Think about the players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Kohli, they all want to help our beautiful country, John Xungang Talin, there is no other saint to help.

Don't our contestants in the beautiful country have no friends to help?It won't take long for us to turn around, and now you can only see the surface. "

"Siba, what's going on with the players in the beautiful country, you don't look at his current changes and appearance, it's really terrible, you are still here to praise him.

Are you a little too hypocritical, always living in the dream you wove, and you don't even think about it, what ability does he have to challenge Lin Buer now?

You are still talking about how powerful he is, you will be killed by Lin Buer sooner or later, but now it is only Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui hesitated there because he was soft for a while.

If it were me, I would have been rude to him long ago. "

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"That's right, these people in the beautiful country are a little too ridiculous, arrogant and arrogant, look at their contestants in the beautiful country.

What has become of John Xungang, he has no fighting power at all, and the arrogant arrogance before he was decadent has disappeared without a trace.

Still bragging about your players, so what?Can he be compared with Lin Buer?Now our Xia country player Lin Buer.

0 ......... 0

His breakthrough edict can replace the magic whip, do you know the power of hitting the magic whip?You should take a good look and come back to talk. "

The people of the Kimchi Country and the people of the Xia Country heard the people of the Beautiful Country in the live broadcast room, and those of the Three Kingdoms were there to slander the Shan Hai Jing.

The organization in the live broadcast room seemed to be deliberately protecting Lin Buer there. In fact, the people of Xia Kingdom knew it best, and what the host said was quite fair.

For Lin Buer, it is indeed a contest of strength. Those players don't have Lin Buer's ability at all, and they are still touting wildly there. Isn't this too funny?Son.

Chapter 380 Arrogance and Excitement

In the command room of the National Games of the United States, with the crisp sound of crackling wine bottles falling to the ground, the huge pipe in General Tom's hand was also smashed to the ground fiercely.

"Fake, what are you doing? It's really bullying. What did Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia Kingdom, do? Where did he come back from?

What kind of thing actually trapped our "[-]" contestant John Xungang? It's really disgusting. What is this Lin Buer doing there? "

Before, General Tom triumphantly summoned all the big and small officers in the command room of the Beautiful National Games to accompany him around the big screen in the live broadcast room.

Watching John Xungang in the beautiful country, because the corrupt general clearly saw the mutated John Xungang, and his huge body had already appeared in the live broadcast room.

He knew that John Xungang had a strong killing ability, and he also saw Xia Guo's players.

Holding the Renhuang seal, Lin Bu'er escaped from the Shan Haijing live broadcast room again and disappeared.

It seemed that Lin Buer, a player from Xia Kingdom, must have been afraid of John Xungang's killing ability.

The reason for running away is to escape their lives. It seems that John Xungang from the beautiful country will definitely be able to crush Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, and Lei Wujie in an instant.

So General Tom saw that when such a scene appeared in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

General Tom was very excited. He was thinking that he must let the officers in the command room of their beautiful country take a good look at their beautiful country players.

John Xungang's prestige, I didn't expect that just after they gathered around General Tom's huge sofa, they wanted to have a look at the means of their beautiful country John Xungang.

After Lin Buer escaped, take advantage of this time to kill Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie first, and then wait until the players from Xia Guo are dealt with.

Just go straight to the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, and then give him all the treasures in the underground palace's treasure house to take back to his own beautiful country, that would be enjoyable.

General Tom was so excited that he was dying of excitement, and now he was just explaining the feeling of excitement and arrogance to the officers next to him.

He couldn't suppress the joy in his heart at all. With all the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace within his fingertips, how could it make General Tom unhappy?

That's why he let out bursts of wild laughter there, "General Tom is really wise, he has a good leader, and he was able to select a team like John Xungang 0......

Such a player has come to do this task, it seems that we will be able to receive a large amount of rewards and points in a short time, which is for our beautiful player John Xungang.

And for the people of our beautiful country, this has added such a strong face to our beautiful country. We are all happy for you, General Tom, you are really amazing.

It won't be long before all the treasures in Chaoge City Shan Hai Jing should belong to our beautiful country. I am really happy for General Tom.

Come to General Tom, we must have a good celebration.

It's good to drink a few glasses. "

These officers in the command room of the National Games in the beautiful country heard that General Tom was happy and excited.

When they danced and said these words, the officers were also happy for Tom, "That's right.

Chapter 380 No Trace

General Tom, if you hadn't selected the players well this time, we wouldn't have achieved today's results. It seems that all good luck is inseparable from our beautiful country.

Although Lin Buer, their player from Xia Kingdom, has obtained the Human Emperor Seal, so what?Look at our beautiful country player, John Xungang, who is invincible now.

There is no opponent at all, and now even Lin Buer, the most powerful player in Xia Kingdom, has escaped. Think about it, all the good luck is coming to our beautiful country.

