He definitely wouldn't let Lin Buer go so casually, he didn't expect that he would be so cowardly, begging for mercy at this moment of life and death.

No matter what you think about it, you have to think about it for the people of the beautiful country (good Zhao), and you must not make them sad, even though you can't beat Lin Buer.

But after all, you have to try it, even if you die in the hands of Lin Buer.

It is also much better than being humiliated by Lin Buer now. Thinking of this, John Xungang is there desperately.

Holding up his mutated huge palm, he patted in the direction of Lin Buer. This is Lin Buer still silently pinching seals there.

Chapter 440

The moment Lin Buer waved his palm at John Xungang, Lin Buer's palm also pushed in John Xungang's direction.

In an instant, a powerful seal hit John Xungang's palm, and John Xungang caught Lin Buer's palm.

But he never thought that when the seal of Lin Buer hit him.

It was like a cracking pain like five thunderbolts, and the whole body's muscles and bones seemed to be broken, which made him really unable to bear this powerful pain.

He immediately lay down on the ground, suppressing the pain and crying 137, "I'll go and see, everyone, check the situation in the live broadcast room to see if you see it.

It seems that Lin Bu'er and John Xungang are fighting. Have you seen John Xungang's lifeless guy, who wants to communicate with Lin Buer with the sword in his hand?

He didn't even think about a sword, how could it be compared with Lin Buer's saintly body?Lin Buer subdued him when he meditated at night.

He didn't know how the sword in his own hand was lost, which is really ridiculous.

I didn't expect that our Lin Buer is still very good. Now Lin Buer doesn't use any weapons at all (ajbi), and he can directly defeat the beautiful country player John Xungang. "

"Yeah, you didn't see that John Xungang is now dormant under Lin Buer's saintly body, look at his appearance, he seems to be kneeling there begging for mercy.

It's so ridiculous, if the people in the beautiful country see it now, they don't know what they think, it's really satisfying, why is Lin Buer so awesome now? "

"I just realized that our Lin Buer has always been like this, he doesn't need any weapons now, and the crushing force of the saint's body will definitely be able to deter those dogs in minutes.

Just listen to the howling ghosts and howling wolves in the live broadcast room, and you will know how miserable John Xungang is now. "Yeah, it's so strange now that John Xungang died tragically."

Lin Buer was able to use his supernatural power to defeat John Xungang without using any weapons.

It is so pitiful for such a big body to surrender under Lin Buer like that, and it is too embarrassing for the people of their beautiful country. "

"The loss of face is only here now, isn't he still alive?

If he dared to fight back again, Lin Buer would kill him immediately, and that would be a shame. Now Lin Buer seems to be a little too kind.

No, we must persuade Lin Buer to kill him as soon as possible, and he must not be kind to a woman, if he is soft-hearted and does not act now.

I'm afraid that at that time, I will leave a disaster for myself. John Xungang of the beautiful country must kill the grass and get rid of the roots. "

"Yes, you can't be soft-hearted, tell Lin Buer that he must be killed, and keeping him now is a disaster. I don't know what Lin Buer thinks.

I also want to give him a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy. If it was John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, he would not be soft-hearted.

Lin Buer should be allowed to kill him now, and they should not be given a chance to breathe. "

When the people of Xia Kingdom in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room saw such a situation in the spiritual power barrier in the live broadcast room, they were all very excited there.

Because they saw the players from the beautiful country, John Xungang suddenly seemed to be kneeling in the enchantment to worship Master Lin Buer, as if he was kneeling there and begging for mercy.

Chapter 440 IX Mercy

This made the people of Xia Kingdom very happy there, because they finally saw the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, who finally surrendered to Lin Buer.

That is to say, he has surrendered before the eyes of the people of the entire Xia Kingdom, which will definitely slap them in the face of the people of the beautiful country, "Bai Yuekui, take a look.

Take a quick look at what's going on in the enchantment, you're always listening to Lin Buer watching the two players from Ah Sanguo there.

Looking at the two players, there should be nothing wrong.

But it seems that something unexpected happened in the enchantment.

I saw clearly through the barrier just now, and I saw John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, knelt down there for some reason.

It seems to be the same as Lin Buer kneeling and begging for mercy, Lin Buer 2000 million don't be soft-hearted and let him go.

The gain outweighs the loss, finally using this enchantment to restrain John Xungang, it would be a pity if he let it go in a moment of softness, what do you think of Bai Yuekui. "

Lei Wujie was watching the movement in the spiritual barrier. He always hoped that Lin Buer would use his supernatural power to directly kill John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country~.

But he didn't expect that when he looked back, he saw the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang kneeling on the ground, and he still couldn't figure out the situation.

Does Lin Buer want to kill him?This made Lei Wujie a little anxious, so he immediately yelled in Bai Yuekui's direction.

Because he knew that if there was something wrong, let Bai Yuekui tell Lin Buer there, and Lin Buer would definitely listen.

It seems that Lin Buer can let him go, this guy is really smart.

