Chapter 450 IX Mercy

"I will never admit defeat, and I will never beg for mercy. The people of our beautiful country will always be proud of me. Don't worry, Lin Buer.

We'll also have other players against you. "When John Xungang heard what Lin Buer said, he was actually quite desperate in his heart.

There is no possibility of surviving, but John Xungang knows that if he begs for mercy like this, it will definitely not work, and he must not lose his momentum no matter what.

When John Xungang heard what Lin Buer said, he immediately moved his body on the ground, enduring the severe pain in his body.

Then slowly got up on the ground, Lin Buer saw John Xungang in such a state, he seemed to want to fight with himself.

Lin Buer felt a little ridiculous, "Why is John Xungang still not admitting defeat, does it seem that he still wants to fight with me, then the two of us will communicate.

I would like to see what means you have, I am free now.

If I raise my finger a little, you will have no power to fight back. Even if you force yourself to stand up from the ground, you are definitely not my opponent, do you know?You'd better wait to die obediently. "

Bai Yuekui saw that the opponent in front of him, the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang was actually there, on the verge of life and death, and he was still there so arrogant~.

Lin Buer knew that now was definitely not the time to be merciful, so Lin Buer decided to listen to the voices of the Xia people in the live broadcast room.

Be sure to kill John Xungang in this beautiful country.

Then get the treasures in the treasure house of the underground palace in Chaoge City first, after all, this is the task that Wu Nian'an entrusted to him and must be completed.

"Well, John Xungang, it seems that you are stubborn, since you are so arrogant, I will let you go, and I will never be soft-hearted to you.

I think you have never been merciful to Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, so don't blame me, Lin Buer, for being ruthless this time. "

Immediately after Lin Buer finished speaking, he pinched the seal and recited silently, and then kept muttering incantations in his mouth, under the blessing of Lin Buer's night silent recitation of incantations.

Lin Buer slapped John Xungang on the chest, and in an instant John Xungang's huge and mutated figure was instantly beaten back to his original shape by Lin Buer's Renhuang Yungong Jue.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Now that John Xungang saw it, he had changed back to his original image again, and he felt desperate in an instant.

So he immediately looked up at Lin Buer, who was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, pinching the seal and chanting silently. He was disheartened now, and he knew that it was absolutely impossible to escape from Lin Buer's palm.


It seems that if he doesn't make it right today, he will die in Chaoge City. Now all his thoughts of survival are gone, and his nerves and eyes have collapsed.

Now there is a powerful fear in his eyes, but he is afraid.

He is also shaking his teeth to death now, he knows the people of the beautiful country in the live broadcast room.

People from various countries are watching the live broadcast on Chaoge City's Shan Hai Jing interface. If he can't hold on for a while, he will definitely lose the face of their beautiful country.

So John Xungang gritted his teeth no matter what, "John Xungang didn't see it.

Chapter 460 Return to the original form

I still have some guts, but I didn't expect that I would beat you back to your original shape, you are still standing there, forget it, I will give you a good time. "

Seeing John Xungang, Lin Buer knew from his current expression that John Xungang must be stiff there, and he could already see some cold sweat on his forehead.

It was oozing out from his forehead, because Lin Buer could see all this clearly, Lin Buer knew that he had already played "[-]" and was already out of his wits.

It's just a matter of carrying it hard there, but Lin Buer knows that it's pointless to care too much about people like him.

After all, those Xia Guomins in the Shan Hai Jing meeting live broadcast room are waiting now, and it is definitely not now, when he is here to tease him.

Lin Buer felt that he should have a good time no matter what, so don't scare him here.

Anyway, he was going to kill him, and after all, he wanted to make him feel better, even if he died.

"I'm going to have a quick look at our Xia Guo player, Lin Buer is really amazing, he is using his supernatural power to return John Xungang's huge body back to its original shape.

Looking at him like that, he might be able to kill John Xungang immediately, but John Xungang's vitality.

It seems that he is still quite tenacious. Lin Buer has used the power of God and he is not doing much. This kid is quite afraid of tossing. "

"Yeah, our Lin Buer has already attacked him, I didn't expect this kid to be quite brave and not afraid, but how can we know whether he is afraid or not?

Thinking about facing the moment of life and death, I must be scared and scared to death. "

"It's right for Lin Buer to do this, why should he be straightforward, let him die and toss and toss, and he has to torture him in his heart.

Frustrate his spirit, look at the faces of the people of the beautiful country, this is all right, finally their player John Xungang has fallen into the hands of our Xiaguan player Lin Bushou. "

"That's right, it's hard to catch such an opportunity and not toss him well, how can it work? I think Lin Buer is really great.

The idea is the same as ours, Lin Buer shouldn't let him die so happily, toss and toss. "

"I don't think so, I think it's good to give him a happy way, cut the mess quickly, don't encounter any wipes in the middle, it will be ugly 0  …

Now such a good opportunity, why do you have to worry about it? "

"Yeah, now John Xungang has returned to his original form, his previous mutated appearance is gone, and now he has no lethality.

