Chapter 510

This time, the face of the beautiful country was completely lost by their player John Xungang, but what should we do?The most frightening thing right now is finally about to happen.

General Tom didn't dare to look directly at the content in the live broadcast room, "General Tom, hurry up and see that the current situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room has changed.

Our player John Xungang seems like someone is trying to save him, which is a powerful force anyway.

"[-]" bound John Xungang's body and Xia Guo's player Lin Buer was competing for John Xungang there. It seems that we also have noble people to help.

Just like the two players Sharmad and Kohli from Ahsan Kingdom, they can also get the help of a kind of god's power. It's not good for our player John Xungang.

That's not ordinary, then he may be sent away by God, and he will also get bonus points. Think about it, it seems that the luck of our beautiful country has reversed again.

General Tom must not reveal such a situation, you know?Your expression like this can only bring some bad omens to the national fortune of our American country.

It will affect these officers in the command room of our beautiful country and make them look depressed. I hope you will cheer up.

Don't show this kind of grief and indignation, be good, I know that the luck of our beautiful country will be stronger than that of their Xia country.

General Tom, don't look at his Xia country player Lin Buer who has already obtained the seal of the emperor, so what can he do?We must know that our beautiful country has the most powerful luck for a long time.

Even if he, Lin Buer, got the seal of the emperor, he may not be as lucky as us now.

Look at how our player John Xungang was able to turn things around even when he was about to be killed. Don't you think that this kind of strong luck is not something everyone can have.

This kind of good luck is not something everyone can come across, so General Tom, why are you still pessimistic, come and see the situation in the live broadcast room.

Now it is obvious that it should be able to turn around. If I am not wrong in my judgment, no matter what, our beautiful country player John Xungang must have a chance.

It may not be possible to be killed by their players from the Xia Kingdom this time, come over and have a look, why are you still frustrated there. "

Chief Jerry looked back at General Tom's frustrated expression, and knew that he didn't dare to watch the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room at all.  …

He also knew his own player, John Xungang, would definitely be killed by Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, because his situation had already been seen.

Lin Buer was able to create such a powerful spiritual barrier to bind Xiaohuo in it, as long as he frightened John Xungang with the body of a saint.

He would definitely be killed by Lin Buer, but in the live broadcast room at this critical moment, the world was turned around and the situation at that time was changed.

Chief Jerry was also very surprised there. You must know that this is a kind of power from God, and Chief Jerry has already seen it through the live broadcast room.

Although Lin Buer was already 1.8 the body of a sage of the Dao of Heaven, relying on Lin Buer's powerful mana and the emanations from the sky above them.

Compared with that powerful strength, General Tom also felt it.

The strength of the two of them is a bit heavy. It seems that Xia Guo's player Lin Buer may not really be able to kill their player John Xungang.

Chapter 510 Mental breakdown

Because suddenly, at the moment when Lin Buer wanted to kill John Xungang, he received the power of God.

There was no doubt that the crush was there, and John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was bound in a spiritual power package, trying to rescue John Xungang.

When General Tom watched this situation in the live broadcast room, he weakened it. Now it's all right, and finally he doesn't have to worry about the previous things.

The appearance of this powerful divine power must have come for John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, if it hadn't been for Lin Buer's raised hand just now.

With his pinching skills, he was able to kill their player John Xungang. Obviously, Lin Buer hadn't made a move yet.

The power of the gods has been fully demonstrated in 09, and Xiaokousu was lifted up. Now Lin Buer and the power of the gods are competing in the live broadcast room.

It seems that Lin Bu'er's ability is very good, he is not the opponent of God, if John Xungang really has a chance to live, Chief Jerry is very happy.

Tell the situation you see now to General Tom who is slumped on the sofa, and come out and hope that General Tom can cheer up.

No matter what, for the sake of the players of the beautiful country, and for the people of the beautiful country, it is absolutely impossible to do such a move. After all, this is a competition.

If his side was defeated first with momentum, then John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, would not have much fighting power at all.

Chief Jerry was shaking General Tom's body there. General Tom didn't quite believe him when he heard what Chief Jerry said.

Slowly pulling his hand away from his hair, and then lifting it up little by little, his red eyes could only see the situation in the live broadcast room.

Sure enough, just as Chief Jerry described, General Tom immediately perked up when he saw this, and he strode quickly to the screen in the live broadcast room.

Watching all the content and changes in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, he is really happy now.

Immediately, he grabbed General Tom's arm with both hands very excitedly, shaking and said, "General Tom, it really is exactly what you said.

I was scared to death just now, you know?I'm afraid that John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country, will be killed by Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, a player from Xia country.

What can we do then, there is no way at all, you must know that such a bad situation is not what I want to see.

But it seems that John Xungang, a player from our beautiful country, has been favored by the gods, and he has been favored by the gods. It seems that this kid's fate is not bad. 183

Yes, it's not his good luck, it's the good luck of our beautiful country.

