"I'm going, these people in this beautiful country are too arrogant, have they seen that we have no one under them now, it is really infuriating.

Lin Buer is also really disappointing, where did he really go, come out quickly, he is too anxious now.

If you don't come out again, you can't stand it if you haven't seen what these people in these beautiful countries say. "he".

"Lin Buer, I know you will never give up on those people in Chaoge City, think about it, there is still Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoselei Wujie waiting for you there, where did you go, hurry up and come out.

Now I saw these people in the live broadcast room say this sentence, it is too arrogant, if I were you, I would never let them go.

Where do these shameless people in the beautiful country look? Didn't they just get a systematic reward?What is this reward?

Now panic them like that and come out quickly, Lin Buer will kill their prestige and their morale is too hateful. "

"Hey, tell me that now that Lin Buer has been away for so long, the entire live broadcast room is empty, so we just leave it to the onlookers to watch.

Although we are all loyal fans of Lin Buer, we can't always be like this, can Lin Buer really come back?I'm also a little apprehensive now.

Look at those people from those beautiful countries and those from various countries, oh yes, there are also those citizens of the three countries who are talking about these things there.

Now I don't know who is telling the truth. ""` ‖What is going on in your mind?What's the use of talking about this for no reason?

Don't you believe in Lin Buer?Don't worry, I am optimistic about Lin Buer, no matter what this mutated John Xungang looks like now.

After all, he is not Lin Buer's opponent. Now that the luck of the entire Xia Kingdom is in the hands of Lin Buer, what are you afraid of?

Don't worry, even if John Xungang really mutated into a powerful lethal force, and also has the system rewarded demon refining pot, so what?

Have you ever considered that this demon refining pot seems to have no effect on Lin Buer? "

"Hey, that's right, you're right, I checked the information just now, and I also looked for things about the Demon Refining Pot, and I feel that the Demon Refining Pot seems to be real.

Chapter 320 The eighth chapter is useless to saints

It doesn't work with Lin Buer. Do you know that Lin Buer is already a saint now.

He has already stepped into the way of heaven. Think about it, the demon refining pot is only lethal to those ancient beasts, but not to the body of a saint like Lin Buer.

It seems that there is no survival order at all, that is, the existence of the eternal real body. Now I have also checked the information to know that the demon refining pot can't hurt Lin Buer at all.

It's just that it's ridiculous for the people of the beautiful country to talk about these things, they don't understand these treasures of our Xia country at all."

"Really? If this demon refining pot can't hurt our Xia country's contestants against Lin Buer.

Then there is no way, now think about these citizens of the beautiful country, it is really ridiculous, holding the demon pot that was just rewarded by the system.

060 always felt that he could subdue Lin Buer. It seemed that Lin Buer's body of a saint was not given for nothing, but it was an indestructible spirit.

It is impossible for their demon refining pot to prevent Lin Buer from doing well. The law in the demon refining pot will be swallowed up by the Renhuang seal in Lin Buer's (ajbi) hand.

So what is the use of this baby he got now?Empty talk, empty talk is ridiculous."

"If that's the case, that's really great, then I don't have to worry about Lin Buer, it doesn't matter when Lin Buer comes back.

I'm still wondering, now that John Xungang can get the system, will such a big reward hurt Lin Buer?

Thanks to the information you checked, you told us in the live broadcast room, I can rest assured this time, I have to have a good meal.

Gather enough energy and strength to come back and see how Lin Buer dealt with John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, and those two idiots from the Three Kingdoms."

This is where the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were chatting constantly, and they were all guessing what Lin Buer was going to be.

After all, they are still worried about Lin Buer's safety, and now they all feel that John Xungang of the beautiful country has received a reward from the system and has obtained an ancient artifact.

Can the demon refining pot have any lethal effect on Lin Buer?I didn't expect that the people in the live broadcast room were really enthusiastic.

They were all concerned about Lin Buer's dynamics there, and then they went through various materials at the moment Lin Buer disappeared, only to find the record about the demon refining pot.

Only then did I know that this demon refining pot will not hurt Lin Buer's current saint body at all. The people in the live broadcast room now know such an important thing for them.

I'm so happy, because as long as they don't hurt Lin Buer, they still have something to watch in the live broadcast room, if this demon refining pot can really hurt Lin Buer's body.

Then they will definitely worry about Lin Buer.

Now that the onlookers have learned such an important clue in Lin Buer's live broadcast room, their hearts are now relieved.

"Hey, have you seen those two fox spirits on the city of Chaoge City? I just took a casual look, and those two fox spirits are really ridiculous.

Now I am staring straight at John Xungang outside Chaoge City, but have you noticed that there seems to be something wrong with the eyes of that vixen Daji?

Chapter 320 IX Linglong Pagoda

Take a closer look. If I read correctly, he must be looking for Lin Buer there. He still wants to find Lin Buer, but we can't find him. It's ridiculous that he still wants to look for him. "

"Oh, yes, I've been following those two vixen's movements, I don't know what's going on with them, look at what Bai Qian and Daji are talking about now.

I was wondering if they regretted transporting Renhuang to Lin Buer, or they still wanted to take the Renhuang seal back from Lin Buer.

It seems that this is nonsense, they have no common sense at all, and now the luck of the Renhuang Seal has been swallowed up by Lin Buer, even if the Renhuang Seal is given to them.

I'm afraid it's just an airlift, with no magic power at all, they're just guessing there now, and these two vixens don't want to rush for anything now."

