Presumably, Lin Buer is well aware of everything that is happening in Chaoge City now. Yuan Yuan Tianzun just sneered twice when he heard what Lin Buer said.

Then he waved his sleeve in the air at will, and then muttered something in his mouth, and he did it in front of Lin Buer and Nuwa Empress.

0 ......  

At this moment, Lin Buer had already seen Yuan Tianzun, and half of the sky was cut by Yuan Yuan Tianzun from the middle the moment he waved his sleeves.

The original Tianzun raised his sleeves high, and then pointed his palm at the lower realm of Chaoge City.

He swung it vigorously, and in an instant a huge barrier had enveloped Chaoge City, and John Xungang's huge body had been wrapped by this barrier.

"Sage Wuxin, please look at my Yuan Tianzun, I will do what I say, this is just the power of the law I use.

It's nothing more than a little effort, but I still hope that the unintentional saint, you don't want to laugh at me. "The Primordial Son of Heaven.

Chapter 320 Resolving the Human Crisis

He was so proud that he had already created such a powerful enchantment, and then he said it in front of Lin Buer with a snap of his fingers.

Lin Buer has also seen this powerful enchantment, which has shrouded John Xungang's body, and John Xungang is still spinning around there foolishly.

I don't know what happened, but it is obvious that the big spiritual power barrier is now covering "[-]" on John Xungang's body in the beautiful country, and John Xungang was stunned.

Lin Buer saw the current situation of Chaoge City in mid-air Lin Buer was extremely happy, "Yuan Tianzun, I didn't expect your mana to be so powerful and boundless.

I am really ashamed of the unintentional saint. If I can cultivate like the original Tianzun with the powerful power of boundless law, then I will be satisfied with my unintentional saint.

Now I really envy you Yuan Tianzun's power of good fortune, this time you can relieve the crisis for the people of Limin in Chaoge City and resolve all creatures in Chaoge City.

It is all the creatures in Chaoge City who escaped from this slaughter, this is the good result of your Yuanshi Tianzun, everything must have a cause and effect, and your Yuanshi Tianzun has a deep fortune in the dark."

Facing the chaoge under the sky, Lin Buer was satisfied with the enchantment of Neishuo's elder brother Lin Buer. Thinking about it, John Xungang in the beautiful country must not be able to escape from this enchantment.

Now it seems that Chaoge City should be safe in Xian'an, and Lin Buer's hanging heart finally let go, "Yuan Tianzun Wuxin Saint said something urgent.

Now, according to Wuxin sage, today you Yuanshi Tianzun has indeed resolved the crisis in the world, which is also the intention of your original Tianzun.

So today you have indeed done something of immeasurable merit. "Nvwa Empress heard what the Wuxin sage said, and felt that what the Wuxin sage said was true.

Empress Nuwa agrees with Yuan Tianzun's approach this time, "Hey, what are you going to do next, Saint Wuxin, are you going to return to the human race?

Now the mutated person in Chaoge City has been restrained by the barrier created by Yuanshi Tianzun. I think the human race should be safe now. If you go to the human race, there is no danger.

Also please come to Wowa Palace to find me, I will definitely help. "In the eyes of Empress Nuwa, now Lin Buer has actually accomplished what he is thinking about now. …

It shouldn't be a big problem, since now I and Yuan Tianzun also ask Lin Buer for help and I know it.

Jiang Ziya just seems that he should beg Lin Buer to deal more with the human race in the matter of conferring the gods. He must help Jiang Ziya find a wise king.

"Yeah, Nuwa Empress Yuan Tianzun thinks that I, Lin Buer, have stayed here for a long time. I really want to go back to the human race and have a look. Now Chaoge City is in chaos. How can this be done?"

Lin Buer is finally relieved now, he feels that he can finally return to the human race, and now he can almost get rid of Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

As long as the two of them get rid of 1.8, it will be easy to return to Chaoge City by myself, and now I don't know what happened in the live broadcast room.

Lin Buer knew that once he left the live broadcast room, those onlookers would be dumbfounded, and he hadn't met those people in the live broadcast room for a long time.

Do you feel that you have escaped with the emperor's seal again?Lin Buer thinks about it, whether the live broadcast room can be plunged into chaos.

Chapter 320 Disappeared

Now Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoselei Wujie and the others must be anxiously waiting, since he hasn't shown up for a long time, Chaoge City must be in chaos.

Lin Buer really wants to turn on his system now to see if there is any new amount of information in the system, but it is just because Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress are present.

No matter how anxious Lin Buer was, he couldn't turn on his system, otherwise, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?

The onlookers in Xia Guo's live broadcast room were instantly dumbfounded.

 09 Now Lin Buer has disappeared for half a day. Facing the endless oppression of the beautiful country John Xungang, if he continues, the entire Chaoge City will be destroyed.

Now even the host in Xia Guo's live broadcast room has disappeared. I don't know if the current situation in this live broadcast room can be tolerated.

"What kind of tricks am I going to do? If this continues, the entire Chaoge City will be destroyed by John Xungang from the beautiful country? What will the people here do?

The people here were killed by him, John Xungang from the beautiful country is really ruthless, and their players from the beautiful country are merciless.

It's really hateful, where did Lin Buer go?Come here quickly, if you don't come out again, let these people insult all the people of our Xia Kingdom. "

"That's right, Lin Buer, where did you go? We don't want you to really run away with the emperor's seal like those unreasonable onlookers said?

Even if I kill him, I don't believe that Lin Buer is definitely not that kind of person. Would he give up Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser?Has he abandoned Bai Yuekui?

It's impossible that he will come back sooner or later, so you can rest assured and watch it carefully. Now I think Lin Buer should be back soon.

