"Now we don't want to talk to him about anything, and we don't need to say so much. It depends on Lin Buer. We should tell Lin Buer to kill John Xungang as soon as possible.

Now as long as the player John Xungang from the beautiful country is killed, think about whether their beautiful country is not as terrible as other players, so one less obstacle is a harm.

In this way, there will be no more contestants from the beautiful country, and the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace should belong to our Xia country.

They are still afraid of our Xia Kingdom's treasures there, and they are all quite courageous. Now that it's all over, Lin Buer went back to the live broadcast room to see how they continue to be rampant. "

"Now Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui should directly kill John Xungang, otherwise 107 would really embarrass the people of Xia Kingdom.

If you don't take advantage of such a good opportunity, how can you do it?We must destroy the arrogance of those people in their beautiful country, before killing the majesty of John Xungang.

He was advocating there and wanted to compete with Lin Buer, but he didn't think about it.

How can he compete with Lin Buer with his appearance? Lin Buer can crush him in minutes. "

When Chief Jerry and General Tom were watching the live broadcast of Shan Hai Jing in the command room of the National Games of the United States, they were still delusional there.

Chapter Four Hundred and Seven

See if there is any miracle that can make their beautiful country's national sports turn around, and make their beautiful country's player John Xungang survive.

In this way, they can also share some of the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace, but when Chief Jerry and General Tom were watching the interface of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

I have already seen the people of Xia Kingdom and the people of Kimchi Kingdom express their different opinions in the live broadcast room of the Shanhaijing interface, but in the final analysis the most important point.

It was there that he wanted to persuade Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui to kill John Xungang, their beautiful country player, in one straightforward step.

The never-ending trouble made it impossible for them to be afraid of those treasures in the treasure house of Chaogecheng's underground palace, "Fuck, did you see it, Mr. Jerry.

Now there is such a situation in the live broadcast room, the citizens of Xia Kingdom don't take the people of our beautiful country into their eyes at all.

Not to mention John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country, it seems that if Lin Buer wants to kill John Xungang, it will be a matter of minutes, so what should he do?

Don't let our beautiful country player John Xungang come into danger.

I just want to hope that he can survive well, so that I can still hope to get the treasure in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace. , John Xungang will be killed by him. ". "

When General Tom is now watching the words of the people of Xia Kingdom in the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, they are all laughing at the contestants from the beautiful country.

John Xungang was there advocating the reward points Lin Buer got and was there to encourage Lin Buer.

When Bai Yuekui was about to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, General Tom couldn't calm down anymore.

He was in a state of panic. He absolutely didn't want their beautiful country player, John Xungang, to be killed out of thin air by Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

In this way, he will miss those treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace, so how can it work?If this mission fails, it will definitely not work.

So General Tom watched the news in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room in horror, chatted with Chief Jerry there, and then spit out his thoughts.

"' ‖No, General Tom, don't despair there, I don't think it's a matter of life and death yet.

In fact, I also saw what those Xiaguan people said in the live broadcast room, but didn't you see that Xia Guo's player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui didn't make any moves?

This is the silver lining, you know?If Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui made the decision, it would be the final result.

But just seeing what the people of Xia Kingdom said in the live broadcast room (Dede Zhao), it doesn't work at all, so you just watch it.

Don't worry about it, the most important thing is that we still need to see their Xia Guo's player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui and their real thoughts.

Now we have to quietly watch the live broadcast room.

Let's see what they think. "

When Chief Jerry heard what General Tom said to him, he just looked back at General Tom.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I knew that General Tom must be anxious about their beautiful country and national fortune. In fact, the school flower cup is also very anxious there.

So what can it do, just relying on the useless words of the Xia people in the live broadcast room is not the result and purpose he wants to see in the end.

Most importantly, he wanted to see what Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui wanted to do with the extinct John Xungang in their beautiful country.

So when General Tom said these words to him, Chief Jerry immediately expressed his inner 107 thoughts and opinions.

Because in Chief Jerry's opinion, now he can only quietly watch the dynamics in the live broadcast room.

The two players from A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, were silent there. It seems that there should be little hope for A Sanguo.

These two guys usually treat the public players in their beautiful country with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, but they didn't expect it to be at this most critical time.

These two contestants from Ah San Guo, Sharmad and Curley, dare not even say a word. Now Chief Jerry (ajbi) is very angry when he sees this situation.

He felt that if Sharmad and Curley from Ah Sanguo were really about to give up, John Xungang from their beautiful country would be the most hateful one.

Even the words of those people from Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room and those shameless people from the Kimchi Kingdom couldn't hurt Chief Jerry at all.

He just wanted to watch the live broadcast and see what the final result in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room was like. General Tom heard Chief Jerry speak so firmly.

I knew that Chief Jerry must have his own ideas and opinions, and General Tom followed Chief Jerry to watch the dynamics in the live broadcast room.

