Lin Shide's expression seemed to be very happy, and he also thought that as long as the old man was happy, it would be okay to let him eat more good ones.

As long as he was happy, the entire Lin family would stop, but when Lin Buer's mother had been busy in the restaurant for a long time, she suddenly heard Lin Shide watching the live broadcast of Shan Hai Jing in the living room.

I don't know what kind of nerves he got there, he was furious and kept cursing back and forth, and he threw the cup in his hand on the coffee table.

There was no tea there. Lin Buer's mother took a sneak peek from outside the restaurant, wondering what kind of nerves the old man was having.

At such an old age, you don't have any control at all, are you still complaining non-stop?Lin Buer's mother, 09, was very worried there.

After all, they are very old, if they always lose their temper like this, it will definitely affect their health, so he secretly locked Lin Shide for a long time.

Seeing that his furious expression never came down, and he was still cursing non-stop, I don't know what happened in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

But Lin Buer's mother knew that no matter what, he would trust his son, and Lin Buer would never embarrass him.

Lin Buer will definitely fight for honor for the entire Xia Kingdom people, this matter cannot be denied.

As Lin Buer's mother, he must have faced his son Lin Buer with this matter.

Jin Xiaose was losing his temper there, and Lin Buer's mother didn't know how to persuade him there.

After all, the more you persuade him, the more irritable his temper will become. It's better to let him have a good meal, since Lin Buer went to Chaoge City in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

Lin Shide's whole heart was hanging there and he didn't relax his vigilance for a moment. Now he didn't even have time to eat, and he sat alone on the sofa in the living room every day.

Watching what happened to his son Lin Buer in Chaoge City, sometimes Lin Buer's mother was really worried about him.

Seeing him lose his temper again today, Lin Buer's mother couldn't bear it anymore, and he hurriedly brought all the meals he was busy in the restaurant to the table.

Then I went to call Lin Shide, thinking that if Lin Shide came over for dinner, would he be able to relieve his pressure, and let him stop eating?

Every time he eats, sometimes he will serve him on the table. As a wife, he must take good care of him.

"Why do you have to eat? I'm so angry now, my stomach is full of anger, why should I be in the mood to eat? Didn't you pay attention to the situation in the 200 rooms of the live broadcast.

Are you not worried about your son at all, you don't care about the life and death of your son Lin Buer, and you don't worry about all the conditions in the live broadcast room.

You don't care about the luck of the people of Xia Kingdom, you wander around in the restaurant every day.

I really don't understand you, can you throw all your pots and pots down and watch this live broadcast of our son Lin Buer on this sofa with me.

Why are you still calling me there?I'm going to die of anger right now, and I'm still eating. You can eat whatever you want. "

As soon as Lin Shide heard Lin Buer's mother calling for him.

Chapter 520 Loss of Confidence

Suddenly he was furious there, and just now he was walking in the living room while mumbling and there was no place to vent, just in time for Lin Buer's mother to ask him to eat there.

All of a sudden, his temper broke out and he couldn't restrain himself at all, because Lin Shide watched it in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, and this situation immediately blew him up.

Now he doesn't know what happened to his son Lin Buer, who was able to kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, immediately.

Why did you wait so long?What the hell is this brat doing there?This is a battle of national destiny, and he is still so merciful to his opponent.

Give American player John Xungang a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, the situation in Shan Hai Jing's live broadcast room would be completely different now. He didn't know whether his son Lin Buer's head was broken or what.

He was still chatting with Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie, and Jin Xiaoser there. If he had enough time, he would have killed John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country, so such a bad thing would not happen.

Lin Shide saw a powerful sage power appearing in Chaoge City.

A powerful god helped the players from the beautiful country, John Xungang snatched it from Lin Buer alive, and now his son Lin Buer.

He was contending with this powerful power of the gods there, seeing that his son might not be the opponent of this powerful power of the gods, Lin Shide was very angry when he saw this.

So he didn't know what to do, because the trouble in front of him was really the result he didn't want to see, after all, such a situation had appeared now.

It's not just that Lin Buer didn't kill the players from the beautiful country, John Xungang, but it made the people of Xia country lose their confidence.

It is obviously an opportunity to win, but such a good opportunity just missed, and his son Lin Buer missed it. How can this be possible?

This brat is really annoying, if you don't give me a face at all, I can't be as incompetent as you, even if I go out to fight now.

It is absolutely possible to properly kill John Xungang, a player from this beautiful country. I didn't expect you, Lin Buer, to be able to look like this, which is too embarrassing for me.

Lin Shide accused Lin Buer for no reason in the living room. In fact, he was also very angry in his heart. All in all, it was not because of Lin Buer's personal honor.

A person's face, in Lin Shide's view, a person's honor gain or loss is actually nothing, but this time Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui are different.

It was for the sake of the entire people of the Xia Kingdom, and this was a battle for the fate of the entire nation. You must know that the moment Lin Buer got the Emperor's Seal, Lin Shide was so happy as hell.

He just knew that his son did not disappoint him, and he won his father's face properly, and while he was happy, he (had) celebrated there by drinking red wine.

Thinking about the current situation is really too miserable, the people of those beautiful countries have been defeated so badly before, and now only his son Lin Buer is the only one.