Thinking of kneeling down to beg for mercy, Bai Yuekui heard Lei Wujie and him shouting loudly there, and knew that something must have happened in the spiritual barrier.

Because Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaose also secretly watched the developments in the live broadcast room.

I have also heard these words from the people of Xia Country and those of Kimchi Country in the live broadcast room.

Even the two passages from the people in the beautiful country were vividly remembered by Bai Yuekui, and they could be seen clearly, because in Bai Yuekui's view.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Now they are nothing more than lingering there, thinking about what good opportunities will their beautiful country player John Xungang have?How is this possible?

Thinking about what happens in the enchantment now, then Lin Buer is already fully prepared, and he will definitely kill John Xungang from the beautiful country.


This time, they must be taught a heavy lesson, and the people of the beautiful country must not be allowed to look down on Xia Guo's players again.

Now when Bai Yuekui heard what Lei Wujie said to him, he inadvertently took another look at the situation in the barrier, and he had already seen the players in the barrier.

John Xungang knelt down on the ground, not knowing what happened, he seemed to be begging for mercy, but he observed Bai Yuekui from the barrier.

He also clearly saw the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, who looked depressed now, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead in an instant.

This made Bai Yuekui a little puzzled, he felt that he seemed to have missed something.

Chapter 450

If it is definitely not the case, John Xungang has such a stubborn character, it is absolutely impossible for him to ask Lin Buer for a wife casually, so whether they are in Chaoge City or not.

Seeing the situation in front of them, even the people from various countries in the live broadcast room should be able to see at a glance the current situation of John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

It certainly doesn't look like begging for mercy, because Bai Yuekui has already seen the pain in John "[-]" Xungang's nerves, "Don't panic when Lei Wujie is there.

Don't worry, these things are all handed over to Lin Buer, but Lin Buer asked us to help each other.

As for the situation outside Chaoge City, let's just keep an eye on the movements of the two players from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and John Xungang.

Don't let them take advantage of it. If the two players from Ah Sanguo want to change their minds, they will definitely attack us.

So Lin Buer had concerns before, we must obey what Lin Buer said, don't worry.

Lin Buer will definitely not be merciful to America's player John Xungang. This time he will definitely be killed, and there is no chance for him to survive. "

After seeing the current situation clearly, Bai Yuekui yelled in Lei Wujie's direction, because in Bai Yuekui's view, Lin Buer had already made an explanation.

He will never let the players from the beautiful country go, John Xungang and even Lei Wujie are worried about such a thing, how is it possible?Lin Buer will definitely not.

Bai Yuekui looked at the situation in the barrier clearly, and hoped that Lin Buer would kill him now, and it would be over straight away.

Now their beautiful country has no players to line up.

"Is Bai Yuekui really alright?

Why do I feel that this beautiful country player, John Xungang, seems to be kneeling there begging for mercy, and I think he seems to have surrendered.

This day finally came, let the people of their beautiful country see how frustrated their players are, look at their players, John Xungang actually knelt down there and begged for mercy.

I want Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, to forgive him. How could it be possible through the live broadcast room now? I think people from all countries have clearly seen it.  …

This will definitely stimulate their mentality and make them look down on us in the future. "When Jin Xiaoser heard what Lei Wujie said.

I also turned around and saw John Xungang's sudden change in the spiritual barrier.

Jin Xiaose laughed secretly there, and then expressed his inner thoughts to Bai Yuekui.

"Yeah, now Jin Xiaoserei Wujie is worrying there, but there is no need to worry, since Lin Buer said that he will kill him, he will never be soft-hearted.

No matter kneeling down to worship or begging for mercy, he will never let him go. Think about how he treated us before.

How the people in their beautiful country ridiculed the players from our Xia country and the players from the 1.8 vegetable country, thinking about what they did is really outrageous.

I will never forgive him easily, don't worry, Lin Buer must have his own opinion on this matter, I don't worry about it. "

When Bai Yuekui heard what Jin Xiaose said, he didn't take it seriously. He just looked back at Lin Buer.

Chapter 450

There is also the direction of John Xungang, so he is still staring at the two players of A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, because he knows that what Lin Buer explained is definitely not superfluous.

Worry also knows that these two guys from A Sanguo are also here to find the opportunity for all this, but now he knows that Lin Buer has returned to the live broadcast room.

Back in Chaoge City, thinking about Lin Buer's current body of a saint, I am sure that the two of them would not dare to act rashly, if there is no Lin Buer here.

I'm afraid the two guys from Ah Sanguo must be unable to hold back anymore, so Lei Wujie knew that Ah Sanguo and the others were just waiting and watching.

If John Xungang was given a chance to breathe, the two players from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Curley, would definitely make a move.

The command room of the National Games of the 09th National Games in the beautiful country.

The sudden situation in the live broadcast room that General Tom faced.

In the live broadcast room, when the people of the beautiful country just said such words on the interface of the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, in fact, he just smiled wryly there.

He knew that John Xungang, a player in the beautiful country, might be in danger, but the current situation in the live broadcast room made General Tom unable to calm down at all.

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