As long as the player from the beautiful country is killed, how can this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed by 1.8?Seeing that the points and rewards are within reach.

Bai Yuekui is still here to stop, and Jin Xiaose is also very anxious, but Jin Xiaose is here to hinder Bai Yuekui, but they are their teachers.

It is impossible to go against the wishes of Shi Niang and Lin Buer, but seeing such a good point reward, I missed it under my nose.

Chapter 490

How can that work?So he also tried his best to persuade Bai Yuekui there, "Bai Yuekui, can you just listen to me and Jin Xiaose?

In fact, both of us have thought about it, and there is no danger. The young man is not a timid person, although our two abilities are limited.

But if we can help the master, the two of us are still willing to do it, and we don't want Lin Buer to be so distracted. Think about killing the young player from the beautiful country.

Lin Buer can use his body of a sage of heaven and this powerful divine power to fight.

Then Lin Buer must have a chance of winning. If John Xungang, a contestant from this beautiful country, is tied down, it will be called trouble. You don't understand Bai Yuekui.

Just listen to me and Jin 09 Xiao Se, aren't we also helping the master?So whether it is dangerous or not, I have nothing to do with Kim Xiaose.

What can hurt us?We are a body of flesh and blood, if it doesn't work, we will come back, don't worry, Bai Yuekui, you will leave it to us at the back. "

When Lei Wujie heard Jin Xiaoser chatting with Bai Yuekui, it was obvious that Bai Yuekui didn't listen at all, he just listened to what Lin Buer said.

I just don't want them to be in any danger. Thinking about the rising power in front of me, it's really hard to handle.

But if he let go of beheading the beautiful country, it would be a pity that John Xungang's chance would be wasted.

He was also a little unwilling, usually Lei Wujie was witty and calm enough, but he didn't want to miss such a good opportunity right now.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two want to live, are you mad at me?

Could it be that you are so indifferent to what Lin Buer said? Isn't everything Lin Buer said for the two of you?It turns out that the two of you don't know how to live or die.

Then leave it to you, anyway, I listen to Lin Buer here, and I will definitely not make a move. How can this kind of God's power be able to compete with him with our flesh and blood.

You are thinking beautifully here, I don't even know what you two heads are thinking, Lin Buer's persuasion like this, is it still indifferent.

If there is no danger, Lin Buer will throw John Xungang, a student from the beautiful country, to you.

Let you slaughter it, think about Lin Buer's body of a sage of the heavenly way and the power of this god, and he didn't let John Xungang be captured by him.

If you think about it, just relying on the two of you, wouldn't it be possible for the two of you to be three-headed and six-armed?Dare to contend with this kind of power of God, really impatient to live.

Hurry up and listen to me, and come back to 183 after listening to the teacher's words. Otherwise, if you make Lin Buer anxious and tell you the consequences, the two of you should think carefully.

Besides, if you don’t let you do such a dangerous thing, just don’t do it. If there’s any big deal, you won’t listen to the persuasion. "Bai Yuekui became even more anxious.

Seeing that Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were holding swords and going towards John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, it seemed that if they didn't stop them, they might last for one night.

In the void, the leader of Tongtian was proud there, although it was indeed a bit difficult for his current power to compete with Lin Buer's body of a sage of heaven.

But now Lin Buer is obviously distracted.

Chapter 490

After all, John Xungang, a player from this beautiful country, Lin Buer doesn't want to be released, but the leader of Tongtian also feels that he can only find John Xungang, a player from this beautiful country.

Let him get the person he wanted, Huang Yin, from Lin Buer. Anyway, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity cannot be missed.

Seeing that Saint Wuxin is about to succeed, Saint Tongtian is also very impatient there now, but think about Jin Xiaoser, Lei Wujie and Bai Yuekui with them.

There was a stalemate there, it seemed that the Wuxin sage's eyes were constantly looking at the direction of Xiakong Chaoge City, and it must be for Bai Yuekui.

Jin Xiaoser, Lei Wujie, they have some ties, so the Wuxin Saint Banner has a chance of winning, the Tongtian Saint is secretly happy, it's really God helping me.

If this is the case, John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, will definitely be able to find a corresponding opportunity to get him away, as long as he is defeated by himself.

Give him two magic weapons casually to improve his strength, then it shouldn't be a problem to fight against a mere unintentional saint.

Saint Tongtian was doing his own wishful thinking there, looking at Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoser, and Lei Wujie in Chaoge City in front of him, who were making trouble for Saint Wuxin.

Saint Tongtian was very happy.

In the Kimchi National Games command room, the generals watched the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Seeing Brother Chaocheng's current appearance, I can also see that Lin Buer is fighting there to unite an unknown force, as if to compete for the state of John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

In an instant, the generals in the command room of the Kimchi National Games broke out in a cold sweat. You must know such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, don't miss it if you don't want to miss it.

"Xiba, look at what those two stupid guys like Jin Xiaoserui Wujie are trying to do, Bai Yuekui is blocking him there, I didn't expect him to be there and refuse to listen to dissuasion.