"Oh, it's a pity, these two vixen are the best in the world, Lin Buer's beauty is still quite superficial, and this vixen Daji has taken a fancy to her.

You see, Bai Yuekui is actually quite beautiful, but compared to Daji's fox charm, Bai Yuekui is still slightly inferior, I don't know what Lin Buer thinks.

If Lin Buer can take advantage of Daji's current appearance, can he return some more treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace treasure house?

It’s actually not bad to use some beauty tricks, but I don’t know if Lin Buer can implement it, haha” “What are you thinking?Do you think Lin Buer is really someone like you?

I am quite optimistic about Lin Buer, you see he has been very good to Bai Yuekui, if Lin Buer hadn't returned to Chaoge City this time, he wanted to see Bai Yuekui.

He will definitely be harmed by John Xungang from the beautiful country and these two disciples from Ah Sanguo. Now Lin Buer still has Bai Yuekui in his heart.

Take a look, anyway, I don't like that vixen, that vixen just used some vixen tricks, think about how miserable Bo Yi's death in the exam was.

I don't want Lin Buer to have such a tragic ending as Bo Yikao's. If that vixen gets tired of playing, will he kill Lin Buer?

It’s better not to be fooled by him if Lin doesn’t have 2000 million, you guys don’t want to make random guesses here, I’m not optimistic about that vixen.”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"Everyone is so talented, when are you still thinking about this here, I think the magic weapon in the hands of the two Ah Sanguo is quite powerful.

I also looked up the information just now, especially the exquisite golden pagoda in Sharmad's hand, something that even saints are afraid of.

What if he really wants to use this exquisite golden pagoda to deal with Lin Buer?Didn't you see these two disciples of the Three Kingdoms blindly flattering the beautiful country?

0 ...... 0

It seems that the two of them will make a move sooner or later, but I'm worried about the two A Sanguo players.

I'm really afraid that he will deal with Lin Buer. In fact, whether Lin Buer's current skills can handle it is still a question? "Accompanied by the enthusiastic onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room.

There, they kept guessing what was about to happen in Chaoge City, and everyone was worried there, all for Lin Buer's safety.

It seems that Lin Buer's popularity is not bad, and the live broadcast room is now full of onlookers.

General Tom in the command room of the National Games of the United States has always been sitting on his huge sofa.

Chapter 330 Growing up

Watching the live broadcast of the Shanhai interface, the huge pipe is being held in the hands of General Tom, playing with it, and the cloud that is still swallowing it in his mouth is still there, watching triumphantly The dynamics in the live broadcast room, those people who saw their beautiful country.

When he kept uttering words that attacked Xia Guo's nationals and attacked Xia Guo's player Lin Buer in the live broadcast room, General Tom "Zero Sixty" jumped off his huge sofa happily.

And the eyes are extremely excited.

"Hey, let's see if you all put down what you're doing, sit in the live broadcast room and see what the people in the live broadcast room are saying, it's all over now.

Our beautiful country is always on top. They see that people in various countries are praising the people of our beautiful country, and they are also flattering the players of our beautiful country.

Let's see, it's all because of the honor brought to us by John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country. I didn't expect our beautiful country to have such a powerful player.

Let the people of Xia Kingdom feel sorry for themselves, look, the players they are sending now, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, they have no power to parry or fight back.

In an instant, John Xungang of our beautiful country can crush those players from various countries who are against our beautiful country players.

Especially the two contestants from Kimchi Country, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, these two shameless guys are still there to treat Bai Yuekui, and what's the use of Lin Buer?

Their current player Lin Buer from the Xia Kingdom is already in love, don't look at him with the emperor's seal in his hand, so what?

Now all the situation is on the side of our beautiful country, come and see what the people in the live broadcast room are saying.

That is the naked expression of my heart, I am so happy, those things just now have made me terrified, and now I am fine.

I finally don't worry about our beautiful country. Although their luck has been taken away by their Xia country, our morale cannot be lost.

You can't lose to Xia Guo's players, you know? "

General Tom in the command room of the National Games in the beautiful country happily called all the officers under him to his side, and let them all sit on the sofa.  …

They all watched the dynamics in the live broadcast room and rejoiced for their beautiful country.

"Yeah, General Tom is really very happy. If you are happy, of course our officers will be happy too. After all, this is a contestant from our beautiful country.

Now he has obtained such a big reward in the system, obtained so many gold coins, and also obtained an ancient artifact refining pot.

How useful is this demon refining pot?Seeing the appearance prompted by the system seems to be quite miraculous. It seems that John News Steel in our beautiful country has grown again.

As long as he continues to grow, then what is our beautiful country afraid of 1.8?Could it be that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, one of Xia Guo's contestants, would be suppressed by them?

It is impossible for our beautiful country to always be above their Xia country. I can still see hope in this regard. "

The Commander of the National Games of the Beautiful Country is General Tom's subordinates, all of whom were there to flatter their beards and saw how happy General Tom was there.

Chapter 330 Tom Don't Be Happy Too Early

Taking advantage of the opportunity, they also asked General Tom for a few glasses of good red wine while smoking cigars.

While tasting the red wine there, I watched all the dynamics in the Shanhai interface live broadcast room, and saw all the citizens praising their players from the beautiful country on the huge screen in the live broadcast room.

Everyone was very happy, touched by the strong honor and hypocrisy, making all those people in the command room of the beautiful national movement extremely excited.

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