So this thing is too bad, the more I think about it now, the more scared I am. "

"Who says it's not, it's obviously a chance to turn things around.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was obviously the best chance for Lin Buer, a player from the Xia Kingdom, to kill John Xungang, a player from the Beautiful Country, when suddenly such a divine power appeared.

This is really heinous. Thinking about it, I am a little angry. A good opportunity was missed for nothing, and now this bad situation has appeared again.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, these two stupid things, seem to be in trouble. "Oh, I really feel sorry for Lin Buer, a very smart Lin Buer."

He is so wise that he has already broken through the body of a sage of heaven, and these two traitors have appeared. It is really time to expel them both from the school. "

Seeing the current situation in the live broadcast room in front of them, the onlookers in Lin Buer's live broadcast room drove them crazy instantly.

Everyone was talking there in a few words.

Guessing what is about to happen and the unpredictable powerful power now, will he attack Lin Buer, will he use his divine power to fight against Lin Buer?

However, if Lin Buer really confronts him now, the two of them are obviously on equal footing, and now Lin Buer's power should be able to deter this divine power.

But now Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are too unexpected for Lin Buer, and they are going to deal with the beautiful country player John Xungang at this time.

Obviously, under the shackles of this powerful spiritual power, the two of them have no physical strength to resist at all. If this goes on, Lin Buer must save Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie first.

If this is the case, then John Xungang will definitely be abandoned, and this powerful force will definitely rescue John Xungang.

Such a troublesome thing is imminent. Now watching the people of Xia Kingdom in Lin Buer's live broadcast room, they saw the state of anxiety in front of them.

Their entire spirits were planned in an instant. This kind of powerful terror is really unprecedented. You must know (ajbi) that it is obviously the best ending.

Why the present change?

Now they can't guess at all, the most important thing is the mysterious power of God, who wants to rescue John Xungang from the beautiful country.

Now everyone has to speculate about it.

Could it be that the two contestants of Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Kolibai, became disciples of Langlangding, and now the sudden situation happened.

It is a powerful divine power, and it also descended from the sky to rescue John Xungang, so of course the people of Xia Kingdom are now afraid.

If there is a powerful divine power blessing the beautiful country player John Xungang, then there may be some terrible things in the future.

The more I think about it, the more annoying I get, and now I really don't know what to do.

Xia Guo Guoyun command room.

Wu Nian'an was still watching the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room happily, and saw the powerful spiritual barrier that Lin Buer was wrapping around him.

When he wanted to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

This made Wu Nian'an, who was like Xia Guoyun's commander, ecstatic. He knew before that as long as Lin Bu'er would kill John Xungang from the beautiful country this time.

Well, for the people of the Xia Kingdom, that is an unprecedented joy, this is a powerful honor, even their players from the Xia Kingdom.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

They were able to kill the contestants from their beautiful country.

Obviously, those people in the beautiful country are slandering there.

The people of Xia Kingdom all thought that Lin Buer had obtained the Renhuang Seal.

All the luck has already belonged to the people of the Xia Kingdom, so the people of the beautiful country are there to slander the player Lin Buer of the Xia Kingdom, all for the purpose of watching the fun~.

Unexpectedly, Lin Bu'er unexpectedly returned to the live broadcast room, back to Chaoge City, and in an instant, those people in the beautiful country slapped them heavily in the face.

The most powerful thing about Lin Buer is that he obtained the pillar of God, created a spiritual barrier, and bound John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, there.

And it can be killed in minutes, so Wu Nian'an was thinking in his heart, before their superiors were still urging

Hurry up and find Lin Buer, now it's all right, Lin Buer finally has a face.

This time it will definitely be given to them in Xia Kingdom, and the people must give a good lesson to those players from the beautiful country, and John Xungang will also let the people of the beautiful country know.

Xia Guo's contestants Xia Guo's people are absolutely inviolable, Wu Nian'an sat on the sofa happily, watching all the situations in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Because he knows that all the good luck of all the instrumental music belongs to them, as long as they have such a strong player as Lin Buer.

They will definitely solve all difficulties for them, and they will definitely be able to conquer Chaoge City's underground palace.

All the treasures in the treasury were brought back to the past, so that the people of Xia Kingdom would no longer have to worry about anything, and thinking about Wu Nian'an made her very happy.

There is a strong sense of pride and satisfaction, because all these are brought by their player Lin Buer, and Wu Nian'an is full of confidence there.

When he was extremely happy, he saw that Lin Buer was about to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, with his body of a saint.

Suddenly there was a big change in the midair, a powerful divine power smashed into Chaoge City from the sky, the spiritual barrier created by the saint.

