It's very exciting for me to be able to look forward to this day. General Tom, as I told you just now, will definitely do it, if it is really what I think.

Well, we have something to see this time, then Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, and the Xia Kingdom's two players will suffer sooner or later. "

Officer Jerry, of course, saw General Tom's excitement from the sidelines. The depression just now seemed to have disappeared. General Tom felt that no matter what, his luck must not be lost. Once his luck was lost, Then they represent the luck of the beautiful country.

It will definitely affect John Xungang, so we must cheer up.

Take a good look at all the dynamics in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, and you must set an example for your players to be lucky.

Chapter 510 Four Ups and Downs

God knows this thing is hard to say anyway, now that luck has been changed, think about it, this is really something to be thankful for.

Chief Jerry was indeed frightened by this state in the live broadcast room before.

One must know Lin Buer Xia Guo's player, he must be able to kill the beautiful country's player John Xungang in minutes, God knows such a good opportunity.

China's player Lin Buer actually gave up and still missed it. Anyway, there is a powerful divine power that has helped John Xungang~.

Obviously, this is the hope that helped their entire beautiful country. General Tom looked here and thought about it, and everything really shouldn't be too pessimistic and depressed.

After all, things are developing in a positive way. Now that such a feat can happen in the live broadcast room, it is really something to be happy and grateful for.

Chief Jerry faced the expression of General Tom who had been depressed and pessimistic before.

But he wasn't there to appreciate it. Now it's finally healed. The situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room finally has something that can make the people of their beautiful country breathe a sigh of relief.

Obviously, the people of the beautiful country in the live broadcast room have a little respite, and some people also expressed their feelings on the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Jerry Commander General Tom, don't rush to be happy, I feel something is happening in the interface of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, hurry up and take a look, and see how excited you are.

I'm really happy for you, after all, this is the spirit of John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country. Now that he can survive by luck, he is worried.

I'm also afraid that our player John Xungang will be killed by the players Lin Bu'er and Bai Yuekui from the Xia Kingdom. Looking at him now, his hope of survival is quite high.

I've really been praying for him here for a long time. "

The officers next to the command room of the National Games of the Beautiful Country saw the happy expressions of Chief Jerry and General Tom.

But they have also discovered through the situation of the live broadcast in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, there seems to be some clues in the live broadcast room, which makes them unbelievable.

Some couldn't understand, so they immediately yelled at Chief Jerry and General Tom behind them.

After all, now that Jerry's chief, General Tom, has seen that a kind of divine power is helping John Xungang, the two of them have a strong hope of survival.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Seeing that things had turned for the better, they temporarily ignored the hope brought to them by the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

So the officer immediately yelled at General Tom, the Jerry officer in front of him, just as his voice fell.


Officer Jerry and General Tom heard what the officer said, and their eyes fell into a state of emptiness and tension in an instant. After all, they had experienced too much.

The surprise just now and the frustration before, the expression of ups and downs.

They couldn't take any more blows. Chief Jerry and General Tom heard the chief's words in an extremely hasty tone.

It seems that there is another situation in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

Don't be like this, General Tom was thinking silently in his heart that he didn't want anything to happen in the live broadcast room, and there would be any turning point for their beautiful country player John Xungang.

As long as he can survive, it is more important than anything else. Now think about it, Lin Buer is actually a son.

Chapter 510 Another Scene

The body of a sage in the way of heaven, maybe something happened in the live broadcast room of Shan Hai Jing?

With a strong sense of contrast, Chief Jerry and General Tom immediately walked to the huge screen at the fastest speed to watch what was brought to them by the screen.

I have already seen John Xungang, still contending with a powerful force, Lin Buer is always there to compete with that powerful force for John Xungang.

"[-]" was reflected in the eyes of Chief Jerry and General Tom.

But another scene was that Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser were walking towards their player John Xungang with the sword in his hand.

Such a move immediately made Jerry's chief, General Tom, lose his gaze. They were very afraid that Jin Shawser and Lei Wujie would kill their player John Xungang.

God knows that this is indeed the best opportunity. If it were them, they would definitely not give up such a good opportunity.

But facing this opportunity and these actions before them, General Tom and Chief Jerry heard what Lin Buer said to Bai Yuekui in mid-air.

Both General Tom and Chief Jerry showed joy, "Oh, did you see the great General Tom, now God wishes us those two stupid things in Kimchi Country.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, they are so stupid.

It seems that John Xungang can really survive. This is really a good opportunity and good luck for us. I didn't expect these two players from Kimchi Country.

It makes us happy that Kim Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are so stupid as to be in this field. "

Chief Jerry happily told General Tom what he saw from the live broadcast room. After all, Chief Jerry heard it in the middle of the air.

