Under the pressure of the power of the sage's law, he returned to his original shape, and his cultivation for a thousand years fell short. Therefore, Daji, you have to do it yourself, and don't add your fantasies.

Wuxin sage, you can't be rescued by a little vixen, now he doesn't have that ability, so what should you do to get rid of this powerful crushing force? "

When Aunt Bai Qian heard Daji say "one five three" before, Bai Qian was very angry there, thinking that he was a lawless vixen.

I never thought that this Daji would not let her go, and she was still begging herself desperately. Think about it, Aunt Baiqian doesn't know how to persuade him now.

So he scolded him angrily there, wondering if he could suppress Daji's mood with his current angry expression?

Now he is just thinking about the delicate skin and tender flesh of the Wuxin sage and wants to take it for himself, and he doesn't think about his own ability. Can he be favored by the Wuxin sage?

A little fox who has practiced for thousands of years, just wants to show off in the market as soon as he loses his fur. He is really a reckless thing. When Daji heard these words said by Bai Qi.

He doesn't take it seriously, he thinks what's wrong with his thousand-year-old Taoism, if Wuxin Saint is in dire straits, and then devotes himself to Chaoge City.

No matter how he thinks about his unintentional saint, he will never let himself be reduced to the power of this powerful saint's law, and crushing can also protect his comprehensiveness.

Because now Daji knows that the Wuxin sage has taken a special look at him before, so the Wuxin sage will definitely be moved.

At a time when the Wuxin sage was in such a crisis, I must have felt something when I went to the Wuxin sage regardless of my thousand years of practice and adventure.

At that time, to win the favor of the Wuxin sage, it will be a matter of minutes, which is not like what Aunt Bai Qian is describing now.

How can the unintentional saint be able to watch himself let himself be crushed by this kind of saint's body and ignore it?Thinking about it, this is definitely not the nature of an unintentional saint.

"Hey, Aunt Bai Qian's words are wrong. I think what you are saying now is prejudice against the Wuxin sage, you know? Wuxin sage is definitely not the kind of cold person...  ..

When I was in the underground palace of Chaoge City, the Wuxin sage treated me fairly well.

Presumably, Aunt Baiqian also saw it, but you want to get that yellow leaf from the hands of the Wuxin sage. Think about it, isn't this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

I took advantage of this situation when the Wuxin sage was in dire straits, and I bet on him with a thousand years of practice. Presumably, the Wuxin sage would never let my safety and disregard.

Don't look at Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoserei Wujie and the others are all in Chaoge City now, presumably there will be a place for me in Wuxin Saint's heart, I think Aunt Baiqian

Don't hesitate on 1.8 there. If you miss the opportunity, I'm afraid there will be no better chance to get close to the unintentional saint. You should think about it yourself.

What I said is nothing more than obeying what you ordered before, isn't it all for the luck of our entire monster clan?

Since you want to get me back the Human Emperor Seal again from Wuxin Saint, think about whether this is the best time.

Chapter 470

You are still blaming me there now, and I have thought about it clearly, do I really want to break me?Can't practice for a thousand years?Do I want to go on an adventure too?

How could it be possible, I was only doing it for our Yaozu and our luck, so I gave it a go and hoped that Aunt Bai Qian would make it happen. "

When Daji heard what Bai Qian said to him before, everyone knew that Bai Qian would definitely disagree. Think about it now if Daji wants Aunt Bai Qian to agree immediately.

It must be to grasp Bai Qian's weakness, but Aunt Bai Qian wants to get the seal of the emperor with all her heart, and this is the best time to come.

Anyway, Daji didn't think about whether the emperor's seal was not the emperor's seal.

This has nothing to do with 09 himself, but now that Empress Nuwa and Aunt Bai Qian both want to get the Emperor, this is also the best time to come.

If the Renhuang seal is exchanged from Wuxin sage, Aunt Baiqian will not have to blame herself.

