They must have never imagined that Lin Buer could grow into such a state the moment he left, and even broke through the edict in the Emperor's Seal. "

"In my opinion, the people of their beautiful country don't even dare to breathe. Now it's finally our Xia country's contestants. The time for Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui to feel proud has finally reached 0......

As long as our Lin Buer is back now, the contestants from the beautiful country will not be able to escape even if they want to. I am so happy to see the current situation now.

This is really embarrassing for our Xia country. Now the people of our Xia country should be proud of our Lin Buer. It is really amazing. Now I admire Lin Buer. "

The people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room had already seen the Shan Hai Jing interface in Lin Buer's live broadcast room, and the system reminded Lin Buer that he had obtained such a powerful point reward.

Afterwards, they were all extremely excited at 1.8 moments. The generations there praised Lin Buer's achievements, and imagined that Lin Buer could get such a powerful reward.

It is really not easy to score points, and people from various countries have made groundless accusations there before.

I didn't expect Lin Buer to break through the edict of the Emperor's Seal in the blink of an eye so quickly, and now those contestants from the beautiful country...

Chapter 380

There are also the two disciples of Yuxu Palace in Ah Sanguo, it seems impossible to be Lin Buer's opponent at all, and now Lin Buer has obtained such an ancient artifact.

He can replace the whip to beat the gods and demons, and beat the ignorant and foolish emperors. What kind of dignity and glory are gathered on Lin Buer.

This also fueled the arrogance of the people of the entire Xia Kingdom. In the live broadcast room on the large screen of the Shan Hai Jing interface, the system continuously issued a series of reward points.

The entire interface of Shan Hai Jing exploded in an instant. Everyone was very excited, and some were so surprised that they didn't know what to say.

"Xiba, Xia Guo's player Lin Buer is really amazing, I never thought that our ally could be so powerful, and in such a short period of time, he got such a high-level ancient artifact.

I'm really happy for you. "

"Xiba, Lin Buer, you are really good. Not only did you win the honor for Xia, but you also made us allies feel lucky. Now our players Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are in your hands.

We feel very honored. It seems that our kimchi country has not misjudged the wrong person. Lin Buer, come on. "

"Who was talking nonsense in the live broadcast room just now, and said that Lin Buer, our contestant from Xia Kingdom, escaped with the seal of the Emperor, and was talking nonsense there.

This time, I will slap you hard on the mouths to see if the points rewarded by the system are all stupid, and if you are at a loss, it looks like it must be.

Now you can no longer talk about our Xia players. "

"Isn't it, especially those shameless people in the beautiful country, let's take a look at what kind of person our Xia country player Lin Buer is.

Is he going to want the seal of the emperor that he really took as you said?Are you all freaked out now?Lin Buer is so powerful now.

Who was bragging about your player John Xungang before he got so many rewards and points? He just got an ancient artifact and lived like that.

And what we Lin Buer got was the Pangu axe. Thinking about Pangu Zhiwei is a demon refining pot, it can be refined. "

"The people of the beautiful country and the people of other countries don't know what to think, as long as Lin Buer makes some moves here, our Xia country will have a little input.

You just make a fuss over there to experience it. Now that we are ready this time, let you take a look at the achievements of our player Lin Buer, so that even if you kill these players, they will not be able to catch up with Lin Buer's current strength.

Do you know that now Lin Buer is able to shuttle between the void and open up the world.

Think about it, with your little good fortune, can you still be compared with our 090 Xia Guo player Lin Buer?It's ridiculous. "

"Fake, why isn't it just some reward points for a morning artifact? Now that the mission is not over, where did you get it.

You're just bragging about Lin Buer, your player from Xia Kingdom, so what can you do?Sooner or later, the benevolent emperor's luck will return to our beautiful country.

Don't worry, we will get it sooner or later, especially those treasures in the treasure house in the underground palace of Chaoge City should belong to our beautiful country.

Lin Buer, your player from Xia Kingdom, can only participate, so that's where it goes, and you don't even look at it.

Chapter 380 The decision made by the second system

Now the two contestants from Ah Sanguo have already made a gesture early, and they will help our beautiful country contestant, John Xungang, to complete this mission.

Now that you think about it, don't be too happy too soon. "

"Of course we in the Three Kingdoms will do what we say, since we have expressed our opinions with the people of these countries in the live broadcast room.

Of course, our players from the Three Kingdoms will do their best, and we will definitely help the players from the beautiful country to get the treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City first.

The rest are not that important, or if we take some system points slowly, we will also get corresponding rewards.

As long as we defeat Lin Buer, won't all his points and rewards belong to our A Sanguo?Our dainty golden pagoda is no joke.

That is the magic weapon of the upper level of Yuxu Palace bestowed by our lamp-burning sage.

How can he be ridiculed for no reason by you people? Now that you haven't tasted his power, don't brag about it indiscriminately. ". "

"Xiba, the players from the Three Kingdoms really don't know what's going on now.

Don't they see the situation clearly?Now John Xungang in the beautiful country is suppressed by the spiritual barrier created by Lin Buer.

Now if you can't live but can't die, they are already crying without tears, and they are still bragging here.

How can I take you there to rescue John Xungang from the beautiful country first? Now, Kim Xiaoserley, Wu Jielin, Buer, they can kill him in minutes.