Sure enough, if the luck of our beautiful country is not strong enough, then it will definitely not bring such a big upgrade to John Xungang, and bring him such a big turning point, right?

It is obvious that the situation in the live broadcast room has changed a lot for our beautiful country player John Xungang. It's great, it really surprises me.

My mind is full of strong fear, I am afraid of their players from Xia Guo.

Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui will kill our player John Xungang with a single thought, what shall I do then? .

Chapter 510 Second Lifeline

You must know that the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace must always belong to our beautiful country, and they must not be let go by those ignorant Xia people.

Especially that player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui from Xia Guo was taken away.If so what can we do?Well now I don't have to worry about this anymore.

It seems that our luck has returned, our contestant Xiaokou still has some hope of survival, right?Sir Jerry. "

Facing the situation in the live broadcast room, General Tom was there, ecstatic, shaking Chief Jerry's arm vigorously with his own hands.

All his surprises, all these satisfying results were vented there. You must know that it was too pessimistic and frustrating for him before.

It can't cheer him up at all. Now that the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room is clearly visible, your situation seems to have changed again. Isn't this the luck of their beautiful country players?

It is also the luck of their beautiful country, so that the people of their beautiful country will not be forever lower than the people of those countries.

Finally, there is a turning point. This is really John Xungang's good fortune. Thank God John Xungang must have been blessed by heaven. General Tom was incoherent there.

I don't know what gorgeous and beautiful language to use to describe General Tom's mood now.

Now, although he has seen the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, Lin Buer and the power of the gods are competing for John Xungang there.

I feel that Lin Buer seems to be on par with the power of the god, and he will definitely give the beautiful country player John Xungang all hope.

Watching Lin Buer and that kind of god's power use their mana, suspending John Xungang in mid-air for a while and then falling to the ground for a while.

After a while, when he appeared in mid-air with another posture, General Tom knew that it seemed that it would be hard for Lin Buer to deal with that kind of power of God.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope and a glimmer of life, it must be the best.

"Okay, General Tom, of course I know, you will be happy to see such a situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have yelled at you so much, and I wouldn't have informed you so enthusiastically. If you know you're so happy, I'm also happy for you.

We are able to encounter such a situation now, it must be due to the luck of our beautiful country.

Our luck is so good, and now we can definitely bring some blessings to our player John Xungang. I think it should be fine.

The two players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Curley, didn't even make a move to save them. They saw that our beautiful country player, John Xungang, had such a situation.

The two of them are so stupid that they don't help each other, just watch and let them wait.

If the same thing happens to them in the future, our players will never make a move.

These two guys are so despicable, I don't think there's any point in being with them now.

We should keep our player John Xungang away from them in the future.

These two players from the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Koli, are right. ". "Officer Jerry told General Tom about the current situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

On the one hand, he expressed his inner dissatisfaction.

Chapter 510 Three Chances

Now all the conditions in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, all the luck seems to be slowly returning, and the luck of John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, has also slowly returned.

She also obviously has a rising power to help them.

It seems that they should be able to rescue John Xungang, so Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui's previous ideas will be ruined, so Xia Guo.

It will inevitably lose face among the players and people in various countries. With such a good opportunity, they didn't kill John Xungang.

Obviously, it must be the good luck brought about by the luck of their beautiful country. Then there were some players and people from small countries before, and they slowly leaned towards Lin Buer.

For Chief Jerry, people like this really need to stay away in the future, just like the 183 contestants Sharmad and Kohli from the Three Kingdoms, seeing their contestants from the beautiful country.

John Xungang was in such a dangerous situation, and they waited and watched there without helping. Obviously, these two insidious guys saw Lin Buer.

The body of a saint is crushed, and they don't want to help at all. They must learn this lesson too. As long as the contestants in the beautiful country, John Xungang can turn around and make a difference, he will be fine Let Sharmad and Curley teach them a lesson.

"Okay, General Tom, don't worry about these useless things there, I think our player John Xungang has someone to help him now.

It will definitely be able to resolve the immediate crisis, as long as it is rescued by someone or something.

As long as he can survive, then we will have the chance to compete for the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, and also have the chance to regain our luck.

I think this luck must be obtained. I think if John Xungang can really escape this time, if there are some chances.

If there is some chance of coincidence, will it be like the two players from Ah Sanguo?

If this is really the case, then there must be a chance to get the Human Emperor Seal from Lin Bushou.

As long as the treasure is in hand, all (ajbi) luck will return to our beautiful country, and the people of Xia Kingdom will still have Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

They were dumbfounded, so I don't think General Tom should be discouraged. Everything is looking in the right direction, and we must have a chance.

Now that there is someone helping John Xungang, isn't it for the luck of the people of our entire beautiful country?So I think this thing is good.

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