Isn't it also Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie who saw me there?So you can rest assured, everything here in Chaoge City is covered by me, Bai Yuekui. "

When Bai Yuekui heard Lin Buer's decision now, he was ecstatic and immediately expressed his heart to Lin Buer there.

Because he knew that the live broadcast room in the entire Shanghai Jingjie was broadcasting live. Once the current situation in Chaoge City, Lin Buer would happily kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Then it will definitely make people happy, and make these people in Xia Kingdom feel proud. Before, the people in these beautiful countries were humiliated into disgrace.

Now I can finally stand up, "Okay, then I will leave the matter of going here to you, and Lei Wujie, I can rest assured, Bai Yuekui takes care of herself, you know? Don't make me worry."

After hearing what Bai Yuekui said to him, Lin Buer also heard Jin Xiaoserlei Wujie's guarantee and promise to him there, and felt that Chaoge City was really safe and sound.

He raised his eyes to look in the direction of Chaoge City, and saw the two vixen Daji and Bai Qian looking down from the city of Chaoge City.

Lin Buer knew that it was impossible for Chaoge City to point at these two vixens now, and these two vixens might still be looking for something there.

People who harm the country and the people will not end well after all, because Lin Buer is the city of Chaoge who knows the future, and the two fox spirits on the city, Daji.

And Bai Qian's fate, Lin Buer knew about it early on.

Chapter 420

Their fate is over, so I don't care what they do, as long as it doesn't endanger the safety of the people in Chaoge City, it's considered a high incense.

"Aunt Baiqian, take a quick look, is it Saint Wuxin? Has Saint Wuxin been watching me? It seems that Saint Wuxin is reluctant to part with me.

I knew that the Wuxin sage would definitely find my whereabouts when he had the chance. I didn't see it, but the Wuxin sage was always watching me there.

It made me so happy, I finally looked forward to the arrival of Wuxin Saint. "Daji was on the city of Chaoge City, where her eyes were fixed in the direction of Lin Buer.

But he saw Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui there and didn't know what to talk about.

But I always feel that the relationship between the two of them is unusual, and Bai Yuekui is always smiling there, which makes Daji feel a little annoyed in the city of Chaoge City.

Always pouted there and stomping his feet, secretly cursing Lin Buer in his heart, "What a heartless saint you are, such a heartless thing.

After finally returning to Chaoge City, I just came to see me, Daji actually hooked Bai Yuekui there, you heartless sage, heartless thing.

Thinking that I, Daji, have been so kind to you, I actually handed over all the seals of the emperor in the underground palace to you. Although it is not a valuable thing, it is also what Auntie Bai Qian and Empress Nuwa need.

Such a good thing, I, Daji, gave it up, but you don't even have a smile on your face. I didn't expect that you, the unintentional saint, would look at Bai Yuekui with admiration.

Sooner or later, I will kill Bai Yuekui as soon as he is smiling there. I will definitely not let him get in my way. No heart saint, just wait and see.

You ungrateful fellow. ". "Just when Daji was still watching Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui under Chaoge City chatting and cursing for no reason.

He had already seen Lin Bu'er's eyes looking straight at him, and he instantly threw all his previous worries out of the sky.

When he saw Wuxin sage sizing him up, he knew that he still had some atmosphere in Wuxin sage's mind.So he is happy.

Immediately, he told his aunt Bai Qian who was next to him, "Daji, you vixen, you are still very happy there.

Don't even think about it, I've noticed all the things below Chaoge City just now.

I don't think he is in the eyes of the unintentional sage. Look at how much he cares about Bai Yuekui next to him. If it weren't for this, he would have come to Chaoge City very early.

He would come to visit you at the first sight, but unexpectedly, he would plunge into Bai Yuekui's place, chatting and laughing happily with him, and you are still here happily making you look like this.

(Got it) Think about it, you vixen are really some heartless masters, a silly girl. "When Aunt Baiqian heard what Daji said to him.

