Thinking about the Master Tongtian, he felt a little angry, but he knew that Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun and their "One Three Seven" had joined forces.

It seems that with their abilities, he is definitely not his opponent. Even his Nuwa Empress and Yuan Yuan Tianzun know about this matter.

I also secretly eavesdropped on what he and Lin Buer said before I knew about the Fengshen, so now does the Taishang Saint know about the Fengshen?

If the Supreme Saint knew about Conferring Gods, then he didn't know about it, which would be too embarrassing. Thinking about himself as a saint, he was actually concealed by these great saints.

Thinking of this, he was very angry, but thinking about it, he just heard the words of Nuwa Saint and Yuan Tianzun there, and now Master Tongtian is thinking about it in his heart.

The original sage may not know about this yet, if you want to know that the three of them will come together, now it is Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun appearing here.

Then I'm afraid that he might not be aware of this matter because he is too sage, thinking that it is the leader of Tongtian who is thinking about it in his heart.

Even now, if he blatantly talks to Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress about the matter of conferring gods, I'm afraid it won't work. If he is weak, he will definitely disagree.

You must increase the status of these disciples under your sect, and you must not be taken advantage of by those disciples under Yuan Tianzun.

This matter has to be planned for his disciples, and the leader of Tongtian believes that this matter should be found, and the Supreme Saint should plan it carefully.

If this matter is not as expected, then so far, the matter of the current Conferred God List may be shared by heaven and earth. I just talked with Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

If you take advantage of this opportunity now, can you win over the Supreme Saint to go with yourself to explain this matter to Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

It would be great to let these disciples under his sect become gods, how could he miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

I feel that I really should go to the Supreme Saint to discuss it carefully, taking advantage of Nuwa Empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun, they don't know yet.

I already know that there is a list of gods to be named gods.

Maybe there will be a turning point, Master Tongtian thinks of this, and immediately, he will step on the auspicious clouds to go to the Tushitian Palace of the Supreme Saint, and visit the Supreme Saint first.

Make a good plan with him and see if there are any good ideas from the Supreme Sage.

After all, they all have their own disciples, and they will never let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to confer gods, Master Tongtian thought in his heart.

Even if it's the 1.8 Conferred God this time, the disciples under your own sect can't take advantage of it, and you absolutely can't let these disciples who explain the teachings under the sect of the original Tianzun take advantage of you.

Anyway, I have to compete with you anyway, and let you Yuan Tianzun take a look.

The strength of my Master Tongtian is definitely not inferior to your Primordial Heavenly Venerable, and what we have done.

Chapter 450 Six Unlimited Heaven and Earth Luck

These disciples will never be defeated by your disciples. If your disciples can become gods, can't these disciples under me be able to become gods?

When Master Tongtian thought of this, he immediately thought of going to the sage to talk to him.

Just before he stepped on the auspicious clouds and walked tens of thousands of miles, before he reached the Tushitian Palace of the Supreme Saint, suddenly the leader of Tongtian seemed to think of something.

Because he knew that now that Lin Buer held the Seal of the Emperor, all the good luck was in Lin Buer's hands.

Now why did Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun find Lin Buer to talk about these things?Because the leader of Tongtian was hiding his body.

I have already heard it clearly, and now even Yuan Yuan Tianzun and Nv 09 Empress want to take advantage of Lin Bu's second-hand "Human Emperor Luck" to put all the good luck in their hands.

Then Yuan Tianzun must use the luck of Lin Bu's second-hand Renhuang Seal to let his disciples be named gods on the list of gods, so that even if he makes great efforts.

It was also a failure, because the leader of Tongtian had already felt that Lin Buer's Renhuang seal had boundless laws of luck.

Whoever controls the seal of the emperor is the one who controls the power of the infinite luck law of heaven and earth, so the moment when Lin Buer appeared, the leader of Tongtian sect.

Under the crushing of the infinite depth of the seal of the emperor, the leader of Tongtian had already seen this matter early, so when the original Tianzun and Nuwa empress did not appear.

He just wanted to take advantage of his own position to snatch back the seal of the emperor from Lin Buer's hands.

Who would have thought that Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress had found Lin Buer and Lin Buer at this moment.

After saying such a thing, he wanted to use the luck of Lin Bu's second-hand Renhuangyin to find Jiang Ziya, a trustworthy person on the list of gods, and now the leader of Tongtian thought of this.

Suddenly, he stopped. He felt that it would be too early to find the Supreme Saint now, and he had to get the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand.

But the leader of Tongtian was thinking there again, since Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun are both there to care about Lin Buer's actions.

Moreover, he was also observing the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand, and he wanted to use the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand to anoint the master counselor of heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Master Tongtian feels that it is not possible now, and he should make a good plan, first get the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand, and then talk about it.

After all, with the Seal of the Human Emperor in his hands, the infinite luck of heaven and earth is in his hands, not to mention being a conferred god, he just wants to shake the entire heaven.

That's all possible, as long as luck 137 is in hand, everything will be resolved, and his original Tianzun Nuwa Empress has nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, he felt that the most important thing was the Emperor's Seal, but the Master Tongtian also knew that it was Lin Buer who was being looked after by Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun.

If he went to Chaoge City blatantly, he would snatch back the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand.

Certainly not, when the time comes, Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun may join forces to deal with him.

At that time, won't the current ideas and god-appointed matters be wiped out?It seems that this matter should be well planned.

Chapter 450: Watching Chaoge City

Right now the original sage's place is okay for the time being, and it's not too late to go there after a while.

After all, the whole matter is still to be determined now, and Yuan Yuan Tianzun might also go to Chaoge City to find Jiang Ziya's whereabouts, if so.

