Our Three Kingdoms will definitely help, don't worry, we must protect the players of the beautiful country no matter what, come on John (ajbi) John Xungang. "

"Xiba, when will it be your turn for these two contestants from the Three Kingdoms to come out and talk nonsense in the live broadcast room, let's forget about the people from the beautiful country talking nonsense.

Our pickle country doesn't care about them at all, they are all ignorant people, and they keep saying that Lin Buer and Xia people have bad things here.

I don't think Lin Buer will really escape. Don't worry, Lin Buer will definitely come back in a short time.

Now John Xungang is just a little arrogant.

What's the big deal, so what about his ancient artifact, the demon-refining pot? Can it really hold up to Lin Bu's second-hand seal of the Emperor?

You two guys, Sanguo, are masters who adapt to the wind.

Lin Buer crushed John Xungang who became a beautiful country, and I haven't seen these two guys from your three countries make a move, so it's better now.

I saw John Xungang from the beautiful country on the side, and he got the ancient artifact. The two of you fell out and talked. You two are villains, you know? "

The Kimchi command room had already heard in the live broadcast room, when the two contestants from Ah Sanguo and the onlookers from Ah Sanguo kept saying these words.

Kimchi Kingdom couldn't bear it anymore, because he knew that Lin Buer's disappearance now must have his own ideas, and he would never give up on Bai Yuekui, now Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

Chapter 320 Four Messed Up

The two of them don't have any freedom of life, so they can only look at it, and they are already on the side of Xia Guo, so they can't turn against each other.

"Kimchi Kingdom doesn't know who you are saying is ignorant, does Xiao Ming know when you are crying? Now you are leaning towards Xia Guo there.

Then you just wait, Lin Buer will never come back.

Now you don't look at who is stronger. It seems that you people from Kimchi Country are blinded by dust.

So I don't want to argue with you ignorant small countries, let's just watch the situation in the live broadcast room.

Just wait and see, if Lin Buer really comes back, then he will definitely not be the opponent of John Xungang in the beautiful country. "

Wu Nian'an, who was in the command room of Xia Guo Guo Yun, had never dared to go out in the live broadcast room, because he knew that it was related to all the luck of Xia Guo Guo.

I don't know where Lin Buer went.

From Wu Nian'an's point of view, even now that Lin Buer hadn't run back to Xia Guo, Lin Buer was probably thinking about how to deal with John Xungang.

"What about Wu Nian'an? Now the superiors have already called to ask, and I told you that you are not in the live broadcast room. I don't know how to reply them now.

I can only wait and see, I hope Lin Buer will come out soon, and now I don’t know where Lin Buer has gone, didn’t you tell me before?

I sent messages to his system several times, but Lin Buer didn't reply. Is it stuck again?Or did he not hear from us?

what should I do?It's hard to say if the superiors are asking, you haven't seen the citizens of various countries in the live broadcast room complaining there.

They are all pointing to Lin Buer, our Xia country player, if this continues, all the pages we have downloaded will be thrown into the superior leadership by Lin Buer, and we will not be able to pay the job."

The staff in Xia Guo Guo Yun's command room complained to Wu Nian'an, who was sitting next to the phone and watching the live broadcast.

Because Wu Nian'an already knew about it before, and now such a situation has suddenly occurred in the live broadcast room.

It is certain that the superiors will ask, so he knows that he can only suppress the current matter before talking about it, if he talks to the superiors.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Then it must have been reprimanded again, and now that Lin Buer has not come back, then Lin Buer must have his own ideas, in Wu Nian'an.

It seems that before everything is clarified, this matter must be suppressed first, so he did not answer the call from their superiors.

0 ...... 0

So he asked his staff to pick it up for him, but now Wu Nian'an's overall mood is not very good.

Because facing the remarks made by the citizens of various countries in the live broadcast room, it really troubled him, and his eyes fell into a state of emptiness.

"Hey, what should I do, it's not that I don't answer the calls from our superiors, you can see that, now the live broadcast room is in chaos.

Those people in various countries have already made so many speeches.

They all pointed all the blame at our country of Xia, isn't it because our player of the country of Xia, Lin Buer, got the seal of the emperor?Son.

Chapter 320 No reply to messages

So they are all jealous there, our country of Xia has taken away all the luck of various countries from him, and now they all hate our player Lin Buer of our country of Xia.

So once something happened to Xia Guo's players, wouldn't they all gloat in the live broadcast room?Think about it, facing so much pressure.

The higher-ups are also putting pressure on me. Where can I get Lin Buer back? I, "[-]", have already told you to send messages to his system.

Didn't Lin Buer not reply until now?He can't see people alive or dead now. I have no choice but to stand up. I'll wait for a while to see.

If Lin Buer really has no news, I really have nothing to do.

It seems that I have to call the superior in person. "When Wu Nian'an faced the words that the staff around him said to him.

He also expressed his thoughts helplessly, "Yes, Wu Nian'an, if I think about it, I can't blame you entirely.

You see, Lin Buer is really outrageous now, he sent him so many system messages, and he didn't even reply, at least you know where he is.

He is so defiant now, and it's no wonder that the superiors are angry. Look at what's going on in the live broadcast room. If it were me, I would be so worried.

