Why did he hear those two vixen talking so much, he seemed indifferent there, why didn't he want to protect their emperor, King Zhou?

Now I have some doubts about Bigan's loyalty. "

"You didn't even hear what Bai Qi said just now, how ridiculous, Bai Qian wanted to kill Lin Buer directly, and he didn't think about his current method.

Isn't he just a vixen who has practiced for tens of thousands of years? His Taoism is only tens of thousands of years higher than that of Daji, so he is a fox demon.

He still dares to be compared with Lin Buer's Heavenly Dao Saint, just think about Lin Buer's arrogance that can crush his demon clan in an instant. "

"After all, they are two people who don't know how to live or die. The two of them are monsters. They are quite courageous and dreamy all day long.

Think about it, since it is good to have ideas, can we still watch some fun in this live broadcast room?Otherwise it would be too boring. ". "

"It's been said that Chaoge City's vitality is about to run out, I want to quickly end this interface and let Lin Buer directly get all these things from the underground palace treasure house in Chaoge City.

Wouldn't it be safe to bring them to Xiaguo?It is too troublesome to do so many complicated things, and now it is a bit difficult for players from these countries.

As for these two vixens, there should be no problem. As long as these magic weapons in the players from these countries are broken, then it is easy to kill these two vixens. "

"Now I think that Lin Buer should really kill John Xungang of this beautiful country, now is the right time, what's the use of keeping him?

Kill the arrogance of these people in their beautiful country, so that they will never look down on us Xia people.

This time, let him experience the power of our Xia country and destroy their majesty. "" Now I don't see the Shan Hai Jing interface, the live broadcast room is almost suffocating.

Now the people in the beautiful country are afraid to speak, and the people in the third country seem to be watching.

Now I really doubt that the formation of the two players of Ah Sanguo is at the most critical moment. Can the two players of Ah Sanguo take their treasures to save the players of the American Empire?

It doesn't look good to talk about it now. "

"' ‖ Ah Sanguo is not a fool, if he has such good treasures in his hands, think about it, he will come for these treasures in the treasure house in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

Think about it, if the contestants from the Three Kingdoms had the opportunity to get the treasure from the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City, would you still think of him, and would you be able to miss the people of the beautiful country?

So everything is considered for the people of their own country, and I also think that they will definitely not care about the people of the beautiful country at the most critical time. "

"Now we, Lin Buer, have obtained the seal of the Emperor, and now we have broken through the saint and entered the way of heaven.

Think about it, now our country of Xia is really the people of all countries on the cusp of feng shui, even those two vixens are staring at Lin Buer to death.

Now we can only look at Lin Buer's good fortune, as long as he swallows all the skills in these human emperor seals, then everything will be solved. ".

Chapter 370 Eight System Rewards

"Yeah, now we can only pray for Lin Buer, everything is on Lin Buer, it is not easy to think about Lin Buer.

Even those two vixens are still thinking about Lin Buer. I really hope that Lin Buer will quickly break through all the skills in the Emperor's Seal, and then the real luck will be added. "

The onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room are always paying attention to all the developments in Chaoge City.

When they heard the two vixens in Chaoge City making unreasonable guesses about the Emperor's Seal in Lin Bu's second hand, they still thought about Bai Qian.

It's actually so courageous that they want to kill Lin Buer directly. Think about it, these two vixens are really courageous, and they entered the 090 people in the live broadcast room in an instant.

So they were all cursing that those two vixens were really reckless things, trying to take away their Xia country's luck and just got such good luck.

How could they be coaxed away by these two vixens? The onlookers in the live broadcast room now hope that Lin Buer can rely on his body of heaven.

If he directly breaks through all the techniques in the seal of the Human Emperor, then even those two vixens.

There are also those people from other countries who want to get back the Emperor's Seal from Lin Bu's second hand, that's nothing more than luck without skills, what's the big deal (ajbi).

At that time, all contracts will also belong to Xia Guo, just when the voices of these people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room just fell.

All of a sudden, I heard the Book of Mountains and Seas, and the system prompt sounded instantly on the screen of the live broadcast room, which made the people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room really hear it.

They knew that as long as the system issued such a powerful notification sound, it was not the emotion from people from all over the world, or the system was there to prompt points rewards and the like.

Now the people in Xiaguan in Lin Buer's live broadcast room heard this familiar system prompt tone.

Everyone was staring intently at the screen on the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, what kind of thing would happen?

[Ding, system prompt~]

[Xia Guo's contestant Lin Bu'er, breaks the emperor's decree]

[Things that can be ordered to be suppressed by the emperor's seal]

[It can be replaced by whipping the gods, and can order the princes to enshrine the gods]

[Ding, system prompt~]

[Xia Guo player Lin Buer, with the help of a sage, hereby rewards points]

[Shan Hai Jing's interface live room system is being analyzed...]

[Name: Pan Gu Ax]

[Attribute: transformed from Pangu's ribs]

[Pangu axe: length 10cm, width 12.5cm, height 26.5cm]

[Power: Open up the world, the person who controls the Pangu ax can control the law of power]

[Habits: At the beginning of the law of heaven and earth, obtained by Pan Gu in his sleep]

[Special reminder: Those who hold the Pangu ax can travel through the void, open up the world, and control the power of immeasurable laws]

[System reward points 10~]

The onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room saw a computer prompt from the Shanghai Economic Interface.

