It is very likely that he will be killed by our player Lin Buer in an instant. The people who are most worried and afraid now should be the people of the beautiful country.

They must also be sitting in front of the Shan Haijing live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast.

Thinking about it, they must be in a terrible mood. If I were them, I would want to find a crack in the ground and I would crawl in, the people of their beautiful country.

And the people of those small countries, what they said to the people of our Xia country before was simply too much, and now we finally have such a strong player.

Lin Bu 120 Er has avenged us, and now the people of our Xia country can finally feel proud, and will no longer swallow their anger and be angry with those people in their beautiful country.

Now think about the people in the beautiful country who dare not even breathe.

Now they will definitely be scared to death by Lin Buer's actions. "

All the big and small officials in Xia Guo Guo Yun's command room surrounded Wu Nian'an.

Everyone was very excited, seeing that all the content displayed on the interface in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room was about the voices of the people of Xia Kingdom.

When they saw Lin Buer's current feat, they knew that Lin Buer had brought all the luck to these people in Xia Kingdom.

From now on, Xia Guo will never look at them again, the beautiful loan of the Three Kingdoms, and those faces in other countries, it seems that Lin Buer really deserves the credit.

He improved his face for the Xia people, this kid is really good, Lin Buer is great, all the officials in the Xia Guoyun command room are there to feel happy for Wu Nian'an.

I also feel proud for all the people of the Xia Kingdom, because they have such a strong player appearing in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Let those people from various countries who used to despise the citizens of Xia Kingdom no longer dare to make wild speculations, and no longer dare to say those offensive words (ajbi).

It was the fault of the people of China and their Xia country player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui.

"That's right, Wu Nian'an, now it's the hearts of the people. Lin Buer will never show mercy to Lin Buer this time. Seeing him like that, he doesn't want to let the beautiful country players go. John Xungang is right. We must kill their vigor and prestige, so that they will look down on the people of our Xia Kingdom on weekdays, that's it.

This time it was their turn to cry. "

"I didn't expect them to drink today in the beautiful country A Sanguo. This time, I met our Xia country player Lin Buer. Such a powerful character is already a saint.

Thinking about such a powerful character, they are no match for players from these major countries, and the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace are just around the corner.

Sooner or later it all belongs to us. "

"Wu Nian'an, you have a really good eye. Since you are so discerning, you can send our Xia Guo player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui to Chaoge City to perform this mission.

It seems that your vision is really good. Lin Buer really lived up to the trust of the people of our Xia Kingdom. It seems that this matter will be completed in a short time. "

These officials, big and small, in the command room of Xia Guoyun surrounded Lin Buer and Wu Nian'an, and watched all the things in the live broadcast room

They all expressed their hearts and emotions there, and Wu Nian'an heard the voice behind him.

Chapter 430 A Miracle Happened

When these people said these words to him, he was very proud, because his current sense of pride and honor was the face that Lin Buer won back for him.

Before this kid let him down, he was still worried, fearing that Lin Buer would not be able to carry out this mission, it seems that Lin Buer completed it pretty well.

Now all the luck in Chaoge City is in the hands of Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, think about it, can the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace still escape?

In the command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country, General Tom, the leader of the special operations team, has a panicked and depressed face, empty eyes, and his hands are constantly tearing there~.

Grabbing the bun in front of his forehead, "Mr. Jerry, hurry up and think of a way, this is not going to work, haven't you seen the current situation in the live broadcast room-?

All the bad things seem to be too bad for our American empire.

It really made me panic, I really dare not look directly at all the things in the live broadcast room, what should I do?Chief Jerry, hurry up and think of an idea.

Look at the dynamics in the live broadcast room now, Lin Buer has already rushed into the barrier, is he trying to kill our player John Xungang?

It's really terrible, I can't believe that this thing will really happen now, what should I do, Mr. Jerry? General Tom faced the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Before that, he was still hoping for a miracle to happen, just like Chief Jerry told him before, there might be a miracle, so he has been waiting there.

I hope that a little bit of good luck will slowly transfer to John Xungang of their beautiful country with the dynamics in the live broadcast room, even if it is a little bit of good luck.

Unexpectedly, it was when he was watching all the developments in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

I have already seen Lin Buer explain Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaose's guarding outside Chaoge City there, and then Lin Buer was already in the blink of an eye.

After breaking through the powerful barrier, Lin Buer floated in the tiny gap shown by the blue transparent body with his saintly body.

This filled General Tom's eyes with considerable desperation. In General Tom's view, there was absolutely no way to reverse this matter.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Because he has witnessed it with his own eyes, Lin Buer can kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, with his saintly body in minutes.

Such a thing is really terrible. Is this their fate?So what should the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge Chengdi Palace do?

Is there no fate with their beautiful country?

. . . 0

It shouldn't be necessary for him to get it. Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui must not return all the treasures in the underground palace treasure house of Chaoge City to the people of Xia Kingdom, so that the people of their beautiful country will lose their hands. Now is the shameful moment, General Tom thought.