Such a great pressure and heavy burden are all on you alone. Thinking about it, you are so pitiful, okay, if the superior leader sends another message or calls again later.

Let me talk about it for you first, if you really can't fool me, you can talk about it, maybe Lin Buer will come back now. "

The staff in Xia Guo Guoyun's command room saw Wu Nian'an's helplessness, and he knew that the superior's side was indeed difficult to deal with.

It seems that he can only carry it for him for a while, and now he is also praying silently in his heart, Lin Buer, come out quickly, if Lin Buer doesn't come out again.

At the very least, you have to send a message, "Bai Yuekui, look at the entire live broadcast room has exploded, and now even the host in the live broadcast room has disappeared.

He didn't dare to come out to host. Thinking about it, Lin Buer is really annoying. Just now I also sent Lin Buer several Xiaoxi Lin Buer, but I didn't reply what happened to him.  … .....

Even if his system is stuck, can he still find time to take a look?Did he really go back?No, Bai Yuekui, hurry up and download it for you, and I'll send you a message too.

Ask about Lin Buer's whereabouts, don't you see that the people from various countries in the live broadcast room are in chaos?They are growing slowly now, and I can't stand it anymore.

Lin Buer, it really gives us a headache, come out quickly, we really can't stand it if this goes on. "Jin Xiaoser continued to send less and less.

Because he also saw in the system what the generals in their kimchi 1.8 command room said in kimchi.

And the people of the Kimchi Country were saying some fair things for themselves and Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia Country, but the people of various countries responded back there.

This made Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie from Kimchi Country very helpless, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie had nothing to do.

Chapter 320

Now there is not even any news about Lin Buer, and the system has not responded to his message.

Now the onlookers in the entire live broadcast room are constantly upgrading. It seems that if it continues, John News Steel will definitely not be able to hold back.

Now even the nationals of the Three Kingdoms and the players of the Three Kingdoms are laughing at Kimchi Country's supplies and Lin Buer's incompetence. For Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

The two of them were really passive, so they told Bai Yuekui what they thought about 09 in their hearts, and wanted Bai Yuekui to think of a solution as soon as possible.

He couldn't be ridiculed by those irrelevant people. When Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie said, he was also very helpless.

Because he also received Xia Guoguoyun command room, Wu Nian'an sent him two messages.

They were all asking about Lin Buer, and they all wanted Bai Yuekui to tell him that they never thought that Bai Yuekui had no news at all.

He also has no way to reply to me with Wu Nian'an, so he can only stand there to see if Lin Buer can give it back, "Oh, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie.

You two don't worry there, I think John Xungang has become like this now, he is too arrogant, he doesn't take us Xia Guo into his eyes at all.

Not to mention the contestants from your kimchi country.

This is the so-called steel wall for personal use. Sooner or later he will be punished. I am not optimistic about what John Xungang in the beautiful country can do.

Although the system gave him such a big reward, in my opinion, it was nothing more than a reward. How could he compare with the Seal of the Emperor in Lin Bu's second hand?

So I believe that Lin Buer will come back. Do you two have to put your mentality in order?

Don't be disturbed by what the people from various countries said in the live broadcast room, and don't be angry, Lin Buer will definitely come back to save us.

Aren't we relatively safe now?If we really encountered any kind of situation, Lin Buer would never stand idly by. "

Bai Yuekui heard Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie complaining for no reason in front of him, and in Bai Yuekui's view, he didn't know how to deal with it.

He just expressed his inner thoughts, but he knew that Lin Buer must be around him, and he would never leave his Bai Yuekui.

This self-confidence is still there, because facing Brother Chao, he hasn't got all the treasures from the underground palace, and his task has not been completed, so how could he leave.

If those people in Xia Guo's command room returned to Xia Guo, they would definitely not let Lin Buer stop, Bai Yuekui knew this well.

So he felt that Lin Buer, that is, 060, wanted to return to Xia Kingdom, but it would definitely not be this time.

Especially the mutated John Xungang is crushing the people in Chaoge City, how can Lin Buer allow this John Xungang to bully the people of Chaoge City at will?

This actually coincides with Bai Yuekui's thinking, so he thinks that Lin Buer should not be too far away from him, "Okay.

Bai Yuekui, actually I still believe in you, I just can't understand those people in the live broadcast room causing trouble for no reason, you know?

None of them looked down on Lin Buer.

Chapter 320 VII Access Information

But in my opinion, Lin Buer will never give up on you, even if he doesn't care about me and Lei Wujie, he won't give up on you, Bai Yuekui. "

When Jin Xiaose heard what Bai Yuekui said.

He was also thinking in his heart, just like what Bai Yuekui said just now, Lin Buer would never let these people in Chaoge City ignore him.

Especially the one who won't give up on Bai Yuekui, who doesn't like someone as beautiful as Bai Yuekui, and he might really be killed by the beautiful country's contestants.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, no matter what those people in the live broadcast room say now, you two don't worry too much, you know? I believe that Lin Buer will come back in a short time.

Although John Xungang looks like this now, as long as we don't provoke him or touch him for the time being, I think we can maintain it for a while and wait and see. "

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