Just look at his good fortune, it seems that John Xungang is bound to die. "

"This system doesn't know what's going on, what's the matter, this Lin Buer took the Renhuang seal, ran for a long time and didn't come back with any credit.

I don't think it's true that I got so many system rewards. Anyway, I'll take another look, and I want to find out what's going on.

What the hell is Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia Kingdom, doing to get a reward again? Where did he escape to before?Don't you all want to know? "

"Fake, that's right, I also feel that something is wrong with this system now, the player he played, Lin Buer, holding the seal of the emperor, disappeared for so long before appearing in the live broadcast room.

It made such a big commotion, and you didn't see the system prompt that there are saints to help.

Who is this saint who is helping Lin Buer and getting some rewards for helping Lin Buer? It's really ridiculous. Wouldn't our attack of beheading strange beasts be more powerful?

Why didn't the system give us such a high reward?I don't know where the fairness of this system is now. "

"' ‖Let's see, these contestants in the beautiful country and the people in the three countries.

It's really ridiculous, why did Lin Buer of our Xia Kingdom get such a high system point reward (of promise) to make you feel so unbalanced?

This is the merit of our Xia Kingdom. Do you know that if you have the ability, you can also get such an artifact? If you have the ability, you can also have Lin Buer's current body of heaven.

If you don't have that ability, don't say these useless things in the live broadcast room. "

Accompanied by the unprovoked provocations of various people in the live broadcast room, there are also those who are boasting there, some are still there, and various languages ​​​​that don't believe it follow.

Chapter 380 The Third Uncontrollable Situation

The subtitles popped up on the big screen in the live broadcast room. At this time, the host of the Shan Hai Jing interface saw such an uncontrollable situation, he felt that he had to stand up and say a few words immediately.

Otherwise, these live broadcast rooms will definitely be blown up by these people, and I'm afraid they won't be able to see what's going on in Shanghai.

"Okay, everyone, stay calm and don't slander loudly there. This is nothing more than a power-level contest, and the winner has not yet been decided.

It's just a one-time system reward. Haven't you players from the Three Kingdoms ever been rewarded?Or are you contestants from the beautiful country not rewarded?

Is it true that the rewards that should be received will be distributed after all the rewards they deserve, so don’t question the fairness of the system, can’t everyone watch the live broadcast there? 090

You didn't see that it's the most important time in the live broadcast room, you are still saying these things for no reason, don't you want to see what's going on in the live broadcast room?

Now the beautiful country player John Xungang has been detained by Lin Buer's spiritual barrier, don't you want to see how Lin Buer wants to deal with it.

His ears are still making loud noises, which is not good for the live broadcast room, so please stay calm and watch the content of the live broadcast room.

Don't make a lot of noise there, although I also know that the people of your various countries are not convinced there, but this is a powerful contest of strength.

Whoever has the ability will come, and if it doesn't work, change to another player, and don't publicize it there.

Now that Lin Buer and his Xia country player Lin Buer got such a high reward, it must be inseparable from his hard work.

Thinking about how Lin Buer broke through the skills of Renhuangyin, the luck of Renhuangyin is now in the hands of Xia Guo (ajbi).

How is it possible for you to have good luck?Unless you also get the Seal of the Emperor, let's talk about it, well, no one is allowed to say these things in the live broadcast room, which is useless.

Watch the live broadcast well, everyone must listen to my host, otherwise you will definitely miss the exciting content. "It's on the interface of Shan Hai Jing.

The host just told the people of various countries what he saw in detail, because in his opinion, the system cannot be unfair.

After all, it was the hard work of Lin Buer, a player from the Xia Kingdom, that got such a result and points reward, if anyone wanted to get a higher reward.

Only by relying on his own cultivation and hard work, no one else can help them. Now people in various countries are saying such things there for no reason.

The contents of the live broadcast room, which piled up the screens of the live broadcast room, are completely invisible to other people, so it is absolutely impossible to affect his live broadcast.

At the moment when the host of the Shan Hai Jing interface live broadcast room just spoke, some people in the live broadcast room couldn't hold their breath at all.

They all thought what was going on with the host of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room. What he meant was that Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, was so powerful and powerful?

Only then did I get the points and rewards from the system, which made some of those watching in the live broadcast room unable to watch it anymore.

Chapter 380 The Fourth Strength Contest

"It's impossible for the host to say that if he has something, what does it mean to get points rewards based on one's own ability.

Are you touting how good Xia Guo's player Lin Buer is?Could it be that John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country, can't do it?

Now you see John Xungang from our beautiful country, he seems to be suppressed by Lin Buer in the enchantment, doesn't he have a chance to escape?

Thinking about all the mission point rewards before, our beautiful country took the lead. How can you say that, it seems that our beautiful country player John Xungang is so incompetent.

It really hurts the hearts of our American people. "

"Isn't it? This host really can't speak. In fact, in my opinion, even if Xia Guo's contestant Lin Buer has some skills, he won't be touted like that.

Don't you just get some rewards and points now and then?Didn't you see the system prompt in the live broadcast room clearly?

You didn't see the system prompt, it was all because of the help of the sage, Lin Buer didn't complete this task by himself, it was all done by someone helping him, so what does that have to do with Lin Buer?

If it is based on strength, it is not certain who is the strongest. "

"That's right, I still don't think our beautiful country player John Xungang is like this.

Sooner or later he'll escape too.

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