Thinking about these Liming people in our Chaoge City, they are still very lucky, so I should also thank Empress Daji on behalf of the Emperor here.

I will definitely help Empress Daji take care of the affairs of Chaoge City, don't worry about this, I will definitely not cause any trouble for the emperor. "

When Bigan heard what Daji said to him, he could only contribute to the flames, because he wanted to get Renhuang's seal.

You have to get in touch with the unintentional saint.If this vixen is really like what Bai Qian taught him, he can take Renhuang Yi out of Lin Buer's hands logically.

That's naturally good. It seems that the child should be faster about this matter.

Don't lose all the luck of Chaoge City, if so, wouldn't Chaoge City be destroyed by these two vixens?

This is the hundred-year-old country that King Zhou has brought down, how can these two vixens collapse, "Hey, everyone, come here and see if you notice it?

It seems that Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie, Jin Xiaose, have any changes there 0......

Now I feel a murderous intent, Lin Buer will definitely kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. "

"That's natural, so what's the point? Lin Bu'er can clearly see what the people of our Xia Kingdom are saying in the live broadcast room now?

Could it be that Lin Buer is indifferent? "

"Even if it's Lin Buer, he doesn't care about 1.8 and what the people of our country of Xia think of him, think about the current player from the beautiful country, John Xungang, who was there to intimidate Bai Yuekui before.

He almost killed Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie. Think about it, can Lin Buer not take revenge?

For the sake of Bai Yuekui, he should have to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. ".

Chapter 420 Six Voices of the People

"Yeah, I didn't dare to move my eyes in the live broadcast room just now, I also heard Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, and the two contestants from Kimchi Country in the live broadcast room.

The words that Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie said are actually reasonable. It seems that we should be able to hear the aspirations of the people of Xia Kingdom, and Lin Buer will definitely make a move.

This is great, I am now waiting for Lin Buer to make a move to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, so as to kill the arrogance of those 09 nationals from the beautiful country. "

"This is finally the time for our people of Xia Kingdom to be proud, you haven't seen the special silence in the live broadcast room now, this live broadcast room has never been so quiet in history.

Think about it, it's all thanks to Lin Buer, a contestant from our country of Xia, if Lin Buer hadn't bound beautiful country player John Xungang in this spiritual barrier.

It seems that there is no such achievement. Lin Buer is really awesome. I really admire the five-body projection. How could Lin Buer create such a powerful spiritual barrier. "

"What's the matter, don't you forget that Lin Buer is now the lord of heaven, think about it, it should be a matter of course to be a spiritual barrier.

This is too childish, now let's see how Lin Buer kills this young contestant from the beautiful country, our Xia country will be too awesome by then.

Now the people in various countries must be watching the dynamics in the live broadcast room, and now they can't wait for Lin Buer to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. "

"Hey, that's right, we have heard the voices of various people in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room just now, many of them are concerned about our country of Xia, they all know.

Lin Bu'er has cracked all the techniques in the Human Emperor's Banquet. Now that the luck of the Emperor's seal has deepened, and all the luck has returned, can they not change direction for all of our Xia Kingdom? "

"Yeah, now I can see it, even the two players from Ah Sanguo.

Both Sharmad and Curley were watching indifferently. Thinking about how arrogant these two guys were before, I just want to help the players in the beautiful country.

John Xungang until now they dare not even say a word, think about who else can they count on these days? "

"That's right, our Xia country player Lin Buer is the most powerful, even those two vixen are in Lin Buer's hands, Wang Yi still wants to cheat from Lin Buer's hands."

"That's right, I also saw the movements of the two vixens on Chaoge City in the live broadcast room just now, and I have been watching there.

Look at Lin Bu'er and Bai Yuekui chatting casually there, and then they made that vixen Daji very angry and pouted.

Looking at his appearance of 120, it is really ugly. "

"What are you afraid of? It's just that the vixen Daji is being sentimental. Lin Buer can just leave Bai Yuekui alone and flirt with that vixen there.

I think this is absolutely impossible. Thinking about how Bai Yuekui is also beautiful, heavenly and fragrant, how could he not favor him?With just one vixen, there are too many things about that vixen.

Lin Buer is from Midsummer's future, what kind of a vixen is that, doesn't Lin Buer know?

Maybe those two vixens still want to get the Renhuang Seal from Lin Buer now.

Chapter 420 The seventh is worrying

It's really ridiculous." It's not bad, even if those two vixen think about it, it's useless, since now our player Lin Buer has devoured all the skills in the Emperor's Seal.

Think about it, aren't those two vixens just talking nonsense there?It's really stupid. "

"But have you considered that this would be a big advantage for our Xia country player Lin Buer, and those two vixens don't know about it.

Now the Seal of Human Emperor is just an empty seal. Think about it, if Lin Buer holds an empty Seal of Human Emperor, can he still exchange for the best treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City?

It seems that this time we are going to take advantage of it. "

"Yeah, I've thought of this too, now I'm waiting for Lin Buer to kill John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, and then rely on Lin Buer's handsome trick.

Go to the city of Chaoge City to coax that vixen Daji, and then get back some treasures in the treasure house in the underground palace, think about what kind of mood it is.

