Thinking about whether the Human Emperor was killed, it was too scary, how could such a situation happen?It's worrying to think about it now. "

"Yeah, I've always heard some officials say that our Empress Daji is a vixen.

I still can't believe it, you have to know what a mighty man our human emperor King Zhou is.

Can he not see a vixen?Unexpectedly, our Human Sovereign was really confused by this vixen.

Could it be that his heart would be swallowed by him?You must know that the mind and heart of those who are deceived by the vixen will be gone.

Or our King Zhou doesn't want to confront those who resist him now~.

Being obsessed with Empress Daji every day seems to be more or less related to this incident. I really opened my eyes, but now I am really worried about our - Human Emperor. "

"Oh, I hope we are delusional, but now we have really seen such abnormal behavior of Empress Daji, it is really terrible

Now I'm really afraid that he will kill us too, because we have witnessed what happened to Empress Daji, and we will lose our lives.

It was horrible, my legs are not working well just thinking about it now. "

"What are you afraid of? You are not the only one who sees it now, don't you see it now? The Liming people in the entire Chaoge City, including the officials of all sizes under the city gate.

We can more or less see it, we don’t have to worry about these things here, if we want to die, we all die together.

But I think this Empress Daji is indeed, it is scary. Now think about it, our Human Sovereign is accompanied by this vixen every day.

Could it be that our entire Chaoge City was replaced by this vixen? "

"Now the people in our Chaoge City are also rumoring that there are these monsters rampant in our Chaoge City, and they can all hear the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling in the middle of the night.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

It must be our Empress Daji who caused the trouble. Thinking about it, I feel a little scared. Could it be that we guard the gate of Chaoge City every day just to protect a vixen. "

"Could it be that our Emperor is ignorant of this matter? Now you haven't seen that the Emperor is fascinated by Empress Daji every day.

Every day there, we study different criminal laws to punish us. This is cruel and inhumane. Now I finally understand.

...... 0

It turns out that Empress Daji is not a human being, but a vixen. How can a vixen plan for us humans.

So he doesn't feel heartache at all when he punishes us now, but just wins her laughter there.

It must be so tragic that us flesh and blood human beings have all fallen into the hands of this vixen, but we don't know it. "

"How can we do this? Then the future country will no longer be a country.

It is not easy for our brother Chaocheng to have been ruled by King Zhou for more than a thousand years. How could he be taken away by this vixen?

If so, who are we, the dawn people, loyal to every day?

Chapter 490 Erase Memory

Could it be this vixen, but now King Zhou is missing, could it be that he was swallowed up by this vixen, it really makes people feel a little panicky. "

"Yeah, what should we do next? No, let's run away as soon as possible. We still have time to escape, but our Empress Daji flew to the city.

Obviously, I can't take you into consideration at all. It should be the best time for me to escape now. Don't delay cutting "[-]". In the long run, our lives will be in danger. "

"That's right, I also think that leaving now is the best time, so what are we waiting for, let's run away.

Escape is the most important thing, now we will lead our family to escape from this place as soon as possible, escape from Chaoge City, since there is Empress Daji in Chaoge City now.

With such a big vixen present, our future life will never be peaceful. "

"I don't care, I have to escape, if you want to survive, don't hesitate here, if you continue to hesitate, I'm afraid that our Empress Daji will come back.

He won't forgive us at that time, presumably what we said now will be heard by his aunt Bai Qian.

Come to think of it, we have no lives to speak of.

Why do we have to smile bitterly here, can it be that our blood can only be Xiaozong, a vixen?How is this possible, he is definitely not human.

How can we keep company with these monsters, and let our lives be in dire straits at any time. "

Right now, the guards around Chaoge City are already terrified.

The moment they watched Empress Daji, whom they revered day and night, turned out to be a thousand-year-old nine-tailed vixen transformed by a seductress, the moment she flew straight down the city of Chaoge City.

The guards in Chaoge City were stunned, they were in danger to ensure their own lives.

They immediately wanted to fly away from Chaoge City, life-saving was the most important thing, and Bai Qian who was at the side listened carefully, and all the words were taken into his ears.

He didn't know Bai Qian, of course, knew that once these guards fled from the city.

Then there will be no one to guard the city, how can anyone protect their safety, and if they leave the city, it will inevitably cause an uproar.

Then the fact that Daji is a vixen 0......

It has been known by all the officials in Chaoge City and even the people in Chaoge City, so they have no place to hide.

Wouldn't the things Nuwa Empress confessed fall short of success, so Daji's life would be in danger, Bai Qian immediately looked at these things when she thought of this.

Just because I saw Daji, she transformed into a phantom of a nine-tailed fox and jumped down from the midair.

They must be made to forget what they saw.

