When Daji said this, he became even more angry. He didn't expect that a little fox demon still wanted to be high-minded, and wanted to pass through Lin Buer's body of heaven and take off her fox skin.

He was included in the fairy class and achieved a positive result, what exactly was he thinking, the unintentional saint could fall in love with a vixen, and he didn't even think about the fact that a demon is a fairy or a fairy.

They are basically two different saints with self-cultivation and innocence. Now that the emperor is Inca, he can see a Daji in his eyes. This vixen is getting bolder and bolder now.

She even dared to threaten herself with bold words in front of her, "Daji, you little girl is getting more and more courageous, and dared to go against your aunt's will, didn't you?

I, Bai Qian, can't be threatened by a few words like you said. If you don't listen to me, I will use the power of our monster clan.

Coupled with my strength, I will definitely kill the Wuxin sage, do you (ajbi) believe it or not, don't you just fancy the Wuxin sage?If you don't listen to me.

I will never let the unintentional saint live in the world, you try to do what I say, unless you get me the seal of the emperor, so that the luck of our monster clan Qingqiu can be changed.

Why don't you think about us Qingqiu at all? "When Aunt Baiqian heard what Daji said, she instantly became very angry with Baiqian.

But since Bigan was behind him, it was not good for him to talk too much with him, and then casually spoke out his true inner thoughts to Daji.

Because he knew that Daji had already been fascinated by the unintentional sage in the eyes of Daji, and those who were fascinated by all kinds of things did not have their own accurate judgment at all.

Now only the life of Wuxin Saint is threatened. After all, the luck of their Qingqiu Monster Clan can never be taken away by Wuxin Saint's Human Emperor Seal.

"Bai Qian is quite a cowardly vixen, and dared to threaten our Empress Daji there, these two vixens seem to have a disagreement.

As long as they have conflicts, it's easy to say, anyway, let him take back the seal of the emperor no matter what.

Chapter 370

As long as Daji takes back the Human Emperor Seal, then this vixen will be ruined. How can he make his wish come true?

Presumably these two vixens still want to reverse the luck of their demon clan, they are quite courageous, everything is the emperor's seal, which is the treasure in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City.

How can I let you, a white and shallow vixen, take you away. "

Bigan has been eavesdropping on Bai Qian's heart from behind Bai Qian, because Bifang knows that as long as he grasps Bai Qian's heart firmly, he can know what Daji is thinking now.

It seems that there must be some differences between the two of them. As long as there is a dispute between the two of them, it is indeed a very good thing for the Emperor.

Bigan was concentrating there, watching the two of them fighting each other, he was very happy in his heart, because he knew that Bai Qian would definitely help.

The Emperor took the Seal of the Emperor back from Saint Wuxin, and if he used Bai Qian's hand to kill Saint Wuxin, it would be to eradicate the roots.

Now that the future is suffering, Bi Gan doesn't dare to show any expression.

I'm afraid that if my expression is a little unhelpful, Bai Qian, the vixen, will definitely know about it. From the point of view of Qiangan, as long as he is urging Daji.

It's better than anything else to get the Human Emperor's seal in the hands of the Wuxin sage. Now that the good show is about to start, we'll just wait and see how these two vixens perform.

"What aunt, are you kidding me, right? Aunt Baiqian, I know you love me the most, and you will never go against me.

Don't attack the Wuxin sage. I know your methods. If you make a move, the Wuxin sage will lose both sides.

I don't want the unintentional sage to be hurt, and I don't want you to be hurt. I know I'm wrong, can't I?Don't worry, I, Daji, listen to my aunt in everything.

I will definitely give you the seal of the emperor from the hands of the unintentional sage, can't you?Just wait here, but don't get angry.

Before I get the seal of the emperor, you are not allowed to touch a finger of the Wuxin sage, you know?Otherwise, Auntie and I will not follow you. "When Bai Qian's voice just fell.

He didn't even look at the turnstile, he was so angry that he looked at the figure of Wuxin Saint outside Chaoge City, his face was full of murderous intent.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

As soon as Bai Qian's voice fell, Daji who was on the side heard it clearly. He immediately turned to Aunt Bai Qian, and saw that Aunt Bai Qian's murderous intention had escaped.

At this time, everyone felt that something was wrong. It seemed that this aunt was definitely going to attack Lin Buer, and he felt scared when he thought of this.

0 ......... 0

He didn't expect that his aunt who always loved him so much, Bai Qian, would be killed.

That's definitely not possible, but Daji also knows that Wuxin Saint has entered the way of heaven, so if he starts a fight with Aunt Baiqian.

It must be a loss for both sides, and he doesn't want to see his aunt Bai Qian, who has always loved him, be defeated by the unintentional sage, which makes him in a dilemma anyway.

In desperation, he had no choice but to give in, and used his fox charm technique as much as possible against Bai Qian.

Coaxing Aunt Baiqian there is to hope that he will be merciful, absolutely not to do anything to the unintentional saint, as for the emperor's seal alone?

Chapter 370

As far as Daji is concerned, it is still very safe, if the emperor's seal is taken back from the Wuxin sage.

Then my aunt won't be angry anymore, and the fate of their Qingqiu fox clan will definitely change, "Okay, Daji, I will leave this matter in your hands.

But you have one thing, I am definitely not joking with you, if you dare to deceive me this time, you see, I will be "nine zero" if I can't make a move against the Wuxin sage.

I will definitely not let the Wuxin sage live, I will definitely do something to him, and I will take the Human Emperor Seal back from the Wuxin sage myself.

If you listen to my advice, you can still be your empress in Chaoge City, otherwise I will bring you back to Qingqiu.

