Just when General Tom's voice just fell.

The officers around him have long been surrounded by a few bottles of red wine, and their brains have lost their ability to judge and imagine.

They looked at each other now and could only sense what happened to John Xungang, their beautiful country player in the Shanhaijing live broadcast room, as if 090.

But in the face of General Tom's unreasonable accusations there, when he roared and asked them in a flustered tone, these officers actually looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one can answer the question that General Tom is now asking, "Just tell me what happened? I'll ask you.

Do you all know how to drink and enjoy because you are all wine bags and rice eggs?Could it be that such a thing happened in the live broadcast room, no one can answer it.

No one knows what kind of thing (ajbi) it is, and attacked our players, John Xungang, you have nothing to do.

You all know how to enjoy it there, but you can't answer the most basic things after practicing, waste Fake. "General Tom's wine was sober in an instant.

Facing the officers in front of him now, none of them answered his questions. General Tom cursed at them very angrily.

"Oh, no, General Tom, you must calm down, it seems to me that this incident happened in the live broadcast room, I think you are there now.

Take it easy and don't get angry, okay?I have a very good idea, and now this incident actually appeared in the live broadcast room.

We don't know where the power came from. You might as well just watch the dynamics in the live broadcast room and see what they have to say.

Maybe we can find some answers there. Although we don't know anything about the situation in the live broadcast room now, I think someone will know.

Thinking about it, maybe it was all made by Lin Buer, a player from the Xia Kingdom. "At the moment when General Tom was furious.

An officer next to him felt that things had changed subtly, and he immediately glanced at the big screen in the live broadcast room and saw the live broadcast room.

A series of those words came out on the screen, except that now he saw General Tom's furious look there.

It's not good for him to watch carefully what's going on in the live broadcast room, but under the reaction of the officer's mechanism.

It seemed that this matter might have an inseparable relationship with Lin Buer, their player from the Xia Kingdom, that's why he confronted the mad and violent Chief Tom.

Expressed his opinion, "Oh, yes, General Tom, I think what he said has some truths.".

Chapter 380 IX Strength Barrier

"Although we don't know exactly what happened now, and Chief Jerry is not in our command room now, I think he knows Xia Guo well.

He should know what's going to happen, but Jerry is obviously not here, so why don't you listen to his opinion, General Tom?

Let's take a look at what these people in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room said, maybe we can really find some answers from the middle.

So General Tom, don't lose your temper like thunder, we need to figure out the situation. "Yes, General Tom."

Don't miss this opportunity. Now take a look at what people from all over the world are saying on the screens in the live broadcast room. We will guess here now.

It’s also impossible to guess, so it’s better to check it carefully. If the news disappears in a while, we won’t be able to see it. General Tom, don’t miss this opportunity. "

"Yes, General Tom must not be so grumpy there.

Don't we all have to find a solution to anything?Although John Xungang, our beautiful country player, may have something slightly wrong.

But we also need to figure out the situation and see what happened in the live broadcast room. If you ask us, we don't know.

So don't waste time here now, we might as well look at the people of the Xia Kingdom or the people of the Kimchi Kingdom on the screen in the live broadcast room.

Let’s talk about what you mean, I think the answers you want will definitely appear in the live broadcast room. "

The officers in the command room of the National Games of the United States saw General Tom's furious appearance, and they were so angry that they were out of shape.

They were all very scared there, because they knew that it would be difficult to control them once they went crazy, so they were very concerned about General Tom's current actions.

Those officials dared not speak out. Tom, who was so irritable, saw the current situation in the live broadcast room and didn't know his contestants from the beautiful country.

What happened to John Xungang, but obviously he must have been blocked by some force, otherwise he would never be shrouded there by that powerful transparent body.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Unable to extricate himself from looking at John Xungang's distressed appearance, General Tom was so anxious that he was hysterical and crazy there.

But no matter how bad things are, it is necessary to find out what happened. General Tom heard these officers in the command room of the beautiful country.

0 ......... 0

When he said this to himself, Tom slowly calmed down his mind in an instant, "Fuck, well, that's all.

I think all of you are trash, you don't even know what's going on in the live broadcast room, and you're still drinking red wine to celebrate.

Hurry up and come over here to see what's going on in the live broadcast room. How can our player John Xungang be in such a situation? It's simply terrible.

How could it be covered by such a large transparent body? What kind of power is that?No, I have to figure it out.

After all, this is what happened to our beautiful country players. You must know that if he has a bad situation.

Chapter 390 Breaking Through the Barrier

It will definitely affect our beautiful country's contract. I can't let one player take away the luck of our entire country and the citizens of the beautiful country.

No, I have to figure it out. Come quickly and see what happened to our players. ' General Tom heard.

When the officers under him gave him these ideas, he suddenly understood that the officers of "[-]" in front of him were just people who wanted to enjoy themselves.

