It is absolutely impossible to resist this powerful upward force, although Jin Xiaoser has pre-stored some on weekdays.

But thinking of this, he knew that this matter must not be listened to by Tu Lei Wujie, just when Lei Wujie wanted to say more to Jin Xiaoseduo.

Jin Xiaoser had an idea and immediately yelled in the direction of Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui. He knew that the people in Xiaguan were watching in the live broadcast room anyway.

There are also those people in various countries who are waiting to see Lin Buer's next progress.

Let's see if Lin Buer can go with the flow and kill John Xungang, a player from Beautiful Country. If he is really killed, they will have no players to send to Beautiful Country now.

Thinking about it is something to be happy about, how will Lei Wujie get in there if he is still there.

Although my own ability is not good now.

But with the help of Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, they can kill the contestant John Xungang from the beautiful country. Isn't this the same as fueling the arrogance of their kimchi country?

"Lin Buer didn't expect that you came back in time. Do you know that if you come back a little later, my life will be lost.  …

Do you really have the heart to watch me being killed by John Xungang, a contestant from the Beautiful Country?If Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were not here to protect me now.

The two of them are quite creditable, otherwise I would definitely not be able to see you. "Lei Wujie was still chatting with Lin Buer about such things in a tired and crooked manner.

Because Bai Yuekui was really scared before, and Lin Buer disappeared in the live broadcast room for such a long time, a lot of things happened in the live broadcast room, large and small.

If Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid those people in Chaoge City who are powerless now.

He was crushed by 1.8 by John Xungang from Beautiful Country early on, and Zhao Kecheng was probably in danger, so Bai Yuekui chatted with Lin Buer about it there.

In fact, in Lin Buer's opinion, even Bai Yuekui didn't say anything.

He also looked down and observed all the things under Chaoge City in the Tiangong, and he knew that what Bai Yuekui said was indeed correct, if there was no Bai Yuekui this time.

Chapter 410 Sitting and Waiting to Die

Jin Xiaoserai Wujie is so chaotic, those ordinary people in the city will definitely suffer from these unreasonable disasters, John Xungang's feet are slightly trampled on.

Chaoge City would be destroyed, but fortunately it was Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaose.

Lei Wujie and the others communicated in time.

Let these ordinary people in Chaoge City have found a safe place to hide, otherwise Zhao Guocheng will definitely fall into a great panic.

Lin Buer knew that all of this was due to Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoselei Wujie, and this time he really frightened Bai Yuekui, otherwise he would not have shown his current expression.

"Don't worry, Bai Yuekui thinks that although I, Lin Buer, have no abilities, I will never put you in any danger. Didn't I show up every 09 dangers?

Don't worry, in fact, I observed all your situations from a distance, and every move of you and Jin Xiaoserei Wujie is under my nose.

It's just that I was chatting with those great saints just now, so I didn't have time to come over.

There are also some important things that are involved, otherwise, why would I, Lin Buer, let Bai Yuekui encounter such a dangerous thing here and ignore you.

Besides, there are still so many Limin people in Chaoge City.

If he was really beheaded by John Xungang from the beautiful country, think about it, so many people died tragically for the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City this time.

Then I can make this happen, don't worry, Bai Yuekui has me, Lin Buer, here, I guarantee that you will never be in any danger, and I will definitely bring you back to Xiaguan.

I can guarantee this, so you must not be afraid to know what happens there?With me, everything can be resolved for you. "

Lin Buer could see that Bai Yuekui was worried and knew that this matter had really frightened Bai Yuekui.

If there was no Jin Xiaoserui Wujie and the others helping Bai Yuekui, what kind of situation might they encounter? Bai Yuekui would definitely not have his own ideas for a while.

Thinking about how lucky I was to come back at such a critical juncture this time, it was the luck of Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoserei, Wujie and the others.

"Of course I believe you, Lin Buer, think about it, every time we are in danger, you are the one who rescues us, if I don't have this confidence, how can I be with you.

Don't worry, I will definitely protect the safety of the people of Brother Zhao Zengli. Think about how many people were almost destroyed by John Xungang.

If I were as strong as him, I wouldn't just sit and wait for death. I would have killed him a long time ago, but you can see that John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, is indeed very powerful.

It's not like I can just deal with it when it mutated into this kind of 107, so I try to minimize the loss of Chaoge City there.

It's enough to keep these innocent people from being implicated. Aren't Jin Xiaoser, I, Lei Wujie and I just waiting for you to come back here? "

When Bai Yuekui was chatting with Lin Buer there, he suddenly heard Jin Xiaose interrupting their conversation impatiently.

This made Bai Yuekui a little angry, because Bai Yuekui knew that Lin Buer had finally come back.

And after chatting with myself for so long, Bai Yuekui was actually very happy in his heart the last time Bai Yuekui.

Chapter 410: Bai Yuekui is Angry

When Lin Buer was chatting happily with the vixen Daji from Chaoge City, Bai Yuekui who was on the side was actually quite upset.

Now he knows that Lin Buer's purpose is to deceive that vixen, and Daji's purpose is to get the emperor's seal from him. Thinking about it, Lin Buer is quite scheming.

I didn't expect that Lin Buer would use the beauty trick, "Jin Xiaoser, you are really clever, don't you see that Mrs. Shi is a little bit nice, right?

