To be able to use the power of God to create such a powerful enchantment.

Chapter 390 The Power of the Second God

Trapping John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, made General Tom envious, "General Tom, don't be surprised by Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia country.

Now think about our players in the beautiful country, John Xungang is terrible.

He has been trapped in that enchantment, and he wants to kill John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country. Isn't this an easy task?

I think we are really passive now, the two of them should quickly think of an idea, and we must not be allowed to fall into passiveness.

If you think about it, Lin Buer, their Xia Guo player, is actually so good now.

We are not his opponent at all, so we must think of a perfect measure for the current plan, first rescue our beautiful country player John Xungang. "

"Actually, I don't think it's a big deal. Didn't you two see it? Didn't you pay attention to what they said in the live broadcast room just now?

I read it through the chat records in the live broadcast room.

Now I think the two most promising players are the two players from A Sanguo, Sharmad and Kohli, who will definitely help John Xungang from our beautiful country.

But these two guys didn't say anything for a long time. I don't know if he can help us John Xungang.

I also hope that the two players from A Sanguo can help each other, so as long as our player John Xungang can get rid of the shackles of God.

Then Lin Buer definitely has nothing to do with John News Steel now, but the current situation is really bad, and now we are looking at John News Steel in our beautiful country.

Lin Buer used the power of God to create an enchantment, and the two players who trapped our player John Xungang A Sanguo didn't say anything.

I don't know if they will really help me in these two hours, but I want to know.

If it doesn't work, let's ask in the live broadcast room, or send this message directly to Sharmad and Kohli of Asanguo, and ask for help.

After all, they are all friendly citizens. I think Sharmad and John Xungang in the Three Kingdoms should be able to rescue them.

He absolutely can't let the John Xungang of our beautiful country become like this dog.

Is he still there and doesn't care?I think this is definitely not a player from Ah Sanguo.

What the two of them can do is that he has already publicly said on the big screen in the live broadcast room that he will help our beautiful country player John Xungang.

I think we might as well give it a try. I think it’s better to try something than to be a token here. ". "

The officers in the beautiful country's national sports command room heard General Tom, who was just there praising Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, his great strength.

But these officers in the command rooms of these beautiful countries.

It seems that the most important thing now is to use the power of the gods to bind their (No's) beautiful country player Lin Buer in that enchantment.

"' ‖Oh, what you said is really easy, and you don't look at the players they have played now.

Lin Buer was able to use their godly power to bind our beautiful country player John Xungang in there. Thinking about it, it is so difficult now.

Can the two players of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Kohli, really help? .

Chapter 390

I don't think so, it's better for us to save ourselves now, and think about it, we should get Chief Jerry back as soon as possible.

I don't know what Chief Jerry is doing there, and I haven't seen him for a long time. I think Jerry will have his own opinion if he can't handle this matter.

We must also take Jerry's advice. "

General Tom was so anxious that he heard the officers around him talking to him about the situation in the live broadcast room.

And when they came up with these not-so-good ideas, General Tom was also in trouble, because he knew that now Xia Guo's player Lin Buer had the courage to return to the live broadcast room.

That would definitely turn the live broadcast room upside down, and now he actually used the power of God to trap John Xungang, the 090 player in his beautiful country, there.

It seems that the two stupid guys of Ah Sanguo who can be rescued by anyone are really not, so far they have not dared to talk about the two players of Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and John Xungang.

It seems that they know that Xia Guo's player Lin Buer is so good that they don't want to help. It seems that they all want to use their own strength to get the treasure in Chaoge City.

So are they going to give up their beautiful country player John Xungang?They were in a particularly bad mood thinking about it, "Fuck, well, this is just too bad.

It's something I don't want to hear, and what I don't want to see is John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country, who wants to beat Bai Yuekui, a player from Xia country, quickly.

And those two stupid things from Kimchi Country, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were killed, what happened, suddenly their player Lin Buer from Xia Country came back again.

It seems that he came from a bad place this time, and John Xungang, our beautiful country player, is about to suffer.

I should listen to your advice. If I wait for the two players from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Kohli, to rescue our player John Xungang, I think the hope is too slim.

If those two guys can't handle it, they will even doubt their own ghostly thoughts. It seems that they are all here for the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

So now if something terrible happens to our American player John Xungang (ajbi), don't they all have to secretly laugh behind their backs, who can help.

I think this matter is too difficult to deal with, just like the idea you just came up with, hurry up and get our Chief Jerry back to me.

It seems that these things should really be discussed with Jerry. You stupid people can even come up with a good solution, and no one is as good as Jerry.

Hurry up and call Jerry over, now I want to hear Jerry's advice too. "General Tom faced these officers in the command room of the National Games of the United States.