At this most critical moment, if Lin Buer does not go to save Bai Yuekui, who will save him? "

"You people of the Kingdom of Xia think quite beautifully, you don't even think about it, it's been a long time, Lin Buer will come back long ago, you are a dreamer every day.

You wishful thinking guy, don't daydream there, just think about these people from Chaoge City.

They will be killed by the contestants of our beautiful country in a short time, and now those treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City belong to our beautiful country."

"I don't even think about it, John Xungang from the beautiful country has already received a reward and a demon refining pot, think about it, what else is there to say.

The arrogance and luck of your Xia Kingdom are nothing more than that, isn't it just that you have obtained the seal of a human emperor?Even if luck is all in your country of Xia, so what?

Now that Lin Buer has disappeared, no matter how many contracts there are, they will all be taken away by Lin Buer, and they have nothing to do with these Xia people in Chaoge City." 060.

"I can't believe that they belong to Xia Country, Lin Buer is actually a coward, and they are not as good as our beautiful country's contestants after all, let's see.

Even those two idiots from Kimchi Country are better than Lin Buer. ""Yeah, who is talking nonsense there, and said they can stand in the right team.

Take a look, now Lin Bu Er Tao Zhiyao is gone, leaving a poor Bai Yuekui there.

Those two idiots from the Kimchi Country are still chasing after Bai Yuekui, they don’t care about your life anymore, now the Kimchi Country must be dumbfounded."

Chapter 320 Arrogance

"Fake, that's all for Lin Buer. After waiting for half a day, there is no news at all. I'm going to fix the mouths of you players like Xia Guo, you know?

Let you know how powerful our beautiful country players are. I was thinking that our beautiful country can re-select a few more players. It seems that John Xungang can deal with you.

Don't you have a Lin Buer?What's the big deal, he doesn't know where he has gone now, this cowardly guy.

It really makes our beautiful country despise people who look down on your Xia country."

"Kimchi Xiaoguo, take a look, this is the fate of you standing on the wrong team, you know, just now you were laughing at our beautiful country, now it's okay.

Finally, it's your turn to reap the consequences, so do whatever you can.

You ignorant people now have all the luck in the hands of our beautiful country, and we have obtained the ancient artifact refining pot.

Even if all those ancient mythical beasts bound in the underground palace are released, I think our beautiful country John Xungang's demon refining pot can also collect these ancient mythical beasts.

At that time, we will definitely get bigger rewards, and the system will definitely give us more generous rewards in the beautiful country. You small kimchi countries, just watch there, I am so envious of you. "we"

"Those ignorant folks in Kimchi Country, relying on their good relationship with Xia Guo, thought of using their two players, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, to get close to their father Bai Yuekui.

I want to show them some good treasures from their fingers, and go back to their kimchi country to show them off. Now that it's all over, your dream of kimchi country will be ruined.

Is this what you call the fate of standing on the wrong team?Haha, this is the kimchi country you talked about before.

Why don't you kimchi country have time to think about what you two contestants Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie should do?In a few moments I'll have John Steel from our beautiful country kill them all.

Let your kimchi country no longer have players to send ignorant people."

Those onlookers in the beautiful country saw Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia country, already holding the emperor's seal. They didn't know where he went, and they didn't come out for a long time.

Now I have seen John Xungang of the arrogant beautiful country, where the constant roar is deafening, and the mutated beautiful country.

John Xungang's roar, the powerful force in the curse, shook the surrounding area of ​​Chaoge City.

I didn't see the double image of Lin Buer, and I saw John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, sitting there and going crazy, which made the people in the beautiful country in the live broadcast room very excited.

Especially now that this live broadcast room is open to those from various countries, the onlookers themselves are facing the players from the United States, and they have hope.

Unexpectedly, now the contestants of the beautiful country have obtained (the king's) the ancient artifact demon refining pot under the reward of the system, which has increased the self-confidence of the onlookers outside the live broadcast room.

Now the onlookers in the beautiful country are very excited, and they can play freely in the live broadcast room and say what they want to say.

Facing the big screen in the live broadcast room, they kept tapping their keyboards.

Unscrupulously want to speak out his inner thoughts, the most important thing is to hit Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

Chapter 320 Three Countries Join Forces

There is also the arrogance of Kim Xiaoser and Lei Wujie from Kimchi Country.

From their point of view, since Lin Buer had disappeared in the live broadcast room, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie Bai Yuekui was not a beautiful country at all, and John Xungang's opponent casually stomped on John Xungang's foot.

I wish I could crush Bai Yuekui from Xia Kingdom and Jin Xiaoselei Wujie from Kimchi Kingdom into fine pieces and make them disappear in this live broadcast room.

Then the ignorant people in the remaining countries are not their opponents in the beautiful country at all, and now even the players who have been helping the beautiful country.

 060 John Xungang's two players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Curley, are already known.

The system gave them a lot of rewards from America's player John Xungang, which stunned the two family members of Ah Sanguo, although they had already been defeated by Chanjiao Randeng.

In his hand, he also has the ancient artifact given to the two of them by the lamp, but for these two people from the three countries, he is also particularly envious of John Xungang from the United States.

Being able to get rich rewards in the system allows them to face people from various countries around the world in the live broadcast room.

All made their beautiful country get appreciated under the eyes of everyone, but the two players from A Sanguo have not yet received systematic rewards.

So the two of them especially admire John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Now they can finally feel that they are on the right team with what Kimchi Kingdom said to Xia Guo before.

"Our three countries are still the smartest, we are now on the right team, we chose the beautiful country, it seems right.

John News Steel in the beautiful country is really amazing, no matter what happens to John Steel in the beautiful country now.

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