Now my mistress finally had a few good words with your master, you have to disturb your mistress at this time, you are smart enough.

I wish I could strangle you alive right now. "When Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaose said, he talked about Jin Xiaose angrily.

But Bai Yuekui knew that something must have happened in the live broadcast room.

So he immediately took Lin Buer to the Shan Hai Jing meeting in the live broadcast room to take a good look at what happened there.

Because he knew that as long as Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie were there talking about such things.

If there was nothing important, Jin Xiaoser would not have dared to disturb him and Lin Buer. Now thinking of this, Bai Yuekui immediately stood on the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

After watching the words of the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room and the suggestions to Lin Buer, "What the hell are these two boys doing when I go to Kimchi Country?

Doesn't he know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade?Bai Yuekui finally brought Lin Buer back, but the two boys are still disturbing Lin Buer.

Now I am worried about Jin Xiaose for this kid, this guy is really brave. ". "

"Actually, I don't think there is anything wrong with Jin Xiaoser. You can see that the people in the Xia Kingdom are also saying these things in the live broadcast room. They are actually suggestions for Lin Buer.

I think it's right, you didn't see that there are some people in the country of Xia who just want Lin Buer to strike while the iron is hot and kill John Xungang of the beautiful country as soon as possible.

In this way, I think it is right to kill him once and for all, so as to make those people in their beautiful country frightened. "

"Yes, I also think that what the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room are saying is indeed right, killing John Xungang directly is actually the most straightforward way.

Then those treasures in Chaogecheng's underground palace and the people in their beautiful country don't have to worry about it anymore. "

"` ‖That's what I said, but Bai Yuekui had been looking forward to Lin Buer's return for a long time, and finally saw Lin Buer's face, you see, the two of them didn't say a few words just now.

Just being disturbed by Jin Xiaoser, they don't know what they are thinking there, really, I feel sad for Bai Yuekui. "

"Didn't you see what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie said in the live broadcast room now? In fact, the two of them also want to help us Xia (got Zhao) people.

Killed John Xungang from the beautiful country, but the two of them didn't have that ability, so they called Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui there. In fact, the two of them were right. "

"That's right, even if Bai Yuekui misses Lin Buer any more, isn't Lin Buer coming back?

The days to come are still long, why not just listen to the advice of these people in the live broadcast room and kill him directly, so that John Xungang will not be arrogant.

Chapter 410

The onlookers in the beautiful country don't have to keep saying there, our Xia country player Lin Buer is wrong. "" No, sometimes the opportunity is too late to come again.

If you miss this time, it may be difficult to find such a good opportunity. Lin Buer should really take action and kill the beautiful country player Xiaokou.

Otherwise, if there is a real crisis, think about it, this is not a joke. "" Sometimes you just worry too much.

You don't have to worry about Lin Buer, now Lin Buer, haven't you seen the rewards and points of the system, Lin Buer now has saints to help.

I must have encountered 107 outside and had good things to do with the help of saints, so this situation occurred.

Now Lin does not hold the Emperor's seal second-hand.

All the luck is in the hands of us, so what is there to worry about?So you just wait there for the good news, isn't it just a John Xungang?

It should be fine to kill it early and kill it later, so let Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui have a good conversation there, can't you? "

"You don't understand anything, so you should watch the live broadcast carefully, sometimes it's really like what one of our people said just now.

It must be done early, and it must not be lost. Such a good opportunity, maybe there is some kind of turning point, who can tell the difference in the current situation in the live broadcast room? . "

"That's right, anyway, it's just that the current situation at home is messy. Fortunately, our former player Lin Buer, his skills are quite powerful.

Now that he has surpassed the saint and is already at the peak of the way of heaven, it seems that Lin Buer's cultivation base is unmatched by anyone.

But there are unpredictable circumstances, who knows what will happen.

But I am still very optimistic about Lin Buer, and I just hope that the players from Xia Country will never be crushed by the players from their beautiful country. "

"Don't worry, John Xungang from the Beautiful Country has been bound by Lin Buer's exhausted spiritual energy, even if he (ajbi) grows wings, he may not be able to escape.

You haven't seen Xiaogong, a contestant from the beautiful country, in such a mess. I feel ridiculous when I see him, bumping around like a headless chicken.

Nor did he escape the shackles of the spiritual barrier. "

"Yeah, no matter what happens now, our country of Xia has the upper hand, the entire live broadcast room has been quiet, and now the people in the beautiful country are afraid to speak.

I'm guessing that the people in the beautiful country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room must be worried about their players.

As long as they make a sound, they are afraid of angering the onlookers in our Xia Kingdom. If they arouse our anger, they will definitely provoke Lin Buer.

Without hesitation, they killed the contestants from their beautiful country.

This facilitated the timing of John Steel's death. ""Yeah, even the two contestants who are bragging about their A Sanguo are there now."

Both Sharmad and Kohli are silent now, and they are all watching.

If the players from the beautiful country, John Xungang, the two guys from A Sanguo will not give up if they have a first-line promotion.

It seems that Ah Sanguo is ready to give up, otherwise he will definitely express his opinion in the live broadcast room.

Think about how long it has been now, those people from A Sanguo and the two players from A Sanguo are all waiting and watching. ".

Chapter 410 The Fourth Missed Opportunity

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