Let our fox clan do well, you stinky girl who doesn't know how to live or die. "When Daji heard what Sister Bai said.

He was determined to die, because he knew that Bai Qian was definitely not joking with him this time, seeing that Bai Qian had never talked to him so seriously before.

You must know that once he is really brought back to Qingqiu by Bai Qian, then he will definitely be bound to Qingqiu in the future.

He can't come out again, he himself is just a vixen who has practiced for thousands of years, once he returns to Qingqiu, he will be leveled by the patriarchs of those fox clans.

I'm afraid his cultivation base will be ruined. If the punishment is too heavy, it will be beaten to its original shape. How can this work?It was hard to be able to transform into a human form.

After thousands of years of good luck, if he returns to Qingqiu, he will not have a good life, "Don't worry, Aunt Bai Qian.

This matter is in the hands of my Daji, can I not believe you? Think about it, now that Empress Nuwa also wants the seal of the emperor, and you also want the seal of the emperor here.

If the Emperor finds out about this matter, he will probably look for me to find the Seal of the Emperor. Think about how much pressure I have, you are still saying these things here.

Aunt Baiqian, don't you have no nostalgia for Daji?Isn't it just a human emperor's seal, isn't my Daji not worthy of a human emperor's seal in the eyes of my aunt?

But Aunt Baiqian, don't worry, I will definitely focus on our Qingqiu Monster Clan in this matter, and I must get the Human Emperor Seal from the Wuxin Saint.  …

This matter must be won, and I will definitely obey what my aunt said, but just don't let me touch the life of the unintentional saint, this is my final bottom line. "

Daji knew that even if she said something to Bai Qian, it would last for one night, but now that Bai Qian was talking about the life of the Wuxin saint, it seemed that this matter must be real during the day.

Then Daji thought about it and had to have a good talk with Tiantian.

It is absolutely impossible for him to hurt Wuxin Saint's life, so that he can settle down and get the Human Emperor's Seal for him.

"Don't worry about Daji, my aunt will obey you during the day, as long as you get the seal of the Emperor Wuxin from Saint Wuxin.

Of course I won't touch his life. It turns out that it is the person you like in 1.8. Aunt Bai Qian will never touch him no matter how bad he is, so I obey you.

But you have to promise me too.

It's only when I get the seal of the emperor that I get it, otherwise, don't blame my aunt for being merciless. "

Bai Qian revealed a look of surprise while talking, and then looked at Daji.

Chapter 370

I knew that Daji, a vixen, must have been frightened by himself. If Daji agrees, it's easy to say, if he really disagrees.

In fact, in Bai Qian's heart, he also found two-handed preparations, and he also wanted to directly take the Emperor's Seal back to him from the hands of Wuxin Saint.

"These two vixens have finally calmed down, great, now there is a chance to get rid of the unintentional saint directly without taking them, and you can also get him back the seal of the emperor.

These two 09 vixens, you two, just continue to hurt each other there.

Anyway, it will always be Renhuang's present Chaoge who will benefit in the end. All the treasures in the city must watch for Renhuang to death, you two vixens take advantage of Renhuang's absence in the air.

How dare you plot against the Emperor's things there, these two lifeless things, sooner or later find a Taoist leader with better mana, and take both of you vixen away.

Let you also know how powerful the Emperor is. "

Bigan has been eavesdropping on Aunt Bai Qian's heart, and when he knows what Bai Qian is doing now, he is very happy there.

Even Bai Qian wanted to get rid of the unintentional saint, so why not do it?Directly help the Emperor to eradicate this scourge, and must not let him harm the harem.

"Aunt Baiqian, just wait, now that Saint Wuxin has returned to Chaoge City, it seems that he must deal with the mutated person in the enchantment.

If he handles it well, he will definitely come to Chaoge City to meet me, and then I will take the opportunity to take Renhuangyun back from the hands of the Wuxin sage, isn't that all right?

You can rest assured that such a simple matter is in my hands, Daji. "

Daji's eyes showed a powerful brilliance, because he had already seen the figure of the Wuxin sage outside Chaoge City, and when he heard that Bai Qian had promised not to hurt the body of the Wuxin sage.

Bai Qian finally let go of Xuanzi's heart, and now he is not worried about the safety of Saint Wuxin himself.

Just thinking about when the Wuxin sage will come to Chaoge City as soon as possible, you can take a look at yourself, even if you can talk about yourself with the Wuxin sage there.

While the person has not returned, we must take down the unintentional saint.

"I'm going, these two vixens are too funny, it's really shameless to talk about these things on Chaoge City.

It's ridiculous to hear the two of them talking now.

Now he is still thinking about getting the Renhuang Seal from Lin Buer, which is really sad.

Think about it, Lin Buer is already lucky, how could he be confused by this vixen. "

"That's right, especially this Daji is too ridiculous, how could he be so shameless that 090 actually fell in love with us, Lin Buer, and he didn't want to think about it.

He also wanted to take advantage of Lin Buer's sage body to get rid of her demon body, so as to achieve Taoism and immortality.

He had a good idea, and he was straightforward about not becoming a fairy. His wishful thinking was very good, and he didn't even think about it. Lin Buer had Bai Yuekui by his side.

Bai Yuekui is also beautiful, how can he fall in love with this vixen? "

"Even this Daji didn't know where he was thinking all day, his brain must have been punctured, just think about the messy things between him and Bo Yikao.

Chapter 370

It's ridiculous to think of coaxing Lin Buer there just after he calmed down. " "I don't understand now, look at Bigan and say he is a loyal minister."

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