He was very angry, and then said the words to Daji tactfully, although Bai Qian was very angry, but Bai Qian knew that it was not appropriate to provoke Daji now.

After all, I still want to use Daji's hand to get back the Emperor's Seal in Lin Bu's second hand, but...

Chapter 420 Three Peerless

Bai Qian was always cursing Daji secretly in her heart, "Hmph, what time is it that you don't know how to live and die, and you're still flirting there.

Now that King Zhou's technology in Chaoge City has come here, it won't be a long-term place, and he will leave sooner or later. This vixen and stinky girl is still dreaming there.

Why don't you hurry up and take this opportunity to get back the Renhuang seal in Lin Bu's second hand, so that you can bless your luck on the Yaozu, no matter what kind of crisis happens to the gods and humans.

It will not affect the luck of their Yaozu Yaozu. Once added, even the Protoss will be afraid. This Daji is still here to try to care for the unintentional saint.

What a vixen who doesn't know how to live or die. "Aunt Baiqian cursed Daji in her heart, but on the surface he couldn't provoke Daji.

He knows that Daji needs to accompany him in everything, and he must get the Emperor Wuxin's seal in his hands. This matter must never be known by Empress Nuwa.

If Empress Nuwa finds out about it, the consequences will be very serious, and it will definitely affect the luck of their monster clan, "Okay, Daji.

Remember what my aunt told you just now, do you really want to know?Don't piss me off.

The two of us can talk and discuss.

Anyway, you have already promised me to hand over the Emperor Wuxin's seal to my aunt for safekeeping. If the Emperor needs anything later, I can take it out again.

But you have to solve this matter quickly. Now that Wuxin Saint has returned to Chaoge City, you must take every opportunity to help me accomplish this matter, you know?

This is also considered for the future luck of our monster clan, so don't you joke about the luck of all the monster clan members of our monster clan, you know?

As for this unintentional saint, I will reward him to you, and you can deal with it however you want, but Daji, if you don’t listen to what I say.

Then Wuxin Shengren's life is in jeopardy, and you also know Auntie's methods, so you must definitely not reject what I said. "

Aunt Baiqian is now watching, and she saw Lin Buer in Chaoge City, dressed in a white robe, he is indeed an unparalleled handsome man, I didn't expect (ajbi) that Daji had a good vision.

But in Bai Qian's opinion, no matter what, the seal of the emperor must be obtained, "Hmph, as long as Daji gets the seal of the emperor, I will immediately get the seal of the emperor.

Going back to the Yaozu will deepen the luck of these ten thousand monsters of the Yaozu.

Be sure to improve their waistlines, the day when this human race will be overthrown by their monster race talent god race is just around the corner. "

Bai Qian is still dreaming his big dream of "Spring and Autumn" in his heart. From Bai Qian's point of view, as long as this matter is involved, Daji will get the seal of the emperor from the Wuxin sage for him.

Then everything will be in peace, and the Yaozu will definitely rule people in the future. If the clan can't handle it, their gods will inherit the luck of the Yaozu.

"These two vixen, who don't know how to live or die, are still dreaming here, thinking about my Emperor's seal, think about it, most of them are the treasures of the Emperor.

What kind of atmosphere do you two vixens have, and now you are still brazenly speaking to seduce an unintentional sage, and actually give away my Human Emperor's Seal of Human Emperor to others.

These two vixen who don't know how to live or die are still dreaming there.

Chapter 420 Creating Opportunities

Still wanting to subvert the human race, how can our human race be ruled by you vixen, isn't that just a beautiful idea?You, Bai Qian, will be the first to die as soon as the Human Emperor Seal is in your hand. "

Moreover, my aunt told Daji everything she thought in her heart, and Daji didn't dare to refute, but Aunt Baiqian had her own opinion.

So he planned his own scheme in his heart, who would have thought that Bigan behind him had been secretly listening to Aunt Bai Qian's heartfelt thoughts.

So now Aunt Bai Qian no matter what kind of things she thinks in her heart~.

