These officers under him were also there to watch the situation in the live broadcast room.

They actually have nothing to imagine, so they all waved their hands in a helpless posture, facing the words General Tom just asked ......

They really couldn't answer, "I really don't know what's going on with each of you.

Can't even answer something like this?I don't know much about these ancient artifacts, so I just wanted to ask you guys.

But I didn't expect to meet all of you fools, all of you are inferior to Chief Jerry. If Chief Jerry was here, he would definitely be able to explain it clearly to me.

But seeing these high points on the big screen in the live broadcast room, it should be a very powerful magic weapon, forget it, it is really useless to tell you.

Hurry up and bring Jerry back to me. "When these officers in the command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country heard these words of General Tom on 1.8.

They didn't know what to do, because they knew that if they continued to talk to General Tom, he would definitely think about it very angrily.

Even if he wants to find Mr. Jerry now, it will undoubtedly let them get rid of General Tom's violent temper, when they listen to these words of General Tom.

Chapter 390 Six Terrible

These officers in the command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country disappeared from General Tom's sight in an instant, and General Tom saw these officers under him.

Leaving his own world as if fleeing for his life, their general was there in his heart, constantly cursing the incompetence of these officers under him.

But in General Tom's view, the situation in the live broadcast room must be well known.

Now John Xungang, a contestant from their beautiful country, is actually being used by Lin Buer, a 09 player from Xiaguo, with the power of God.

It is really not easy to create an enchantment to restrain their player John Xungang. How powerful is Lin Buer.

Now facing Lin Buer, he came to the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room again, which made General Tom feel extremely fear and pressure, and suddenly there were bursts of system prompts in the live broadcast room.

A moment after the bonus points expired, when General Tom came back to his senses, the entire live broadcast room exploded again, which made General Tom terrified.

He knew that Lin Buer, the player from Xia Kingdom, was so lucky that he got the system points unexpectedly, within a few seconds.

The entire live broadcast room has been blasted, flying all over the sky, praising their Xia Guo player Lin Buer for suddenly refreshing the screen in the live broadcast room of the interface of Shan Hai Jing.

Let General Tom see the current situation, he became even more angry, he didn't know what to do, now he saw the situation in the live broadcast room in front of him.

There was a strong pressure that made General Tom breathless.

General Tom knew that now that Lin Buer had obtained the Renhuang Seal, the luck of the Renhuang Seal belonged to Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom.

It seems that it is not easy for his own player, John Xungang, to turn the world upside down. Lin Buer was able to use the power of God to create such a powerful barrier.

It's not easy for John Xungang to escape from the beautiful country's players, "General Tom, what do you want from me?

I just heard our soldiers and officers say that what kind of situation happened in the live broadcast room, I was really anxious.

I didn't do so many things in my hands now, so I came here in a hurry. Seeing you like this, I know if there is another situation in the live broadcast room.

Why does it have a direct relationship with the contestants in our beautiful country, John Xungang? Hurry up, let me take a good look at it, I just went out for a while.

How could such a thing happen in the live broadcast room?It's really worrying to death. "Just at his tomb, the general saw those Xia people in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

At 107, when they were talking about the achievements of their Xia Guo player Lin Buer, they also knew that Xia Guo player Lin Buer had won such a high system reward point.

In fact, General Tom was very angry. He didn't know how to explode this anger. He heard it when he was going crazy in his heart.

Chief Jerry pushed open the door of their Command Room of the Beautiful Country.

Then there was no breathing, and it was done in one go.

There he muttered something that made Chief Jerry very angry, "Sir Jerry, you came at the right time, I found that these officers under me are really terrible.

Chapter 390

None of them knew what was going on in the live broadcast room, so come and take a look, now Xia Guo's players.

Lin Buer actually returned to the live broadcast room. Didn't you know that in our beautiful country when you went out before, the player John Xungang has mutated into a powerful force.

It was enough to crush the players from various countries in the live broadcast room. Unexpectedly, Lin Buer, a player from Xia Kingdom, could return to the live broadcast room again.

Just look at the current players in our country. John Xungang is really terrible. I can't even describe him. Now it seems that he is trying to survive, not to die.

Seeing his terrible appearance really embarrass the citizens of our beautiful country, and now the people of our beautiful country have lost confidence.

You must know that people in various countries are watching this magnificent live broadcast in the live broadcast room. Think about it, if John Xungang, a player from the United States, is so bad.

Lost all the face of our beautiful country, the most important thing is the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City, and the luck of the beautiful country.

Whether he understood or not, he threw away this damn thing in one brain. When he comes back, I must clean him up properly. Look at the mess he has made in the live broadcast room now.

