In this way, can we help Lin Buer? We absolutely must help Lin Buer complete this matter.

Now as long as we kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Then we're halfway there, and Lin Buer won't be distracted.

He will find the confrontation between the power of the god and him.

Thinking that Lin Buer already possessed the boundless magic power of a sage of heaven, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the power of a god.I think Lin Buer must be a player who is afraid of the beautiful country.

John Xungang was swept away by this powerful spiritual power, so wouldn't we just give up halfway?Think about it, Lin Buer is already distracted.

We just need to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country and help Lin Buer, so that we can also accomplish what Lin Buer wanted to do before.

It is inevitable that Lin Buer wanted to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, but he did not expect such a powerful force to appear on the way.

If you want to get rid of John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, how can it work? Since we all have the same idea, then we should really help Lin Buer. ". "

When Bai Yuekui heard Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose's opinions from the side, he certainly agreed, if it was according to what they thought.

Then it is to help Lin Buer and pour out Lin Buer's hand, so that he can truly compete with the powerful force in front of him (Zhao's).

Think about it, you really should help Lin Buer.Seeing this, Bai Yuekui took the sword in his hand without delay, and took Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie with him.

He ran in the direction of John Xungang's transparent body wrapped in powerful spiritual power.

"' ‖Don't worry about Lin Buer, we are here to help you now, let's see.

John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was handed over to us, and Tuer vented his anger on your behalf. ".

Chapter 490 Three Outside the City

Jin Xiaoser held a weapon in his hand, facing the contestant from the beautiful country who was swept by a powerful spiritual power.

John Xungang Jin Xiaoser is extremely painful. If it weren't for the players from this beautiful country, John Xungang would have wanted to kill Bai Yuekui and him Lei Wujie before.

They chased all the way to the city of Chaoge City, otherwise they would have got some corresponding points and rewards early, but they were stopped by John Xungang in front of them unexpectedly.

Now Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are very angry when they think of this, facing the embarrassment of John Xungang in front of them, Jin Xiaoser is simply too happy.

So for Lin Buer in the mid-air 170, he just wanted to tell Lin Buer not to worry about them.

"Jin Xiaoserai Wujie Bai Yuekui, don't act recklessly, you must know how can you resist this powerful spiritual power, this is the power of God.

You must know that under this kind of spiritual power crushing, you will not be able to hurt John Xungang at all.

If you don't make it right, this kind of power in you will be swallowed up. Listen to me and get out of here quickly.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. How could John Xungang, a player from this beautiful country, escape from my grasp? I will definitely not let him go.

You can rest assured, don't worry about me, don't stay here for long, get out of here quickly, Jin Xiaoserai Wujie, especially the two of you.

The power of the two of you, definitely don't try with this kind of power of God, you know? "When Lin Buer was contending with the power of the god in the sky.

Hearing that Jin Xiaose said this to Lin Buer in Chaoge City under the mid-air, Lin Buer was immediately surprised.

He just said his own thoughts, in Lin Buer's view.

Right now, the spiritual power of the gods is sweeping away, and John Xungang, a contestant in the beautiful country, must have a powerful spiritual power to protect his body.

Think of the two mortal bodies of Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

How could it resist the fact that John News Steel was wrapped by this (ajbi) powerful spiritual power?

Lin Buer, who would inevitably damage their two flesh and blood bodies, was very worried about Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoserei Wujie's comfort, so he yelled loudly there.

I just want Jin Xiaoserei Wujie not to act rashly, for fear of hurting themselves.

Bai Yuekui followed Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie and heard what Lin Buer said in mid-air, Bai Yuekui immediately put away the sword in his hand.

Then he said to Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie in front of him.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two stop quickly, listen to your master quickly, don't shoot casually, you understand?

Presumably Lin Buer has discovered this kind of divine power.

It is definitely not you and me who can calm down, otherwise Lin Buer will never let you stop here, listen to me and go back and hide.

Leave it to Lin Buer here, otherwise it will be too late for us to regret it.

Don't forcibly resist the power of God there. "

Of course Bai Yuekui knew what Lin Buer meant by what he said now.

Of course he could understand Lin Buer, and Bai Yuekui knew Lin Buer's current intentions when Lin Buer yelled nervously just now.

Facing Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in front of them now, Bai Yuekui immediately scolded them there, thinking that they must not cause trouble for Lin Buer.

Chapter 490 The Fourth Opportunity Cannot Be Missed

If Lin Buer was distracted again, John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country in front of him, would definitely run away and be bound by the power of the god.

In that way, the thing they least want to see and the result they least want to know will definitely be Bai Yuekui.

While speaking, he moved towards the front of Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie and blocked the way of Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie with the sword in his hand, "Bai Yuekui, don't hinder me and Lei Wujie here.

Don't worry, you don't need to take action on this matter, just leave it to me and Lei Wujie, with our two abilities, we can't kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country~.

