Because he witnessed John Xungang, a contestant from their beautiful country in the live broadcast room of Shanhaijing, kneeling down to worship Lin Buer, a contestant from Xiaguo.

This is really embarrassing to the people of their beautiful country, "Fuck, Chief Jerry, come over and see what the hell this John Xungang is doing there.

Let him get the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace. Instead of completing the task we gave him, he also lost his momentum.

Let Xia Guo's player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui give them an advantage. Look at this player now, John Xungang has actually done such an embarrassing thing.

Lin Buer is so irritating that he knelt down there to worship Xia Guo's player. I feel ashamed to see him like this now.

I can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in. This is too embarrassing for the people of our beautiful country.

Think about it now that people from all over the world in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room are watching the dynamics of these players in Shan Hai Jing, think about our players.

The current situation of John Xungang may have been fully seen by the players and people from various countries.

It's such a shame, I've never felt as embarrassed as I am today. Do you know that this is the shame that this stupid guy John Xungang brought to me.

I must take good care of him, and let Xia Guo's Lin Buer kill him directly.

Don't keep him, keeping him is to embarrass the people of our beautiful country.

Do you know 137?I don't want to see him anymore, this bastard can actually kneel down there to worship Xia Guo's players, Lin Buer really embarrasses me.

This embarrassing situation actually happened to our beautiful country player John Xungang.

It is simply unimaginable. "When General Tom faced such a situation in the live broadcast room, he immediately cursed for no reason at Chief Jerry next to him.

Despondent, empty-eyed, because it seemed to General Tom.

John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, is in danger, and his life may be lost. They never thought of this John Xungang.

Chapter 450 Two Kneeling on the Ground

How dare they kneel down there and beg for mercy? This is not what the contestants in the beautiful country want to see. What the hell is this John Xungang doing?

This guy is simply too much, how can he do such a shameful thing?General Tom couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed loudly there.

Regardless of whether they have any good players in the beautiful country to send out, but in the eyes of General Tom, they have done such a shameful thing.

He felt ashamed now, "No, General Tom, I think you seem to be wrong about him.

Do you know what happened in the live broadcast room of all the dynamics in Shan Hai Jing? I know everything well, and I have been watching.

But what I see is very different from what you see, you know?I just saw our beautiful country player, John Xungang, is fighting against Lin Buer.

But do you know how his flesh and blood can withstand Lin Buer's saintly body?Lin Buer was just using the power of his god there.

Against our beautiful country players there, John Xungang must be seriously injured now and cannot bear this powerful humiliation and blow.

He couldn't bear the pain in his body, so he knelt on the ground there, and he definitely didn't surrender to the cause of Xia Guo player Lin Buer, you know?

General Tom, you are really wrong to blame him. This is what I saw before my eyes, but it is really embarrassing for you to describe it like this.

Think about it, if this matter is going to reach the ears of our general.

No one of us should have an easy life. We must know that people from various countries have appeared in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room to see the current situation.

If everything is like what you said, then where should we put the face of our beautiful country? Even you will think so, but the results we see are different.

I hope you, General Tom, will remain calm. The matter is not over yet, and we must not give up.

At least our player John Xungang hasn't been killed by Lin Buer yet?As long as he is alive and has breath, he has the idea of ​​reincarnation, you know?

There is a certain hope that you will never give up, even if you have to give up our players, think about it, who else would look down on him?

So General Tom, you must cheer up, let's watch the live broadcast carefully. ". "

Chief Jerry was quietly on the sidelines, keeping his eyes on all the movements in the live broadcast room, when he saw John Xungang using the sword in his hand to deal with Lin Buer.

I never thought that Lin Buer would actually use his supernatural power to control the sword, so John Xungang had no power to fight back.

Lin Buer also used the power of his God to make John Xungang's body unable to hold back, so (dead Zhao) caused John Xungang to look like this because of the huge pain.

The current state of John Xungang seems to be bowing down to Lin Buer, the player they played against in the live broadcast room, but Chief Jerry can see all this clearly.

But Chief Jerry never expected that General Tom next to him would have such an idea.

It's so ridiculous, he doesn't even know what's going on in the live broadcast room, and he doesn't even think about it.

Chapter 450 Three Despair

Now John Xungang, if he doesn't dare to resist, he just kneels down and begs for mercy. If he really returns to the beautiful country and the people of the beautiful country.

Spit Xingzi will drown him too, does he dare to do that?He wouldn't dare to think like that if he had the guts, this General Tom was dreaming all day long.

He must have been stupefied by the sight in front of him, "Well, Mr. Jerry is still in such a mood thanks to you, I have no mood at all to continue watching.

I'll leave it to you here, I'll take a good rest here, I'm really tired, now I see this situation in the live broadcast room.

I can't accept it anymore. Now we will definitely be punished by our general. I have already reported our attitude to each other. If we lose, we will lose.