Then let Empress Nuwa go to find Bai Qian by herself. After Daji finished speaking, she immediately looked at Chaoge City and saw the direction of Saint Wuxin.

Seeing that Wuxin Saint was using his supreme law power to contend with that powerful saint law power, a powerful spiritual force swept every corner of Chaoge City.

Let Daji already feel the powerful power of the law in the city of Chaoge City, shaking them into the entire city of Chaoge City.

Maybe the disturbance made all the officials in Chaoge City panic. When Bai Xue heard what Daji said to him, he also kept trying to figure it out in his mind.

I didn't expect that this vixen, Daji, was okay. At this most critical time, she could still think of their monster clan, and think of the seal of the emperor for their monster clan.

It seems that this vixen didn't hurt him in vain, but Bai Qian knew that once she promised Daji to go to Chaoge City, she would definitely be in danger.

It will definitely implicate Daji, which is not good. If Daji encounters any kind of crisis, it will definitely anger the Emperor.

Then the entire Chaoge City will fall into turmoil, so it's better to just wait here steadily, will there be a glimmer of life at that time.

It would be great if Wuxin Saint could return to Chaoge City, but in Daji's mind, he was also thinking about it, if it was like what Daji said just now.

Taking advantage of Wuxin Shengren to rescue him when he is in danger, then Wuxin Shengren must have realized something, and he will return to Chaoge City with him in consideration of Daji's interests.

Then the Human Emperor's Seal is bound to have a chance to get it back from him, but it is crushed by the powerful sage's law outside Chaoge City.

Even Bai Qian felt a little afraid, even if he agreed to Daji's words, then as a vixen who had practiced for a thousand years, he could really break through the power of the saint's law.

How is this possible?After much deliberation, there is no chance of winning this matter, but when Bai Qian said these words to Daji just now.

He was indeed a little shocked, and he was really thinking about it.

It's just that he didn't talk to Daji for the time being, he was still looking at the movement outside Chaoge City.

Chapter 470

"Hey, if Daji really did this for him, think about it, once the Human Emperor's Seal falls into his hands, then the Yaozu will definitely be able to rise.

It's just that it's really risky for Daji, a vixen, to go to Chaoge City. What should I do?For the sake of these people of Yaozu, he should also be allowed to go.

For the sake of these clansmen of the Yaozu, he should be let go.

It's better to put all your eggs in one basket and let Daji, a vixen, try it out. In case the Human Emperor Seal is coaxed back from the hands of the unintentional saint, will the luck of the Yaozu be strong in the future?

Then in the future, the protoss and demons will definitely not be the opponents of their own monsters. With the blessing of their own people's luck, they will definitely develop in a better direction in the future. "

Bai Qian was always at the bottom of her heart, not knowing what to do, whether to let Daji, a vixen, go to Chaoge City to rescue Wuxin Saint?

Or are you waiting here for news from the unintentional sage?

Now Bai Qian is still hesitating there, watching the situation outside Chaoge City, he really hopes for a miracle to happen.

But the power of a powerful sage in front of him is indeed beyond the control and control of the fox family, "These two fox spirits think of a beautiful side.

If you want to get the heart of Lei Wujie's face, so as not to want to get Renhuang's page, everything belongs to Renhuang, how can you do it if you want to take it away?

Anyway, if you want Daji to go now, go, we don't want this vixen to be a concubine, and now we know that you two are not extraordinary.

It's a vixen from the monster race, so for us, the Emperor, we will never tolerate such a thing happening, and the seal of the Emperor is still the Emperor's.

You have to get it, Bai Qian, just let that vixen go, I'm here to enjoy the benefits, everything belongs to us in Chaoge City.

No matter how you two vixens spy on our Chaoge City, I will never let you have such an opportunity, think about it.

Now that I know what you are thinking in your heart, hum, vixen, wait, no matter what you do, you have to take back Ren Huang's seal of Ren Huang before we talk about it. ". "

Bigan secretly heard Bai Qian's heartfelt voice from the side, and Bigan knew that these two vixen were planning to go outside Chaoge City to save Wuxin Saint.

