General Tom was of course happy when he heard what Chief Jerry said. He must now agree with everything that Chief Jerry said.

The previous pessimism, despair, and depression disappeared all of a sudden. Facing all the current situations in the live broadcast room, they have slowly returned to their beautiful country.

Moreover, their players were actually favored by a kind of divine power.

Will this be more powerful than the two stupid things of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Koli, by chance? If they can get their help from the gods.

That must be much stronger than the two players from Ah Sanguo.

Villa Blanche...

Bai Zhenhai was furious right there, "What are you doing stupid, why can't these two stupid people listen to what Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui said.

Damn these two stupid things must be bad things, finally caught John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, wouldn't this make things very bad?

What the hell are these two stupid things doing there?Jin Xiaoseraiwujie, you two guys who have done more than succeed in doing nothing, so that John Xungang of the beautiful country.

You will be captured by the power of the god, and you will lose the beheading at that time. Why can't he listen to Lin Buer's chance? "

When Bai Zhenhai watched all the situation in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, he was instantly driven crazy, when Bai Zhenhai watched the Shan Haijing live broadcast room before.

Lin Bu Er is using his holy body to resist the contestant from the beautiful country, and John Xungang almost kills him, and Bai Zhenhai is very happy.

Holding red wine to celebrate, he never expected to find such a situation in the live broadcast room in the blink of an eye. Now Bai Zhenhai is very clearly angry and annoyed through the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast.

In an instant, he knocked down the red wine he just wanted to celebrate. While watching the live broadcast, he was still furious because he was very worried now.

Chapter 510 Eighth Thought

What will happen to his daughter Bai Yuekui if this continues.

Bai Zhenhai was terrified in his heart, he knew that Lin Buer, a contestant from Xia Guo, had already fought against that ignorant force with that power of desperation.

Who is actually supporting behind, now Bai Zhenhai does not know.

But through the tactile sensation brought to him by the screen of Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room, he already felt that kind of powerful force that is on par with Lin Buer, how could it be possible?

This is so strange, who can do this, this is the power of God.Now Lin Buer is the body of a sage of heaven, what's going on?


Now Lin Buer must be for John Xungang not to be captured by the power of the god, so Lin Buer is distracted there, if Lin Buer can calm down.

That kind of supernatural power is definitely not Lin Buer's opponent, but Bai Zhenhai really can't bear the sudden situation in front of him in the live broadcast room.

Because he has seen Jin Xiaoserei Wujie take advantage of Lin Buer and that kind of god's power to resist.

And Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, the two contestants from the Kimchi Country, went to the contestants from the Beautiful Country with their swords, and John Xungang wanted to kill him.


And Lin Buer persuaded in mid-air that the two contestants from Kimchi Country, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, were also indifferent, and Bai Yuekui was there to stop them.

Obviously seeing the situation in front of him in the live broadcast room, Bai Zhenhai has already sensed that the danger is approaching step by step. What the hell are these two boys doing there?

He saw his daughter Bai Yuekui trying to stop them from doing this, after all, Lin Buer also shouted in mid-air.

Jin Xiaoser and Bai Yuekui would definitely not be able to resist this kind of divine power, so why take the risk?As long as they make a move, they will be in danger.

Then Lin Buer will definitely be distracted to save Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

In this way, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui will be in danger.

It is not known who is behind this supernatural power. Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie can make such a move, and it is obvious that their purpose is not pure.

Such a stupid act of wanting to get some rewards and points, fortunately they can still think of such things that can make things worse.

Bai Zhenhai cursed loudly in front of the screen in the live broadcast room, but obviously he couldn't help anything. Now Bai Zhenhai is very worried, because he is afraid of this kind of power of God.

What if he hurt his daughter again?The only thing to do now is to wait and see, the frustrated Bai Zhenhai is worried and depressed there.

I don't know how to resolve it, as long as it is prone to any situation in the live broadcast room, it is obvious that Lin Buer will definitely go to save Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie.

Then John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, will be rescued by the power of the gods, and Xia Guo's face will be disgraced this time, and it is finally within reach.

As for reward points at your fingertips, as long as Lin Buer kills the beautiful country player John Xungang this time, there will definitely be a large amount of rewards and points in the system.

It will definitely bring some joy and surprises to the people of the Xia Kingdom, and in this way, it will also be able to combat the arrogance of those people in the Beautiful Country.

After all, luck is something that will definitely return to Xia Kingdom, but unexpectedly, there is a change in front of my eyes.

Everything is between Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie's thoughts.

Chapter 510 IX Turning Danger into Safety

If he could obey his daughter Bai Yuekui, things could turn around if they were stopped, but Bai Zhenhai had already seen it through the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie didn't take Bai Yuekui's thoughts into consideration. Lin Buer was still watching, and it seemed that Lin Buer was already distracted.

Now Lin Buer is at a loss, and can only resign himself to fate, as long as Bai Yuekui can persuade the two assistants, Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie.

Then Lin Buerping may continue to contend against that powerful force with his body of a sage of heaven, and there may be hope left.

