He knew that Lin Buer might be killed by the troops led by Jiang Ziya, the Xiqi army, in the big cities outside Chaoge City.

So as soon as he heard that Lin Buer might be in danger, he was so anxious that tears came out, and then he concentrated on Lin Shide and got angry.

"Okay, don't make unreasonable guesses there now in 1.8, I just said my own wild thoughts.

After all, our son Lin Buer has not appeared in the live broadcast room yet.

I don't know what exactly happened, we can only wait and see, what's the use of you complaining about me now?I don't know what to do now either.

Chapter 360

I just expressed my thoughts, don't worry, auspicious people have their own nature, I believe our son Lin Buer will be fine.

Now wait and see, so many people in the live broadcast room are guessing that Lin Buer is fine, and you don't even think that our son is already the body of a saint, what are you afraid of?

Now he is still very good, players from those countries are not our son Lin Buer's opponent at all, so you should stop thinking about 09."

Lin Shide really couldn't hold back Lin Buer's mother, and when she was crying and saying these things to him, he was also very worried.

So he can only try his best to comfort Lin Buer's mother there, hoping that he will not make trouble for him, after all, there is such a situation in the live broadcast room now.

What he saw was a little restless, and the cities in Chaoge City were not stopping, and now there was such a strong opponent as John Xungang of the beautiful country in the live broadcast room of the Quartet Wars and Disagreements.

Think about it now that all the pressure is on Lin Buer. As Lin Buer's father, Lin Shide, can he not worry? "Really? You scared the hell out of me.

Just now I thought our son Lin Buer was killed.

You didn't speak well, I was scared to death by you, if you get up quickly, I still have time to watch the situation in the live broadcast room.

I don't want anything to happen to our son.

I don't care what other people say, anyway, I think Lin Buer should be fine.

Don't be scary there in the future. "When Lin Buer's mother heard what Lin Shide said, he also felt at ease.

Because he thought carefully about his son Lin Buer's skill is quite good.

Nothing happened in the live broadcast room. All the people of Xia Kingdom still had expectations for his son. This was also the most proud thing for a mother.

Now that Lin Shide was still scaring himself there, it made him a little annoyed, so he immediately pushed Lin Shide aside, and continued to watch the live broadcast on the interface of Shanhaijing with full concentration.

I just hope that my son will show up as soon as possible, "Li Shide, come and see what's going on in the live broadcast room, come here, sometimes I can't understand.

Come quickly and help me take care of it, why do I feel something is wrong?Take a quick look at the contestants in the beautiful country, John Xungang seems to be held down by something.

It seems to be very powerful, John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, can't escape. Is this what our son did?If our son did it.

That's really amazing, let me tell you, this matter is definitely not that simple, how could my son 090 escape? "Lin Buer's mother was pushing Lin Shide away at the moment.

He had already seen the live broadcast room, and suddenly discovered some situations, he hurriedly called Lin Shide to his side again.

Then the two of them watched the dynamics in the live broadcast room together, "Yes, this should have something to do with Lin Buer, it must be Lin Buer who made this thing.

Didn't you see what the people in the live broadcast room and the people of our Xia Kingdom said?Now this is a spiritual enchantment created by a saint.

Suppressed John Xungang of the beautiful country in it.

Chapter 360 VII Almost Crazy

Now my friends in the beautiful country, your Dawn people are not in danger of life.

Then Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie will not be killed by John Xungang from the beautiful country. It seems that our son Lin Buer has already thought of a countermeasure.

It is absolutely impossible to be defeated by John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. Look at the people of the beautiful country in the live broadcast room, let's stop now.

They don't dare to talk nonsense anymore, they said in the live broadcast room that our Xia country's player Lin Buer is right? "

Lin Shide carefully observed all the current conditions in the live broadcast room on the sofa.

Because now the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room has shown a blue transparent body the size of a wall, which has shrouded the mutated beautiful country player John Xungang in it.

Lin Shide felt that it was too strange for him to live but not die.

He doesn't know what's going on in the Shanhaijing live broadcast room now, so he stares very curiously at the screen on the Shanhaijing live broadcast room.

Those messages sent by the people of the Xia Kingdom, as well as the people of various countries, at this time, Lei Shide saw such a powerful message from the screen of the live broadcast room of the interface of Shan Hai Jing.

It turned out that the people of the Xia Kingdom found out after reading a lot of information. It was Lin Buer who used the power of the supreme law of his saint body to create a powerful spiritual barrier.

There, John Xungang, who bound the beautiful country, made him unable to escape from this barrier, so as to ensure the safety of the dawn people in Chaoge City Bai Yuekui.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were also saved, "That's right, this must have been caused by our son Lin Buer, I've heard from these people in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

There are also these words that the people of the Xia Kingdom said. I have since found out that this is the spiritual barrier that our Lin Buer created with the power of his saint body.

That's why he trapped John Xungang of the United States in there, and now he will definitely not be able to get out.

It's all right now, Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and the others should have no fear of their lives, this time it's all right, you can rest assured, our son Lin Buer has a solution.

It seems that this Emperor's seal is really not simple, all the luck really belongs to Xia Guo. "ah".

