Not only the people in our Xia Kingdom, but also those in other countries are supporting it.

In the past in our Xia country, it was unprecedented and unheard of. Before, they put all their luck on the players and the people of the beautiful country.

Don't you see now?Lin Buer gradually increased as our luck gradually increased, and those small people from various countries all set their sights on our Xia country.

It seems that they know that the people and players in the beautiful country must have gone. People in all countries know that you, Lin Buer, are amazing (you got Zhao).

Now he has broken through all the skills in the Emperor's Seal, no matter what.

All good luck will come to our Xia country, so the eyes of the people in those countries are quite bright enough to see their resourcefulness.

Now they are trying to please the country of Xia, Lin Buer, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Now all the people in the live broadcast room want to see you kill John Xungang from the beautiful country with your own hands.

Chapter 410

This is what everyone expects, don't miss such a good opportunity, Lin Buer. "Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie have been watching from outside the live broadcast room.

All the dynamics in the live broadcast room Before he saw the comments posted in the live broadcast room, he wanted to hear their opinions in the Kimchi National Games command room.

Unexpectedly, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie had already seen it in the live broadcast room. They had already supported Xia Guo in the national sports command room in the live broadcast room.

It seems that this is what everyone expects, and people from various countries are there, wanting Lin Buer to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, with his own hands.

This is about to take revenge. Now Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie think about John Xungang from the beautiful country and the two players from A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley.

From time to time, he wanted to kill all of them Bai Yuekui, but he didn't expect that all the luck turned around this time, even the two players from Ah Sanguo.

Sharmad and Koli were silent and did not dare to speak out. It seemed that they also knew that the general situation was over, and all luck was in the hands of the people of Xia.

It is also difficult for him not to stand up. Now when Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie saw these situations in the live broadcast room, they were very excited.

There, the joyous voices spoke out loudly to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, (ajbi) because he knew that this was not just what he wanted to do.

The most important thing is to look at the aspirations of the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room. Now is the time when everyone's expectations come, and Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui definitely dare not refuse.

"That's right, Mrs. Niang, you two, don't hesitate anymore, have you been watching the words of the onlookers in the live broadcast room?

You are also seeing the truth, this is the voice of these onlookers.

Most of these are the aspirations of our Buddha-goers, so Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, why don't you hesitate, just rush into the barrier and kill John Xungang.

We must not lose our luck and think about it, just like what the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

The opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come again. If such a good opportunity is really missed, if John Xungang escapes, how can it be done? "

When Lei Wujie heard what Jin Xiaoser and Lin Buer said, Lin Buer didn't move too much, but the child was watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room.

I don't know what Lin Buer is thinking about there, but in Lei Wujie's opinion, he should really listen to what the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

Just kill John Xungang directly, and keeping him will be a disaster at that time.

That's why he said what he wanted to say, because before John Xungang led the two guys from A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley to chase and kill Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser.

And Lei Wujie went outside Chaoge City, and now he was almost killed by John Xungang again. Fortunately, Lin Buer came back in time, if Lin Buer didn't come back in time this time.

I'm afraid their lives were gone early, and now they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, your master Lin Buer must have his own ideas, don't you see that I am here and I don't care about him.

Chapter 410 Nine Missed Opportunities

In fact, I also saw the words of the onlookers in the live broadcast room.

In fact, I really don't want Lin Buer to hesitate anymore, and I also hate John Xungang's killing now is indeed a good opportunity, so I will go to persuade Lin Buer after a while.

We must not be merciful. If Lin Buer hadn't appeared in time this time, I'm afraid we would have lost our lives. Now that I think about it, I'm still afraid. "

When Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie said, he knew that now Lin Buer had actually made up his mind.

Since this is what everyone expects, hesitation is useless, it is better to be straightforward, just like Jin Xiaoserei Wujie said, directly rushing into the barrier and stabbing.

As a result, the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang directly killed it.

Let them Meiguo have no players to send now, then they won't share the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace with Xiaguo, "What are you guys worried about there?

Don't worry, I know it well, isn't it John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country?He is now controlled by the spiritual barrier, and it is difficult for him to fly even with wings.

I'll go to the enchantment now, kill it first, anyway, there is no crisis in Chaoge City now, and it is bound by the spiritual enchantment~.

All the actions will not affect the safety of those Liming people in Chaoge City. Now there is no need to worry about the future. After seeing the words of our Xia people in the live broadcast room.

I feel that there is some truth to it, and there is absolutely no way to be merciful. This contestant from the beautiful country is really too hateful, and he still wants to deal with Bai Yuekui.

This time I let him come and go. "Lin Buer heard what Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie, and Jin Xiaose said to him, and looked back at the situation in the live broadcast room.

I knew that if I didn't kill John Xungang now, I'm afraid it would be like the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room said, once the time is right for John Xungang.

In case something happens, if he escapes in his own hands, how can he do it?After all, John Xungang is indeed too hateful.