The most important thing is the player from the beautiful country. John Xungang may not be captured by that powerful force, so there will still be a chance to kill him.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhenhai was extremely sad and indignant, seeing that these two contestants from Kimchi Country, Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie, could actually make such a move.

What should Lin Buer do if this goes on?John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was really rescued from under their noses, so what should we do?

Don't let the current situation happen, you must let them live in peace, Bai Zhenhai faced all the situations in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

He was stunned by the fright, after all the chaotic situation that appeared right now.

There are still some things that can't be judged. After all, his daughter can be seen on the screen in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, and Bai Yuekui is also there.

Try to prevent Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser from going to kill John Xungang, if they listen to what his daughter Bai Yuekui said.

All these things can be turned into safety.Now Bai Zhenhai is very sad in his heart, don't make this thing he thinks real.

In this way, what will happen to Xia's luck?Now the mood of the people of Xia Kingdom has just recovered.

When the people of the Xia Kingdom had already been uttered such words in the live broadcast room by the people of the Beautiful Country, it had completely lost the confidence of the people of the Xia Kingdom.

They were very depressed and pessimistic, and now they are finally healed. With a powerful ability like Lin Buer, Lin Buer finally returned to the live broadcast room.

When John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was about to be killed, such a turning point and situation would suddenly appear, which made Bai Zhenhai unable to accept it all at once.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

I was afraid that if Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie were really impulsive, the previous efforts of Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui would be in vain.

In this way, where should the face of the people of Xia Kingdom be placed? If it is really what he predicted, it is very likely that this beautiful country is a contestant.

.. 0 0

John Xungang will be rescued by the power of God, so will all the luck gradually belong to the beautiful country player John Xungang?

Seeing the situation in the live broadcast room in front of him, Bai Zhenhai knew that he couldn't accept it now, and those Xia people who watched the Shan Haijing live broadcast room couldn't accept it even more.

They must all be worried about Lin Bu'er, and even more worried about the fate of their country of Xia. It's really outrageous now, the guy in front of him, Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser, has more success than failure.

Even at the most critical moment in front of them, they were still adding trouble there.

Now Bai Zhenhai is watching the situation in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room intently, and he also saw the son.

Chapter 520 Pray silently

The remarks made by various countries on the screen were all ridiculing. Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser, the two apprentices accepted by players Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui from the Xia Kingdom, were there.

Feeling that Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaosuo might want to join the players of the beautiful country, everyone in John Xungang made unreasonable guesses there.

There were piles of words on the screen from all the content in the red live broadcast room. Bai Zhenhai couldn't bear to watch the words of "[-]" said by those people.

After all, there are many people from various countries there.

Especially the people of the beautiful country, rekindled their enthusiasm, and sang there again that John News Steel of the beautiful country has returned.

With the help of a kind of divine power, it is likely to be stronger than the two players of the Three Kingdoms, Sharmad and Koli. Bai Zhenhai was desperate and didn't know what to do.

He was afraid that what he was thinking now would really happen, and then all the conditions in the live broadcast room would change, so how could Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui feel so embarrassed?

What should we do with the face of the people of Xia Kingdom now?The most important thing is to wait for such a good opportunity.

Just let John Xungang of this beautiful country really be able to escape from under their noses?What an infuriating thing to do.

Bai Zhenhai stared at the live broadcast room in a daze, but in the end he was worried about his daughter, Bai Yuekui was afraid that he would be hurt by such divine power.

After all, Bai Yuekui is now very close to the players from the beautiful country, John Xungang, if the power of the gods is really aimed at the players from the beautiful country.

If John Xun Ganger came, then Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui would surely become the targets of public criticism.

Coveted by the power of the gods, his daughter and Lin Buer will probably be the first to deal with it. Thinking about Bai Yuekui's current situation, it is too dangerous.

As his father, Bai Zhenhai, he really didn't know how to help Bai Yuekui, so he could only pray silently in his heart that his daughter would be safe and sound.

It must be safe, and it must not be affected by the power of the gods, no matter what happens in the live broadcast room now.

It is not as important as his own daughter's life, there is nothing he can do right now, Bai Zhenhai can only wait and see the live broadcast room, praying that what he thinks will never happen.  …

I hope that John Xungang, a player from this beautiful country, will never be rescued by this kind of divine power.

Once you leave, there will be endless troubles. Think about the two players from the Three Kingdoms in the past, aren't they the best example?

"Old man, what the hell are you doing there? Hurry up and help me, now my meal is ready.

Hurry up to the restaurant and watch the live broadcast after eating. You've been staring there all day, don't you want your eyes?Not paying attention to rest at all.

It's really worrying. Looking at your body and mind, I'm really worried for you. Don't be afraid. There should be nothing in the live broadcast room. 1.8, don't you worry about our own son Lin Buer?

His skill is now the strongest among those players from various countries. I know about my son. Don't worry, Lin Buer will definitely not embarrass you. "

Lin Buer's mother has been busy in the restaurant for a long time, cooking a large table of good dishes for Lin Shide, because he felt it before.

Chapter 520 Relax Your Vigilance

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