The most painful thing now should be the beautiful country player John Xungang.

Look at his appearance, sometimes he is crushed by Lin Buer's saintly body, and sometimes he is crushed by that powerful force. Now he is the one who suffers the most. "

"Yeah, now I have been watching John Xungang for a long time, and I feel that under the crushing of these two powerful forces, he can't bear it for a long time with a flesh and blood body.

If in this confrontation, if John Xungang couldn't hold on to life, and was tortured to death alive, it would be a good way out, so as to save Lin Buer from doing it.

Lin Buer can also take advantage of the trend to suppress this powerful upward force, I think it is possible, our Lin Buer should be the best.

Let's just wait here for the surprises and good news that Lin Buer will bring us. Lin Buer will never let us down every time, right? "

When these Xia people in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were watching Lin Buer's live broadcast, everyone was watching the situation in the live broadcast room with trepidation.

When I saw Lin Buer using the power of God, using his way of heaven, the power of the 153 laws of the saint to fight against the evil power of God.

I have already seen the contestants from the beautiful country, John Xungang fashion, who are being tossed in a bad way, and the people of Xia country in the live broadcast room.

Knowing that Lin Buer's strength should be able to defeat this powerful upward force, everyone is now watching Chaoge City and all your movements.

I hope that both Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui are safe as before.

But seeing the terrible state of the entire Chaoge City, the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were also a little worried. After all, this was also a confrontation with people dying.

Chapter 480 Two Evil Opponents

More or less using this powerful power of the gods can crush these flesh and blood Liming people, think about it, they are the worst.

So the fans in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were half worried about Lin Buer, and half worried there, Chao Ge became the life of these Liming people.

Everyone was watching all the situations in the live broadcast room with palms of hands sweating, because in their opinion, this kind of power is still unclear.

Who made such a big commotion, but Lin Buer, a powerful saint of heaven, has been contending with him for so long.

Thinking about where this powerful force lies, it really cannot be underestimated.

"What about Bai Yuekui? We can't sit still. It's not a good way or strategy to wait and see here. I think we should help Lin Buer as quickly as possible.

Think about it now that even this enchantment disappears in an instant, so whether John Xungang in the beautiful country will be swept away by this powerful force.

Then, don't we just give up all our previous efforts? Now Lin Buer is using his power of heaven and saint to fight and deal with him. I don't know what good results will come out.

We should go and help Lin Buer, at least to catch John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, from the middle.

Then let's take a good look at the beautiful country's player John Xungang. As for the powerful power, let Lin Buer, so that we can advance at both ends.

Think about it, even if there is such a powerful force in front of us, we still have a way to capture John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

We must not be rescued, otherwise all our previous efforts will be wasted, and those Xia people in the live broadcast room will be dumbfounded. ". "Jin Xiaoser now sees the current situation in Chaoge City.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled loudly at Bai Yuekui who was next to him, because he knew that he was under the crush of two powerful forces.

Chaoge City is now facing dire straits, and the ground of Chaoge City is shaking non-stop under the powerful spiritual power.

And these cities around them also have huge shocks from time to time, if Lin Buer is not careful, he will not be able to deal with the players from the beautiful country.

John Xungang will be falsely alarmed by this powerful force, and won't their previous efforts be wasted by then?

Taking advantage of Lin Buer's confrontation with this powerful force, and bringing back John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, will he be able to solve Lin Buer's urgent need?

Jin Xiaose thought about it in his heart, and then told Bai Yuekui what he thought, because he knew that Bai Yuekui was worried about Lin Buer's situation all the time.

I was worried that Lin Buer would not be able to defeat this terrifying power in front of him, but Jin Xiaoser felt that Lin Buer was the dignity of a sage of the heavenly way, for such a powerful evil force.

He should (be Li Hao) be able to overcome it, but he must not let John Xungang, a player from this beautiful country, go.

"` ‖That's right, Kim Xiaoser finally got his point.

It's exactly what I want, and I think so too, Bai Yuekui, think about it now that Lin Buer is contending with this powerful power of God.

Think about it, scholars in the beautiful country are not taken into account at all, John Xungang, let us take this opportunity to quickly put the .

Chapter 480 Three Heads and Six Arms

Contestant John Xungang captured him, will we be able to kill it at that time, or else it seems that there is really no other way now.

We must not let John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, escape from under our noses.

You must know that the onlookers in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room are countless people from various countries watching the fun there.

After all, our Xia Guo player Lin Buer has already gained the upper hand. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to do so? We can't sit still.

Can't leave this opportunity to John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, you know?We should act quickly, otherwise we will be seized by those two guys from Ah Sanguo.

If they don't make it right, they will rescue John Xungang from the beautiful country, and it will be troublesome at 153. I don't want such a thing to happen.

Think about the faces of the people in those beautiful countries now, and you will know what kind of person he is, so we are before the things we think about now happen.

