Then I will definitely snatch Daji back from the saint's hands.

It is enough to ensure that Daji's life will not be affected. As for the unintentional saint, he will never stand by and watch, with the current body of the unintentional saint.

He can also contend with the powerful force of law in front of him for a while, and think about being able to get Daji, a vixen, back to him during the chaos.

Even if the Wuxin sage is not rescued, then if the Wuxin sage sees the blow, he will save him regardless of his thousand years of practice~.

Thinking about the Wuxin sage, he definitely felt something, Bai Qian thought of hitting this little vixen, he didn't know how to live or die, he wanted to try it, that's okay.

I have also made a perfect plan. If there is something that he really can't deal with, he can also help him. Presumably, the unintentional saint will not stand idly by.

Think about it, as long as it can save the life of Daji, a vixen, it will be fine.

He was also able to explain to the Emperor, "Oh, this is the end of the matter, and my Aunt Bai Qian is definitely not an unreasonable person, I miss you, Aunt who is infatuated with Wuxin Shengren.

I'll let you do it today, since you want to save the Wuxin sage, if something unexpected happens on the way, Aunt Bai Qian will definitely not be indifferent.

I will also shoot uncle, well, if that's the case, go ahead, remember not to compete with the powerful law power of that saint's body.

This is definitely not something you, a vixen, can do.You only need to persuade Wuxin Saint to return to Chaoge City and that's the rest. You must not overestimate your capabilities, you know?Daji. "

Bai Qian thought of this, so she might as well let Daji have a try, anyway, now she wants to get back the Emperor Wuxin's seal from Saint Wuxin's hand.

Otherwise, everything would be empty talk. Since Daji in front of me is only thinking about saving the Wuxin saint, let him try it.

When Daji heard what Aunt Bai Qian said to him, he was of course happy, because he knew that as long as Aunt Bai Qian agreed.

Then there will be a turning point for this matter, he will be able to directly contact him, and when he reaches the Wuxin sage, he will be very happy just thinking about it

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Ever since Wuxin Saint returned to Chaoge City, he was on the Chaoge City pool, and he couldn't hold back his temper for a long time. He wanted to meet Lin Buer in Chaoge City early.

However, Aunt Baiqian next to him is here, so he can't do much, it's all right now

Finally got Aunt Bai Qian's approval, so that he would blatantly go to find Saint Wuxin, think about how happy and exciting this is.


Now when Daji heard what Bai Qian said to him, Daji got carried away happily there, and then said to Aunt Bai Qian in a coquettish manner.

"Aunt Baiqian, don't worry, if you teach Daji, I will take care of all the things in my hands for you.

You just wait here for the good news from me, Daji, I am bound to get the seal of the emperor in the hands of the Wuxin sage.

When I got it, I handed it to my aunt in person, as long as you get the Emperor Seal.

Presumably, all the treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City can be chosen by the unintentional sage, and we can exchange them with him, wouldn't it be fine?Son.

Chapter 470

You got what you wanted, and I got what I wanted.

Wouldn't the two of us have the best of both worlds? " Daji spoke out her inner thoughts to Bai Qian in front of her.

Because he knew that Aunt Baiqian wanted to get the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand with all her heart. Since he had the opportunity to get it now, he would never miss this good opportunity.

The first can take the "One Five Three" Emperor Yi back from Lin Buer's hands, and the second can go to see Lin Buer.

Now Daji was full of joy and told Aunt Bai Qian all the thoughts in his heart, when Bai Qian heard what Daji said to him.

He knew that the vixen in front of him was only thinking about the matter of the unintentional saint. It seemed that he had already lost his mind.

It doesn't matter if he has forgotten his thousands of years of practice, as he wishes, anyway, he didn't take these things to heart, like his fox clan has always been like this.

It is not an exaggeration for Daji to reveal their bearded nature. Think about it, don't you just want to get the Seal of the Emperor?The rest is up to Daji.

"Okay, Daji, don't thank me there, in fact, I should thank you, you made such a big sacrifice for our Yaozu.

Thinking about it, Aunt Baiqian still treated you badly. If you can handle this matter well, I must take the place of our Yaozu and reward you properly.

I also want to give you a thousand years of Taoism as a gift, after all, as long as you get the seal of the emperor now.

It will be able to change the luck of our demon clan. Thinking about the millennium practice can really be given to you, so you must listen to Aunt Bai Qian, and you must not be soft-hearted.

We are bound to win the Human Emperor Seal, you know?Daji, well, now that the matter is over, I agree with you to leave Chaogecheng to find your unintentional saint,

As long as you are happy, Aunt Bai Qian will also be happy for you. "Bai Qian had already sensed that Daji was in a very anxious state right now.

You know that his mind is full of unintentional saints now, and he can't be delayed now, after all, he doesn't wait for the seal of the emperor, as long as the person Huang Yun gets it.

The fate of their monster clan will change immediately, thinking of this, Bai Qian is actually quite happy in her heart, even if Daji is sacrificed...  

It is worthwhile for a vixen to exchange for the luck of the entire demon clan, "Okay, Aunt Bai Qian, don't worry, I will leave the matter to Daji.

Just relax, I will definitely do it for you, for our monster clan, I will definitely get the seal of the emperor, and I will definitely get the unintentional saint.

I will never hand over the unintentional saint to anyone. Well, Aunt Baiqian, I will not say anything more to you. Just wait here for my good news.

By the way, Aunt Bai Qian has one more time, I will fly directly from this city to the outside of Chaoge City in a while.