Are the two lifeless things dead? "? "

The people in the command room of the Kimchi Country were watching the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, and suddenly saw their players from the Kimchi Country.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie didn't know why they had a dispute with Bai Yuekui and the others. Seeing how he looked, he was aiming at the contestants from the beautiful country with a sword in his hand.

Going in the direction of John Xungang, it seems that he wants to compete with John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Maybe they want to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, these two stupid things are getting more and more ignorant.

The general who was watching the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room on the sofa in the command room of the Kimchi Kingdom cursed Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, "' ‖ Xiba, these two lifeless things.

On weekdays, I didn't see how courageous the two of them were, but now I can see how courageous the two of them are, they are really lawless, and they can actually compete with such a powerful force.

(Good money) Didn't he see it?Now Xia Guo's player Lin Bu'er is contending with an unknown force, and the two of them want to kill John Xungang.

Now John Xungang is actually surrounded by a powerful spiritual force.

These two lifeless things can be dealt with. "

The general in the command room of the kimchi country and the survival of the country, saw the situation in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room in front of him, and saw Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie's life and death.

Chapter 490 VIII Enraged General

The angry ones are there like thunder.

Because in their view, right now is definitely not the best time to kill America's player John Xungang. Such an opportunity seems to be relatively simple.

But think of such a powerful aura enveloping the body of this johnson steel.

How can it be Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, so that they can follow the power to think about this lifeless thing.

Now these generals in the command room of Kimchi Nation and National Games can't stand it anymore, they are all looking at their players in front of them with trepidation, so don't insist on going their own way.

183 Now it was obvious that Xia Guo's player Bai Yuekui was there to stop him forcefully, and the two of them moved to the side of Meiguo's player John Xungang.

They were stunned, knowing that it was not easy for Kimchi Country to make such a choice. What if something happened to the two of them?

The generals in the command room of the Kimchi National Games couldn't bear to look directly at the current situation, because they all put all their focus on Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

I also want to use Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, the relationship between the two of them (ajbi) and Xia Guo player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui, to get some treasures from Chaoge Chengdi Palace's treasure house.

What should they do if something happened to these two lifeless things? Lin Buer was still there to persuade them, but the two of them refused to listen. They were really anxious.

"Xiba, quickly use the system to send a message to the two of them, and tell them to stop immediately, if you don't listen.

After being injured by such a powerful force, what can we do in Kimchi Country?

Bring us back some treasures from the treasure house of the Chaogecheng Underground Palace for the two wastes who were killed.

If the two of them are in danger, all good things will be wasted, and they can only watch Xia Guo's player, Lin Buer Bai Yuekui.

Take all the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace treasure house back to their Xia Kingdom, and their kimchi country's farts are cold. "

When the officials in the kimchi country's national games command room heard the general's violent orders there, those officials were stunned.

Because they had also seen the pictures in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room and clearly saw the things inside, so they were so scared that they didn't dare to move.

"Yes, for such an important matter as the general, I will send a message to Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaose immediately, telling them to start immediately.

You must obey the general's orders. Don't worry about the general, I will take care of it right away. You must calm down. "Those officials heard these words from the general.

They were all overwhelmed with fright, and immediately recorded what the general said, and then went back to the system to send a message to Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser.

After all, this was an order issued by the general of the Kimchi Kingdom, and Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie would not dare to disobey it.

"Siba, these two stupid things, if there is any accident this time.

Don't even think about going back to Kimchi Country, if you don't get rewards this time, you can't get treasures from Chaoge Chengdi Palace, and you haven't brought good luck to the people of Kimchi Country.

These two stupid things are back, and I have to punish them well, those things who don't know how to live or die, are really mad at me. ".

Chapter 490 IX Escape Chance

The officials and generals in the command room of Kimchi Nation and National Games were stunned, but they dared not take their eyes off the half of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room.

Because they really need to know that their kimchi country contestants Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are safe and sound.

The people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room were all anxious when they saw the situation in front of them.

I don't know what to do. To know the current situation, it would be better if Lin Buer shot early and killed John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

I didn't expect that the sky was not what I wanted, and why such a situation appeared at this critical moment, "What is going on here? Where did such a powerful force come from.

I'm really pissed off whether Lin Buer can stand it. If we know that it's the result now, it might as well be the result earlier.

The life of John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, is saved. Why does he regret it now thinking about it.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to torture him.

Before that, I thought that Lin Buer would torture him so that the people of the beautiful country could watch the fate of their beautiful country player John Xungang through the live broadcast room~.

I didn't expect such a situation to arise, where did such a powerful force come from, and why, it was aimed at Lin Buer, our player from Xia Guo.

Obviously, this powerful force is aimed at Xiaoguo, a contestant from the beautiful country, otherwise there is no reasonable explanation-ah. "

"That's right, I'm regretting it now too. Before, I thought that the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, was bound by Lin Buer's spiritual barrier created by the gods.

There was no chance of escaping at all, but it never occurred to him that there were heaven and man outside the sky, and there were people outside the sky, and at the moment when Lin Buer was about to kill him.

How is it possible that such a powerful force can break through the spiritual barrier created by Lin Buer?

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