Who is it? Is the power of the saint's body also such a powerful force that they can break through at will, where is the root cause? "

"No matter what, I think Xiao Kou, a contestant from Beautiful Country this time, was close to death.

I didn't see that even this powerful force really broke through the spiritual barrier created by Lin Buer.

Binding John Xungang there, it was obvious that Lin Buer was fighting with him, and the two of them were tied.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

It seems that it may not be possible to break free from Lin Buer's hand, the young contestant from the beautiful country. In this way, we still have a chance of winning, and I believe in Lin Buer's strength. "

"Hey, now that I think about it, it's really a pity. You should know the perfect opportunity just now, so that you won't have any troubles when you meet John Xungang, who ended up in the beautiful country.


If it is true that all the contestants in the beautiful country will be shown in one move, John Xungang will be rescued by this powerful force.

That would be embarrassing, the duck in my hand just disappeared like this, it makes me angry just thinking about it, I haven't come down yet. "

"So what, this sudden power.

I always feel that this powerful force has been peeping from behind for a long time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take advantage of it, how could it be possible?It just so happened.

When Lin Buer was about to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

With such a powerful force, I think it is impossible to save him from Lin Buer. Let me tell you, there must be some conspiracy behind it.

Chapter Five Hundred

Anyway, we don't know who is manipulating this power behind it now.

It's just that this kind of power can't even break through Lin Buer's body of a sage of heaven, so I am convinced. "

"Hey, it is not certain who will win and who will lose now, I hope John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, will not be taken away by this kind of power.

Otherwise, Lin Buer would have been thrown into the rock face.

Think about it, people from various countries in the "[-]" Shan Hai Jing live broadcast are watching the live broadcast where billions of people are watching. This is too scary.

If it were true that John Xungang escaped from Lin Buer's grasp, then our country Xia would really be ashamed. "

"Hey, haven't you noticed that the most hateful thing now is not the power of the gods, just look at these two stupid things, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

It's okay to see them as timid, but now Lin Buer has told them that this kind of power is definitely beyond the control of the two of them.

The two of them held the sword desperately and wanted to kill John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country. Isn't this just distracting Lin, if the two of them don't make trouble.

Let me tell you that Lin Buer should have a chance. If the two of them make trouble and Lin Buer is distracted, his law must have weakened. These two stupid guys really don't understand them. "

"Yeah, I've been watching the live broadcast for a long time, and I'm also wondering who Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are, why can't he see the way? What time is it now.

Lin Bu'er and Bai Yuekui have already persuaded them, why are they still so refusing to listen to persuasion, they are really pig teammates, what should we do?

Now they don't even listen to Bai Yuekui's words. "

"There is nothing I can't figure out, I have long been able to figure out what the two of them are thinking.

The two of them didn't listen to Lin Buer's words, they just wanted to kill John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, while Lin Buer was fighting against this kind of god's power.

Then Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie wanted to take advantage of the unpreparedness to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. Isn't this just to get some rewards and points from the middle?

Can the two of them let go of such a good opportunity?Even if Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui are there to persuade 0...

The two of them are not stupid, and now think about it, these two are not stupid, but the two are too smart. "

"No, anyone with a discerning eye can see this powerful force.

It's not that the two of them can deal with it. You haven't seen the blue spiritual power bound on John Xungang from the beautiful country, which is the power of God.

Such powerful spiritual power cannot be created without tens of millions of years of cultivation. How come Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie really dare to joke about their own lives. "

"No, I also think that the two of them are a bit confused about this matter, otherwise, how could Lin Buer hold the two of them in mid-air.

It was obvious that they were afraid that Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoser would not be able to deal with John Xun Ganglin Buer, so they came out to stop them.

But obviously he didn't listen to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui's persuasion at all, he was asking for trouble. "

"Hey, I can't stop the rhythm of looking for death, no one can be friends with this kind of person, there is really no way, if he doesn't make trouble.

Chapter Five Hundred and First

I guess Lin Buer can still fight against the power of God in front of him if he calms down.

I'm afraid that the two of them won't listen to the persuasion, and now we can only observe their movements. Maybe the victory or defeat depends entirely on Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

I don't want everything to happen to them, it's annoying. "

"I didn't see Lin Bu'er in the sky, and I have been watching Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in Chaoge City from time to time, just for fear that something might happen to them.

It's not clear that Lin Buerhao 09 seems to be distracted, as long as he is distracted, he can't fix it.

