"That's right, our American player John Xungang 09 is really angry, I'm happy to see him like this now, can't you see it.

As long as I move my finger a little and send a message to John Xungang in the system, won't the whole Chaoge City be destroyed?

The Shanghai interface will definitely be messed up by John Xungang.

In my opinion, the life and death of those people in Chaoge City are in the hands of our beautiful country, John Xungang, as long as we stomp our feet.

It was able to crush those people in Chaoge City to pieces. The people of Xia Kingdom were so relentless, Haha Lin Buer had already fled away.

His ability to escape is still quite good. He didn't expect that the people of Xia Kingdom were still there to support him. See if he will let them know how incompetent Lin Buer is sooner or later. "

Tom was even more intoxicated when he heard the words said to him by the officers next to him. Now he just watched all the dynamics in the live broadcast room of the Shanghai interface.

The whole person was terribly excited there, constantly insulting Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, and even laughing at the ignorant people of Kimchi and Xia Guo.

In the eyes of General Tom, no one is as good as the citizens of their beautiful country, "What about General Tom? This may be the situation at the mountain-sea interface.

Chief Jerry definitely doesn't know. Shall we inform Chief Jerry and let him come over to see the situation in the live broadcast room.

If he can be reborn if he sees John Xungang from our beautiful country, it will be really good for our beautiful country.

Moreover, we have obtained such powerful points from the system, and such high rewards. Think about it, if Chief Jerry knows, he will be happy for us."

The officer next to him was very happy to see General Tom there, and he suddenly thought of the Shanhai interface, and all the current dynamics in the live broadcast room might be.

Chief Jerry doesn't know yet, he just saw Lin Buer crushing John Xungang in the beautiful country.

At that time, all the luck in the Shan Hai Jing interface was swallowed up by Lin Buer, and now it is just the opposite, and John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, finally stood up at 060.

So the officers next to them felt that it was necessary to report such good news to Chief Jerry, so that he would also be happy for the contestants in the beautiful country.

"Oh no, wait a minute, I think this matter will be notified to Chief Jerry after a while, he still has a lot of things to do in his hands, you must know that Chief Jerry thinks more far-sighted.

Let's not bother Chief Jerry with his errands if he's done for a while.

He will definitely come to our command room to take a look, and then we will report the good news to him.

Now you can watch the dynamics of Shan Hai meet with peace of mind here, I think Jerry will wait and talk about it.".

Chapter 330: The Unintentional Saint's Figure Disappears

General Tom was a little lost when he heard the generals next to him and his advice, because they were going to know.

Among these chiefs, Jerry is outstanding, and now he is going out sharply to find some powerful players. How can such an important matter bother Jerry?

After all, he also arranges matters for the national destiny of the entire beautiful country, unlike these senior officials who only care about sitting here and enjoying the benefits.

Chief Jerry needs to worry about everything, because General Tom knows Chief Jerry well.

He knows that what he is doing now is for the citizens of the entire beautiful country.

All medicines have to be prepared in advance, but Chief Jerry can prepare related matters later, so General Mu decided that he would never allow Jerry to be disturbed by such an important matter.

If he has made any arrangements, he will definitely return to the live broadcast room, although now he knows that Xia Guo's national destiny is in the hands of Lin Buer.

He also absolutely does not allow any mistakes in the beautiful country. When those officers heard what General Tom said, they did not take it seriously.

They feel that it doesn't matter anymore, so what if there is Jerry?It's just that I came to the live broadcast room of Shanhai interface to watch the excitement.

Now the contestants in the beautiful country are indeed detached. It is impossible for any player to compare with their beautiful country's player John Xungang. John Xungang is invincible.

So when those officers heard what they said.

They didn't take it seriously, so they continued to happily celebrate the current momentum of their beautiful country, Chaoge City.

Daji and Bai Qian on the city were very worried there.

Because I have seen the beautiful country John News Steel mutate into this look.

In fact, they are more or less worried about themselves.

"Auntie Baiqian, hurry up and think of a way, or the two of us will do something first to block Chaoge City for him, and prevent John Xungang from the beautiful country from coming to our Chaoge City, wouldn't it be all right?

If this John Xungang continues, the entire Chaoge City will be destroyed.

I am not worried about the life and death of those people in Chaoge City. The life and death of those people has nothing to do with us, but those treasures in the underground palace in Chaoge City are a pity for nothing. ". "

Daji looked at Bai Qian while talking, because Daji knew that Bai Qian still had Nuwa now, and Yang Yang just wanted to use his own hands to get the seal of the emperor.

Seeing Bai Qian's current intentions, she just wanted to take the Human Emperor's Seal to the monster clan, but in fact, it's not a big deal, just take it.

It's just that even if he had such an idea, Lin Buer disappeared. This unintentional saint is really a worrying guy, why hasn't he appeared yet?

Now Dajiyi (the king's) has been watching the outside of the city with his eyes, just hoping to see the figure of the Wuxin saint, "` ‖ Forget it, I don't know what Daji and others are thinking.

Don't you know what's on your mind when you think I'm there?All these things you think in my heart are pretending in my heart, and I tell you that even if the unintentional saint has returned.

You absolutely can't have any past with him, do you know?Wuxin sage is not something that you, a fox demon, can be seduced by. ".

Chapter 330 Three Punishment Daji

Come to think of it, he is already a respected position in the Dao of Heaven. With your status as a fox demon, are you worthy of associating with someone like Wuxin Saint?He will never fall in love with you.

But you also have to remember what I said, take the Renhuang seal from the Wuxin sage, do you know that this is for the sake of all the fox clan in Qingqiu?"

