"No matter what, Lin Buer should act quickly.

I was so anxious to death, I thought it was the best time for Lin Buer to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, and now he is delaying the opportunity to fight, you know?

The time was wasted in vain. Although he was chatting with Bai Yuekui there, I also felt that Jin Xiaose interrupted their words.

It's a little impolite, but think about it, it's not a joke, it's impossible for so many treasures in Chaoge City to be stared at by these players from all walks of life~.

But how did the things we downloaded fall into their hands?Lin Buer's tasks on the street are too heavy, and it's really not the right time to talk about these things there now. "

The onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room didn't know where they saw the live broadcast room, and quietly saw the words spoken by the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room.

The people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were expressing their opinions instantly, because they knew that Lin Buer could create a spiritual barrier this time.

Binding America's player John Xungang in there, it is likely that this is his best opportunity, if he is not killed now, what if he misses the opportunity?

Once John News Steel has any opportunity to change, such a good opportunity will be wasted.

Finding such an opportunity is more difficult than climbing to the sky, so these people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room seem to be really sweating for Lin Buer.

I feel that Lin Buer's actions are a little slow. If it were him, he would kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, first.

There is still time to chat with Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and the others, Lin Buer is just wasting such a good time there for nothing.

What should I do if something goes wrong in the middle?

The people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were worried about Lin Buer, so they all expressed their views in such an urgent situation.

The host of Shan Hai Jing's interface live broadcast room now saw that the contestants from these various countries had finally stopped, and the crowd watching from their various countries had also stopped.

He was finally relieved to know that it was not easy to appease them.But the current situation in the studio really worried him.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Because all the shouts in the live broadcast room now come from the people of the Xia Kingdom and the people of the Kimchi Kingdom.

These words were all words to persuade Lin Buer to quickly kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, and they were all words, which made the host of the live broadcast room fall into an embarrassing state.

. 0 ......

He knew that if Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, players from Xia Country, could move their fingers, they would be able to kill John Xungang from Beautiful Country.

But if John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, is killed.

Then these important hotspots in their live broadcast room are ruined in vain. Now the largest number of people watching the live broadcast room are the people of Xia country and the people of beautiful country.

If they kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, now.

So will they lose part of the viewing rate, which makes the host of the Shanhaijing interface live broadcast room hesitate.

He also wanted to see the player from the beautiful country, John Xungang, beheaded by Lin Buer, but if he wanted to lose part of his son...

Chapter 410 Five Silence

It's not enough for those onlookers to just watch the popularity. By then, won't there be a lot of people in his live broadcast room?

Thinking of this, the host of the Shan Hai Jing meeting live broadcast room immediately returned to the Shan Hai Jing meeting live broadcast room and said to all the people.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, I know that the current situation of the entire live broadcast room is of great expectation to the people of all countries.

People in various "[-]" countries are worried about their players, but now I have also seen the status in the live broadcast room, and now it is Xia Guo's players.

Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui has already restrained John Xungang from Beautiful Country, so some things still need to be judged by the players themselves as to what to do next.

So the people from all over the world should not interfere with the thinking of these players, okay?You just need to quietly watch the current situation in the live broadcast room.

Everyone think about such a good live broadcast, you should put all your thoughts on Chaoge City instead of these players.

So if there is any matter, let the players from each country make up their own minds, everyone can watch the live broadcast here. "

The host of the Shan Hai Jing interface live broadcast room left the live broadcast room immediately after speaking. He knew that as long as it was his slightest wish, he would make some remarks in the live broadcast room.

It will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people of the Xia Kingdom. Before that, they were all the people of the Beautiful Country, and he didn't speak up when they accused Xia Guo of the country for no reason.

At that time, the hosts in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room always felt that this would enhance the atmosphere in the live broadcast room and make them more watchable.

But now it seems that the people in their beautiful country are silent, and this enthusiasm is about to disappear.

How can that work?So he risked being insulted by various people and expressed his views in the live broadcast room.

"Xiba, what's the matter, can't we just say what we want to say casually? Couldn't we just say what we want to say in the live broadcast room?

Those people in these beautiful countries and those people in Ah Sanguo all said these things in the live broadcast room, why the host lived in peace there.

What's the use of saying this in the live broadcast room now? ""Yeah, we didn't say anything, it's just that Lin Buer, our Xia Guo player, was a little slow in his actions.  …

We just want him to make a quick move and kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, so that we can clear our obstacles, isn't it right?

What our players didn't expect, we, as the people of Xia Kingdom, would like to remind you.

There is something wrong with Lin Buer and he is still here to say that the people in our beautiful country did not say much in the live broadcast room.

If this is the case, I want John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, to kill our Xia country player, Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, and Lei Wujie.

At that time, I didn't see the host of your live broadcast room come out and say such words. Isn't this 1.8 favoring the people and players in the beautiful country?