You must do something for Lin Buer, and you must not wait and see here. "

When Lei Wujie heard what Jin Xiaoser said to Lin Buer there, he knew that his thoughts now coincided with his own.

In Lei Wujie's view, no matter what the outcome

But John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, must not be let go like this, and he must not be rescued by this evil force.

In this way, the generals of their kimchi country will definitely not be spared. Now that there is such a good opportunity to kill the players from the beautiful country, John Xungang can't miss this opportunity.

Only by getting rid of this powerful opponent right now, can the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace more or less belong to their kimchi kingdom

If such a good opportunity is missed right now, the generals of the Kimchi Kingdom will definitely complain, and it will also cause dissatisfaction among the people of the Xia Kingdom.

Such an ending is not what Lei Wujie wants to see, but Lei Wujie knows that with Lin Buer's ability, it should be possible to deal with this powerful rising force.

It's just that John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country (ajbi), can't be tolerated. He must discuss it with Bai Yuekui and get him first.

"Jin Xiaoser, Lei Wujie, your two ideas are actually similar to mine, and I'm also thinking about it here, but didn't you think of it.

Now John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, was swept up by this powerful spiritual power. Thinking about it now, it was protected by a powerful force.

With our ability, can we really get John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, back to him? I think it seems unlikely, but you are right.

We really need to do something, and we must not sit still. Now that Lin Buer is in crisis, if we are helpless, what should we do?

No matter how we rely on our flesh and blood, we have to help Lin Buer. See, I don't want John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, to just escape like this.

Let's go now, I don't believe it anymore, does this kind of supernatural power still have superficiality?Although he is bound by a powerful spiritual force, but with the abilities of the three of us,

Chapter 480 Fourth Think Again

It is almost possible to get the players from the beautiful country back to him, so will it solve part of Lin Buer's problems, as long as Lin Buer is not distracted.

He will concentrate on dealing with that power that does not know where it came from. "While Bai Yuekui was thinking about what Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose said.

In fact, Bai Yuekui had already thought about it a long time ago. He knew that he was actually a contestant from the beautiful country, and John Xungang had already fallen into the hands of Lin Buer, a contestant from Xiaguo.

If they let them just rescue Xiaoguo, a contestant from the beautiful country~.

That would be a big embarrassment in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room. Their Xia country will definitely be ridiculed by those people in the beautiful country. The duck they got - just flew away.

How can that work?It must be killed no matter what, if it really gives the beautiful country player John Xungang a chance.

At that time, wouldn't they have worked hard in vain before, and all the crimes they suffered before would have been in vain, and they might as well have killed him directly at that time.

In this way, everything is settled. I didn't expect such a flaw to appear in the middle link.

This made Bai Yuekui frightened to death when he saw such a huge change outside Chaoge City, and didn't know what to do.

I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful spiritual force crushing the sky suddenly, it was really hateful.

Bai Yuekui thought of this when he heard what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie said to him.

Bai Yuekui decided that he would not let America's contestant John Xungang escape right under his nose, and he must not lose face.

If this is thrown into the face of this time, maybe the people of the beautiful country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room are secretly laughing there.

Now that such a bad situation in the live broadcast room is out of control of Lin Buer and himself, it is absolutely impossible to allow this situation to continue.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, let's go, let's go and get John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, first, and then talk about it, so that we will have chips in our hands so we don't have to worry about Lin Buer's victory or defeat.

I think Lin Buer's ability should be able to deter such a powerful force, but we captured John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, for him.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Lin Buer won't be distracted anymore, so if we cooperate twice, we won't be ashamed to face each other, right? "Bai Yuekui thought of this.

He is going to lead Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie into Chaoge City, and first snatch John Xungang from the beautiful country from that powerful force.

...... 0

In the sky above Chaoge City, Lin Buer was using his heavenly way, the crushing power of a saint, to contend with the powerful power of God in front of him, Lin Buer was still thinking about it.

Who on earth is still bold enough to fight against him? Thinking about it, there is no one who can fight against him. Who is it?

He also wanted to save the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, from under his own eyes, because Lin Buer had been contending with this powerful God crushing force for a period of time.

Lin Buer knew that this was definitely not the power that ordinary Da Luo Jinxian saints could use.

This kind of power is terrifying and powerful. Who on earth dares to fight against me?

Chapter 480

Now Lin Buer keeps circling these people who appeared in the wilderness in his mind, but Lin Buer still can't find out who wants to fight against him.

Because even Yuan Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress are respectful when they see themselves.

He wouldn't fight against himself behind his back, Lin Buer really couldn't think of who was against him now.

But Lin Buer was thinking about the phantom he had encountered in the Heavenly "One Seven Zero" Palace in his heart.

Lin Buer wondered in his heart whether it could be the phantom before he saw Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress and the phantom he came to compete for the Seal of Human Emperor.

Has he chased him to Chaoge City again?But Lin Buer changed his mind and thought again, if this phantom really wanted to take more yellow pages from him, it would be great to directly attack him.

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