Think about it, if there is hope, you still need to contact the Wuxin sage a lot before you can get the seal of the emperor, so Bigan heard Aunt Baiqian's voice again.

There he secretly cursed those two vixens, no matter what the two vixens think now, everything should be dominated by the emperor.

What the two of them do must focus on the Emperor's treasure, as long as it is better than anything else, it doesn't matter which of the two of them (gets Li Hao).

In the final analysis, they are not all fox spirits and cannot be compared with the Human Sovereign. No matter what happens, the Human Sovereign can't dance with these foxes.

Now that Bigan heard Aunt Bai Qian's heartfelt voice, he knew that Aunt Bai Qian was still waiting for the good news. Think about Bigan laughing secretly behind his back.

Because Aunt Bai Qian would never think of him in her dreams, and Uncle Bigan Wang is the last one to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Chapter 470

"Oh, how is Aunt Bai Qian? What are you thinking about? You are really anxious to death, and I will tell you if this opportunity is lost.

From now on, you don't need to mention the Emperor's Seal in front of me, and I definitely don't have the ability to bring you back the Emperor's Seal, do you know that?

Think about it, it's not so easy to do now, you want to give up such a good opportunity now, I really don't know if you really want to get back the chain luck.

I still don't want me to be with the Wuxin sage. Now that the Wuxin sage is in such a crisis in Chaoge City, if I help him.

Think about the Human Emperor Seal, if I open my mouth to the Wuxin sage, can he not give it to me?Isn't this a logical thing?

If you think it over, you can tell me. If you disagree, it’s fine. Think about the power of the sage’s law outside 153 Chaoge City.

If I go, as you said, how can I continue my practice for thousands of years, I still have some fears now.

I didn't care about my thousand years of practice.

It was destroyed once, and I also wanted to fulfill what my aunt wanted in my heart. I didn't expect you, aunt, to be wildly suspicious. Forget it, just pretend that I, Daji, didn't say anything.

We are still here to wait and see, so I am safe, so I will not worry about my thousand-year practice. "

Daji said a few words on the side, never thought that the aunt Baiqian he saw was always there.

There was no expression on her face, but Bai Qian knew that whenever Bai Qian mentioned Renhuang Yin Bai Qian, Auntie was sure that he would have an epiphany, and he would never give up.

Otherwise, he would not have threatened himself with the life of the Wuxin sage before. It seems that Aunt Baiqian's desire for the Seal of the Emperor is stronger in her heart.

So now Daji is trying his best to win, and he doesn't want to miss any chance to go outside Chaoge City to rescue Wuxin Saint.

In this way, he will be able to be with Wuxin Sage with peace of mind, and he will not violate what Aunt Bai Qian told him before, thinking of this.

He couldn't wait to say it casually to Aunt Bai Qian in front of him. Bai Qian was still hesitating (ajbi) before.

I can't make up my mind, but I never thought of the vixen in front of me, when Daji said such words to herself in a serious way.

Aunt Baiqian was thinking in her heart that it would indeed be the best time to let Daji go, so that she could get close to Saint Wuxin straightforwardly.

Just like what Daji said just now, if it is really to help the Wuxin sage when he is most in danger.

Thinking about it, this unintentional saint is definitely not a cold person.

He will definitely take care of some of this feeling here, and maybe Daji can exchange these other treasures in the underground palace for him by casually saying that the seal of the emperor is used.

Now Bai Qian is constantly circling in her mind, because Bai Qian knows that even now, there is such a powerful saint crushing force outside Chaoge City.

But if you want Daji to go to the place of the Wuxin sage, you will not be the Wuxin sage, and if Daji is really in danger, what kind of safety will be encountered.

With ten thousand years of practice, can I also save Daji's life?If Daji really met such a powerful saint crush.

Chapter 470 Four Reasonable

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