What Lin Buer said to Bai Yuekui, this powerful spiritual force now wraps around the body of American contestant John Xungang, even if Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are holding swords against their contestants, If John asked Gang to kill them, then the two of them must not be bound by spiritual power that can be broken by such divine power.

Then they will definitely be hurt by this kind of external spiritual power, their bodies Lin Buer will definitely not give up, the two of them will never let them get hurt 0......

Think about it, this must be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for their beautiful country player John Xungang.

As long as these two stupid things make a move, then Lin Buer must choose to save the two contestants Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie from the Kimchi Country, then they are contestants from the Beautiful Country.

John Xungang would be rescued by someone.

Lin Buer must be the one who loses in this battle with the gods, and he is speechless. Chief Jerry saw the situation in front of him in the live broadcast room.

He was terribly happy, after all, it was all luck, and now God wished them good luck in the beautiful country, Jin Xiaose and Bai Yuekui, these two stupid things, had already worshiped Lin Buer.

The sect recognized Lin Buer as their master, and now Lin Buer said.

1.8 They ignored these two stupid things completely, and Bai Yuekui was still trying to persuade Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie not to do anything. It was a terrible thing.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie didn't listen to what Bai Yuekui and Lin Buer said.

That is, he was pregnant with Chief Jerry, and he was so happy that he immediately reported the things he saw in the live broadcast room.

Chapter 510 Swallowing Clouds and Fog

Something shared with General Tom in front of him. After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, who can miss it?General Tom's previous despair and pessimism were gone.

Immediately, he lit the huge pipe in his hand again, devouring him non-stop, the joy that golden pipe brought him.

"Oh, Mr. Jerry is really helping us, just like what you said, our luck has returned, that contestant from Kimchi Country.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are really stupid, how could they have such an idea?This move is so disappointing, where did this move come from.

Do they want to leave Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui?God, they still have such an idea and don't emphasize their 09's strength.

If Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui hadn't protected them, these two stupid things, they would have been taken care of by the two players of Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Curley.

Or he was cleaned up by other players, and the two of them can still survive until now.

It was so stupid, if Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui hadn't protected them, they would have been eliminated in the first wave of Kimchi Kingdom. General Tom happily tasted his.

The puffing surprise that the huge pipe brought him, while admiring the situation in the live broadcast room, he was so happy now that he found that Jin Xiaoserai was Wujie.

These two contestants from Kimchi Country are so stupid that they don't even listen to Bai Yuekui's words. What the hell are these two guys doing there?

Obviously, Lin Buer had already spoken there, but the two of them ignored it completely.

But General Tom knows that no matter what happens, the more such things happen, the better, and this will bring opportunities to their beautiful country.

It can make their luck in the beautiful country slowly turn back, so that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui can kick away the two stupid things, Jin Xiaoserei and Wujie.

He must be kept out of Lin Buer Bai Yuekui's sight, and then let the two guys from Ah Sanguo kill him, how good it is to eliminate them directly.

In this way, there will be less treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace, and one less person, and then their beautiful country player, John Xungang, will get more rewards.

"Oh, not great General Tom, you have to know that you seem to have overlooked something, according to what I watched in the live broadcast room, but it is a little different from you.

It is indeed a blessing that you are happy, and I also think this matter is worthy of joy.

But think about it, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, why don't these two stupid things listen to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui?Don't you see it?

General Tom must have some reasons for it. According to the situation I saw in the live broadcast room, it is obvious that Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are not stupid.

According to me, he just wants to use this opportunity to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country, and then get some bonus points and the like.

It can make their kimchi country proud, General Tom, if I guessed correctly, this should be the case, or other methods can't explain it.

Are you right?If I'm not wrong, I must be right, these two guys are selfish, he just wants to get some bonus points.

In this way, it was created for our beautiful country player John Xungang.

Chapter 510 The Seventh Wrath of Bai Zhenhai

Infinite vitality, he will definitely survive, that's great, if the guess is correct, then our luck will get better and better in the future.

General Tom remembers what I said, our celebration is yet to come. "Now Chief Jerry has seen the situation in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

What kind of situation will happen inside, it is obvious that what is shown in front of them is Jin Xiaoser, and Lei Wujie just wants to kill their player John Xungang to get some bonus points.

Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui were there to persuade Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, but they were indifferent. What are these two guys doing? "That's naturally Sir Jerry.

I trust you very much now. Before every word I say, I always feel that your thoughts are actually different from mine, and there will be some discrepancies between the two of us.

But after such a long time, I can finally feel that you are right, sir, and I am now very convinced by what you have done and said.

Now that you can see this, of course we will continue to celebrate, and hope that all good luck can be attributed to our beautiful country.

In this way, their Xia Guo players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui will no longer have any hope of confronting us, which will inevitably reduce their Xia Guo's luck.

It's something to be very proud of. ". "

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