"No, Lin Buer's speed is really fast, I felt it just now.

When Lin Buer was reciting pinch seals silently, I imitated Lin Buer's posture and manipulated it there, but when I opened my eyes again.

Lin Bu'er has actually entered this enchantment. It seems that John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, is going to be miserable. "That's right, it should have been so long ago that Lin Buer had to go in early."

Will we be able to see Lin Buer's method of beheading American player John Xungang as soon as possible?I'd like to take a look to save this John Xungang from being so rampant in the past~.

it's good now.

Didn't you see that he has no energy at all, he has become so decadent, he has been tossing around in this enchantment for a long time, but he still hasn't let his body get out of this enchantment.

In my opinion, if it continues, this John Xungang will not be able to live, and will die of exhaustion in this enchantment. "

"If this continues, we will have a good show in a while, and now Lin Buer has made up his mind to deal with John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Then we will be able to see Lin Buer use his power of heaven to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, which is great.

We were finally able to see Lin Buer exerting his supernatural power, that's great, we wait for Lin Buer's results. "

"Lin Buer's ability is really too strong, you must know that this is such a powerful spiritual enchantment created by the body of a saint, if there is no boundless magic power of some high gods.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to do.Didn't that happen to John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country?Being bound by Lin Buer in such a powerful enchantment, he couldn't extricate himself.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Now the citizens of the entire beautiful country are in panic there. Think about it, if Lin Buer now killed John Xungang of the beautiful country with a single knife.

Then those people in the beautiful country are dumbfounded. They have no contestants to send those treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, but they all belong to our Xia country. "

. . . 0

"Lin Buer is really powerful, I don't know what kind of mana Lin Buer has cultivated.

Think about how mighty Lin Buer has broken through this huge spiritual barrier while meditating in that night.

Now I feel that it is an honor for our Xia country to have such a player, you know?The luck of our Xia country is too strong, and the people in the beautiful country must be extremely envious. "

"I really want Lin Buer to give John Xungang a good time for their beautiful country player, but think about the words among the people in their beautiful country to control themselves.

Chapter 430 Full of joy

It has already hurt Lin Buer and the people of our Xia Kingdom. Lin Buer must torture him well, and it is best to make John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, feel better than death.

That's how to relieve the hatred. Now when I think of what those people said, I feel sorry for Lin Buer and the people of Xia Kingdom. "

"That's right, Lin Buer must teach the beautiful country's player "One Twenty", John Xungang, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you give him a happy one, he will enjoy it without suffering any crimes, and his life will have been ended, but think about it, this is a bit unfair to Lin Buer and us.

Now we must suppress the arrogance of the people of the beautiful country, so that they will never dare to be an enemy of our Xia country again. "

"The players from the beautiful country, John Xungang, have never looked down upon them, and Lin Buer, the players from our Xia country, always feels that he has won such a high reward point.

Thinking about it now, he could be beheaded by Lin Buer in just a few minutes, what is there to brag about now, he looks so pitiful, I feel a little funny now.

Look at the way he wags his tail and begs for mercy, he seems to be respectful to Lin Buer, and he doesn't even have the strength to fight back. "Lin Buer broadcast these enthusiastic Xia people in the studio.

Seeing Lin Buer's current situation, they are all proud of Lin Buer, because they have clearly seen Lin Buer on the big screen in Lin Buer's live broadcast room.

Even with its body of a saint, it has already broken through the spiritual barrier created by the saint by pinching it with the power of his law in an instant and meditating silently.

Appearing in front of John Xungang in the beautiful country, these onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room are now very impressed with Lin Buer's current feat.

Everyone was there admiring Lin Buer's achievements, because Lin Buer not only broke through all the skills of Renhuang Yeli, but also had the opportunity to kill the contestants in the beautiful country.

What's even better about John Xungang is that Lin Bu'er passed this time to break through the Emperor's seal and obtained the ancient artifact Pangu Axe, as well as a huge reward of points.

This kind of news really opened the eyes of the people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room. They were all shocked and proud of having such a strong player like Lin Buer. …

After all, all the reward points and honors that Lin Buer got now belong to the people of Xia Kingdom, so they are all very happy there.

They all want to watch Lin Buer use his saintly body to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Let the people of the beautiful country who are not optimistic about the people of the Xia country disappoint them. We must suppress their arrogance and the spirit of the people of the beautiful country.

In this way, there will be no contestants in the beautiful country. Think about it, now they don't have to think about getting all the treasures belonging to the Xia country in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

 1.8 Wu Nian'an in Xia Guoyun's command room has been watching all the developments in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room. He saw Lin Buer come back.

In fact, he was full of joy and very happy, you must know that he was under heavy pressure.

Finally, I was looking forward to Lin Buer's return, and on the interface of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room, I saw that Lin Buer was actually helped by a sage.

Chapter 430 Once in a Thousand Years

It has broken through all the skills in the seal of the emperor, and Lin Buer has obtained the ancient artifact in such a short period of time.

Pangu Ax got such a big extra reward and points, which made Wu Nian'an very excited in Xia Guo Guoyun Command Office.

"Good boy, Lin Buer is really not mistaken, you, you boy, have such ability, and such attainments, relying on your own ability.