Getting them to figure out what's going on is almost as difficult as reaching the sky, these damned things they can't do anything, think about things.

General Tom immediately called these officers under him to accompany him to the big screen in the live broadcast room to see what happened.

From their point of view, they must figure it out. The players in the beautiful country must not make any mistakes. The officers in the command room of the beautiful country's National Sports Academy saw General Tom.

It took a little while to calm down his emotions, and it didn't look that bad, so they didn't wait until their general got angry.

Immediately obeyed Tom's instructions, and all came to the big screen in the live broadcast room.

Check the Shan Hai Jing interface there, what happened to John Xungang from their beautiful country in the live broadcast room? "General Tom, I've found it.

Look here, what the people of the Xia Kingdom are talking about, this is the enchantment, I understand, this must be the power of their gods.

Use their godly power to trap our player John Xungang. "That's right, General Tom and you look at how rampant these citizens of Xia Kingdom are."

Unexpectedly, they seemed to have obtained some power from the gods.

Lin Buer, who helped their player from Xia Kingdom, was able to bind our player John Xungang in this barrier.

It seems that it is very difficult for our John Xungang to break through this barrier. This is the power of God, and there is nothing we can do about it.

From General Tom's point of view, this is definitely not something we can do. I think it's better to forget it. We have no way to save our player John Xungang. "

"General Tom, look at how rampant the people of Xia Kingdom are now.  …

Before saying these words, we just casually expressed some of our thoughts and opinions in the live broadcast room.

I didn't expect our player, John Xungang, to be a little unsatisfactory this time. You didn't see that those citizens of Xia Kingdom said these horrible words. "

"General Tom, it looks like if John Xungang, our contestant from the beautiful country, is really bound by the power of the gods, then there is no way for him to escape.

You didn't see what the citizens of the Xia Kingdom said, this is the power of the gods, let's think of a way quickly, we must not sit still and wait for death.

What will Xiaokou, a contestant from our beautiful country, do if this continues? "That's right, if General Tom really has no choice, let's get Chief Jerry back as soon as possible."


I think now only Chief Jerry can give us some advice. We don't understand some things. It seems that our player John Xungang may be in danger.

Look at the people of these countries in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, especially the people of their Xia country, and those of the Kimchi country, the words are so terrifying.

Chapter 390

It seems to want to kill our player John Xungang. "" If General Tom has a way, let's think about it quickly, if there is no good idea.

I'm afraid our beautiful country player John Xungang will definitely not worry anymore.

Hurry up and save him, if this player is really overwhelmed by their Xia Guo player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui, then you can see how happy we are this time.

Wouldn't our celebration be in vain before we had nothing to rejoice in? "

 09 "I think we should get Chief Jerry to him as soon as possible. Think about it, Chief Jerry should have better ideas and methods. Seeing that John Xungang in our beautiful country is dying.

Hurry up and save him, if he suffers any kind of loss, I'm afraid it will be too late for you to regret it, General Tom has obtained the ancient artifact now.

There is also such a high amount of reward points, if this player is allowed, he will be killed by their player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui from Xia Kingdom in vain.

Thinking about it, it really embarrassed the citizens of our beautiful country. With such a big live broadcast room, people from various countries were watching in the live broadcast room.

In this way, where is the face of our beautiful country? "

"General Tom, don't hesitate there. If I were you, I would have made a decision early on, which is too scary.

Didn't you see that enchantment?How could God's power be able to deal with John Xungang who was made of flesh and blood?

My goodness, Farke, their Xia Guo people are really good, especially their Xia Guo players.

Why is Lin Buer so powerful? He can use the power of God to accomplish such impossible things. It would be great if John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, had half the power. Baby, it must be that our beautiful country didn't run away.

But looking at it now, it seems that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, their contestants from Xia Kingdom, have stronger luck. "

Facing the words in the live broadcast room, General Tom was looking for the answer he wanted to know.

At this moment, when the subordinate officials around him said these words to him, General Tom's eyes suddenly swelled up there.

The expression of the whole person with wide-eyed eyes was in a very angry state.

"What should I do when I see this? Now what's going on with Xia Guo's player, Lin Buer?

To be able to use the power of God to trap John Xungang of our beautiful country in this enchantment, think about the players of our beautiful country.

John Xungang has mutated into this form, and Lin Buer can use the power of Shangshen 090 to trap him in the barrier, which is terrible.

How much secret and power does this Lin Buer hide?It's really hard to understand that Xia Guo has such a strong opponent.

It seems that these treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City are very difficult to get into the hands of our beautiful country. "

General Tom is now watching the screen in the live broadcast room to find an answer he wants. General Tom's eyes are so angry that his eyeballs are bumpy.

So while General Tom was angry, he was quite surprised that Xia Guo's player Lin Buer could have such a great ability.

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