If he kills John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, then the luck of the beautiful country will be over, and there is no dispute at all.

But now such a situation has appeared, but it is something that Lin Shide never expected.

Chapter 520

"Okay, old man, what makes you so irritable? What a big deal. In fact, it's not that I don't want to see everything about our son Lin Buer in Chaoge City.

I'm more worried than you. You know, as a mother, who doesn't want my son to be safe and sound, but I also want to take care of your body.

You are so irritable every day looking at our son's current situation, you can't cheer him up well, every time something happens to Lin Bueryi, you lose your temper at home, you are going to die.

If you are like this, what should I do? Just be fine, take a look at the large table of dishes I made for you, and go, don't look at the situation in the live broadcast room and go back to eat something.

Then come over to see if it’s okay, just listen to me and let my son and I save some time. "Lin Buer's mother knew that Lin Shide was furious there for 200 days.

But he knew that he had to coax him, after all, his temper was terrible, and Lin Buer was like him sometimes, so he knew that his son must have some bad situations again this time.

Otherwise Lin Shide would never be so angry, Lin Buer's Bai Zhenhai also wanted to ask Lin Shide to go to the restaurant to eat the meal.

He just wanted to see Lin Buer's situation in the live broadcast room. After all, as a mother now, he was worried about Lin Buer's safety no matter what.

Just don't let any situation arise, "Come here, come over and take a look at the current situation in the live broadcast room, and see how the good things your son has done are worse than before.

Come over and take a look, this situation is happening in the live broadcast room now, do you know?Still eating, how do you tell me to eat? Now I want him to piss me off.

This is the dignity and face of our Xia people. It's such a pity that Lin Buer missed such a good opportunity, you know? "

Lin Shide heard what Lin Buer's mother said, and he hurriedly dragged him to the screen in the live broadcast room.

Let him take a good look at all the situations that are happening in the live broadcast room now, and blame himself for getting angry, the current state of the live broadcast room.

 (ajbi) But the result he didn't want to see as Lin Buer's father, after all, was it for the sake of the face of the people of the Xia Kingdom?

Those people in the beautiful country, can they be terribly happy again? After all, John Xungang, a player in their beautiful country, was not killed by Lin Buer.

This naked thing is a slap in the face, now Lin Shide dare not watch the content in the live broadcast room at all, when Lin Buer's mother heard Lin Shide say this.

He also immediately went to the screen of the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room to watch the current situation, and it was indeed different from what he watched before.

Before seeing his son being assisted by a kind of divine power, a powerful spiritual barrier was created to wrap John Xungang's entire body.

He couldn't escape, and the beautiful country's contestant, John Xungang's huge body had changed back to its previous appearance.

Looking at him like that must have damaged their previous cultivation.

At that time, Lin Buer's mother was quite happy, after all, his son's father was able to immediately win the contestant John Xungang of this beautiful country.

Chapter 520 Four Inexplicable Anger

Let him defeat him, now it seems that things are more or less turning around, what is wrong?He can't do it now.

"Okay, Lin Shide, don't get angry there, it's not like you don't know that getting angry hurts your body.

I have also seen this situation now, isn't it that John Xungang was forced to leave by some kind of divine power?It's really not that big of a deal.

Look at how powerful our son Lin Buer is. He is already the body of a sage of the Dao of Heaven. As a Dao of Heaven, he is also a powerful force in the God Realm.

Why are you still cursing your son there? I advise you to take a good look at it. The outcome is still undecided, and you are just talking nonsense and getting angry. I really don't understand you.

Anyway, I believe in my son, Lin Buer will definitely bring me surprises, of course I know what my own son is like.

So you don't have to sulking there, just go, go to the restaurant and eat your meal quickly.

If you want to come back and watch again, maybe there will be a surprise waiting for you when you come back. "

Lin Buer's mother pushed Lin Shide away while talking.

But Lin Shide's stubborn temper did not go away.

I just wanted to see what happened. After all, the contest between the two of them is likely to have a result soon. How can they leave now?

"Okay, I see, I will pay attention, don't worry, I'm just worried about our son? Although I lose my temper, I lose my temper.

I'm also very worried about him, I know that his ability can deal with the power of the gods, but if you think about it, isn't it quite strenuous? "

When Lin Shide heard what Lin Buer's mother said, he felt that he seemed angry before.

It shouldn't be here, sometimes I really have to restrain my temper, and it's a lot of age, and I still get angry at every turn.

I really don't understand myself, but I can't control the inexplicable anger, "Oh, my God, come and see Lin Shide.

It seems that the situation has been discovered again in the live broadcast room, my God, what are these two boys doing?Why didn't he listen to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui so much?

Are these two brats lost in their minds? Hey, how can Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser's current abilities be able to make a breakthrough with this kind of supernatural power?

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

These two boys are really impatient. "

As soon as Lin Shide heard Lin Buer's mother say such words there, he immediately stopped, and then moved to the front of the screen in the live broadcast room.

Looking at the current situation in the live broadcast room, he suddenly heard what Lin Buer said to Bai Yuekui in mid-air, and also saw Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser.

.. 0 0

The two of them didn't seem to listen to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui's dissuasion. What are these two boys doing?Now Lin Shide suddenly felt that something was wrong.

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