To be able to obtain such a high amount of bonus points for the people of Xia Kingdom.

Moreover, he was able to successfully break through all the skills in the Human Emperor's Seal, devouring all the good luck, and put all the luck in the Human Emperor's Seal into Xia Guo's hands.

You kid is really good, what would you do without these people who you made angry? "Wu Nian'an murmured silently in his heart, and kept nagging in his mouth.

Because he knows that now is the most exciting and happiest moment for all the people in Xia Kingdom, and now Lin Buer can really turn things around with his own ability.

Bring all the good luck to these people in Xia Kingdom.

Can the people of Xia Kingdom not be cheered there?When Lin Buer saw that the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast interface had already seen such a reversed situation.

A moment ago, I was worried about Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser.

With Lei Wujie's life in danger, Wu Nian'an finally breathed a sigh of relief when the phone in Xia Guoguoyun's command room rang repeatedly.

Wu Nian'an's superiors would send messages to Wu Nian'an from time to time, calling and attacking Wu Nian'an, but they didn't dare to answer a single call.

He knew that if he answered the call from his superiors, Lin Buer would have already received the Renhuangyun, and he didn't know where he went, so he would have no way to explain to their superiors.

Thinking of this, Wu Nian'an could only let the phone ring freely, but he was anxiously hoping that Lin Buer could return to the live broadcast room safely.

Fortunately, he lived up to his expectations, and Lin Buer came back with the emperor's seal, not like what the people from all over the world said in the live broadcast room.

Lin Buer took the Emperor's Seal and fled. On the contrary, Lin Buer brought back so many rewards and points that he had already devoured the Emperor's Seal.

All the dukes have put all the good luck in the hands of the people of Xia Guo, so that Wu Nian'an can explain to his superiors.

Wu Nian'an's choice was finally let go, and he could breathe a sigh of relief. He was worried that something would happen to Lin Buer.

Or if it was really like what they said, then Wu Nian'an would have no way to explain to his superiors, and now it's finally healed.

Moreover, Lin Buer also got those 120 reward points. At this time, Wu Nian'an reported things through the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room.

Wu Nian'an also clearly knew the aspirations of the people of Xia Kingdom.

First met in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, those citizens of the Xia Kingdom who were watching the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, they all pointed out intentionally, they just wanted to pass.

Lin Buerzhi first killed John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country. In Wu Nian'an's view, this was his idea, because after all, this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you really miss it, you will never have another chance. Such a good opportunity is right in front of you.

Chapter 430 Stable Situation

Can I not use it?Wu Nian'an thought of this, and immediately sent Lin Buer a message through the system, but he didn't know if Lin Buer could receive it.

If he can really receive Lin Buer, he can use the system's will to let Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, in Wu Nian'an's opinion.

As long as Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui and the others kill John Xungang, a player from Beautiful Country, there are no players in Beautiful Country so far.

In this way, Lin Buer can logically keep the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

All the treasures will be taken to the next past.

At that time, Xia Guo's life will not be the same as it is now. Wu Nian'an is always watching all the movements of the meeting in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, and at this moment.

He also clearly saw through the dynamics in the live broadcast room that Lin Buer had entered the enchantment created by the saint with his saint body.

In Wu Nian'an's eyes, everything is done according to his own ideas. It seems that Lin Buer is not too stupid to be able to understand such things

This is also what everyone sees. Since the people of the Xia Kingdom are thinking like this now, Lin Buer will definitely let Lin Buer smash it.

This can also dampen the enthusiasm of the citizens of the beautiful country, "Lin Buer hurriedly shot, and quickly beheaded John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Take Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser to the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, and bring all the treasures there back to the past. Xia Guo is sure to make money on this mission.

It must belong to our Xia country. These treasures cannot fall into the hands of A Sanguo and Meiliguo. These players are still dreaming.

Thinking about the treasures in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City, those things belong to Lin Buer of Xia Kingdom, so be sure to hold on, and kill it as soon as possible.

Then take advantage of the victory to chase and turn it into luck, and bring back all the treasures there before they disappear. ". "Wu Nian'an sat in the office of Xia Guoguoyun's command room.

He was still muttering his own thoughts in his mouth, because he had witnessed Lin Buer's smooth entry into the enchantment.

Wouldn't it be an easy task to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country?So Wu Nian'an paid attention to all his emotions and all his spirit.

In this live broadcast room, he didn't dare to neglect for a moment, as long as Lin Buer killed John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, he would immediately report to his superiors.

The dynamics in the live broadcast room now also let them feel that they have definitely read the right person.

Lin Buer will definitely have such an ability. For the two players, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, they have indeed paid enough for the citizens of Xia Guo.

I didn't expect that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, two such powerful players, would be quite a blessing to the people of Xia Kingdom (for sure).

"` ‖Why Wu Nian'an, you can rest assured now, did you still worry about Lin Buer before he came back?

I just said that our player will never betray us, and he will never run away with the emperor's seal.

Now those people in the beautiful country don't dare to say that our Xia country's player Lin Buer, don't dare to talk like that anymore, think about their players.

Chapter 430: You're Done

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