Why did the purpose of his trip come for John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, as if he wanted to get away in a hurry, because Lin Buer had already felt this powerful force.

He didn't use all his law power, but he just wanted to find any chance to take the beautiful country player, John Xungang, away from this place.

Lin Buer already felt it when he left Chaoge City, because when he competed with him for the beautiful country player John Xungang before.

He had already sensed that Lin Buer was dragging America's player John Xungang to the ground.

That powerful sage power swept John Xungang of the beautiful country from the ground again, thinking about finding all the gaps to get out of here as soon as possible.

Now Lin Buer is a little confused, not sure who is who, and he is still thinking about John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. It seems that he is optimistic about this person.

So he came straight to him, wanting to snatch him back from his own hands, Lin Buer was thinking in his heart, and finally caught John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

In this way, wouldn't he lose all the face of Lin Buer, the player John Xungang who absolutely cannot give up must kill him.

No matter what kind of power appears in front of him now, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape.

So Lin Buer has been using his power of law and the power of the powerful saint's law in front of him to fight against them, and they are constantly confronting 0......

However, the forehead of the leader of Tongtian, who had been hiding in the sky above the Tiangong, also burst into cold sweat in an instant.

Originally, the leader of Tongtian thought that he would go to the Supreme Saint to discuss with him about the list of gods discussed by Nuwa Empress and Yuan Tianzun.

But he walked halfway and thought that he had to get Lin Bu's second-hand Ren Huangyun first, otherwise he would not be able to do anything without good luck.

It is necessary to get more of Lin Buer's Renhuang Seal back, so that all the luck will be blessed in the Biyou Palace where he stopped teaching.

Is it because he will have a lot of luck when he goes out to do anything, so the Conferred Gods, the Conferred Gods List will definitely win back from Jiang Ziya at 1.8.

That's why he hurriedly pushed aside a piece of auspicious clouds, then looked down at Chaoge City among the human race, and found Lin Buer's whereabouts, he knew it.

If he went to Chaoge City as a saint now, and snatched the Seal of Human Emperor from Lin Bu's second hand, this matter would definitely be known to Yuan Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

This matter absolutely cannot be done frankly and openly, if this is the case.

Chapter 480 Six Reward Magical Artifacts

Then Empress Nuwa and the original saint will definitely report this matter to the co-lord of heaven and earth, then even if they get the Human Emperor Seal from Lin Bushou, they will give it up to the human race.

Therefore, after thinking about it in his heart, the leader of Tongtian sect must not do this matter openly. Wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others?

How can it work? After all, I want to cut off my disciples and increase my luck. I absolutely can't give them such a good opportunity to the Protoss.

Think about it, the leader of Tongtian is angry now, such a good opportunity is a great conferment.

By chance, the Lord of Heaven and Earth entrusted such an important matter to the hands of Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress. Think about it, didn't he just want to avoid these disciples of Biyou Palace under him to become gods.

09 Since you Nuwa Empress and Yuan Yuan Tianzun are not benevolent, don't blame me for being difficult, Master Tongtian. Anyway, what you want to achieve, I absolutely can't let you do it like this.

Anyway, I will definitely let our disciples have some gods for this matter, so now when Master Tongtian thinks about this, he thinks about going to the human race to find Lin Buer first.

As long as you get the Renhuang Seal in Lin Bu's second hand, it's better than anything else.

But from the moment the leader of Tongtian pushed Xiangyun away, he had already seen Lin Buer wanting to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

The Lord Tongtian sees it as a real reference. The Lord Tongtian knows that as long as he is an enemy of Lin Buer, can he have a way to snatch his Emperor Seal back.

Although now seeing the beautiful country player, John Xungang, he is so incompetent, there is no way to compete with Lin Buer, but if he is accepted under his own door.

Teach him one or two magic weapons, so that you can use the magic weapon that you must have merit to compete with Lin Buer, think about it through the hands of John Xungang.

It was also possible to get Lin Buer's Renhuang Ye into the hands of his Biyou Palace and into the hands of his Master Tongtian without anyone noticing.

In this way, Empress Nuwa and Yuan Tianzun dreamed.

Unexpectedly, the person who can obtain the seal of the emperor behind his back is his Tongtian leader after all, no matter how powerful your Nuwa empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun are.

As long as I, Lord Tongtian, give him the seal of the emperor in Lin Bu's second hand, then we will see what kind of abilities you, Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun have.

Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you may not be the opponent of my Master Tongtian. Such a powerful law of luck is blessed by my Biyou Palace.

Think about it, even the Lord of Heaven and Earth would be envious, so now the Master of Tongtian is above the sky.

He secretly thought in his heart that he must first get John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, and then say that 170 must not be killed by Lin Buer.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you want to find such a person, you still can't find it. If John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, can really use it for yourself.

This is a very good chess game. If he is rewarded with a sword or two, he will have meritorious magic weapon to deal with Lin Buer. There should be no problem.

So the leader of Tongtian was there to compete with Lin Buer for the contestant John Xungang of the beautiful country.

But Master Tongtian never thought that Lin Buer's power could be so powerful. He is just a sage of Heavenly Dao. Think about how strong his luck is.

Chapter 480

Moreover, his formidable power of law is absolutely comparable to his own, and now the forehead of the leader of Tongtian is already in a cold sweat.

He thought in his heart, no matter what, he couldn't show his real body in Chaoge City, once it was passed into the ears of Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

This matter is not easy to handle, and now that Lin Buer is on par with his own strength, so now he has to compete with Lin Buer for John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

This matter must not be abandoned halfway. No matter what, the leader of Tongtian is now thinking that the matter has not reached a certain level, and he must persist in contending with Lin Buer.

