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Thinking about it now, I am afraid that John Xungang is also in danger, and this time their beautiful country may lose another player, "General Tom.

Let me tell you now, I have already seen almost the situation in the live broadcast room, and now the player they played against, Lin Buer, has received the help of God again.

Created such a spiritual barrier to trap our player John Xungang, and won such a high reward, and the points got the ancient artifact Pangu axe.

It seems that John Xungang, our beautiful country player, is dying now, so don't hold any hope there, I'm afraid he will be powerless this time.

I have nothing to do. Thinking about it now, we must lose this option. If there is any turning point, then you should pray hard.

Maybe there will really be some 107 sages to help like Lin Buer, but I think it's like a dream, so don't think about it, I told you before.

We should find two substitute players to support John Xungang, otherwise John Xungang will definitely be killed by Lin Buer.

In this way we have no opponents.

But with so many treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace treasure house, I can't just let Xia Guo's player Lin Buer take all of them to Xia Guo, this is absolutely not allowed.

No matter what, we must have our share in the beautiful country. "When Chief Jerry looked through the words of all the people in the live broadcast room from beginning to end in the live broadcast room.

He was there to analyze the current situation in the live broadcast room. In his opinion, John Xungang, their beautiful country player, must not be rescued now.

If it were him, he wouldn't miss such a good opportunity.

He will definitely be beheaded, and then one player will be eliminated. In this way, there will be no players in their beautiful country. Thinking about it, I really have some foresight.

If he hadn't found two substitute players, John Xungang would have been the most alarmed by this situation so far.

Now that there are so many treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, it seems that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui are bound to win now, Chief Jerry (ajbi) knows it in his heart.

All the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace are absolutely not allowed.

Just to take advantage of Xia Guo's players for nothing, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui will never allow them to be taken away by Xia Guodu, "Mr. Jerry.

Then you mean that now we can only let our beautiful country player John Xungang sit here to die, we can only watch here, what should we do?

Then there is no way to save it, and now even the two players from Ah Sanguo can't wait, this is simply too bad.

I was thinking that if you come to our live broadcast room, you will be saved, but I didn't expect you to come without such a good idea. It seems really hopeless. What should I do?

In this way, if our general knows the current situation, he will definitely not be lenient.

I'm in a desperate situation, and John Xungang, our beautiful country player, is too bad. He actually made things like this, how should I deal with it? "

When General Tom heard what Chief Jerry said to him now, he fell into despair. He knew that if it was true this time.

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Just like Chief Jerry said, if John Xungang, a contestant from Beautiful Country, would be killed by Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, a contestant from Xia Country.

Then this matter is the worst thing. Obviously, if such an accident really happens, then the treasure in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

It is likely that they have nothing to do with the beautiful country, "Hey, what did you say just now, Mr. Jerry, you seem to have found two contestants, right?

What kind of player is it?Can they have the mutation ability of John Xungang now?You have to figure out the situation, if you are not as powerful as John Xungang~.

I'm afraid we will lose these treasures again. You must know that John Xungang is already very powerful now. It has reached the eighth level of killing strange beasts.

Now if two incompetent people are sent hastily, they will definitely be looked down upon by other citizens. I don't want the current situation to happen.

Our beautiful country is bad enough, if I send two more incompetent players to the live broadcast room, won't it continue to embarrass us citizens of the beautiful country?

I don't want this situation to be too bad. "

"General Tom, don't be so pessimistic about worrying about the sky.

In fact, if you think about it, it would be pretty good if we had players to send, and it would be much better than not having any players to send.

The two players I have found now should not be as powerful as the current John Xungang, but it is impossible to have no players appearing in the live broadcast room.

In this way, the national evolution of our beautiful country is even more lost. If you don't want them to appear immediately, then we will sit here and wait for death.

Take a good look at the dynamics of our beautiful country player John Xungang, maybe there will be a good ending, so everything should be looked at in a good direction.

The luck of the citizens of our beautiful country will not be so bad.

Now I know that since Lin Buer has obtained the Human Emperor Seal, Lin Buer's luck must be stronger than that of our player John Xungang.

So you have to take a good look at some things, I hope that we should have the right to obtain these treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

So now I can only wait and see here.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

If you don't listen to my advice, then there is nothing I can do. "When Chief Jerry heard what General Tom said to him.

In fact, Chief Jerry knew about it, and General Tom was also worried. If he really sent a new player to the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room to replace the current player John Xungang.

Then it is definitely not as strong as John Xungang's beheading ability. Now John Xungang has actually obtained the God of Mutation, and he has also received such a high amount of reward points.