Instantly broke through a powerful spiritual power, binding the beautiful country player John Xungang in it.

As if to rescue her, Wu Nian'an passed on the huge screen in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

I have seen it clearly, how could it become like this in the blink of an eye, Wu Nian'an was thinking there, what happened to Lin Buer?

What kind of unpredictable force did Lin Buer encounter?

Obviously, under the impetus of powerful spiritual power, John Xungang's body was suspended in mid-air for a while, and then hit the ground heavily again, obviously.


There have been obvious changes in Chaoge City in the Shanhaijing live broadcast room.

This made Wu Nian'an feel very terrified. It was not easy for Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui to bring them such a powerful joy.

As if he was about to be shattered by this divine power in an instant, Wu Nian'an was sitting on the sofa, looking at Xia Guoguoyun's huge screen.

When showing the situation in Chaoge City of Shan Hai Jing, a powerful and restless atmosphere filled every nerve of Wu Nian'an, and he was terrified now.

Afraid of encountering some sudden and unexpected things, "Damn what kind of situation happened.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Obviously he is a player from our country of Xia, Lin Buer should be able to kill John Xungang from this beautiful country, such a good opportunity.

As long as John Xungang's mutated body is driven by the law of saints with a light palm, it can be shattered and destroyed. How could such a situation occur again?

Who is behind the scenes?

It seems that this kind of power is definitely not something that other powers can drive. Surely "[-]" must also be a kind of power from God. Who is it?Here he competes with Lin Buer.

What is the purpose of this John News Steel?It's really confusing. "

Wu Nian'an was full of anxiety and muttered silently there, now that such a situation happened when Brother Zhao met in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, Wu Nian'an had mixed feelings.

I'm afraid that if he is not careful, Lin Buer will let John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, escape. This will be troublesome, won't the duck in his hand fly away?

"What about Wu Nian'an? This situation has already appeared in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, and our superiors will see it.

It must be another phone call to accuse, and we can't handle it.

Even if it is too late to notify Lin Buer now, think about it now that Lin Buer is using his body of a sage of heaven to crush this powerful force.

It would be inappropriate to disturb Lin Buer during this time period. "Xia Guoguoyun's command room and Wu Nian'an watched the live broadcast of Shanhaijing together.

Everyone saw Wu Nian'an's anxiety there, and also saw the current situation displayed on the Shan Hai Jing interface through the live broadcast room. Everyone was worried about Lin Buer.

Because they all know that now Lin Buer is using his power to contend with that kind of powerful power. It seems that if he deals with this kind of powerful divine power, it is still difficult to deal with.

"Yeah, can I not know, I can't contact Lin Buer now, I was thinking about talking to Lin Buer through the system just now.

Don't let him let go of John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, or we will be in trouble.

It would be embarrassing now, because players and people from various countries are watching the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast here.

If Lin Buer accidentally lets go of John Xungang, a player from this beautiful country, then Lin Buer is not the only one who will be ashamed.  …

That is the face of our entire Xia people, what can we do about it?

But now, as you said, it may be too late to use the system to notify Lin Buer, and Lin Buer has no time to read it, driven by such a powerful force.

I don't know if Lin Buer can have this ability to resist. "When Wu Nian'an heard what his colleagues said to him.

He also thought that if he really used the system to notify Lin Buer now, he would definitely disturb Lin Buer and distract Lin Buer, which would be troublesome.

But if you don't inform Lin Buer to see these situations in the live broadcast room in front of you, you will be really angry and very anxious at 1.8, who is it?

What's the use of John Xungang saving him with such great divine power behind his back to save a player from the beautiful country?Now Wu Nian'an was full of doubts.

"Wu Nian'an, look at the situation in the live broadcast room again, what should we do?

Now you don't see that Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are going to make a move, it seems that they are going to kill the beautiful country player John Xungang.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It seems that there has been a change. If these two players can help Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, that would be great.

This idea is quite good. I didn't expect that the two apprentices received by Lin Bu'er would be useful when they recruited in the spring. It seems that we have hope this time.

As long as there are players from the beautiful country, it is better for John Xungang not to escape.

We don't have to worry about Lin Buer. With his saintly body, he can definitely fight against the power of the gods. If he couldn't fight Lin Buer, he would have been defeated by now.

Obviously, 09 Lin Buer didn't use all his law power at all. "

Wu Nian'an's colleagues have already seen the current situation in the live broadcast room through the situation in the Shanghai Jing live broadcast room.

So those colleagues are all grateful for Lin Buer to accept such a good apprentice, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, after all, at this most critical juncture.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were also able to help Lin Buer kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. This must be something to be happy and fortunate.

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