There is an opportunity to take advantage of this powerful force. In this way, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie can make Lin Buer miserable. "

"Hey, even if we're worried now, Lin Buer won't help anything, looking at the two contestants from Kimchi Country.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie actually did such a thing there, obviously they did it for some points and rewards, so our Lin Buer is hard to say.

It's really worrying to death, if John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, escapes, it will lose all the face of our Xia country. "

"Lin Buer's acceptance of these two apprentices is really not enough.

There is more than enough to reveal. Normally, I can't see what the two of them did for Lin Buer. Now it shows the strength of the two of them, which is really infuriating.

I'm particularly worried about Lin Buer, what can I do?Could it be that Lin Buer can really resist this kind of divine power? There should be no problem.

Now Lin Buer is a bit overwhelmed, and now Jin Xiaoserei Wujie is going to Chaoge City to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

Obviously, if it is resisted by this sudden force.

Then Lin Buer must have chosen to save Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, then Lin Buer must have given up the power of God.

At that time, John Xungang will be rescued by that strange force naturally, which will be troublesome. "

"That's right, you see it's such a simple thing, we can all see clearly through Lin Buer's live broadcast room.

Why don't Jin Xiaoserei Wujie and these two stupid things understand such a simple thing? It's really frustrating, and now Bai Yuekui is there to stop him.

It seems that the two of them disagree with Bai Yuekui's statement. If they insist on going their own way, it will be our Xia Kingdom's face that will be lost this time.

These two things are really annoying. "

"Hey, the worst thing still happened, the thing we didn't want to know, the thing we didn't want to meet happened before, if Lin Buer wasn't there talking nonsense with Bai Yuekui.

It's better to just kill John Xungang 183 of the beautiful country, and there will be no such thing now, and we will be able to prove all the immortals.

Now that such a situation has suddenly appeared, I think the happiest people should be the people of their beautiful country. Thinking about it, I am a little anxious.

It's really powerless, we can't use our strength now, it's really hateful, it's too worrying. "

"Yeah, so what if we are in such a hurry?

Zhaoge City is now facing such a situation.

It is obvious that this kind of unpredictable power of the God is fighting against Lin Buer. If Lin Buer can really fight against him, it will be fine, and now there is such a situation.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

No one wants to see Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie here, this is spoiling the situation.

This is not to help Lin Buer do things. Really, if Bai Yuekui can restrain them, then we don't have to worry about the situation.

Now it seems that these two guys don't want to listen to Bai Yuekui's advice. "

"If this continues, John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, will probably be rescued by the power of God.

Then I don't know what kind of situation will happen at that time. Think about Lin Buer's body of a sage of the heavenly way, so that he can just fight against this kind of power of God.

Think about the person behind the scenes is a omnipotent.

I don't know what kind of power is behind it. What if John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, really achieved success in this way? "

"Isn't it, just like those players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Kohli.

Isn't it just worshiping under the burning lamp door?

Then we got such a powerful magic weapon, the golden pagoda, and the Qiankun ruler. If we guessed it, it would be troublesome.

If there is any change that makes the players of the beautiful country, John Xungang will do our Lin Buer, it will be harmful but not beneficial.

Now is the right time to kill him, if it is too late, it will be troublesome, what the hell are Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie doing?Why are their IQs so low? "? "

"Anyway, the current situation in the live broadcast room is really too bad, why is it that luck is already heading towards our country of Xia, why is there such a turning point?

It must be a good thing for Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie to go their own way.

The bad is in their two ignorant hands. I really don't understand that the IQs of these two kimchi countries are so low, and they can still come to Shanhaijing Chaoge City. It's really annoying. "

"All things will turn around now, if my calculation is correct, then the next thing is unpredictable.

Let's see if Bai Yuekui can stop Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie with enough strength, otherwise our luck will drop.

What's going on? I'm really angry. These two guys are a little aggressive and greedy for credit. Are they just thinking about when those rewards and points will be?

Kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country first, and maybe they will all receive points rewards together. Why are you so selfish? "

"' ‖So what can we do? This must be the idea of ​​the two of them, and we can't stop it. Now it is obvious that things are getting worse.

We can only watch it, if it continues like this.

I'm afraid things are really as we inferred. If some unpredictable good luck befalls John Xungang from the Beautiful Country, it will be difficult to deal with.

Now the two players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Curley, have already obtained the treasure of this kind of magic (getting money) from ancient times.

Now the two players from Ah Sanguo are just waiting and watching. Seeing John Xungang like this, they can't save them, and they don't know what to do now.

If they come to the rescue once they react, use their golden exquisite pagoda and Qiankun ruler to sneak attack Lin Buer.

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