Only then can the whole heart be stabilized and the emperor will not know what is happening at this moment, once the matter in front of him reaches the emperor's mouth.

Then at this moment, their Nine-Tailed Fox Clan will surely suffer a catastrophe. I want to come to the previous 1.8. The ministers of the imperial court told the Emperor about this.

However, Renhuang took Daji's beauty into consideration, but never asked about it, thinking that if these guards told Renhuang at all.

Presumably the Emperor will never ignore it.

So wouldn't this matter cause their Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to be slaughtered?

It is inevitable that the human race has no way to hurt the monster race itself.

Chapter 490

But the things that Empress Nuwa confessed will come to nothing. In this way, Empress Nuwa will be offended, and the cause and effect I want will not be achieved at that time.

They will also be accused by the saint Nuwa, and their Qingqiu clan will be defeated by then

Thinking of this, Bai Qian felt that it was not too late, the guards who guarded the city had to be settled first, just as those guards who guarded the city were about to throw their weapons on the ground just now.

The moment he fled away, Bai Qian immediately used their fox tribe's 09 demon method.

Confusing their minds there, the guards who defended the city in an instant were all trapped in the city by the monster mana used by Bai Qian.

Let them forget everything they just saw in an instant.

As long as there is no turmoil in the guards guarding the city, then the Human Sovereign in Chaoge City must have no way to know about it.

Thinking about it, Bai Qian has already done it for Daji.

Now let's see if Daji's method can get the seal of the emperor from Lin Bu's second hand.

"What about Bai Yuekui? Look at Lin Buer's fight with that Shangshen.

Obviously, the strength of the two of them is equal, we should hurry up to help Lin Buer now, so that we can resolve Lin Buer's troubles now.

Otherwise, if John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, is dragged away by the power of the god, then we will lose face this time.

You must know that this time we are able to kill John Xungang in the beautiful country, and now this situation has suddenly appeared again.

What do you think of those people in the live broadcast room, it will be difficult for us to deal with it. "

In desperation, Jin Xiaoser immediately sought Bai Yuekui's explanation in the direction of Bai Yuekui, and now the three of them must obey Bai Yuekui's Lin Buer.

Now he is fighting with that god, and it is obvious that the two of them are on equal footing, as long as they help Lin Buer, they will definitely be able to make it happen.

"Yeah, don't wait for Bai Yuekui, we should really help Lin Buer.

It is absolutely impossible to let the beautiful country's player John Xungang be taken away by this unpredictable power of God, and it will be troublesome at that time.

We must kill John Xungang, otherwise this great opportunity would not have missed the power contest between Lin Buer and this god.

We took the opportunity to kill John Xungang directly, so as to help Lin Buer and restore the current situation.

Now you also know that these people in the live broadcast room are waiting and watching. If it really falls here this time, then Lin Buer's face will not look good.

Think about it, the duck in your hand just disappeared like this. Could it be that Bai Yuekui, you just watched this matter like this, and the 170 feelings fell like this. "

Lei Wujie heard what Jin Xiaoser said, of course he agreed with Jin Xiaoser's statement, and Lei Wujie also wanted to kill the most difficult player in front of him, John Xungang, immediately.

If John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, is killed, he may get some corresponding rewards and points, if he really can get the reward points of the system.

Then the generals in the kimchi country must be happy from ear to ear.

Think about it, I haven't received a reward for a long time, if this time I can really kill John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Chapter 490 Reward Points

They will definitely be rewarded, Lei Wujie is still lingering in his heart, after all, now that Bai Yuekui is here, he can still help them.

Lin Bu'er and that Shangshen were fighting, obviously they were also fighting for John Xungang in front of them, and if they had the opportunity to take advantage of it by surprise, they would kill John Xungang.

Then Lei Wujie felt that what he wanted must be achievable, Bai Yuekui was always worried about Lin Buer, and looked at John Xungang in front of him.

Up and down being suppressed by the boundless magic power of two powerful saints, and seeing Lin Buer struggling there, Bai Yuekui couldn't bear it either.

After hearing Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie's suggestion, Bai Yuekui also thought a little bit, if it was really what Bai Yuekui and Lei Wujie thought.

Kill the contestants from the beautiful country of John Xungang, so that it will be eliminated directly. Will the whole battle of national fortune be directed at them, the people of Xia country?

Although Lin Buer has devoured all the skills and power in Renhuang Yinli, it would be the best if he could eliminate American player John Xungang.

Think about it, Bai Yuekui was thinking in his heart, and there were Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie beside him, helping him to settle this matter.

If you can really kill it.

Wouldn't it also shock the people of the Xia Kingdom, and suppress the arrogance of the people of the Beautiful Country? It is also feasible to think about it.

"That's right, Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser, I think you two are right.

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