So if he came to Chaoge City blindly, would he meet Yuan Tianzun?It will be troublesome at that time, once this matter is seen through by Yuan Tianzun.

Then it would not be easy for his disciples to confer gods smoothly.

Thinking of this, he felt that no matter what, he had to place someone from Chaoge City next to Lin Buer. As long as he didn't show up, he would send a capable person to deal with Lin Buer.

He secretly took back the seal of the emperor from his body, so that the faintness of anger grew in his hands without anyone noticing.

But the original Tianzun and Ke Li would have no idea that they would rely on the luck of the emperor's seal, and then even the entire heaven and earth would be co-lords.

He also has nothing to do with himself, Master Tongtian thought of this.

He quickly opened a piece of cloud to check the movement of Chaoge City. He had to firmly control Lin Buer's movement, and he had to know it well to see what would happen to Lin Buer.

If there is an opportunity, no one will use it, just snatch the Renhuang Seal from Lin Bu's second hand, if it is from him, he can't do it at will.

Then relying on his own disciples, he could also have the opportunity to act. At this time, the Master Tongtian was above Tiangong, checking everything that was happening in Chaoge City.

The Lord Tongtian has already seen that the outside of Chaoge City has been surrounded by a powerful spiritual barrier, and the Lord Tongtian knows it.

Yuan Tianzun personally helped Lin Buer drop this spiritual barrier from mid-air, as if he was suppressing someone for Lin Buer.

Now Tongtian Sect mainly wants to observe Lin Buer's movements, and must find out everything, so the Tongtian Sect Master is looking down on the situation in Chaoge City from above the sky.

Now John Xungang's entire body is there in the spiritual barrier, he dare not move, every step he takes, he feels pain all over his body as if struck by lightning.

He couldn't bear it anymore, knelt there and wailed, Lin Buer immediately said to John Xungang, "How about John Xungang, what else do you have to say now.

Just relying on your ability, you still want to fight with me, Lin Buer. Think about it, you are a flesh and blood body now, and you still want to deal with Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

This time, I will never give you a chance to breathe. I will kill you immediately and poke the spirit of you people in the beautiful country.

I also want to let the people of our Xia Kingdom vent their anger, and let them see that our Xia Kingdom's opponents are definitely not as weak and incompetent as they say.

Why don't your players look like they have become such a big (dehao Zhao) body, so what can they do?Don't I still know how to deal with you with the body of a saint? "? "

Seeing John Xungang's painful appearance, Lin Buer knew that John Xungang was now helpless. Seeing him like that, Lin Buer laughed a little.

But Lin Buer knew that he couldn't hesitate now, he could kill it directly, anyway, he had to solve it, wait until he killed it, and then go back to deal with it.

Chapter 450 is ridiculous

The two players from Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, would never let them take advantage of it. They became more and more courageous, and even helped Ah Sanguo to deal with Bai Yuekui.

Thinking about how I dare not speak loudly to Bai Yuekui on weekdays, the two contestants from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Curley, actually hide the contestants from Beautiful Country.

With John Xungang's beheading ability, they were colluding and wanted to kill Bai Yuekui Lei Wujie Jin Xiaoser while they were not in the live broadcast room.

Thinking about it, Lin Buer, who would never keep them, thought of seeing the miserable appearance of John Xungang in the beautiful country here, and Lin Buer couldn't help but feel a little arrogant in his heart.

"Stop talking nonsense, Lin Buer, do you really think that I'm afraid of you? Don't even think about it. You are just relying on the body of a saint, and we have the ability to fight one by one.

If you take this damn barrier away from me, do you think you are still my opponent?You also have the help of their gods.

You dare to yell at me here. It's useless to say anything now, and I won't argue with you. It's no big deal if you lose.

I'm not afraid that you (ajbi) will kill me. If you have the ability, you can fight with me. I, John Xungang, will never admit defeat. Don't worry, the people of our beautiful country will never admit defeat either.

Just you, Lin Buer, don't worry, I will never give in to you, if I really have the chance to go out, or if I don't die in your hands this time.

After thinking about it, I will never let you go. "

When John Xungang heard what Lin Buer said, he didn't yell, but became ruthless there. He knew that even if he and Lin Buer knelt down and begged for mercy.

It was nothing more than losing his face, and begging him for mercy was meaningless.

It's better to fight directly with him one-on-one.

But he knows that his current ability may definitely not be Lin Buer's opponent, but he will never lose to Lin Buer in terms of momentum.

No matter how powerful Lin Buer is, he will never admit defeat.

"John Xungang, don't you think it's ridiculous for you to say this? Just think about it, based on what you have become now, do you still want to live?

Don't be delusional there, I'll kill you right now.

Frustrating the spirit of the people of your beautiful country will also let you know that our players in Xia country are definitely not easy to bully, they still want to go out and want to survive.

That's just your wishful thinking. With me, Lin Buer, can I let you escape at will?Still thinking about dealing with me after escaping.

You don't want to think that you are all defeated by me, and if you want to deal with me, it's up to you.

Do you really think you are qualified for this? "When Lin Buer heard what John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, said to himself.

Lin Buer felt a little ridiculous, but Lin Buer knew that it was pointless to argue with him, so he might as well just kill him, because after all, there were too many things going on outside.

Also, the mission Wu Nian'an gave him this time was to get Brother Chao all the treasures from the treasure house of the underground palace. Thinking about it, it wasn't too easy.

After all, there are so many ancient beasts mixed in the underground palace of Chaoge City.

It will take time to kill them, "Okay, Lin Buer is talking nonsense, if you want to kill, kill as you please.

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