Those people all uttered what they said in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, which made Bai Zhenhai heaved a sigh of relief in an instant. Bai Zhenhai passed the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room.

When people in various countries said those words, they realized that what was thrown out of the air was actually a spiritual barrier created by the body of a saint.

After restraining American player John Xungang in the barrier, so that he couldn't get out there at all, Bai Zhenhai got such information through the live broadcast room.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, just now his heart was under intense tension.

Worried about Bai Yuekui's safety, his whole heart couldn't help beating there very fast. Now that it's all over, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Because Bai Zhenhai had already seen his daughter, Bai Yuekui didn't have any threat to his life now.

Moreover, John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, has been surrounded by a powerful spiritual barrier. Everyone in the live broadcast room guessed that it must be Lin Buer.

But from Bai Zhenhai's point of view, it is true that this matter must also be related to Lin Buer, every time Bai Yuekui encounters the most dangerous moment.

It was Lin Buer who came to the rescue, and he must have a direct relationship with Lin Buer this time, Bai Zhenhai was slightly relieved.

At this time, he also watched Lin Buer through the Shanghai Jing live broadcast room, which had transformed into a powerful streamer and appeared in front of his daughter Bai Yuekui.

It was only then that Bai Zhenhai was completely relieved.

"Lin Buer, you brat finally showed up, if you don't show up again, it's very likely that the brat I'm in a hurry will hand Bai Yuekui into your hands.

It's really worrying me, I've been worried all day long, now it's all right, Lin Buer, you finally showed up.

Now Bai Yuekui mainly has no worries, so I don't have to worry about him here. ". "

Bai Zhenzhenhai was watching the live broadcast on the interface of Shanhaijing, while still muttering non-stop, because in his opinion, Lin Buer is indeed quite powerful.

Only he can protect his daughter Bai Yuekui, although he is not used to looking at Lin Buer on weekdays.

But now he felt that it should be nothing to hand over his daughter Bai Yuekui to Lin Buer. Now Bai Zhihai saw Lin Buer return to the live broadcast room.

His face was instantly full of smiles, and his hanging heart finally settled down, "` ‖What kind of tricks are you doing? Where did Lin Buer go?

This kid will never give me peace of mind, which is good. Didn't you see that so many people in the live broadcast room are abusing Lin Buer? I can't stand it anymore.

When I become his father, I feel that my face is a bit difficult.

Why does he always disappear in the live broadcast room, and now people from various countries (Zhao Hao) in the live broadcast room are insulting him there, where do I put my face? "

Lin Shide watched the current situation in the live broadcast room of the Shanghai Jin meeting, and saw that all the people were constantly talking about the right and wrong of Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

This made Lin Shide restless at all.

He had seen Lin Buer disappear once in the live broadcast room before, thinking about it, he walked for a long time, and he has not returned to the live broadcast room until now.

Chapter 360 Three Life and Death of the People

Seeing that John Xungang in this beautiful country is about to destroy Chaoge City, and there are players like Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

Maybe if Lin Buer doesn't come back, there will be some troubles. If Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaose, Lei Wujie and the others are all killed, what should we do?

Now Lin Shide can't calm down at all, his mentality is there, and he keeps cursing his son, which is too disappointing.

It made Lin Shide feel ashamed.

"Okay, don't scold Lin Buer there, I know my own son from 073, he will never run away, don't look at what those people said in the live broadcast room.

Do you, as Lin Buer's father, believe what was said in the live broadcast room?If there is really something bad going on.

There has been an explosion in the live broadcast room, now you just wait here patiently, you haven't seen any danger that Bai Yuekui appears every time, my son Lin Buer will always take action.

Wherever you are now, you are starting to lose your temper, and you are still scolding Lin Buer, I am really convinced by you, can't you let me save myself? "

When Lin Buer's mother heard Lin Shide complaining about her son Lin Buer, he couldn't help but excuse her son there.

Because he knew that his son would never be like what the people in the live broadcast room said.

"Calm down, how do you tell me to calm down, think about it now that this is happening in the live broadcast room.

Chaoge City was at stake, and he actually gave up on the safety of so many Liming people in Chaoge City, and hid aside to enjoy his leisure.

I don't know that he can't escape, and I also know what kind of person my son is, but Lin Buer has disappeared now, that's not right, you know?

My own son shall I not understand?But if he doesn't come out now, I'm afraid Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoserei, Wujie and the others (ajbi) will die, aren't you worried?

You patronize there to protect your son, and you don't look at what's going on in the live broadcast room. I really admire you.

You still asked me to wait here patiently, when Lin Buer hasn't come out yet, you won't worry about your son's life or death at all."

Lin Shide heard that Lin Buer's mother was protecting his son there, and he expressed his thoughts very unsteadily there.

From Lin Shide's point of view, he actually believed in his son. Lin Buer would never run away, but he couldn't just hide and not come out now.

The life and death of so many people in Chaoge City are all written in Lin Buer's handwriting. You must know that John Xungang in the beautiful country is extremely vicious.

How terrible it is to hear what the people of the beautiful country said in the live broadcast room. If John Xungang of the beautiful country has a little bit of evil thoughts.

The whole Chaoge City was destroyed, it was a disaster, so many people's life and death were at such a critical moment, yet my son didn't show up.

Can Lin Shide be allowed to stop there?