Now Lin Buer has returned to the live broadcast room and used his supernatural power to create a powerful barrier. Now I figure it out.

That is actually a powerful enchantment, how much strength is needed to create it.

Mr. Jerry, come over and take a look. Now I think our beautiful country player John Xungang is really incompetent. It's terrible. Now there is a system prompt on the screen in the live broadcast room.

Now Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, has obtained an ancient artifact, the Pangu Axe.

And it gets pretty big bonus points.

This is much more points than our beautiful country player John Xungang.

But I just didn't figure out what the ancient artifact that the player Lin Buer of the Xia Kingdom got now looked like.

I also feel that he should not have players from our beautiful country.

The demon refining pot that John Xungang got must have a lot of mana.

Now that I think about it, there are really no contestants from our beautiful country in the entire live broadcast room. What happened to John Xungang? I am now begging for a better turnaround.

That's why I sent those soldiers to bring Mr. Jerry over here.

It seems that you can help us do this matter, otherwise our beautiful country player John Xungang may be in danger. Think about the players we wanted to bet against them before.

Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui are about to make a move. It looks like we're going to be in a passive situation. Chief Jerry, come over and have a look. I don't even know what to do now.

I think now you are the only one who can have such strength and ideas (Zhao).

Help me find out what's going on, sometimes I really don't understand these ancient artifacts in the live broadcast room. ". "

When General Tom saw Chief Jerry appearing in front of him, he was very happy, as happy as he had caught a life-saving straw.

You must know that the officers under him don't understand what's going on in the live broadcast room at all, they only see Xia Guo's players.

Chapter 390 Eight Life-saving Straw

Lin Buer got high rewards and points, and he didn't know what the ancient artifact meant.

It seems that as long as the players from their beautiful country are safe.

That will work, so General Tom really needs Chief Jerry to help him resolve this matter after much deliberation. After all, he is indeed inferior to Jerry in some things.

As soon as Chief Jerry came in, he felt that something was wrong.

He knew General Tamo's violent temper.

He also saw the red wine bottle in 107 where the body was smashed to pieces by General Tom and the big pipe he likes to hold on weekdays.

All of them fell to the ground. It seems that Lin Buer, the player of Xia Guo in the live broadcast room, got such powerful high points and rewards.

General Tang Mu definitely couldn't accept it, and Jerry felt it when the irritability happened there, because the officers outside his door had just left their general's command room.

Because their expressions were so condensed, it was obvious that Tom must have lost his temper again, "General Tom, don't think so much about it right now.

 (ajbi) Probably you have told me about the situation, and I can know more or less. Let me take a good look in the live broadcast room first, and then talk about what happened.

I'm just listening to your description here, and there are some things I haven't understood yet, so you wait for me for a while and I'll take a look at the situation in the live broadcast room.

Let's discuss the countermeasures, shall we? "

When Chief Jerry heard their general and the things he described.

But in sharp view.

You have to take a good look in the live broadcast room to see what kind of situation happened in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room before you can settle down.

Otherwise, I can't think about it now. Just listening to Tom talking to me, I still don't know what happened in the live broadcast room.

So when Tom was furious there, Jerry spoke his thoughts to Tom.

"Okay, Jerry will leave the matter in the live broadcast room to you for the time being, please help me to see, I am in a terrible mood now, I don't have so much energy to watch the things in the live broadcast room .

Now that I think about it, it's really too bad. It makes me sad. I didn't expect our beautiful country player John Xungang to be so incompetent. It seems that our beautiful country's luck is about to disappear.

They must have been devoured by Lin Buer, their Xia country player.

Think about it, Xia Guo's player, Lin Buer, actually got the seal of the emperor. This is because all the luck has been added to Lin Buer and Xia Guo.

What can we do next?I also want to let John Xungang, a contestant from our beautiful country, take back all the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace in Chaoge City to our beautiful country.

Let us all have a beautiful country. I didn't expect that my thoughts are going to be ruined now. It's so annoying. Now that you're here, Mr. Jerry is so kind.

For me, I am also relieved, you are much better than those officers, they are all a bunch of waste, don't even know the most basic things.

If you want to check it quickly, check it quickly, I will wait for your news here. "

When General Tom heard what Jerry said, he was very happy.

Chapter 390 IX Killing Means

Because Tom knows that as long as Jerry appears, everything will be solved.

But the worst thing was their player John Xungang. John Xungang really let her down.

So he put all his grievances on their player, John Xungang, and told Jerry what he thought.

Just thinking that it would be great if Jerry could help him find the answer he wanted, when General Tom heard what Jerry said.

He could only wait obediently there, hoping that Chief Jerry would bring him some good news. Chief Jerry ignored General Tom's expression at all.

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