His eyes were full of desperation, and he kept scratching the hairline on his forehead with his hands angrily, then turned his eyes blankly in the direction of Chief Jerry.

I just want Chief Jerry to give him a better idea to turn things around, "Fuck, there are some things I can't do about General Tom, you know.

It's a pity that I don't know what to do, although all the situations in the live broadcast room are not what we expected.

Chapter 430 Five Resignation

It's not what we want to see, let alone what we want to expect. In this way, we will be farther and farther away from these treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

This is definitely not my idea, I wish I could bring all these treasures from the underground palace treasure house of Chaoge City to our beautiful country, but thinking about the fate of our contestant, it is really too bad.

If you and I can't reverse and recover the room, how can we do it "[-]"?Now we can only resign ourselves to fate, and if it doesn't work, we can only send other players up again.

We can't let the people of the Xia Kingdom laugh at us there. The people of the beautiful country are not as scary as the team members. I don't want them to say that.

Don't worry, I have already arranged for General Tom's future affairs. Now we are really unlucky, and the fate of America's player John Xungang must be worrying.

This is something I can't do anything about. I told you before, don't take things too seriously. Now that I think about it, what I said is actually right.

So don't underestimate Xiahou's contestants Lin Bu'er and Bai Yuekui for some things, think about it, they have devoured all the skills of Ren Huang Yin.

Well, General Tom now seems to me that all the luck has been controlled by the people of their Xia country, and has no connection with the people of our beautiful country.

You should give up on this idea. For now, you can only think about our players' retreat, and these treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

For the rest, don't let your imagination run wild. If you really want to get the seal of the emperor, you have to keep John Xungang, a contestant from our beautiful country, alive.

But now you can also see it in the live broadcast room, it seems that there is no hope of survival, the odds are too slim, this result is too sad and bad.

I don't want to be in the current situation, but I'm sorry, General Tom, there is nothing I can do. "When Chief Jerry heard what General Tom said to himself.

He has been watching all the developments in the live broadcast room intently.

I know that the worst thing in the live broadcast room now is what he expected before, or it is under the constant implementation of his own ideas.  …

It still made his terrible idea come true, which made Chief Jerry actually feel a little desperate in his heart.

But in his opinion, this matter is not something he can turn around, although he doesn't want such a bad situation, who made Lin Buer so lucky.

To have the help of a saint, and to create such a powerful spiritual barrier, is the result that John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, can't crush it.

All luck slowly moved closer to those people in Xia Kingdom.

And Jerry Chief General Tom and the two of them watched all the movements in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room at the same time, and they had already vaguely noticed the people of those 1.8 small countries in various countries.

It seems that Wei Wei's mentality is moving towards the direction of their whereabouts.

This made Chief Jerry and General Tom even more uneasy. The honor that belonged to their beautiful country was slowly swallowed up by Lin Buer.

Their luck in Xia Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger now, "Is it true that Chief Fake Jerry has no power to reverse it? Well then.

Chapter 430 Six Powers of Parrying

Now that this is the case, I have no other choice. We can only wait and see here. Now I hope that our player John Xungang will also have some saints to help.

But think about it, it's nothing more than our two dreams, how can we have such good luck, now we can only wait for our players

Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, players from Xia Kingdom, were so ruthlessly tortured to death. It seems that we should really be fully prepared and send two more players over there. "

When General Tom heard what Mr. Jerry said to him, he was completely hopeless now, and he no longer had any hope of the American player John Xungang surviving.

Because he also clearly saw in the live broadcast room that their players fled back and forth in the barrier created by Lin Buer without any resistance.

It seems that John Xungang should not have the ability to kill. He seems to be exhausted by this enchantment, and he has no power to resist.

But Lin Buer is the body of a saint, who has broken through the way of heaven.

Think about it, this is the power of the powerful gods. How could John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, easily crush them?

Now that General Tom was facing such a situation in the live broadcast room, he slowly lost the powerful arrogance of the past, and sat quietly in a daze.

Watching all the movements in the live broadcast room, I hope that it will be like Chief Jerry. It would be better if there is a miracle, but General Tom knows that this hope is too slim.

There is no hope at all now.

It's just that they know that they must not let the people of the beautiful country lose face. Chief Jerry has been there to appease General Tom's emotions.

I know that General Tom is too pessimistic about the current situation, because Chief Jerry knows what is happening in the live broadcast room.

There is nothing he can do, he can only resign himself to his fate, look at the good fortune of this John Xungang, if not, the two players behind him should be able to come in handy.

Chief Jerry is also secretly praying in his heart, hoping that the contestants in their beautiful country can live in peace.

In this way, the people of their beautiful country will not fall into despair there.

The generals in the kimchi country's National Games command room were overjoyed.

Because they finally saw Xia Guo's player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui relying on their powerful abilities.

He was able to surround John Xungang, a contestant from the Beautiful Country, in a spiritual barrier.

Think about how great an honor this is. Wouldn't this deal a heavy blow to the arrogance of the citizens of the beautiful country?Think about the people in those beautiful countries before.

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