No matter how hysterical he was howling there, in Chief Jerry's opinion, everything had to wait for the situation in all the live broadcast rooms to be clarified.

Now that there is such a situation in the live broadcast room, if there is no crisis, General Tom will not rush to find it in the live broadcast room.

It must have been something difficult for him to understand.

"Mr. Jerry, please take a look at the live broadcast room, it's a mess now, what happened to John Xungang from our beautiful country~?

I really hate him now, because he has no means of killing at all. You must know that when Lin Buer left the live broadcast room with the reward he got, the player who had just played.

At that time, it was the best time to behead Bai Yuekui, a player from the Xia Kingdom, and Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, a player from the Kimchi Country, but they were wasted by John Xungang for nothing.

That's what caused the current situation. Think about it, isn't this the result of our player John Xungang's own fault?If he hadn't been arrogant and conceited there.

It will not bring such a big trouble to our beautiful country.

Now the entire live broadcast room has become like this, and our player John Xungang has also been controlled by the spiritual barrier created by Lin Buer.

Why is Lin Buer so powerful now?

By the way, didn't the system prompt just now that there are saints to help?I would like to see who this saint is, and how Lin Buer always has such good luck.

This player Lin Buer from the Xia Kingdom is really not easy. It is really difficult to get rid of him.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

He is now a thorn in the side of our beautiful country, he must be pulled out, otherwise our player John Xungang has no chance of winning.

Now, Mr. Jerry, if you think about it, those treasures in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City seem to be getting farther and farther away from our beautiful country. I am so angry now.

I don't know what language to use to describe our beautiful country's player John Xungang Falk, Mr. Jerry, please take a look.

. 0 ......

Now the live broadcast room is really in a mess, I don't know what to do now, whether our beautiful country player John Xungang can survive.

We must survive, this is the hope of our beautiful country.

Now all the good luck belongs to their Xia country player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui, think about what we can do.

I also want to rely on the means of John Xungang in our beautiful country to get those treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

Now I see that the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room are too arrogant, aren’t they just there to slander the people of our beautiful country? They have no children.

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Putting us in the eyes of these hateful Xia people, I must let them have a taste of the strength of our beautiful country players, and they must not lose to their Xia country player Lin Buer. "

General Tom saw from the sidelines that Chief Jerry was there now.

He stared straight at the situation in the live broadcast room on the interface of Shan Hai Jing, and re-watched the words of "[-]" that the Xia people said in the live broadcast room from beginning to end.

General Tom was there, and he expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart very angrily, because in General Tom's opinion.

All of these are the consequences of their players in the beautiful country, John Xungang, if he hadn't been arrogant and arrogant just now.

It seems that Lin Buer really ran away with the Seal of the Emperor. If he hadn't had such an idea, would he have killed Lin Buer directly while he was not in the live broadcast room.

Killing Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie, Jin Xiaoser and the others would not lead to the current situation. This is really infuriating. The more General Tom thought about it, the angrier he became.

It was there that his anger and temper continued to explode.

"General Tom, you should be quiet, you know, I really don't want you to complain now, even if you complain, what's the use?

Now that such a situation has happened, I was not optimistic about it before. I have already told you, but I didn't expect you to be so conceited.

He didn't listen to what I said at all. Now look at our contestants in the beautiful country. Although John Xungang has a strong explosive power, his body has undergone such a mutated state.

So if you think about it, are these normal? Now that Lin Buer, Xia Guo's player, has the help of a sage, think about it, as you said, all the good luck has returned to Xia Guo.

What else do you have to say here, don't disturb my thoughts now, I want to think about it carefully, what should our contestants in the beautiful country do next.

The luck must be reversed, otherwise it would be too bad.

General Tom is like what you just said, I also want to bring all the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace to our beautiful country.

But we also have to look at the strength of our players. Now it is obvious that we have been crushed by Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, and Lin Buer has a saint to help 0......

He got such high system rewards and points, and also got the ancient artifact Pangu Axe, how powerful it is, we have no way to kill him, you know? "

When Chief Jerry heard General Tom's rambling words from the side, Chief Jerry also became upset there for no reason.

He was upset and made his remarks there, because in Chief Jerry's opinion, he was watching the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room before.

He was not optimistic about the players from the beautiful country. John Xungang always felt that it was absolutely impossible for Lin Buer to escape. He must be thinking of some measures to deal with 1.8.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of Chief Jerry, General Tom is the most arrogant and arrogant person.

If it weren't for his arbitrariness, he should have issued an instruction to John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

I didn't expect him to delay such an important opportunity, and he is still complaining there.

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John Xungang Chief Jerry looked back and took a look at General Tom's current situation. He didn't feel that General Tom was pitiful at all, but he always felt that General Tom was a little irritating.

He missed the beautiful country, the best time for John Xungang to kill Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoserei Wujie.

It must be because of his arrogance that he always felt that his player, John Xungang, had mutated like that.