Uncle Bigan Wang behind him could hear it clearly, so in Bigang's view, these two vixens were dreaming a big spring and autumn dream there.

It's enough to think about it wildly, Ren Huang's things are Ren Huang's Ren Huang's seal, but how can Ren Huang's luck give up Chaoge City's luck to the vixen?

So after Bigan eavesdropped on Aunt Baiqian's voice, the fox spirit, he kept silent and watched the Wuxin Saint under Chaoge City.

From Bigan's point of view, we must find an opportunity, and we must invite the Wuxin sage to Chaoge City.

Daji, a vixen, took this opportunity to bring back the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand, "Miss Ai Daji, can you see if the person who only felt midsummer is a Wuxin sage?

What I looked at seemed to be his figure. I saw Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaose, and Lei Wujie.

They appeared together in Chaoge City. Maybe they wanted to kill John Xungang who was trapped in the transparent body. Now Wuxin Saint finally appeared in our Chaoge City.

Looks like he's all right, thank God.

As long as he has nothing to do, that's right, Empress Daji, last time you invited Saint Wuxin to visit those treasures in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City.

I don't know what the Wuxin Saint is up to, I'm afraid the body of a saint doesn't like these treasures, we have so many rooms in the treasure house of the underground palace, and you didn't let him have a look.

Next time, if you have a chance, remember that Empress Daji must invite Wuxin Saint to our Chaoge City again, and let him experience the strength of Ren Huang. "

Bigan casually said it to Daji, a vixen, because at Uncle Bigan's place, he thought that he must create this opportunity for Empress Daji.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

After all, let these two fox spirits get in touch with each other a lot, so that the Wuxin sage will have a chance to get back the Renhuang's treasure, the Renhuang seal, from the Wuxin sage.

No matter what the price is, even if it is to exchange some of the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace for the Human Emperor's Seal in the hands of Wuxin Saint, when Daji and Bai Qian heard what Uncle Bigan said.

. . . 0

The two of them were very surprised. They didn't expect that although Uncle Bigan was an upright person, he could be stupid. Such a huge city of Chaoge.

It's really embarrassing that this human emperor, King Zhou, was willing to hand over to Uncle Bigan.

But to Empress Daji, when Uncle Bigan Wang said these words to him just now, it was nothing more than saying it to his heart, what kind of excuse did he want to find to persuade Uncle Bigan Wang?

I didn't often think that Bigan would deliver it to my door in person. This is undoubtedly the matter I discussed with Aunt Bai Qian before, so Empress Daji is very happy.

Chapter 420 Presiding over the Overall Situation

"Uncle Bigan was joking, Uncle Bigan actually wanted Saint Wuxin to watch the treasures in the treasure house of our underground palace in Chaoge City again.

That's naturally good, let Wuxin Sage take a good look at the strength of our Chaoge City, and let him take a look at the majesty of the Emperor, this matter is really thoughtful for Uncle Bigan.

They are much more thoughtful than I thought, and it would be better if Uncle Wang was thoughtful about this matter. " Daji said while smiling and looking at Bigan.

Because he knew that this Uncle Bigan was really stupid, he could clearly want to hook up with the unintentional sage, but he didn't expect that Uncle Biscuit didn't notice it.

Under Uncle Bigan's eyes, he can seduce Wuxin Saint without anyone noticing, so that the Emperor will not know.

Before, Daji was worried that if Uncle Bigan found out about this matter, he would be panicked once he told others, but now he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

All the things he was worried about before have been resolved, so Daji is very happy to let it go.

This matter was handed over to Bigan Uncle Wang, thinking that it must be logical for Bigan to do this matter, even the Emperor would definitely not doubt him.

"Empress Daji, don't worry, you will entrust this matter to me, Bigan, and I will definitely help you to complete this matter, so that if the Human Emperor finds out.

He is also very happy, this Empress Daji is the most capable empress in our Chaoge City, as long as there is Empress Daji in Chaoge City to preside over the overall situation.

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