Presumably, everyone in Chaoge City can see this situation now. 1.8

I don't want this kind of thing to reach the ears of the Emperor, so now in Chaoge City and our guards in Chaoge City Chishang, you must erase their current memories. "

Just when Daji was about to go straight from Chaoge City Pool to the direction of Lin Buer outside Chaoge City, he suddenly felt something in his mind, and felt that if this matter...

Chapter 470 Erase Memory

If it was really going to reach the ears of the Emperor, then how could he acquire the status of being a vixen.

It must be hidden, and it is necessary to complete the tasks entrusted to her by Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun, so thinking of it, he feels that his identity must never be revealed.

He hastily expressed his thoughts.

Because now only Aunt Bai Qian can help him erase the memories of these people, as long as they don't know that they flew 09 from the city of Chaoge City.

Then it won't arouse the Emperor's suspicion now, so the guards of Chaoge City won't look at themselves with strange eyes.

Thinking of this, he immediately expressed his inner thoughts to Bai Qian in front of him.

Because he knew that now these things can only be resolved by asking Aunt Bai Qian to do something about it, and let Aunt Bai Qian do something to resolve the matter, "Don't worry, Daji.

Even if you didn't say these things, I would have thought of them for you early on, so you can go and leave this place to me with peace of mind, they will never know our identities.

You can rest assured that no one in the city will know that we are the heads of the household, so you can go boldly, and leave this place to Auntie. "

When Aunt Baiqian heard what Daji said, she knew that this vixen was okay, she had a lot of worries, and now she knew how to hide her identity.

Thinking about it, he is not such a stupid person. Now that I think about it, I really have to follow what Daji said, although I really ignored it just now.

But it is absolutely impossible to reveal anything in front of Daji, that's why he said it before.

Smiling at Daji, after Daji heard the things Bai Qian and himself applied, he knew that Snow White would be able to help him resolve it.

His special furniture, so he jumped out of the city of Chaoge City in an instant without looking back.

"Hmph, these two vixens are still thinking that no one in Chaoge City knows your identities, and I know you two are vixens from Bi Gan.

I knew it a long time ago, and now I know what you think in your heart, and you still want to erase my memory, forget it, I just find an excuse to leave here now. "

"Aunt Bai Qian, I have a little more work than I should do now, and I want to go back to the Emperor's Palace to make plans, I hope Aunt Bai Qian will wait here for you.

If there is anything abnormal in Chaoge City, just let the guards guarding the city report to me as soon as possible, and I will come as soon as I go. "

Before Aunt Bai Qian could answer, Bigan immediately turned around and left, and when Bigan finished speaking, Bai Qian really listened.

But Bai Qian knew that Bigan was indeed a bit of an eyesore now, and it might really be the best thing for him to leave early, so he didn't think about what would happen to Bigan during the day.

So let Bigan go and stay, "Uncle Bigan, please, I will take care of this Chaoge City, if there is really anything.

I will notify you as soon as possible, and please ask Uncle Biqian to go and come back as soon as possible. "

The moment Bigan turned around, Bai Qian respectfully and casually said it there, because in Bai Qian's opinion, it would be better for him to leave now.

Now that Chaoge City is an eyesore, if he can clearly see through the situation in Chaoge City and report it to the Emperor, that would be great.

Chapter 470 Do whatever you want

In this way, if Bigan disappeared under his nose, he would save himself from erasing his current memory, so Aunt Bai Qian now sees it.

He wished that Bigan would just disappear in front of him, and it was just right now, he was actually happy to be able to retreat on his own and think about it.

In this way, he can boldly let Daji do whatever he wants outside Chaoge City, and no one dares to refute, even if there is anything.

He will also use his own power to erase all memories for them

"Let's see if Lin Buer can do it right now, Lin Buer's power of law seems to have just competed with this powerful divine power.

What kind of force is this? They seem to be competing for John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. Can Lin Buer win him back from it? "

"It's hard to say now, now that Lin Buer has contended with this powerful force, it's been half an incense stick, and now they should be fighting.

I don't know who is stronger between the two of them, but I see it now.

There should be no problem with Lin Buer, he turned out to be the duke who broke through all the emperor's nights, presumably luck will follow and will be in the hands of our Lin Buer, I think there should be no problem. ". "

"How should I put it, although it is such a truth, but you didn't think about it, it all depends on your strength, if you don't have strength, even if you have a contract, isn't it in vain?

Thinking about it, Lin Buer is really worrying now. I hope that Lin Buer will quickly win back John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Otherwise, if you think about it, the people in their beautiful country should be the happiest people now. "Yeah, why is there such a situation in the live broadcast room now?"

I was still worried before, but I was quite happy just now. I was very happy when I knew that Lin Buer was able to kill Xiaohu, a contestant from the beautiful country.

Unexpectedly, the luck in the entire live broadcast room suddenly changed. How is this possible?Think about it, our Lin Buer should be the most powerful person.

How come there is still a powerful force?Who is it?Who is this guy even hiding? " "Yeah, such a powerful force so far.

I really don't know which group this person belongs to. Is he saving the beautiful country's player John Xungang, or is he trying to save the beautiful country's player John Xungang.

Lin Bu'er caught him back and punished him again, but now it seems that both of these possibilities are too great, and it's hard to tell now. I really hope we read it right.

Now I'm worried about Lin Buer, whether Lin Buer can use his body of a sage of heaven to quickly bring back John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

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