Then the players they go to must start all over again. Now Xia Guo's player Lin Buer has already obtained the seal of the emperor, and he is also a saint of heaven.

Think about the people of all countries, no one is as good as Lin Buer, a player from Xia Kingdom. Now if you want to send someone who can be compared with Lin Buer, where can you find it?

When Chief Jerry heard what General Tom said.

He fell into deep thought right there, he knew that everything depends on luck now, just wait, there might be some turning point in the live broadcast room.

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Now although their player John Xungang was suppressed in the enchantment by the spiritual enchantment created by Lin Buer, he couldn't extricate himself.

Perhaps if there was even a glimmer of hope that he could actually escape.

In case the two players of A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, find a player who can really help them, John Xungang may also be able to do so.

Now that Chief Jerry saw the messy situation in the live broadcast room, he knew that "[-]" was a little out of control, and he really didn't know what to do.

He is now also in great panic and anxiety, "Fak, that's the only way to go, Mr. Jerry, when I heard what you said just now.

In fact, I am sober and not so confused.

I also know that all the conditions and luck in the live broadcast room are not too lucky for our beautiful country, but what can we do?

I don't want other situations to arise. Now that I think about it, I can only temporarily watch the dynamics in the live broadcast room to see if our beautiful country player John Xungang has any good luck.

Maybe he can really survive, as long as he can survive, we still have some hope for those treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

So I can still watch the live broadcast and let's talk about it.

As for the two players you mentioned, I am not very optimistic.

But I know that this is a plan made by you, Mr. Jerry, who is responsible for the people of our entire beautiful country. I respect you more, so don't worry.

If I can use it, I will definitely use it.

But I still pray that our player John Xungang will be safe and sound. "When General Tom heard what Officer Jerry said to him now.

General Tom's nerves were tense there too.

He knew that it was pointless to worry too much now, so he might as well cool down and watch what happened in Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

Maybe there will be some good changes in case.

"I went to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, what are they thinking there? They have created such a powerful spiritual barrier now.

If John Xungang has been bound in there, we should cut the mess quickly and give John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, a happy death. 0......"

"That's right, it's really quiet in the live broadcast room now, and the people in those beautiful countries don't dare to speak anymore.

Even the two contestants from Ah Sanguo and the people from Ah Sanguo didn't dare to speak. It seemed that they were all watching and watching the show.

In this way, John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, was almost isolated. "

"On weekdays, I watched those players from various countries, and those people from various countries boasted about the beautiful country and their players. John Xungang is now fine.

John Xungang is really in trouble now. Can you see that no one is willing to help.

It's really ridiculous. Now think about how unlucky their beautiful country player John Xun 1.8 steel is. "

"Poor people must have something to hate, and you don't even think about the arrogant appearance of John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country before.

He almost crushed the entire Chaoge City, and now the Liming people in Chaoge City are able to live well, isn't it thanks to Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaose? ".

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"Lin Buer, hurry up, don't hesitate there, just rush into the enchantment, and kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, first.

The arrogance of killing the nationals of their beautiful country is full of arrogance, and you must not be merciful. You have to think about it, if you were a player from their beautiful country in your current position.

Can John Xungang let you go? "

"Our player Lin Buer from Xia Kingdom is really good, he can actually get such a powerful ancient artifact, and now 09 wants to kill John Xungang in a matter of minutes.

Look at our Lin Buer, he should be the most powerful. Among the players from all countries, no one gets as many reward points as Lin Buer.

And Lin Buer's luck is the best, and now they must be far behind. "

"That's right, the people from the Three Kingdoms, as well as those from other small countries.

They were all praising the players from the beautiful country there, John Xungang, they really dare not speak now, it seems that they are all afraid of the ancient artifact that Lin Buer got now, the Pangu axe. "

"That is, as long as our Lin Buer's points continue to be rewarded, then our Xia Kingdom's luck will continue, and it will definitely grow.

Now that I think about it, John Xungang and the others should be the most afraid of them, especially the two players from A Sanguo, who dare not even speak big words now.

They must be thinking about whether the exquisite golden pagoda in their hands can be compared with the Pangu Mansion in Lin Bu's second hand. It seems that they must be timid. "

"Xiba, that's right, I'm watching Lin Buer now, I don't know what Lin Buer thinks there, I've been watching it here for so long.

Lin Buer hurriedly made a move, and directly killed the contestants from the beautiful country first.

John Xungang said that the other two bastards from A Sanguo can just keep teaching them a lesson slowly. The magical weapons in their hands are in vain, and they are definitely not as good as Lin Buer, a contestant from Xiaguo. "

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