He wanted to take the opportunity to kill Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie when he disappeared in the live broadcast room. Now that Lin Buer thinks about it, he will never be merciful to him.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

If you let him go, it's like letting the tiger go back to the mountain, "Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, Lei Wujie, you two take a good look outside Chaoge City.

You must know that I will go to this enchantment soon and want to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country. Think about what will happen outside Chaoge City now.

. . . 0

I leave it to you here, you must be more careful, you must know that the current player in the beautiful country, John News Steel, also has a certain ability to kill.

Although he was bound by the spiritual barrier thrown by Yuan Tianzun, I'm afraid he will have a chance to take advantage of it. Think about it and the two players from Ah Sanguo.

Sharmad and Curley were watching eagerly there, and if they had the opportunity to take advantage of the two players from Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley would definitely make a move.

The two of them have the Linglong Golden Pagoda in their hands. This is an ancient magic weapon. You have to be more careful. You must not be attacked by these two players from Ah Sanguo, you know? "

Lin Buer saw it.

Chapter 420 Synthesis in one go

When the people of the Kingdom of Xia in the live broadcast room gave him these ideas, he knew that he really couldn't wait any longer.

Once the opportunity is lost, it is just like what the onlookers in the live broadcast room said.

The opportunity never came again, so Lin Buer handed over all related matters in Chaoge City to Bai Yuekui.

Lei Wujie and Sharmad asked them to take good care of the affairs in Gu Chao's "[-]" song city, at least they should also be optimistic about the two players from Ah Sanguo.

Sharmad and Curley are the only ones. After all, the two of them don't know what they are thinking in their hearts now, and whether they can help each other secretly.

John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, might as well, so after Lin Buer had considered everything, he told Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie.

"Lin Buer, hurry up, think about how grand it is that people from various countries in the entire live broadcast room are watching this live broadcast there.

If everyone can see that Lin Buer, our Xia country player, can kill the beautiful country player in one go, John Xungang will get a lot of rewards and points if he doesn't do it well.

If you take this back to Xia Guo, it will be a supreme magic weapon. I am very envious of you now. If I have your ability, I don't need you to do it.

I have already killed John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. "Yes, Lin Buer, don't worry, I will leave this place to me and Bai Yuekui Lei Wujie."

There shouldn't be anything going on here. Think about how capable a player like you has returned to the live broadcast room, and those players from various small countries are no problem at all.

Especially the two contestants Sharmad and Kohli from the Three Kingdoms, even though they have the exquisite golden pagoda given to them by the burning lamp, what's the use of that?

Then is he as powerful as the Pangu ax in your hand?Think about it, if you chop down this ancient ax with one axe, wouldn't his golden and exquisite pagoda be destroyed in one fell swoop?

So the two players of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Curley, were not fools, and they all waited and watched.

If they wanted to save John Xungang, they would have saved it early, and it wouldn't be too late. You didn't watch the people in the beautiful country in the live broadcast room, they were all speculating there.

What do these two players from Ah San Guo, Sharmad and Kohli, think?So don't worry about some things, Lin Buer, just go boldly.  …

As long as it is done in one go, kill John Xungang from the beautiful country, feel proud for Xia Guo, and feel resentful for Bai Yuekui, me, and Lei Wujie.

Otherwise, it's lucky that you came back early, otherwise you might not be able to see Bai Yuekui and me now. "When Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie heard these things explained by Lin Buer.

Of course they are very happy, and now they can't wait to see Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, that would be great.

This is what is important, and Lin Buer 1.8 must be completed.

Think about it, the people of Xia Kingdom in the entire live broadcast room now want to watch Lin Buer kill John Xungang from the beautiful country

So many people were there saying this with one voice.

Wouldn't it be too hypocritical if Lin Buer didn't do it? Everything needs to be heated up, and it won't be so.

Chapter 420 Knowing the Future

If something goes wrong, just kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. Think about it, there are no players in the beautiful country. For Kim Xiaose and Lei Wujie from the kimchi country.

Of course, the two of them were very happy, because they let Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, without making a move.

In this way, the generals in the command room of the Kimchi Kingdom are the happiest. In this way, Lin Buer only needs to obtain the treasures in the treasure house in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

Relying on Lin Buer and the contestants from Kimchi Country, Jin Xiaoserlei Wujie's Bank of Communications will give them some treasures casually, no matter what level they are.

For the kimchi country, those are all treasures that 09 can't get at all, so if you go back to the kimchi country, why don't you show off?

When Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie thought of this, he was very happy, and he could immediately see Lin Buer killing John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Now Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are the happiest, "Yeah, Lin Buer, don't hesitate here, you didn't see what these people in the live broadcast room said.

I feel a bit embarrassed, Lin Buer, hurry up to avenge Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie for me, he must kill the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang.

Then you and I, together with Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, went into Chaoge City to snatch these treasures in the underground palace treasure house and bring them back to Xia Kingdom. Our mission is over.

Now that you have devoured all your luck, and you have deciphered all the skills of the Seal of the Emperor, think about what else can stop you?

Lin Buer, you don't have to worry about me here, Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie will definitely take care of me properly, when you didn't show up in Chaoge City.

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