For such a good opportunity, he should be taught a lesson. "

"How to say, if I personally think that Lin Buer is doing the right thing, I should make a mistake about the faces of the people in their beautiful country and let them be outside the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

Let them take a good look at how the players from the beautiful country were tossed and died slowly. This is called psychological torture 1.8, which is good. "

"Oh, I don't know what Lin Buer thinks, anyway, this is not Lin Buer's character.

I would like to give him a happy look. Think about it, there are so many things going on in Chaogecheng now, don't you see those two vixens watching there?

Maybe they don't know what they are thinking about in their hearts, maybe they are still worried about Lin Buer's Emperor Seal. ".

Chapter 460

"Now those two vixens are also waiting and watching, in fact, they would like to let Lin Buer kill her, if they kill this guy.

Is there only one less person who is afraid of the treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City? ""Anyway, I think I saw it in the live broadcast room, and the current situation is really satisfying.

I think this is very good, as for the players from other countries, we don't know what they think, but for the people of our Xia country, seeing Lin Buer like this.

 09 I feel very happy, after all, our Xia players have the advantage. "

"That's right, that's our ultimate goal.

As long as we can defeat John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, it should be no surprise that players from other countries.

Especially those two players like A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, they are not surprising, they are not Lin Buer's opponents at all.

Regardless of what ancient artifacts and exquisite gold pagodas they have in their hands, so what?

He can also make some jokes instead of Pangu Mansion in Lin Bu's second hand, I don't think they are so powerful.

Now that this kind of situation can appear in the live broadcast room is the result that we have long dreamed of and expected for a long time. I didn't expect that we, Lin Buer, are the best.

It finally opened our eyes, and let the people of their beautiful country also see and see, we Xia people are amazing. "

"No, what the people of their beautiful country said in the live broadcast room before was too rampant, that's all right now, now Lin Buer has finally returned to the live broadcast room.

Moreover, John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was bound there with a spiritual barrier.

Now he has been called back to his original form, which makes the people of the beautiful country feel ashamed and ashamed to see such a situation again in the live broadcast room.

This is to make them lose face. If Lin Buer kills John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, after a while.

That even boosted the morale of our people in the Xia Kingdom. How good it is, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity should be resolved quickly. "

"Even if Lin Buer didn't kill him right away, you haven't seen the players from the beautiful country, and John Xungang has no power to fight back, and he doesn't have the ability to kill.

How ridiculous it is for him to live but not die like that now. I hope to let him live a little longer, so that he can adjust the appetite of the people in their beautiful country.

Let them witness with their own eyes how their players knew themselves like a mirror, how they were killed by Lin Buer, a player from Xia Kingdom, and let them learn a lesson.

To save them from looking down on the people of our Xia Kingdom with such contempt in the future.

Look down on our Xiangguo player Lin Buer, let them know that 137 also has such a strong opponent in our Xia country, and their opponent is definitely not our Lin Buer's opponent. "

"Yeah, anyway, we should support it anyway, Lin Buer let Lin Buer take it easy, anyway, we can only look at these things in the live broadcast room from the outside.

As for the situation, Lin Buer still needs to do it. Anyway, it is already like this in the live broadcast room. Think about it, the people in the worst mood should be the people of their beautiful country.

And the people of the Three Kingdoms, don't let their expectations go to waste. Before, they wanted to take advantage of the contestants from the beautiful country.

Chapter 460

John Xungang's arrogance wanted him to kill Lin Buer Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser directly, and then go to the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace to get the treasure there.

If you think about it, isn't it wishful thinking?Now their wishful thinking has been emptied, and they still don't know how to suffer and despair there. "

"Yeah, now that I think about it, I'm actually quite happy in my heart, as long as they don't have any opponents to fear, then all these treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

Aren't they all players belonging to our Xia Kingdom?Our Lin Buer is actually quite powerful, think about it, he can actually get the power of God.

What an honor to be able to get the help of a sage. No player from that country now has such an honor as Lin Buer. Don't look at the two players from A Sanguo who have already been defeated by Chanjiao Randeng.

So what? "

"That's right, their Magical Artifacts are quite powerful when you think about them, but they can't be compared with the Pangu Mansion in Lin Bu's second hand.

After all, it is the giant ax transformed into Pangu's dream, but it has the power to open up the world. You must know that the Linglong Golden Pagoda appeared in front of Lin Buer's Pangu Mansion.

That's a piece of cake, Lin Buer hacked down with an axe, and all the mana there would be scattered.

Lin Buer is indeed very powerful. I didn't expect that he would get such a huge reward after going out for such a short time. Think about Lin Buer, is he very powerful?

This is beyond the reach of the two players from Ah Sanguo. ". "

These fans in Lin Buer's live broadcast room saw this situation appearing in the interface of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

The onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were very happy. You must know how powerful this is. Lin Buer was able to use his Wuxin sage as a contestant in the beautiful country.

John Xungang's mutated form can be returned to its original shape. Thinking about it, Lin Buer is really powerful. It turns out that the skills in the Emperor's Seal are indeed quite ruthless.

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