General Tom was very annoyed by the useless words he said there.Originally, he saw Xia Guo's contestants.

When Lin Buer suddenly returned to the live broadcast room, he bound John Xungang of their beautiful country in the enchantment with the power of God, and was very angry.

Seeing these officers around him, one by one, they will sit back and enjoy their achievements, enjoy it there, and want to drink red wine and watch the live broadcast there when they are free.

I have never worried about the state of their beautiful country, it seems that these guys are really useless to support them.

Chapter 390 Four Artifact Comparison

It's better to have a good discussion with Jerry. After all, Jerry's heart is all about the national destiny of the beautiful country. Jerry has always put the affairs of the beautiful country first.

He is definitely not such a person who loves to enjoy himself, so when General Tom is really desperate.

When he heard these words said to him by the officers in the command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country.

As soon as General Tom's eyes lit up, he ordered his soldiers to get Jerry back as soon as possible.

"General Tom, don't be angry there, I know we haven't come up with a good idea, don't worry, Jerry long-shut up for a while.

I think he will definitely bring you good news, so don't think about anything here.

Now let's see what kind of state the live broadcast will have. Now it seems that the people in the entire Shan Haijing live broadcast room are those people from Xia Kingdom who are more arrogant.

What you said is indeed insulting to the arrogance of our beautiful country, and it is too outrageous. Think about it, as long as it is a player from our beautiful country.

John Xungang let him breathe a little bit, and must avenge this.

It is absolutely impossible for Xia Guo's player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui to bully our player John Xungang like this, so General Tom is just like you said.

As long as Chief Jerry is brought back, everything will be solved.

Don't be so sad there. "

The few officers in the beautiful country's National Games command room saw the general's anger and anger, and then they gave him advice.

While persuading General Tom there, just as the voices of the officials in the command room of the Beautiful National Games fell, suddenly a system prompt sounded in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

The beep sounded again on the interface in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

At this time, General Tom wondered if there would be another turning point?So his eyes were wide open and he didn't dare to leave the live broadcast room on the interface of Shan Hai Jing.

At this moment, with the reminder to meet in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, General Tom's whole nerves were about to collapse when the ringing sounded.

When General Tom watched the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room interface, the system notification sound reminded Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

When the reward points he got appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room one after another, he couldn't hold back his violent temper anymore.

He overturned the red wine on the table next to him to the ground, and then lifted the glass of red wine that he had placed on the table before, and threw it to the ground heavily.

There was a crackling sound on the ground, "Fake, what the hell is going on? What kind of situation is going on? Their player Lin Buer from Xia Kingdom just returned to the live broadcast room.

0 ......... 0

Why did the system reward points suddenly appear, and he was rewarded with such a high number of points, as well as the Pangu axe, an ancient artifact from Xia Guo player Lin Buer.

What is going on here?How could this ancient ax be so powerful?

Could it be that this Pangu ax surpasses the ancient artifact that our beautiful country contestant, John Xungang, just got? "

General Tom was confused when he saw the series of system reward points appearing on the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

At the time when a series of rewards were issued continuously with the system prompt sound.

Chapter 390

This made General Tom go berserk there, because he had already seen Lin Buer on the big screen in the live broadcast room, not only did he get such a high score.

Moreover, they also got the ancient artifact Pangu axe. According to General Tom, their contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, just got the ancient artifact demon refining pot.

It is already a very powerful artifact, but General Tom looked for the killing ability of the Pangu Axe from "[-]" on the big screen in the live broadcast room, but he didn't have much killing ability.

This made General Tom laugh wildly there, because he knew that an ancient artifact without the ability to kill should be nothing to the demon refining pot he just got.

General Tom didn't know anything about this, but he knew that the system reward points were quite high, much higher than the points of their beautiful country player John Xungang.

But for this ancient artifact, the introduction is not too comprehensive, but General Tom just doesn't understand such things.

He thinks that it should not be as strong as the demon refining pot obtained by John Xungang, a contestant from their beautiful country, "Hey, come and take a look, now their contestant from Xiaguo, Lin Buer, has actually obtained an ancient artifact, the Pangu Axe Come and see if this Pangu ax has the spirit of the demon refining pot that our contestants from the beautiful country have obtained.

How can I feel that they are similar, but our player John Xungang got this demon refining pot, which can refine all the ancient beasts engraved in the underground palace.

But this Pangu Ax doesn't seem to have introduced such a function. Thinking about it, it shouldn't be as powerful as the treasure we got. Anyway, I don't know anything about these things.

Come and explain to me if you understand. "Facing the rewards from Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room, General Tom really didn't understand something.

That's why he asked those officers under him what he thought in his heart, but he just asked these words in front of General Tom.

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