea of ​​Yuan Tianzun, and he just thought it was a great idea.

I didn't expect that Yuan Tianzun was a saint after all. He could come up with such a good idea in such a short period of time. How could he be so stupid at that time.

He even forgot about this enchantment. If it was really an enchantment thrown out of thin air, it would be able to envelop John Xungang in it.

Of course, he couldn't break through. With John Xungang, now she only has the ability to kill strange beasts to break through the barrier.

It was easier said than done, would it be possible to trap John Xungang in this barrier so that he could not get out? "Oh, Yuan Tianzun is a good idea.

Why didn't I, the unintentional saint, think of it?That's right, if an enchantment is set up, then Chaoge City of the human race will definitely be safe and sound. This idea is good.

But you have to know that mutant Ren John Xungang's current body is almost crushed to the horizon. Can you transform such a big enchantment into it?

This requires a strong cultivation base, I can't do it, if you can really help me, the Wuxin sage is here to thank Yuan Tianzun for his rebuilding grace on behalf of the people of the human race."

As soon as Lin Buer heard about this, he felt that if this matter could really be according to what Yuan Yuan Tianzun said, then the human race must be in peace now.

It seems that it is impossible to create such a powerful enchantment with one's own ability, if Yuan Tianzun can help.

That is naturally good, but Lin Buer knows that since Yuanshi Tianzun can say that, he must be able to do it, otherwise how could he say it at will.

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