I hope that there will be some miracle, and it will be good to reverse the luck of their beautiful country. General Tom has been praying silently in his heart.

"Jin Xiaoser, you didn't ask Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui what the two of them were thinking, and now John Xungang has been wrapped in a spiritual barrier created by Lin Buer.

Didn't you see that the people in the live broadcast room were there to persuade Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

But seeing Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui chatting happily, I'm really embarrassed to disturb them, what should I do?Now we should really think about it.

Now is the best time to kill the contestant from the beautiful country.

Just like what we saw in the live broadcast room, what the people of Xia Kingdom said actually made some sense. Now it just needs to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Such a big obstacle has been cleared directly, and the people of those beautiful countries in the province are still so rampant in the live broadcast room, this time is the best time to teach them a lesson.

I really don't know if the two of us should help Master and Master's wife. They should get rid of the contestant John Xungang from this beautiful country first. "

Lei Wujie saw Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui chatting there.

I don't know what to talk about there, and on the one hand, he is watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room.

I have already seen those enthusiastic people in the live broadcast room giving opinions to Lin Buer, and they all feel that Lin Buer's handling of this matter is a bit too abrupt.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

John Xungang of the beautiful country has been directly bound there with spiritual power, why is he still not allowed to kill him and just kill him.

In this way, the people of their beautiful country, as well as their players from the beautiful country, will no longer want to peek at the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

"Lei Wujie, I also know that what you said makes sense.

Didn't you see that Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui and the others don't know where to coordinate something, and I'm too embarrassed to interrupt the conversation between the two of them, Master and Mistress.

You have to know that Bai Yuekui was looking forward to Lin Buer's return to the live broadcast room, and finally caught Lin Buer's shadow every moment. Think about it, wouldn't it be nice to have the two of them together to catch up with each other?

Bai Yuekui will be very angry if he disturbs him now. In fact, I have been watching the developments in the live broadcast room here, and I have been thinking about it for a long time.

But if you think about it, if the two of us helped Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui kill John Xungang from the beautiful country.

It seems that the two of us don't have such great ability.

If you think about it, such a large barrier is made by saints, and it has the power of the gods. With just the two of us, we may not even be able to enter this barrier~.

Even if you enter the beautiful country, the current player John Xungang is not something that the two of us can handle. I think you should forget it.

No matter what happens to this matter, we have to ask our kimchi national sports commander, right? Sometimes we don't do whatever we want.

You sometimes call me stupid, now think about what you think is stupid. "When Jin Xiaoser heard what Lei Wujie said.

Jin Xiaoser felt that Lei Wujie's idea was really bad. After all, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui were chatting there, and now Lin Buer finally returned to the live broadcast room.

Bai Yuekui should really be happy. He was scared beyond recognition by John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country before, and he finally hoped for Lin Buer to come back.

How can they interrupt their conversation now?

Although the situation in the live broadcast room is well known to Jin Xiaoser, he also knows that if he follows the advice of those people in Xia Kingdom.

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He directly removed this obstacle from the beautiful country's contestants, and he would never dare to fight against Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui again, but the strength of the two of them was too great.

If you want to really offend the players from the beautiful country, you have to ask them for the final instructions from the Kimchi country, so when Jin Xiaoser heard what Lei Wujie said to himself.

. 0 ......

He always felt that something was wrong, so he rejected Lei Wujie's words just now, "Master and wife, what are you two doing there so tired of doing this?

You just came to see what happened in the live broadcast room. Now the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room are saying, what about the two of you.

Hurry up and take a look, I'm too embarrassed to bother you, but I really can't resist the aspirations of these onlookers in the live broadcast room, what should I do?

Lin Buer, hurry up and make up your mind. "When Jin Xiaoser heard what Lei Wujie said to himself, he knew that there were some things that he could not make up his own mind at all.

Even after listening to Lei Wujie's words, he came to Lin Buer.

Chapter 410

John Xungang was killed in the spiritual power barrier that was just created.

Then they are probably not the opponents of John Xungang now. Although John Xungang is bound in this spiritual barrier, its killing ability still has its mutation.

The huge body can crush him and Lei Wujie in minutes.Now Jin Xiaoser actually knows what Lei Wujie is thinking in his heart.

If the two "one zero seven" join hands to kill John Xungang, a citizen of the beautiful country, this will also dispel the arrogance of these people in the beautiful country.

It can also contribute to the prestige of their kimchi country. In fact, Kim Xiaose knows Lei Wujie's thoughts, but Jin Xiaose knows the ability to evaluate the two of them.

I'm afraid this matter can't be done at all, if it really wants to be like Lei Wujieshu's, even if the two of them have such an idea.

But it may not be able to break through this spiritual barrier, how difficult this matter is, if it is not done well, it will definitely cause some kind of trouble.

I'm afraid that John Xungang from the beautiful country has not been killed, so there is a powerful rising power in this spiritual barrier, which swallows their two contestants from the pickle country.

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