When Lin Shide saw these words said by the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room of the Shan Hai Jing interface, Lin Shide almost went crazy with excitement.

This is the face his son won for the people of Xia Kingdom.

Now the people in the beautiful country in Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room no longer dare to casually speculate that Lin Buer, their Xia country player, seems to be Tao Zhiyao.

This time let them see with their own eyes that Lin Buer is finally back.

And he also thought of such a good way to capture John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, there so that (No's promise) he can't escape at all.

"` ‖Yeah, old man, I finally saw our son Lin Buer in the live broadcast room, now I can rest assured, as long as he is not in danger of life.

I can tolerate anything, my son is amazing, and now he has won back such a big face for the people of Xia Kingdom.

Are people in those countries afraid to talk about Lin Buer anymore?Well, now I'm finally relieved.

Chapter 360 Eight is Worthy of Celebration

In the future, don't just blame Lin Buer for no reason in a humble way. Think about it, is Lin Buer that kind of person?How could he escape by himself.

Regardless of the life and death of those Limin people in Chaoge City, now that it's all over, she's finally back, so just calm down, don't be angry with me here.

I'm not here to accompany you now, I still have my own business, now I see that my son Lin Buer has no worries, so I don't worry anymore. "

Lin Buer's mother heard Lin Shide tell him about his son's current situation.

He finally let go of his heart. When Lin Shide scolded his son Lin Buer for no reason, Lin Buer's mother was not so calm.

So now that the live broadcast room has finally stopped and Lin Buer returned to the live broadcast room, it seems that 090 has nothing to worry about, so he left the living room to do what he should do.

"Hey, by the way, if you leave, you can get me some good wine and food as soon as possible, I want to celebrate well, my son finally showed up.

This kid is really good, and I didn't embarrass him. If he comes back this time, the two of us must have a good drink or two. You can cook me some good dishes first.

Let me celebrate in advance, this kid is still very powerful now, I didn't expect him to be able to create such a powerful enchantment (ajbi) to make me look good.

Now the people of our Xia Kingdom should also be happy, all the luck has been in the hands of our Xia Guo people, can you not make people feel proud and happy?

So I'm going to have to celebrate it."

Lin Shide saw Lin Buer's mother and was about to leave the living room, so she waved to Lin Buer's mother very excitedly.

Then he expressed his own thoughts. From his point of view, the live broadcast room is safe and sound, and all luck has returned to the people of Xia Kingdom.

This is really a very happy thing, the happiest child, he finally saw his son Lin Buer in the live broadcast room.

This is to stop the mouths of the various people, who told them that his son Lin Buer has escaped, and now he is not alive and kicking in the live broadcast room.

Moreover, he created such a powerful spiritual barrier to trap and suppress the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang. This is a blatant slap in the face.

As Lin Buer's father, he felt proud, so he felt that today he should have a good celebration, and the previous strong fear was gone.

"I went to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, what are they thinking there? Hurry up and get rid of the little friends from the beautiful country.

Now these people in their beautiful country, relying on the help of the players Sharmad and Kohli from Ah Sanguo, seem to be provoking for no reason there.

It's really annoying, and I can't relieve my anger at all, Lin Buer is soft-hearted, if I were to kill him with one knife, it would be happy, and I'm still hesitating."

"Well, what is our Lin Buer thinking about?

Take a look at the two contestants from Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and Kohli, who are so frightened because they are disciples of Yuxu Palace and hold an exquisite golden pagoda.

Chapter 360 IX

Still showing off wantonly there, oh, it's really hateful. "

"No, didn't you read it? I have read some information just now, and I have also found out the power of the Linglong Golden Pagoda.

In this golden pagoda, even those great saints Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Empress Nuwa, and Patriarch Hongjun are all afraid of the strength of this golden pagoda.

I don't know what Lin Buer will do, can he restrain this golden pagoda? "

"Really? Let me put it this way, the exquisite golden pagoda in the hands of the contestant from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad, is really powerful. Can their Yuxu Palace have such a powerful magic weapon?

how can that be possible?Besides, Lin Buer is also very good. I don't think there is anything terrible about Sharmad against a player from the Three Kingdoms? "

"The contestants from the Three Kingdoms are not scary, but the ancient magic weapon Linglong Golden Pagoda in his hand is really scary.

If you don't believe me, take a look, why do I feel something is wrong.

Lin Buer may also have taken into account the two players from Ah Sanguo, otherwise he would have killed John Xungang from the beautiful country. "

"Lin Buer is a sage who stepped into the heavenly way. Think about an ancient magic weapon, the Linglong Golden Pagoda, can it really restrain Lin Buer? - I don't think so."

"We can only wait and see, I hope it is not what I think, but the things I checked should not be fake.

But now you don't see the two players from Ah Sanguo in the live broadcast room looking triumphant, he must be confident, otherwise he wouldn't dare to speak out in the live broadcast room. "

The people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room saw the two contestants in the interface of Shan Hai Jing, Sharmad and John Xungang from Asan Kingdom, showing off their ancient magic weapons.

So out of enthusiasm, these Xia people were searching for relevant information about the Linglong Golden Pagoda, and then they were facing the Xia people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room.

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