They got the ancient artifact again, the demon pot will definitely crush Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie didn't expect Lin Buer to think of countermeasures in the blink of an eye.

And also got the help of a saint, think about it and get such a big reward and points.

It is already powerless, and now Chief Jerry is looking through the dynamics of 09 in the live broadcast room and the remarks made by people from all over the world.

Chief Jerry became more and more frightened as he watched. Now he knew that John Xungang was in a state of fear. This time, it might be a bad luck, but he was faced with the current situation of General Tom.

Chief Jerry didn't know how to explain to him, "How is Chief Jerry? You've been watching the live broadcast for half a day, and I'm dying of anxiety here.

Hurry up and tell me what to do in the end, now our player John Xungang has such a situation.

And Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, got the ancient artifact Pangu Axe. What happened to the Pangu Axe?Could it be that the ancient artifact that Xia Guo's player Lin Buer got now?

Will the Pangu ax really be more powerful than the magical artifact of the demon refining pot that John Xungang obtained from our beautiful country? "

General Tom couldn't wait to watch from the sidelines, and Chief Jerry was constantly fiddling with the remarks made by people from various countries in the live broadcast room.

At this time, General Tom suddenly remembered the issue of the reward points Lin Buer had obtained, so he told Chief Jerry what he didn't know.

Chief Jerry heard General Tom and him raise such a naive question, and Chief Jerry just shook his head sighing there.

Because Chief Jerry knows that he is now a contestant in their beautiful country.

John Xungang got the ancient magic pot, which is nothing more than an ancient beast that can refine some strange beasts for thousands of years.

However, the ancient artifact that Lin Buer obtained, the Pangu axe, is the hidden power of the law of heaven and earth, and it is the essence of Pangu's illusion, which can travel through the void.

It has the power to open up the world, which cannot be compared with a small demon refining pot. Now when Chief Jerry heard these questions from General Tom to himself.

He just sighed there, not knowing what General Tom 107 was thinking, he had been watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room, could it be that there was such a large amount of information.

Didn't he figure it out? "What about Mr. Jerry? Now John Xungang from our beautiful country has been bound by Lin Buer in that profile.

Did he have any hope of escaping?

If he could really escape, wouldn't it be better to say that the two players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Kohli, also helped our beautiful country's player, John Xungang?

Why haven't they made a move yet?I'm going to panic to death, I really don't know what to do now. "General Tom saw that Chief Jerry was in the .

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The expression of sighing and sighing there seemed to be something, not so exhausting, as expected, it seemed that my idea would eventually come true.

It seems that now he should really worry about his beautiful country player John Xungang.

It is absolutely impossible to let the luck of the beautiful country be crushed by Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia country, so that the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace will no longer be accessible.

This is the place where General Tom can be hit most directly, "Whenever is General Tom, you are still dreaming here, and you don't want to think about the current situation.

The game was really too bad for our beautiful country player John Xungang.You must know that Xia Guo's player Lin Buer has created such a powerful spiritual barrier.

They have already restrained our players, John Xungang, it is not easy for him to escape from there, even if you don't think about it, this is forged by the body of a saint.

The enchantment is not something that a John Xungang with the ability to kill can walk out of, it needs boundless power of the gods to be able to escape and see John Xungang with small eyes.

Does he have these conditions now?So you don't want to be wishful thinking there, in my opinion, if he wants to escape, it will be easier said than done.

It's simply impossible, by the way, General Tom.

Don't think about it now, just think about it, if the two players from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Kohli.

If he sincerely wanted to help our contestants from the beautiful country, he would have made a move a long time ago, why wait until now?Aren't the two players just watching there?

Think about it, who doesn't miss those treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace?The two players from Ah San Guo, Sharmad and Curley, were no exception.

It's all for the consideration of their own citizens. Will they take risks to save our beautiful country's player John Xungang?If it were our John Xungang, would he be able to save them?

Just put yourself in another place and think about it, it is absolutely impossible for this to happen, so we can only save ourselves now, everything must be considered in the long term.

So don't have too much hope now, in my opinion, John Xungang will definitely be killed by Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui this time.

This time our players must have no hope of being alive. ". "Officer Jerry heard General Tom asking himself there.

Chief Jerry looked back at General Tom contemptuously.

Chief Jerry knew that General Tom was going to the doctor due to illness, and she was still looking forward to the presence of the two players from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Curley.

It's an emergency, how is that possible?It can't be done now, the two players from Ah Sanguo can't wait for something to happen to their player, John Xungang.

In this way, they will have one less competitor (dead Zhao), so the treasure house in the underground palace of Chaoge City, the baby can have some relationship with them, and now in the eyes of Chief Jerry.

All the good luck has already belonged to their Xia Guo player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui, so they can only resign themselves to their fate, since such a situation has already appeared in the live broadcast room.

He hoped that there would be some good opportunity to turn it around, but seeing the live broadcast room, the current situation is definitely not easy to turn around.

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