Let's find 137 other players, we can't let no players appear on this venue, think about so many treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

They can't be taken away by Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Kingdom, for no reason. They should also have a share of our beautiful country, and they must get it. "

When Tom heard these words from Chief Jerry, he didn't care, because no matter what it was, the foregone conclusion was basically the same now.

They can also see the future situation. It seems that John Xungang, their beautiful country player, must die. Now when they think about this situation.

General Tom was no longer in the mood to watch in the live broadcast room, so he just lay down on the huge sofa in his office, because the situation in front of him was already serious.

Knocked this General Tom down, "Well, General Tom, you should really take a break.

Indeed, if you don't have a good spirit, how can you pay attention to such a live broadcast?The outcome of this game has not yet been decided, yet you are in such a depressed state.

You should adjust your mood well now, think about our current player, although John Xungang is trapped in this enchantment now.

But life and death are not yet decided, you can generalize and forget, you should go to rest, leave this to me, I don't think we (ajbi) are so desperate.

I think the luck of our beautiful country may not be so bad. I think our beautiful country still has some luck. I believe in our players.

So there are some things you have to leave room for yourself and enough faith to do it. General Tom, you rest here and completely leave it to me. "Officer Jerry saw General Tom's despair.

But Chief Jerry knew that no matter what, John Xungang would really be killed by Xia Guo's player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui even if he was a player from their beautiful country.

Then he will definitely not lose his aura or face. Most importantly, in the eyes of Chief Jerry, he thinks that the luck of the beautiful country may not be so bad.

More or less there will be some luck, although the good luck is towards them now, the people of Xia Guo are going in the direction of Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

But in the end, the beautiful country will have some good luck, so Chief Jerry watched the situation in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room on the sofa next to General Tom.

He is also competing with himself, and if he wants to gamble again, he must let his players do well, so that these treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace will be at home.

Chapter 450 The Fourth Fur Monster

In their beautiful country, now that Chief Jerry has just heard what General Tom said, he has already proved General Tom's frustration.

Looking at his appearance, he now has some thoughts about the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, but that strong possessiveness seems to have diminished a lot.

Chief Jerry saw General Tom, who looked frustrated and tired, and fell asleep on the sofa in the command room of the National Games of the United States. Chief Jerry looked here.

He just sighed slightly there and shook his head, he felt that the beautiful country with good luck would not disappear~.

So he put all his luck on their player John Xungang there, and he gave it a go there, ready to gamble so much.

So he focused all his energy on the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, wanting to watch-to the final result.

Above the Heavenly Palace.

When the Master Tongtian saw Nuwa Empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun walking away, he also saw Lin Buer, and when he turned into a beam of light and flew into Chaoge City.

The leader of Tongtian was thinking in his heart, this Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun actually handed over such an important matter to Lin Buer, what did he think?

This is the list of gods, this is a matter of gods.

They didn't even tell Master Tongtian about their co-lord of heaven and earth, if it wasn't for Master Tongtian hiding his body in nothingness behind.

He eavesdropped on this matter behind Nuwa Empress and Yuanshi Tianzun, and he still doesn't know that there is a list of gods. If it is true that Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress said these words.

So in this list of gods, it seems that Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun have joined forces to make their disciples gods, how can it work?

Thinking about him, the Master Tongtian and the Primordial Heavenly Venerable are both the bodies of saints.

They are all saints on equal footing, why did the Lord of Heaven and Earth not discuss such a big matter with him and handed it over to Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun? Isn't this partiality?

Thinking about it now, it might be the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Empress Nuwa, and Yuan Tianzun, who must not have looked down on him, Master Tongtian, and his disciples.

Thinking of this, Master Tongtian was very angry and very sad, because he knew that this matter was really unfair to his disciples.

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The disciples who stopped teaching under his sect thought that their practice was not much worse than those disciples who explained the teaching under Yuan Tianzun's sect, so why he still doesn't know anything about this matter.

If he hadn't overheard what Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun said to Lin Buer, he still didn't know about the list of gods.


This incident deeply hurt Master Tongtian, because Master Tongtian knew that there were still disciples from the prehistoric era.

He didn't pay attention to those Jiejiao disciples under his master Tongtian. Master Tongtian knew that they were all disciples who didn't look down on him.

They all think that his disciples are some ancient monsters who have practiced for thousands of years, transformed into human figures, so in the eyes of those disciples who are teaching under the original Tianzun sect.

Seeing that the disciples under his sect are just animals without human form, so when Master Tongtian thought of these things, he was very angry.

Chapter 450 Finding the Opportunity

But the Master Tongtian knows it, like his disciples.

No matter in terms of practice or their boundless magic power, none of them are much worse than those disciples of his original Tianzun's sect.

Unexpectedly, he was ridiculed by those outside disciples in the prehistoric for no reason.

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