Chapter 330

John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was crushed, and the entire Chaoge City will be destroyed in one generation, and the Emperor's seal has not yet been obtained. Chaoge City must not be destroyed.

Bai Qian was in a state of panic, but she didn't know that the Daji next to her was still thinking about the Wuxin sage, she was really a shameless person.

Daji looked at Bai Qian from the side, and heard that Bai Qian's aunt had agreed to his own affairs, and he was still overjoyed there, so he knew Aunt Bai Qian.

She will indulge herself in everything. It seems that for Wuxin Saint, Aunt Baiqian is not that caring too much, but it is not difficult to just want the Emperor Seal in his hand.

There are so many treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace, wouldn't it be enough for Lin Buer to choose them?Anyway, these things are some things outside the body.

As long as it can win the happiness of the unintentional saint, it is better than anything else.

Anyway, now Daji is willing to offer everything to Wuxin Saint, "I went to hear that the two vixen in Chaoge City are still dreaming.

The two of them are still thinking about the seal of the emperor in Lin Buer's hands. Think about it, these two vixens really have a lot of ambition, a person who wants to get Lin Buer.

A demon clan who wants to get Lin Buer's human emperor seal is a demon clan.

The Lord who charms all living beings.

It seems that they were not wronged at all."

"Yeah, Lin Buer is missing now, and I've been following the dynamics of these two vixens, look what they are talking about.

Both of them are playing Lin Buer's idea, they are really two shameless monsters.

Their hearts are still quite big, it seems that Lin Buer has to be careful, if the merchant is not paying attention, he will be confused by this Daji," "I don't think so.

The two vixens are just daydreaming there, and now you don't look at Chaoge City, and there are places where Bai Yuekui is there.

How could those two vixens succeed?Lin Buer will never make Bai Yuekui sad like this, don't worry, the distance between the two of them will not succeed.

Even if Lin Buer gave Daji the Emperor Seal, so what?Now the skills in the seal of the emperor are basically trained by Lin Buer to almost 0. …

Even if Bai Qian from the Yaozu got it, so what?

It's just an ordinary seal of a human emperor with no skill or luck, and if he gets it, he will be happy for nothing.

At that time, it will only be able to cause a joke in the prehistoric world, what's the big deal, we will see such a good show sooner or later."

"Yeah, it's ridiculous, I've been watching what's going on in Chaoge City, and now the people in the live broadcast room on the Shan Hai Jing interface are quite decent.

Even if Lin Buer, our player from Xia Kingdom, disappeared in the live broadcast room, it didn't affect these people watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room at all.

Our Shan Hai Jing interface is always full of 1.8, which is really lively.

It seems that the appearance of these two foxes on this interface must have influenced many people to watch here, and they all like to watch foxes."

"I don't think there is anything interesting about these two vixens, but after I saw the conversation between the two of them, I found it quite ridiculous.

This is the most ridiculous thing.

Chapter 330

It's been a long time since I saw something as funny as the two of them. It's true that Lin Buer, the two vixens, can really dream about things.

Suddenly provoked the attraction of so many vixens, a person who likes Lin Buer.

A thing that likes Lin Buer, it seems that Lin Buer is the most eye-catching person in our Shan Haijing live broadcast room, everyone is watching there.

It is just to watch Lin Buer's dynamics. Although Lin Buer is not in the live broadcast room, it has not affected the atmosphere of our Xia people at all. It seems that Lin Buer will not disappear.

He will come back sooner or later, I am optimistic about him, don't worry, just wait and see."

When the onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing interface live broadcast room heard the conversation between Bai Qian and Da Ji, the two vixen, they really got a smile and opened their eyes.

It's been a long time since I encountered such a ridiculous thing, facing these two vixen who were studying the matter of Lin Buer.

It made the onlookers in the live broadcast room feel like watching a clown perform there. I didn't expect these two vixens to have such a good plan.

A thing that plots against Lin Buer, and a person who plots against Lin Buer, Lin Buer is quite likable, which made the onlookers in the live broadcast room quite open-eyed.

"Bai Yuekui, hurry up and watch what's going on in the live broadcast room, it's really ridiculous, now those two vixens are still thinking about Lin Buer's wishful thinking.

Both Lin and Bu are not in the live broadcast room now, aren't they just dreaming there?Even if Merrill Buer is back, think about it here with Bai Yuekui.

Can Lin Buer take another look at that vixen?That vixen Daji is still thinking about how to trick Lin Bu's hand into the Emperor's Seal? "

"Jin Xiaoser, you don't open which pot you don't lift which pot, and you don't look at it. Now that Bai Yuekui's mood has just improved, you mentioned the matter in the live broadcast room.

Could it be that you are the only one who watched what happened in the live broadcast room and I didn't?

You can't think long enough to make Bai Yuekui happy, now it's obvious that those two vixens are trying to trick Lin Buer.

If Lin Buer really looked at those two vixens more, think about how sad Bai Yuekui is, you are just looking for trouble now, let's see how Lin Buer will deal with you when he comes back. "

Lei Wujie has also been watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room, so he also knows what the people in the live broadcast room are saying.

Obviously, they were not optimistic about what the two vixen Bai Qian and Daji said, but in Lei Wujie's view, no matter what they were studying.

If only Bai Yuekui knew what happened in the live broadcast room.

He also cared more or less, that's why he didn't tell Bai Yuekui. He didn't expect Jin Xiaose 060 next to him to be so clueless.

He told Bai Yuekui all about the current situation in the live broadcast room. Isn't it obvious that he wants to make Bai Yuekui angry?