Seeing Daji's expression, Bai Qian knew that Daji, a little monster, was still thinking about it carefully, and it seemed that the Wuxin sage must put some pressure on him.

Absolutely can't let Daji run amok anymore. 060, she will never grow up. Doesn't he care about their luck after the fox clan?

It's just because of his own selfish thoughts that he fell in love with the face of Lei Wujie, the Wuxin sage, and now he has surrendered all the emperor's seals in Chaoge City, how can this be possible?

Daji, a vixen, must get the seal of the emperor back from Lin Bu's second hand, "Oh, if you don't see where my aunt is, can I think so?

Don't I care about the luck of our demon clan, just like you said?Don't worry, I will definitely take the Renhuang Seal back from Wuxin Sage for you, isn't that all right?

Auntie, don't be angry with me. Do you know that I am really under a lot of pressure now? You don't even know that today I lost all face in front of Empress Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa is almost going to punish me, she also wants to get the Seal of the Emperor, doesn't she?It made me like this, do you think I live comfortably?

Isn't it?I'm still thinking about how to take the Renhuang Seal from the hands of the Wuxin sage, and you don't even look at it. People in Chaoge City are panicking now.

There is no sign of the Wuxin sage at all, and you don't even look at the fact that there is no trace of the Wuxin sage now, I just want to take the seal of the emperor back from his hand.

It's about finding people, too, isn't it?Well, auntie, don't get angry with me there, don't worry, auntie Baiqian (ajbi), this matter is in my hands.

As soon as I get the Seal of the Emperor, can I send him to my aunt?

As for Empress Nuwa, I have my own explanation. "Daji heard Aunt Bai Qian's words from the side, with strong anger evident in her tone.

Daji knew that her aunt seemed to be really angry with her this time, and it would not be a good thing if she really angered her. Once this aunt went crazy, she would affirm them.

No one will have a good life. It seems that this Emperor's Seal is really taken back from the Wuxin Saint.

Now Daji just doesn't understand why a small human emperor's seal has been thrown in the underground palace of Chaoge City for several years and no one cares about it. Aunt Bai Qian's accusation was just a shattering emperor's seal, and they could all see it.

This is a group of short-sighted people, thinking that he has countless treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City, Li Baoku, which one is not as good as that of the emperor's seal.

After picking and picking, they actually picked such a worthless broken thing there.

Thinking about it, Daji also had some troubles, but everyone knew that he would exchange those treasures in Chaoge City with the Renhuang Seal in Wuxin Saint's hand.

It is absolutely impossible to think about him, who would be stupid to refuse? There are so many treasures in the underground palace, it is better to be straightforward if you don’t want a useless human emperor seal.

Chapter 330 Four Things Outside the Body

Getting the Renhuang Sword from Renhuang Zhou Wang is stronger than the Renhuang Seal, but no matter what you say, the Wuxin Saint has not appeared in Chaoge City.

This made Daji very puzzled, she didn't know where the Wuxin sage went, and she finally broke free from Nuwa Empress's hand.

It was not easy to come back to see the Wuxin sage alive, but when looking at the entire Chaoge City, there was no Wuxin sage.

Daji couldn't help feeling a little worried, "Aunt Baiqian, it's good for me to discuss something with you, don't you just want the Seal of Emperor Wuxin in the hands of Saint Wuxin?

I can help you get it back, but there is one thing that you can't hurt the heartless saint. Do you know that the only person I admire now is the heartless saint.

I don't care what he has, since you like that Emperor's seal, I can agree to your request, and you must agree to me, Aunt Abaishan."

After Daji finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Bai Qian, wanting him to agree to this matter, but he knew that once Aunt Bai Qian got angry, he would never let the unintentional saint go.

With Bai Qian's ability, Daji knew that he wanted to kill Wuxin Saint in a matter of minutes, but could he let Wuxin Saint die in the hands of Aunt Baiqian.

I haven't got the Wuxin sage yet, wouldn't it be a pity to let him lose his life in vain, so when he didn't get the Emperor Seal from the Wuxin sage.

He had to discuss it properly with Aunt Bai Qian.

Because now Daji knows Aunt Bai Qian best, and he has already seen a little murderous intent in Aunt Bai Qian's eyes.

He didn't want the Wuxin sage he was about to get killed by Aunt Baiqian in vain. It's a pity that he just made Wuxin sage happy.

He hasn't got it yet, and he must not be allowed to disappear like this. Daji's voice just fell, when Bai Qian heard what Daji said.

He was very angry in his heart, and then squinted at Daji next to him, "Daji, you little fairy knows how to charm all living beings.

Don't even look at what time it is, now that Jiang Ziya has led the Xiqi army and is about to break down the city gate, and now at this critical juncture.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

You don't think about our monster clan, and you don't think about our monster clan's luck in the future. You are still thinking about the face of Lei Wujie, the Wuxin saint.

After all, you are a vixen, and you will never get rid of your seductive viciousness. Well, as for what you said just now, I will not embarrass you.

I will definitely not make it difficult for you, since you like Lao Liu so much, then I will not kill him and leave it to you, but you have already promised me one thing.

0 ...... 0

Take the seal of the emperor out of the hands of the unintentional sage.

right?If you can't get it back, don't blame me for attacking him. I'll fight him to the death.

I will definitely get the Human Emperor's seal. This is about how the luck of our entire monster race can be obtained by his mortal body, the holy body Lin Buer? "

After Bai Qian finished speaking, she immediately waited and watched the affairs outside Chaoge City with a heavy heart, thinking that Lin Buer would show up as soon as possible.

Relying on Lin Buer's Renhuang Seal, Chaogecheng's luck can be slowly reversed. Once Lin Buer does not return to Chaoge City, their luck is likely to be suppressed by the sons outside.

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