It was there to discuss the wonderful use of the Linglong Golden Pagoda, an ancient artifact of Yuxu Palace, and the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room knew it.

Now they have found out the usefulness of these two exquisite golden pagodas, ancient artifacts of the Three Kingdoms.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

It seems that this exquisite golden pagoda, I don't know if Lin Buer's saintly body can deter it?Now these people in the live broadcast room are worried about Lin Buer.

"Even if we are afraid now, it won't work, after all, the ancient magic weapon Linglong Golden Pagoda is now.

0 ......... 0

But the treasure of Yuxu Palace, it seems that the mystery inside this is really beyond what we can think of. Besides, I also think that Lin Buer should be able to break through.

Now that Lin Buer can create such a powerful spiritual enchantment, think about Lin Buer's body of heaven, he will definitely be able to crush the mystery inside. "

"Yeah, now I also know what this Linglong Pagoda is, and I've checked it, and this Linglong Pagoda is indeed quite powerful.

It is based on our Lin Buer's Renhuang seal, he has already broken through the sealing formula.

If Lin Buer makes another breakthrough, then this exquisite golden pagoda should not be a problem for Lin Buer, and now it depends on Lin Buer's fortune. "Son.

Chapter 370

"I don't think so, although the Linglong Golden Pagoda of the Three Kingdoms is really powerful, but Keli's Qiankun Ruler may not be so.

The magic weapon in Curley's hand is not as powerful as the Linglong Golden Pagoda. If Lin Buer kills one of the two contestants first.

Then the morale of the player from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad, will definitely drop, and he may not dare to fight Lin Buer, "Zero Nine Zero", then even if he has the ancient artifact Linglong Golden Pagoda in his hand.

He may not really dare to make a move, or he will run away with his treasure. "

"It's useless for us to speculate here now, but in my opinion, with the power of Lin Buer's law of heaven, it should be able to shock this exquisite pagoda.

Wait and see, anyway, Lin Buer always brings us a lot of surprises, maybe Lin Buer will impress us again. "

"That's right, that's what I think too, now that Lin Bu'er already holds the Emperor's seal in his hand, and now all the good luck is coming towards us, Xia Guoer, so what are we afraid of?

Such a good luck for us, even if we encounter some dangerous things, can't we find the best breakthrough by relying on the luck of Renhuangyin? "

"Hey, you're right about this, if it's always like this, we will always have better luck, so good luck will come eventually.

Lin Buer will have noble people to help at any time, and it will be resolved at that time. Let's see now. I always think that the two players of A Sanguo must not be able to do it.

They always rely on the ancient holy relics in their hands, and as disciples of Yuxu Palace, they are still proud there.

What's the big deal, they are just ordinary immortals now, and they don't even have the qualifications of quasi-sages yet.

Do you still want to use this sacred object of his to crush Lin Buer's Supreme Heavenly Dao?I don't think they have much chance of winning. "

"Think about it now, since all the good luck is blessed by Lin Buer, then for us people of Xia Kingdom.

Surely all bad things turn out to be good, so why worry?I think Lin Buer will definitely be able to beat players from these countries.

Let them say so arrogantly and unrulyly in the live broadcast room that our Xia Kingdom, our Xia Kingdom, has finally turned around, and this is all thanks to Lin Buer 0......"

"Hey, didn't you notice that the two vixens on the Chaogecheng pool in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room have been around for a long time, I just took a look at it, look at the way Daji is entertained.

He also seems to have discovered that Lin Buer is back, and it seems that he is going to flirt with Lin Buer again. Can Lin Buer's emperor seal be coaxed away by him?

Anyway, those two goblins have been discussing for a long time, but I heard it really well, I don't want Lin Buer to be fooled, these two goblins are quite courageous.

Now I still want to get Huang Yi from our Xia Kingdom, 1.8 is really crazy, and I want to strengthen their power of the monster clan. "

"A demon is a demon, and he will be a demon clan at any time. To be honest, these two vixen are pretty good-looking.

But their hearts are too scary. I think Lin Buer should be able to do it. Before Daji used her charming skills to coax Lin Buer into living in Lin Buer.

Still so sober, he got all the seals of the Emperor.

Chapter 370

There should be no problem, don't worry, I am optimistic about Lin Buer. "

"I've been looking at those two vixens, their eyes are too sharp, they light up when they see Lin Buer, if you don't believe me, you all have to take a look at the city of Chaoge City.

It's terrible. If Lin Buer can't stand it, he will be in trouble. "

"Don't worry, Bai Yuekui is watching so closely, even if Lin Buer is so courageous, he doesn't dare, he can really be confused by those two vixens in front of Bai Yuekui.

Now they just want to get the Emperor's Seal on Lin Buer's body. If Lin Buer breaks through the skills of all the Emperor's Seals, he will be given the Emperor's Seal.

So what?It's just a blank page, all luck has been swallowed up by Lin 09, he will definitely bring it to Xia Guo. "

The onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were talking there.

Everyone is discussing about Qingqiu Baiqian and Daji, what's going on between them now.

Judging from that appearance, they must all come here for Lin Buer, because the people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room before also knew that these two vixens were all running for the seal of the emperor in Lin Buer.

It seems that this Daji must be trying to coax the Seal of Renhuang back from Lin Bu's second hand, after all, there is Bai Qian next to him, who reminds him from time to time.

He didn't dare to go against Bai Qian's will. Bai Qian and Bigan Daji on Chaoge City had been watching the situation outside Chaoge City, just when Bai Qian and Daji had just finished speaking.