Let's see who of the two of them, Lin Buer, can persevere until the end, and who is the final winner. The leader of Tongtian knows it well, and with his saintly power, Lin Buer.

Even if his power of law is thinking that the two of them will need to contend for a period of time, what kind of things might happen during this time?

When Chengchi Daji of Chaoge City and Aunt Bai Qian finished talking about the matter, after getting Aunt Bai Qian's acquiescence, Daji was actually very happy in her heart.

He knew that Aunt Bai Qian had finally fulfilled one of his wishes in this matter, as long as he saw the Wuxin sage now, he would definitely be moved by what he did.

After all, under the current powerful power of the law of the sage of the heavenly way, after all, he is a monster clan who has practiced for a thousand years, and there is no way to break through this kind of power of the gods.

Taking such a big risk to see the Wuxin sage, I want to help the Wuxin sage.

Daji is happy thinking about it, so that the unintentional sage will definitely be moved by what he does, and then it will be logical to bow down to his own orientation.

In this way, is it also called wishful thinking?Now Daji saw Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, Lei Wujie and the others hiding outside Chaoge City.

Think about the guy Wuxin Shengren, even if he likes Bai Yuekui, he is a coward who is indifferent, but only when Wuxin Shengren is in danger.

I also know that hiding there to protect myself is not like myself. Although Daji is a vixen, she can also save Lin Buer with her thousand years of cultivation.

To ease the urgent need, the Wuxin sage would definitely not inflict too much damage on himself. Thinking of this, Daji heard Aunt Bai Qian's answer.

He was so happy that he immediately flew towards the outside of Chaoge City with the strongest streamer, "` ‖Look, isn't this our Empress Daji?

How on earth did he do it?Our Daji empress is so powerful, why does he fly in the sky out of thin air, isn't our Daji a god-man?

It's terrifying and enviable to be able to possess such great power. How did Empress Daji do it?Maybe even the Emperor didn't see it.

If our emperor Zhou (who won Zhao) sees that Empress Daji has such strength, he will die of joy. ". "Yes, look, it's really our Empress Daji."

I thought I was delusional before, but I took a closer look just now, and it is really our Empress Daji, and his speed is really too fast.

How did Empress Daji do it?Think about it, the city of Chaoge City is tens of thousands of feet long, how can this woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken actually be able to live in...

Chapter 480 Confusing King Zhou

Flying around outside the city of Chaoge City, how did this happen?Our Empress Daji must be extraordinary, she is really amazing.

I've heard about our Empress Daji's tricks before, and this time I really saw it. "Hey, by the way, I heard about those Liming people in Chaoge City before."

And all the officials in Chaoge City have said that our Empress Nuwa was transformed by a vixen. Could it be that he is really a vixen, otherwise how could he have such good luck.

He is really powerful, and he can fly back and forth freely in the sky 170 times out of thin air.

This is not something us ordinary mortals with flesh and blood can do! That's right, it seems that the rumors are true. "

"Keep your voice down and don't make a fuss there, just pretend you didn't see anything you see now, otherwise you will definitely get killed.

Just think about the torture of our empress Daji, it is to deal with nonsense and disloyal officials like us. "

"Yeah, really don't make a fuss there.

Even if we see it, we don’t need to know (ajbi) in panic, we just watch it, and now even if it is Empress Daji, she really turned into a fox spirit as they said.

Think about it now that the Human Sovereign doesn't pursue any of us who have the guts to find out if he is a vixen, but it is quite scary. The Human Sovereign hugs a vixen every day. Now that I think about it, I really worry about our Human Sovereign. "

"It seems that the legend is not false. I have really seen it this time. Our empress is really the illusion of a thousand-year-old nine-tailed fox. Otherwise, how could he do this?

Look at our brother Zhao, the city of Chengdu is so high, our lady can jump freely in the sky out of thin air, ordinary people can't do it.

How could he do it if he wasn't a vixen?It seems that the rumors we heard before are true, will our Human Sovereign be in danger for our lives? "

"It's no wonder that these strange things are always happening out of thin air in Chaoge City, could it be that our empress Daji brought us this kind of bad luck.

Think about how a vixen can live with us humans? It is absolutely impossible for human monsters to live together. People of three races think that he is not human.

He is a vixen and a monster. If he stays in the city for a long time, will it bring disaster to the people in our city? "

"You all keep your voices down, don't speak loudly, once you are overheard by Empress Daji or Aunt Bai Qian, you will be in trouble.

Thinking about how close Empress Daji and Aunt Bai Qian are, if you say Empress Daji is a vixen.

Then Bai Qian won't be able to run away after that. Could it be that Zhao Kecheng is now their monster clan's world, so what can we Human Sovereign do?I'm really afraid that the Emperor's safety is in danger.

Think about it, our King Zhou is indulging in the wine pool and meat forest every day, is it more or less related to the charming skills of these vixens? "

"That's inevitable, you have to know what kind of company we Human Sovereign used to lead us in Chaoge City, how many cities we fought bravely and captured.

Isn't our Chentang Jiangshan brought down by King Zhou and the others?

It would be hard to say if things like what we saw, if our human emperor Zhou Wang would really be confused by this vixen.

Chapter 480 IX

"That's too bad. Think about it, it's not a good thing for these Limin people in our Chaoge City.

Since this vixen in broad daylight can actually travel through the air.

Think about whether he is unscrupulous. By the way, the Emperor did not show up today.

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