When Lei Wujie saw that Jin Xiaose said that, he was so confident and furious at Jin Xiaose, "Okay, Lei Wujie, Jin Xiaose.

The two of you should stop talking there. In fact, what happened in the live broadcast room, I will take a look at it from time to time and I will know it.

Now I'm not worried that Bai Qian and Daji have any plot against Lin Buer, even if he thinks about Lin Buer's Seal of the Emperor.

Chapter 330 Seven Fate of Qingqiu

So now Lin Buer's luck has deepened, and all the luck has belonged to Xia Guo, even if Bai Qian can really get the Emperor, think about it.

Isn't that just an empty seal?It's useless at all, and the people in the live broadcast room can see it clearly.

Could it be that Bai Qian hasn't had such a big comprehension until now, so I won't be angry if anything happens, Lin Buer can really take a fancy to those two vixens.

Stop making trouble. Everyone knows that so many things happened between Daji, King Zhou and Boyikao. Does he think he can hide it from Lin Buer?

No matter how much Lin Buer likes beautiful people, he will never look at Daji more. I know that Lin Buer is very picky, so I know it well.

I don't care what those people in the live broadcast room say, I know what Lin Buer is thinking.

So if you two have something to say, just talk it out. "

When Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie said, he knew that everything was for his own sake, and he was afraid that he would get angry in a hurry.

When I heard these words from the people in the live broadcast room, it would definitely irritate me, so Bai Yuekui was thinking about Lin Buer's vision.

Even if it is again, he will never fall in love with that vixen Daji.

It's just that last time, in order to please Daji, I gave him two smiling faces, just to coax out the Emperor's Seal from him. Now the seal of luck and luck in Chaoge City has been swallowed up by Lin Buer.

Then what's the use of paying attention to him as a daji?So Bai Yuekui spoke out his inner thoughts to Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie confidently.

"That's right, Mrs. Bai Yuekui, everything you said makes sense.

If you don't say that, I haven't realized it yet. I'm just worried that Lin Buer will fall in love with that vixen Daji and abandon you, Bai Yuekui.

Now if you have such an idea, I will feel relieved, now it is Lin Buer, and I am not worried about what will happen when he comes back.

If Lin Buer really gave that vixen a good look, he would continue to cheat some treasures from him and bring them back to our Xia Kingdom, then they would be our Xia Kingdom's treasures. "ah".

When Lei Wujie heard what Bai Yuekui said, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that as long as it didn't affect Bai Yuekui's mood, it would be fine.

Now it seems that Bai Yuekui should be able to think about it, no matter what.

Even if the ideas of those two vixens are more ingenious, then Lin Buer will never take a liking to that vixen.

On the contrary, if you can get some more treasures from that vixen, if you give them a few and go back to your kimchi country, you will be rewarded.

Bigan was on the sidelines, secretly watching what Bai Qian said to Empress Daji just now, and Bi Gan secretly heard Bai Qian's heartfelt voice from the side.

"` ‖Anyway, as long as Daji, a vixen, gets the Human Emperor Seal, it will be a matter of time. As long as he gets the Human Emperor Seal, he will immediately return to the Yaozu.

You must strengthen your Qingqiu's luck, and reverse the Qingqiu fox clan's luck, and then you will be on your own.

There will also be some fears that they can't handle it well, their god race is not as lucky as the monster race."

Chapter 330 Eighth Eavesdropping

Bigan, who was on the sidelines, had already stolen Bai Qian's heart, so he knew that these vixens were thinking about their affairs.

He has never considered the people in Chaoge City and the Emperor. It seems that the life and death of the Emperor and the luck of Chaoge City are for these two vixens.

They didn't take it to heart at all, and now Bigan was gnashing his teeth in his heart, and sooner or later he would have the opportunity to report all these things to the emperor.

Let the emperor kill these two vixens, and just vent out his anger for himself and the people of Chaoge City. Unexpectedly, the ambitions of these two vixens in front of him are not small.

I also wanted to get the Renhuang Seal from Lin Buer as soon as possible.

This matter will definitely not allow you to succeed. Once this human emperor seal falls into the hands of you two vixens, what will happen to Chaoge City in the future.

 060 Don't care about the life and death of so many Liming people?Does the emperor just ignore it?No way, this matter is also a matter of Chaoge City.

Moreover, the Emperor's seal belongs to the Emperor, how could it be obtained by you two vixen?The hateful vixen actually gave it to Lin Buer.

Sooner or later, I will bring this person Huang Yi back, thinking of this, Bigan immediately said to Daji, "Miss Daji, I think what Aunt Bai Qian said just now actually has some truth.

After all, the Renhuang seal is the treasure of our Chaoge City Renhuang, even if it is not worth (ajbi) any money, it is our brother Chao Renhuang's belongings, even if it is Renhuang's.

Then it should be up to the Human Emperor to decide who to send. This matter must not be known by the Human Emperor, so I am thinking about Empress Daji.

You should listen to what Aunt Bai Qian said, and quickly get the Emperor's Seal back from Lin Buer's hand without the Emperor's knowledge."

Bai Qian said it to Daji in front of her respectfully, in Bai Qian's heart, as long as she could trick Daji, the vixen in front of her, she would take back the Emperor Seal from Lin Buer's hand.

Once he gets it back, he will give the Human Emperor Seal to the Human Emperor.

Then it's enough not to let it fall into the hands of these two vixens. Now I don't have the ability to get back the Human Emperor Seal.

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