"Anyway, I don't care about my own son and I know it.

You just watch patiently, Lin Buer will come back, can he ignore the life and death of these Liming people in Chaoge City? .

Chapter 360 The Fourth Xiqi Army Breaks through the City

You also didn't see Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoserei Wujie who kept trying to clear up the people there, and now their lives are considered dead.

Chaoge City is always in danger, now you should be worried about Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie is right, as for Lin Buer, I don't think it's the most critical time yet.

If it comes to the most critical time, Lin Buer will definitely show up. You are still suspicious of you here, why is it so worrying?

No wonder Lin Buer always disappears, just like you are always unreliable." When Lin Buer's mother heard what his father Lin Shide said.

He spoke his own thoughts.

Because in his opinion, Lin Buer is definitely not what he said to those people in the live broadcast room, but he just doesn't know where he went.

He always couldn't explain it himself, but when he heard Lin Shide complaining about Lin Buer for no reason, he was also unhappy, at this moment.

Lin Shide suddenly saw the people of the beautiful country in the live broadcast room, accusing Xia Guo's players, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, for no reason.

In addition, the players from the Three Kingdoms were helping the people in charge of the beautiful country to say what Nian Yalin had to say, which made Lin Shide feel uncomfortable.

But in the final analysis, he also knew that it was his own fault that Lin Buer didn't show up now, when Lin Shide was on the interface of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

The people who have seen the beautiful country are there, and they want to convey the news to the beautiful country player John Xungang through the live broadcast room, just to let him take advantage of Lin Buer's absence.

Quickly kill Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, and then the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace will belong to them in the beautiful country.

Lin Shide saw such terrible news in the live broadcast room, his eyes were all there now, and he didn't dare to move for a moment.

I'm afraid that Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie, and Jin Xiaoser will kill them all just because of the mistake of American player John Xungang, which makes Lin Shide very worried.

"What can we do? Why hasn't this brat, Lin Buer, come back? If Bai Yuekui doesn't come back, he doesn't need to worry anymore. If this continues.

My old life is about to be pissed to death by him, let me, Lin Shide, use what kind of face to meet these people in Xia Kingdom, Bai Yuekui must not make any mistakes.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

If you don't come out again, Lin Buer, you see how I will deal with you when you come back."

When Lin Shide saw what the people of the beautiful country are saying in the live broadcast room.

He was anxious to get angry, and the pressure of strong fear caused Lin Shide's whole nerves to collapse, where he opened his mouth casually to accuse his son Lin Buer.

0 ......... 0

But in Lin Shide's heart, he was still very worried about Lin Buer. He didn't know where Lin Buer went, and what kind of danger would he encounter outside?

Now the whole Chaoge city is full of wars, and people are panicking. At the time of the most chaos, several cities were led by Jiang Ziya, and the Xiqi army broke through.

It would definitely be unsafe to appear outside Chaoge City at this time, so no matter what, Lin Shide was still extremely afraid of Lin Buer's danger in his heart.

"Okay, sit down quickly, don't sway back and forth there.

Chapter 360 Five Upside Down

I also want to see the situation in the live broadcast room, do you know that Bai Yuekui is really in danger now.

I'm really afraid that that girl will be killed by John Xungang, a contestant from Beautiful Country, what will happen then, I still like Bai Yuekui very much.

It's better not to let it happen. This brat Lin Buer is really worrying now, and such a big thing is going to happen soon.

 "Zero Nine Zero" Can he still hide aside and not come out? "Lin Buer's mother saw Lin Shide there, pacing back and forth outside the big screen in the live broadcast room, looking at him worried.

He knew that he might still be thinking about something in his heart, but now Lin Buer's mother was quite worried about Bai Yuekui's condition.

Because he has already learned about the situation in the live broadcast room through the live broadcast room.

Even John Xungang from the beautiful country is likely to kill Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, and his whole nerves are not calm at this time.

Thinking about what kind of situation must not happen, and at the same time, I was there in my heart, I want my son Lin Buer to come out as soon as possible, so that Bai Yuekui can be rescued.

"Okay, I won't walk back and forth, can I sit and watch with you?

Do you know now?You just saw the current situation in the live broadcast room, but you didn't see that the big cities of Chaoge City had been breached by Jiang Ziya and the others.

If it continues for a while, I'm afraid Chaoge City will not be guaranteed. Now Lin Buer doesn't know where to go. If there is really an accident outside, think about it.

What if he was killed by those Xiqi army?Why don't you think about what will happen if your son hasn't appeared in the live broadcast room until now.

You don't even think about it, you still have the heart to watch the live broadcast here." Lin Shide heard Lin Buer's mother complaining about herself.

After thinking about it, Lin Shide could only sit on the sofa obediently, because he knew that he would not follow up with anything now, so he might as well just quietly watch the dynamics in the live broadcast room before talking.

After all, the outcome has not yet been decided, and he doesn't know what happened, so he can only stabilize his emotions first.

"Then what should we do? According to what you say, will my son be harmed by those people? That's not okay, my son Lin Buer

In fact, his skills are not bad, 0...... How could he be killed?Tell me quickly what's going on, I can't understand how you speak upside down. "

When Lin Buer's mother was watching the live broadcast, she had already heard what Lin Shide said there, and he only heard a small part of it.

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