I have already seen a powerful divine light reappear in the midair, and it disappeared in the eyes of Daji and Bai Qian in an instant. At this time, Daji secretly rejoiced in her heart.

Because he felt the reappearance of this powerful divine light, it must be the Wuxin saint. Now that Bai Yuekui is in such a dangerous state, how could he not show up?

Because Daji saw that a powerful spiritual barrier had been thrown in mid-air before, and it had bound John Xungang of the beautiful country there.

At that time, Daji guessed in her heart that this must have something to do with Wuxin sage. If it was really done by Wuxin sage, it won't take long.

The Wuxin sage will show up, and Daji is quite happy thinking of this, so he keeps watching the developments outside Chaoge City intently.

It turned out that he was really sent here, and he finally found the figure of the unintentional saint among the figures of many people, and the unintentional saint was still the same.

Wearing a white robe and wearing a body is always so good-looking.

"Hey, the Wuxin sage is indeed a Wuxin sage, how many people miss me so seductively, Chaoge has become such a huge city, and there is no one who catches my eyes.

Finally, the arrival of Wuxin 090 sage came to my city of Chaoge.

At first glance, this Wuxin sage is what I want no matter how I look at it. It is really impeccable. God has mercy on me. Daji gave me Wuxin sage, such a lovely saint. "

Just as Lin Buer turned into a beam of light and just landed outside Chaoge City, Daji immediately saw Lin Buer's figure in the crowd, and then he muttered to himself unconsciously there.

He just felt that the gods still favored him, Daji, and actually let the Wuxin saint appear in front of his eyes. You know, he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

I'm afraid that the unintentional sage is really holding the emperor's seal.

Chapter 370

Never coming back again, Daji was overwhelmed and said what he wanted to say in his heart. He completely forgot about Bai Qian who was still standing next to him, and Bigan who was behind him.

"Daji, you vixen are quite courageous, you dare to talk nonsense here in front of me and Bigan, you must know that once this matter is known by the emperor.

Be careful with your head and your life will not be guaranteed, do you know who Bigan is?He is loyal to the emperor, once Biganzi finds out about this small trick of yours.

You will have no good fruit to eat, you know?You don't even think about it, Renhuang treats you well on weekdays, never thought that you would actually fall in love with the Wuxin sage.

Hurry up and put your heart away for me, do you know that you also promised me before that you must take back the Renhuang Seal from the hands of the Wuxin sage.

If you dare to be sloppy about this matter, do you know how I will deal with it? You must know that the Human Emperor Seal has affected the luck of our entire monster clan.

If you dare to make a little omission, I will never tolerate it. From now on, I will strip you of this layer of fox skin, so that you will not be a human being or a demon. ". "

Aunt Baiqian heard it, and Daji muttered to himself there, and even uttered these small thoughts in his heart, he actually forgot his own existence.

There is also Bigan behind him, you know Bigan, this old thing is really annoying, this matter was really known by the emperor, now Daji is thinking carefully.

Then it is impossible for him and Daji to be in Chaoge City. The current glory and wealth are all bestowed by the Emperor, and the most important thing now is undoubtedly to get the seal of the Emperor.

As soon as this Daji saw the little white face of the Wuxin saint, his eyes and his steps stopped listening to him, how could this work?

Bai Qian turned around and looked at Bigan secretly. Seeing Bigan, it seemed that he didn't listen to what he said, which made him breathe a little easier.

Then he grabbed Daji's sleeve and murmured in his ear, just wanting to support him, he must take the Renhuang Seal back from Lin Buer's hand.

Just when Bai Qian's voice fell, Daji heard what Bai Qian said.

He was actually very angry, he knew that his aunt still liked him very much on weekdays, but he never thought that in front of Ren Huangyin today, his aunt would actually want to strip his fox fur.

This sentence hurt Daji deeply, and his whole body was in panic.

"` ‖Auntie, I don't know what you think, I have already promised you before, I must give you back the seal of the emperor in the hands of Wuxin sage.

You are still there over and over again threatening me to know the odds of winning this matter, and I am not sure that I have already given everything to the unintentional saint.

How can I have the intention of going back on my word, I can only try it out, I didn't expect you to be so vicious.

(No's promise) You know how difficult it is for me to cultivate for a thousand years, and the fox demon has turned into a human being. I have cultivated for thousands of years in our Xuanyuan Tomb.

After finally having such good luck, I just want to enjoy a few years of good fortune in Chaoge City, Aunt Baiqian.

You actually want to take off my fox skin for the sake of a human emperor seal.

Wouldn't that break my cultivation and good luck? Think about such vicious words, and you still say them in front of me.

Chapter 370 Three Hurt Each Other

Isn't this just Zhe Sha and me, Aunt Bai Qian?

Now that the Human Emperor has been fooling around with that jade pipa master somewhere, he doesn't bother to talk to me, I'm free now, I really have my eye on the Wuxin sage.

He does have a strong attraction. You must know that his power of law has already stepped into the Dao of Heaven. Think about it, if you use his body of Dao of Heaven, you can let me get rid of the demon body.

What about the status of a celestial being if one achieves the right result? "When Daji heard what Bai Qian said, he became furious there. He knew that Aunt Bai Qian's love for him was definitely not fake.

But he didn't expect that in front of Ren Huangye, he would not be as good as an artifact-like existence. What exactly is he, if he really wants to let himself choose.

Why not just choose Wuxin Saint, he is now a saint of heaven, if Wuxin Saint is willing to help, it will definitely help him get rid of this demon body.

Then I can also achieve a positive result as soon as possible and enter the immortal class, so that I will get closer and closer to the honor of Wuxin Saint, Aunt Baiqian heard.

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