The series of reminders that appeared stunned the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room. They didn't know what happened.

But through the content that appeared in the live broadcast room, they already saw that Lin Buer had obtained the ancient artifact, the Pangu axe.

With such a large amount of information, the people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room couldn't accept it for a while.

Chapter 370 IX Origin of Pan Gu Ax

They were there in a trance, carefully checking all the dynamics in the live broadcast room bit by bit, and now they have almost seen it.

In an instant, the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were excited.

Everyone cheered and cheered in Lin Buer's live broadcast room, because they knew that the ancient artifact that Lin Buer got this time, the Pangu Axe, came from the world of Hongmeng.

Even if John Xungang, who came from the time and space of Taixu, has obtained the ancient artifact, the demon refining pot, it is worthless in front of Lin Buer's Pangu axe.

"I'm going, everyone, come and have a look, Lin Buer is really amazing, so powerful, how did he get it, you haven't seen so much information in this live broadcast room.

I still can't accept it now, but now I'm so excited, I can't accept the current situation in the live broadcast room, what is going on.

But I have seen with my own eyes the name of Lin Buer, our player from Xia Kingdom, displayed on the screen in the live broadcast room, which made me very excited.

Let's quickly talk about what is going on, let me calm down first. "

"This is too awesome, Lin Buer is too powerful, so to speak, Lin Buer has broken through all the kung fu in Human Emperor's Seal now, isn't it?

Now if Lin Buer breaks through all the skills of Renhuangyin, then all the luck now belongs to our Xia Kingdom?

Haha, now it seems that what these players from various countries do is in vain, I am afraid they don’t know it yet, almost all the skills of Renhuangyin have been swallowed up by Lin Buer, and now Renhuangyin can’t do it. Good is just a fake imprint. "

"That's right, I can see it too, now that Lin Buer, our contestant from Xia Kingdom, got such a good treasure, think about it, this is a Pangu axe.

The origin of the Pangu Axe, you must have already known its origin through the system prompts on the big screen in the live broadcast room.

This is really amazing, our Lin Buer is really awesome, it is hard for the saint to help Lin Buer, the disappearance during this period is to practice the immortal law with the saint, isn't Lin Buer growing again? "

"Yes, Lin Buer must have grown up now, maybe he is now the pinnacle of Heavenly Dao.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

It's really amazing, you said why so much good luck of Lin Buer has been transferred to our Lin Buer, it seems that this has an inseparable relationship with Ren Huangyin.

The luck statement is definitely correct. "

"What the hell, now that the points and rewards prompted by the system are thrown on the big screens in the live broadcast room, I look at the Shan Haijing interface and the people from various countries are going crazy.

0 ......... 0

This is such a high honor and points that our Lin Buer has won for our Xia country. Think about it, Lin Buer's points are the highest now.

The rewards he got are also the most powerful, and now Lin Buer is unmatched. "

"That's right, what's the use of letting the contestants from the beautiful country and the people of the Asan country take a look at a small golden pagoda?

It's just a superior magic weapon of Yuxu Palace, but the Pangu ax obtained by our contestant Lin Buer from Xia Kingdom can pass through the power of Taixu to open up the world.

Chapter 380 Suppressing the Primordial Power

It's really awesome, such a powerful ancient artifact, I'm afraid there is no ancient artifact that can compare with him. ""It's not bad.

What are the people in these beautiful countries and those in other countries talking about? Our Lin Buer escaped with the emperor's seal, which made them slap their faces naked. Let them taste our Xia country this time. Player, Lin Buer is amazing.

Lin Buer has grown up in such a short period of "[-]", this is a force that crushes the Quartet, even if these players from various countries unite.

I'm afraid his luck is not half as good as Lin Buer's. "

"That's right, this time let them learn from the beautiful country, what is the peak body of a sage of the heavenly way, and who can also travel through Taixu and control the Pangu axe.

That is to control the power of the law of heaven and earth, and to be able to suppress the primordial energy, which is too good. "

"Lin Buer's current level of proficiency, and the reward points he got in the system just now, and this ancient artifact.

Now our country of Xia must have left their players from various countries far away. They can only follow our Xia country and suffer a loss. It seems that they will not follow anything.

Now Lin Bu'er has broken through all the skills in the Human Emperor's seal in one go, which can replace the position of hitting the magic whip and suppress all the powers of holy objects.

Even if it was the ancient artifact demon refining pot that the players from the beautiful country got, I am afraid that when Lin Buer's dukes break through, those things of his will dare to show in front of Lin Buer.

He must be able to devour and refine all the vitality in it. Now it seems that our Lin Buer is really not to be underestimated, he is too powerful. "

"Hey, did you see that now our system has prompted that Lin Buer has got so many reward points and such a big ancient artifact.

Those people who couldn't see the beautiful country were instantly dumbfounded. They dare not even speak now, and they will definitely be stunned by the sudden bonus points from the system.

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