So General Tom's credit for all this is thanks to you. Come on, let's really celebrate. "

"In any case, this is really something that makes our beautiful country happy, you must know that our players are so strong and mighty.

This 09 will also allow the people of other countries to see the capabilities of our beautiful country, which will make them dare not be an enemy of our beautiful country in the future.

This is undoubtedly thanks to General Tom, so you should drink two more glasses, General Tom. "

General Tom was very complacent when he heard the words of the officers in the command room of the American National Games and what he boasted there.

Unable to extricate himself from his excitement, he immediately drank several glasses of red wine, "That's right, I thought it was pretty bad before.

I didn't expect that John Xungang, a contestant from our beautiful country, really gave us a face. Now our beautiful country is very arrogant. Haven't you seen that people from other countries are speaking for John Xungang from our beautiful country?

Now I feel that our beautiful country is invincible. The treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City will belong to our beautiful country sooner or later. Now I don't worry about these things at all.

And I am still very happy here, this is to enhance the popularity of our beautiful country.

I'm so happy. How can a country as big as ours be defeated by a player from Xia Kingdom?

So I'm not optimistic, Lin Buer, the player sent by Xiahou, has disappeared without a trace, it's really ridiculous. "

"Yes, General Tom, that's a coward who doesn't even dare to think now what else he has to say.

Now in the live broadcast room, the people of Xia Kingdom didn't even dare to breathe. It seemed that they all knew the mission this time, and they were bound to fail. "

Tom was in the beautiful country, and in the command room of the National Games, he heard the bragging of these officers under him, talking about John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

In Tom's eyes, the image of John Xungang has suddenly become taller now, because he knows that John Xungang is really adding face to himself.

Now these people in their beautiful country, no matter what kind of remarks they make in the live broadcast room, the people they have been under will not dare to slander.

After all, their players are the strongest. Isn't it Lin Buer, a player from Xia Kingdom now? It's not surprising that Lin Buer is so amazing.

Now that they have escaped without a trace, John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, is already trying to kill Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie directly.

It seems that there is only one player left, and those treasures in Chaoge City will naturally fall into the hands of their beautiful country.

Now Tom thinks of this and thinks of baby.

Chapter 380: Incomparable Greed

In an instant, the incomparable excitement in the two eyes revealed a strong greed, "Hurry up and use the system to send a message to our player John Xungang.

Tell him to kill Bai Yuekui, the contestant from the Xia Kingdom, and Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie from the Kimchi Kingdom, as quickly as possible.

As long as he kills them all, those treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace may belong to our beautiful country. It makes people happy to think about it. "

When General Tom heard what his officers said, he hurriedly ordered his soldiers.

Then you must send a message to John Xungang in the fastest time, and then you must kill Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoselei Wujie first, and then make a decision.

It is necessary to prepare things in advance. Just when General Tom gave such an order, the non-commissioned officers around him heard these words from General Tom.

They also readily agreed, the moment they left the beautiful country's National Games command room just now.

Suddenly, an officer next to him widened his eyes and became sober in an instant.

"Fack, something is wrong with General Tom, hurry up and take a look in the live broadcast room to see what happened in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, it's amazing.

What's going on? It seems that our player John Xungang was attacked by something, as if he was bound by something, which is amazing.

What is this thing that has never been seen or heard of? ". "When General Tom heard the words of the officer beside him.

He didn't dare to wait for a moment, and immediately came to the big screen in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

He used his eyes to inquire about the current dynamics in the live broadcast room, and suddenly he also saw something was wrong in the live broadcast room, because he saw a huge blue transparent body emitting powerful divine light.

They had wrapped their player John Xungang heavily inside, and their player John Xungang was still there, running around like a headless chicken.

The body kept hitting the transparent body of blue light, just when John Xungang's body touched that powerful transparent body.

John Xungang's body was instantly thrown several meters away. General Tom could see it clearly in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, and he didn't know what to do now.

He also felt John Xungang's helplessness, but General Tom didn't know what happened, it was a terrible force.

It seems to be manipulating John Xungang there, so that his body can't extricate himself, and he can't move around. This makes the general wonder, what's going on?

"' ‖ Falk, who can tell me what happened and what happened, hurry up and check our players.

What kind of situation happened to John Xungang (No's promise), and what is this transparent thing that emits strong light.

It is amazing that a body as big as John Xungang can be wrapped in it, unable to extricate itself. Where does this power come from?

I would like to find out if anyone of you knows, please tell me quickly. "General Tom faced the sudden situation in the live broadcast room.

In an instant, his whole eyes looked particularly dull and depressed.

Chapter 380 Seeking Answers

Besides being flustered, he didn't know what was going on in the live broadcast room, but through the screen of Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, he could already feel John Xungang's helplessness.

In addition, his huge body was thrown several meters away. Obviously, the power of that blue divine light transparent body is indeed quite powerful.

Now General Tom just couldn't figure out what the transparent body was, so he asked the officers in front of him there.

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