You don't see that he is bound by a kind of spiritual power now, and there is absolutely no way to fight back if you think about it.

How can such a good opportunity be missed, so don't listen to Lin Buer there.

He is just worried about our safety, thinking about the power of the gods to contend with Lin Buer now, how can there be any time to deal with us?

So this must be a good time for us to strike, Bai Yuekui is going to be with that woman.

Don't just listen to what Lin Buer said, get out of this matter quickly and leave it to me and Lei Wujie to deal with it. "

Once Jin Xiaoser heard what Bai Yuekui said, how could he be convinced?

Facing John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country who is unarmed and has no power to parry, if such a good opportunity is missed.

That's a big fool, and Jin Xiaoser felt that this was the best time for him to win points for the kimchi country.

If John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, can really be killed this time, then the system reward points will definitely be facing the screen in the live broadcast room.

The system keeps prompting, how can such a happy moment be missed.

Now that his mind is full of rewards from the system, Jin Xiaose doesn't want to waste this great opportunity in front of him.

Seeing Bai Yuekui blocking Jin Xiaose with his sword in his hand, he tried his best to persuade Bai Yuekui to hurry up and not obey Lin Buer's inevitability.

Lin Buer also has some concerns. He cares about their safety and thinks it's not a big problem at the moment. Why bother there? "Well, Bai Yuekui, let's get out of the way quickly.

Don't worry, Lin Buer is just worried about your mistress, so just listen to me, good mistress, get out of the way quickly, and Jin Xiaoser and I can settle this matter.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Absolutely can't put you in any danger, how can a girl's house can stay here.

Run away quickly, I will kill this John Xungang right now, and vent my anger for you, you must know that he chased here before and wanted to kill us.

I don't want to see such a golden opportunity missed. "

Lei Wujie is usually calm, but now that he heard what Jin Xiaoser said, he also feels that such a good opportunity right now really cannot be missed.

But Lei Wujie didn't think of any point rewards and the like, he was always thinking about helping Lin Buer vent his anger with all his heart.

It is inevitable that the people in their beautiful country are too arrogant now.

Those words I said to the system in the live broadcast room before.

Even if Lei Wujie thought about it now, John Xungang would not be enough to hate the countless times he killed the beautiful country player, "Jin Xiaoserei Wujie.

You two are getting more and more courageous, why don't you even listen to the teacher's wife now?Son.

Chapter 490

"It was also an order given to you by your master Lin Buer just now.

You guys don't care about it at all, and don't listen to Lin Buer's words there. How many heads do you have? Don't you really want to live?

Didn't Lin Buer just say that?This kind of power of the gods cannot be touched by the two of you. You must know that this is a powerful force.

Even I can't stand it, the two of you went to "[-]" to test the power of God, wouldn't you be asking for trouble for nothing, and you might even lose your life.

I don't want to see any damage to you two, listen to my words and leave this place of right and wrong, as long as we are safe, Lin Buer will not be distracted, you know? "

Lei Wujie hurried to stop Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaose, just because he heard what Lin Buer said just now.

Can Bai Yuekui not know?Lin Buer was thinking about their safety, but he didn't expect that Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie suddenly seemed to be different people now.

Why didn't you hear yourself say it?Could it be that he didn't listen to Lin Buer's words? Bai Yuekui instantly ignited his angry eyes and stared wide.

There is a strong anger between the brows and the tone has changed from the past, soft, because Bai Yuekui knows that now Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are determined to go their own way.

If you don't listen to Lin Buer's words, then it is very likely that with the power of the God, the two of them must not be able to frighten them. How can a human body of flesh and blood compete with the power of the God.

Unlike Lin Buer, who has the body of a sage of heaven, he can compete with this powerful power of the gods.

Bai Yuekui knew that Lin Buer already knew this power, but he didn't want them to take risks.

Therefore, Bai Yuekui had to stop Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie from such risky behavior, "Don't worry, Bai Yuekui, I will leave this place to me and Lei Wujie.

You can just watch from a distance, I know that Lin Buer is doing it for our own good, can we both not listen to my master's words?

Isn't Lei Wujie and I fighting now just to help Lin Buer resolve the current troubles?Without seeing the contestant from this beautiful country, John Xungang has no power to resist.

We only need to cut it down and it will end. His life can make the people of the beautiful country dispel their arrogance.  …

For our kimchi country and for the people of Xia country, it is possible that Lei Wujie and I are wrong. Don't worry, Bai Yuekui will leave it to us.

It's a matter of little effort, don't splash your blood. "

Jin Xiaoser saw Bai Yuekui's anger, but he also knew that it was all for the two of them to obey Lin Buer's orders.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie had already discussed not to let them put themselves in danger. This is the most direct way to allow them to receive reward points from the Kimchi Kingdom.

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