I think it's kind of unfair what on earth do you think? ""Yes, that's right, I feel that some players from Xia Kingdom, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, are unfair.

Now Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui haven't said anything or done anything.

It's just that there's nothing wrong with what the people of Xia Kingdom said. Don't you want people to talk in the live broadcast room? .

Chapter 410

They said in this article that the beautiful country, the three countries, and other small countries, so that none of your hosts refuted.

Why now we say a few words casually, and you stand up and say that ours is really too much. "

"It's the people of our Xia country who caused so much dissatisfaction by just saying a few words casually, and now even the people of the beautiful country can't speak there.

Could it be that you are just talking about us, there is something wrong with 09 in what we did, and there is no one in this live broadcast room, so you are happy? "

In the live broadcast room on the interface of Shan Hai Jing, the host just casually felt the voice of his heart, just wanting to enliven the atmosphere in the whole live broadcast room.

I never expected him to say a few simple words, but it made the people of the entire Xia Kingdom boil, everyone said such words one by one.

The host of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room couldn't stand what the people of the Xia Kingdom said, and the people of the Kimchi Kingdom said the truth there.

He immediately fell silent, and didn't dare to appear in the live broadcast room for a while, but he knew the host of the live broadcast room of Shanghai Jingjie.

Now the atmosphere seems to be re-ignited by contrast.

In this way, his onlooker rate has increased a lot, and now he has achieved his goal of being the host of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

So no matter what words appear in the live broadcast room now, it has nothing to do with him.

As long as the violation rate in the live broadcast room keeps rising there, then he will be happy.

"Why did Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, kill John Xungang, a contestant from Beautiful Country? I also want to see his mutated figure in the live broadcast room.

Let's see how he killed those monsters in Chaoge City's underground palace. "

"If John Xungang, the mutated beautiful country player, is not there, then the viewership in the live broadcast will definitely drop.

I also want to see how the ancient magic pot he got will be used in the future. I don't understand it now, so I have been watching here. "

"It's right to kill him. Now I feel that John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country of Sand Sculpture, is an inevitable thing. Lin Buer, I want to see the most exciting place now.

If you really try to kill him, I can still stay in the live broadcast room and watch for a while. "

"Now all the luck is in the hands of their player Xia Guolinbuer, it seems that the player John Xungang of the beautiful country is in danger.

Now is the most exciting time and he should be killed. "Lin Buer Bai Yuekui, why are you two still hesitating?"

Doing it directly will definitely not give John Xungang, the 107 player from the beautiful country, a chance to breathe, if he escapes from the range surrounded by this spiritual barrier.

Think about it, if such a terrible thing gets into Chaoge City, the people there will suffer. "Lin Buer, think about John Xungang from their beautiful country."

And how those people treat you Xia Guo, so I support you Lin Buer, I have been in the live broadcast room and never left.

So I don't care at all what the host said just now, you just kill him, I think it's the best chance, and you Xia people are right. ".

Chapter 410 VII

"Lin Buer, I really support you, I have to kill it, I want to see how you can kill this mutated guy with such a small body.

John Xungang, a contestant from the Beautiful Country, is tall. It is not so easy to kill him now, so I think now is the focus of the entire live broadcast.

I'm optimistic about you, Lin Buer, making a move. I'm waiting to see a good show. "Just when the host of the Shan Hai Jing interface live broadcast room just put down his words.

Those people in various countries were watching this peerless live broadcast there, and in their eyes, now is the most exciting and lively part.

Now they have all been watching the content of the live broadcast room intently, when the people in their various countries heard what the host said in the live broadcast room.

It seems to be preventing Lin Buer from killing John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

How can that work?What they can't wait now is to look forward to the moment when Lin Buer makes a move.

Take a look at how Lin Buer, with his weak body, turned a mutated contestant from the beautiful country.

It was killed, so everyone was watching the situation in the live broadcast room with a wait-and-see attitude, when they heard what the host said.

They all mentioned their rebuttal opinions, and all the people in the instant live broadcast room expressed their opinions there, and most of them supported Xia Guo player Lin Buer.

Because now that Lin Buer's luck has deepened, it's hard not to win.

They are now optimistic about Lin Buer who gave up the beautiful country. John Xungang thought that their luck in the beautiful country was strong, so they were more or less lamenting the power of the beautiful country there.

So they didn't dare to say anything casually, but now it's different and finally turned around, all the luck is in their Xia Guo's hands.

Moreover, Lin Buer also got the help of a sage, and also got an ancient artifact. The power of the Pangu Mansion is now for the people of various countries.

Their hearts slowly and unanimously moved closer to Xia Guo's luck, "Lin Buer, take a quick look, what are you waiting for?

What are you and Bai Yuekui studying?The two of you have been watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room, and now you can see it clearly.

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