Then our Xia Guo is too good, let Lin Buer choose the baby casually, this time Lin Buer will definitely choose a good baby. ". "

"Then there's no need to say that Lin Buer is so smart, he knows the pearl with his eyes, you look at Lin Buer as if he is silent there, in fact, Lin Buer knows what kind of treasure is good.

Just like Ren Huangyin said.

Lin Buer has such a high reward and points for just a random point. Think about it, all the good luck is gone now.

In our country of Xia, you say that Lin Buer is not a bull, but Lin Buer is a person who is stupid on the outside and beautiful on the inside. He is really too powerful. "

"It's the time when Yinshang's anger is approaching. Didn't you see that Jiang Ziya has led King Wu and his men to attack Chaoge City?

It seems that Chaoge City will not stop in the future. Maybe the world will be in chaos. I really don't know what will happen in the future. It's really worrying.

I don't know if Lin Buer can withstand it, I really hope that Lin Buer will quickly take away all the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace, and complete this task quickly.

Then what will Chaoge City look like in the future, it will not belong to our Lin Buer. "

"Now I am more worried about the two players from Ah San Guo, Sharmad and Kohli, do you know?

You looked at the two of them as if they didn't want to pay attention to John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, but did you see their eyes, there was a murderous intent hidden in their eyes.

I'm afraid that they will help the players from the beautiful country again in a second thought. John Xungang needs to know that the exquisite golden pagoda in their hands is not a joke.

The powerful devouring power inside is not something that Lin Buer can resist. Even the saints dare not break into the exquisite golden pagoda. Think about how powerful his lethality is. "

"' ‖Yeah, now the two players from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Curley, I feel they are just waiting and watching, if there is a chance to breathe first with John Xungang.

He will definitely help the beautiful country, think about how smart Ah Sanguo and his two players are, they are the most treacherous players among these players.

They will all follow the wind and see the time when the beautiful country John Xungang is mutated and strong.

In the live broadcast room, the people from the Three Kingdoms kept humiliating Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia Kingdom. Now that he is doing well, he actually saw a contestant from the Beautiful Country.

Chapter 420

John Xungang had such a situation, they were just looking for opportunities in silence, didn't they also want to get the treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City?

Think about it, these two guys are really insidious enough, Lin Buer must guard against them. "" Now no matter what is the general trend.

The luck of our Xia country is really good now, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui have made up their minds to kill the beautiful country player John Xungang.

Then it will definitely succeed. As long as John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, is eliminated by Lin Buer, then those citizens of the beautiful country 120 will stop.

Next, let Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujiejin and others deal with the two players of A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley. "

"The top priority must be to deal with John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui have the same ideas as us.

It seems that Lin Buer's IQ is also quite high, and he has considered this, otherwise he would not have explained to Bai Yuekui.

Isn't the most important thing to prevent these two players from Ah Sanguo from getting in the way?It seems Lin Buer (ajbi) knows exactly who they are.

Already well prepared to deal with them. "

These onlookers in the Lin Buer live broadcast room are watching all the movements of the Shan Hai Jing interface in the Lin Buer live broadcast room, in their view.

As long as Lin Buer has made up his mind to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, then all luck will belong to Xia Guo.

The people of those various countries will belong to the Xia Kingdom, and then there will be nothing for the people of the beautiful country. It seems that Lin Buer also thought of this.

As long as Lin Buer makes a move, these things will subside, just wait for Lin Buer to return to the underground palace of Chaoge City again and collect all the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

In my own hands, this matter can be settled, and this task is also completed.

The people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room are expressing their different opinions there. In his opinion, Lin Buer is now unmatched.

Because Lin Buer has successfully devoured all the skills in the Seal of the Human Emperor, even if Daji Baiqian, these two fox spirits won the Seal of the Human Emperor, it would have no effect.

The luck there had been swallowed up by Lin Buer long ago, and now all the luck is in the hands of the people of Xia, and there is no such thing as Chaoge City.

Now Chaoge City is about to run out of power, and the flames of war are raging. If not, this Jiang Ziya will definitely lead the King of Dance to break through the city, and the life of the Emperor is also at stake.

Just when the people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were talking there, they had already seen Lin Buer closing his eyes and pinching seals, and kept chanting the skills in the Seal of the Emperor.

Along with Lin Bu'er's two lips, when he kept meditating there, he saw a powerful spiritual enchantment covering John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

A gap was revealed in an instant, and Lin Buer was wearing a white robe.

Close your eyes and meditate. With the opening of a gap in the spiritual barrier, Lin Buer's figure floated in the spiritual barrier in an instant, breaking through the seal of the barrier.

"I'm going, what kind of operation is this? The rising power, our Lin Buer is really awesome, this hand pinching Mo Nian's blink of an eye has already broken through the spiritual barrier created by God.

Chapter 420 IX Wait and See

"Lin Buer is so awesome, how did he do it?"

"Isn't it? Can Lin Buer show everyone again how you did it, such a powerful player from the beautiful country of enchantment.

John Xungang mutated into such a ghostly appearance, with such a big body in this spiritual barrier, he kept using his flesh and blood to hit the outer edge of the spiritual barrier.

He didn't even hurt the spiritual barrier, and he didn't expect Lin Buer to break through the seal of the spiritual barrier in the blink of an eye while closing his eyes and pinching the seal.

He entered the enchantment in an instant, this Lin Buer is too good, how did he do it?I was watching it just now, why didn't I see it?This speed is too fast. "

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